Don't tease Draco. (closed to Urooj)

Blaise smiled as he fe felt her hands on his abs. "mm your moan turns me on" he whispered against her lips. His hands traveled down her bare breasts and he gave them a firm squeeze. He circled her nipples with his thumbs and pinched them hard. He twisted them in his fingers and watched her hand travel down his body and pinched them once again when she took her time unbuttoning his pants. Blaise raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by her kiss. He gasped and closed his eyes as he felt her rub his hard dickhead, "damn that feels good" he muttered

Blaise watched her get on her knees and stared down at her boobs. He smiled as he felt her tongue on his dick and grabbed the back of her head as she started to suck on his head. His eyes widened and pulled on her hair as he felt his dick slide into her mouth. "fuck this feels good" he managed to whisper and moaned as she pulled back and ran her tongue on the tip of his dick. He heard her moan and fought the urge to pull her away and fuck her then and there. He closed his eyes and pulled harder on her hair as she continued to suck his dick
Brandi moaned as Blaise played with her nipples and boobs. She felt herself getting wet, but wasn't about to let Blaise take her virginity. At least not yet. Maybe not even he would be able to. But she would see what happened. She moaned on his dick every time he pinched her nipples. She sucked harder,making sure to stop at the head of his dick and play with it. She would run her tongue under the bottom, up the tip, licking up any pre cum that might have leaked from the tip. She heard him moan again, and sucked his dick harder and faster. She knew that he was about to cum. She took her hand and put them on his hips, so she could control his thrusts and take him as deep as she could, which was almost all of him, since she didn't have a strong gag reflex.

Brandi felt him pull her hair harder as he came close to coming. She moaned on his dick, making sure that she hit his head as she did. She felt him shiver as she moaned on his head, and did it again while she circled it with her tongue. She was aching to taste his come, and wasn't going to stop until she did.
Blaise moaned as she sucked his dick and gripped her hair tighter. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as she ran her tongue around his dick. He gasped when she would lick his precum off the tip of his dick and closed his eyes. He would have to thank Draco into coming up here and using her. She knows what she is doing, he thought and smirked. I'll have to let Draco know so he could have ago with her, he thought and moaned as she grabbed his hips and controlled his thrusts. He felt her fingers dig into his skin and smiled.

Blaise shivered as she moaned into his dick, "damn your good" he muttered and wrapped his hand around her hair as he pulled on it. He bit his lip as she continued to moan into her lips and started to moan himself. He closed his eyes and held his breath as he came. He felt her suck his dick and lick up the cum. "Damn" he muttered and looked at her with a smile on his face.
Brandi kept sucking Blaise's dick, licking up and down his shaft, then making sure to lick the tip of his dick, tasting his pre cum, wanting more, wanting the actual cum. She moaned every time she licked the tip. She knew it was driving him crazy, because every time she did it, she felt his grip on her hair tighten. When she heard him hold his breath, she slid all the way down his dick, licking up the shaft, then pulled back slowly, because he started to cum. Brandi moaned on his dick even more, tasting his salty cum, swallowing every drop. Then she pulled back and sucked the tip, cleaning it off. She took his dick out of her mouth and ran her tongue down the bottom of his shaft, up the top, and licked the tip one last time. She looked up at him and smiled.

Brandi stood up. "I know what you and Draco say about me. But listen good Blaise. I am no whore when it comes to sex. In fact I am a virgin." She said. Brandi looked at the look on his face. "Yeah, I may know how to suck dick, but I'm not a whore." She added. Then she kissed him. "Come back anytime. I enjoy sucking dick, just as much as you liked having it sucked." She said as she watched him leave. "Oh and Blaise? I am a pureblood witch. Mom, dad, and three generations of Witches and Wizards in my Ancestry." She told him as she close the door and laid down on her bed. She sighed and stretched out her legs. Then she smiled to herself. I wonder how long it's gonna take Draco to get up here. She wondered as she picked up her bra and put it back on.
Blaise moaned as she swallowed his cum. He pulled her hair harder as she sucked his tip and ran her tongue around it. He heard her moan as she licked his lip and cleaned his dick off. He looked down and Brandi and smiled as she looked at him. He watched her stand up and kissed her. His eyes widened, "You're a... virgin? I dont believe it" he muttered and shook his head. Draco will not believe this, he thought as he headed out the door. He stopped and looked at her, "and you're a pureblood?" he shook his head and walked down. No way in hell is Draco going to believe this, he thought.

Draco smirked as he saw Blaise walk down, "that was quick" he said and looked at him. "well?" he asked as Blaise sat down. "Mate, she's a virgin" Blaise said and watched Draco smirk, "A virgin? are you fucking kidding me?" he asked and raised an eyebrow when Blaise continued, "we didn't sleep with eachother, but she did give me head and she knows what shes doing." he said. Draco smirked, "head? I want the real shit. I don't believe that she is a virgin." Draco said and looked at Blaise, "and I intend on finding out if she is one or not." he said and stood up to go up to his dorm.
Brandi smirked at him. "Well I didn't expect you to. But it's true." She told him with a laugh. "Oh and if anything, I'm sure Snape would gladly give you some Veritaserum." She said with another smirk. "Yes, Blaise, a pureblood." She said shaking her head as he walked out. Brandi got up and picked up her dress. She put it back on. Then she went and put her lipstick back on. There, finally done with that. She said. But first she sat back down to think. She loved the look on Blaise's face when she told him she was a virgin. I told him he wouldn't need that charm. She thought. And for a good reason. She laughed to herself. Or so she thought.

Nikki walked in and heard Brandi laughing. "What, have you finally gone crazy on me?" She said looking at Brandi. "No, just thinking." She said. "Oh, I saw Blaise on the way up here. He looked pretty satisfied." She said raising her eyebrow. "Good. Then my job is done." Brandi told her. "No way. What happened? Did you lose your virginity to him?" She asked. "Nikki, you have to give me more credit than that. Sure, Blaise is hot, but no, not to him." She said. Then she looked at Nikki. "You might want to go do something. I'm sure Draco will be up here wanting some head too." She said rolling her eyes. "It never fails, I give one head, then they run and tell a friend, and then a friend of a friend." She said laughing, as Nikki nodded and walked back down to the common room.
Draco laid down on his bed and watched Blaise walk in, "What do you want?" Draco asked and sat up to look at Blaise. Blaise smirked, "You know she is expecting you right?" he said and when Draco shot him a look, he continued, "well she assumes that you want her to give you head." he said and Draco couldn't help laughing. "Look Blaise, in my book she is still a whore. Just because she told you she is a virgin doesn't make her one." he said and smirked. "She also said that she is a pureblood" Blaise said and watched Draco to see his reaction.

"A pureblood?.... her?" Draco asked and laughed. "She sure doesn't act like one." he said and smirked. hmmmm..... so she is a pureblood, he thought. Draco smirked and stood up. "Where are you going?" Blaise asked, "i thought you weren't going to see her." Draco smirked, "I told you i was going to ignore her. I refuse to be satisfied with head alone." he said and walked down to the common room.
Brandi looked up and shrugged her shoulders when Draco didn't come. That's fine by me. He's an asshole anyways. She thought. She grabbed a few books that she needed and headed out into the common room. She saw Draco walk out and she just looked at him. Brandi continued to walk to the door. She walked out and headed straight to Professor Snape's office. She knocked. "Enter." She heard him say. She walked in. "Hello Professor. I'm here to ask a favor of you. Can we to the Veritaserum lesson tomorrow?" She asked. "I'll volunteer to take it, but I want Draco to ask the questions." She said. Snape looked at Brandi. "Are you serious?" He asked. "Professor, I'm dead serious. So can we? Please?" She said as she stuck her lower lip out at him. Snape snorted. "Very well. Just don't be late." He told her. "Thanks Professor." She said and walked out.

Brandi went into the library and sat down. She opened her potion book and turned to the page about Veritaserum. 'Veritaserum is a powerful truth serum that is most commonly used in interrogation. The potion effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions put to them truthfully, though there are some methods of resistance.' She read. Hm, like I would resist it. She thought. That would be perfect. It would put Draco on the spot, and finally prove to him that she was no liar. So what if he thought she was a whore for liking to suck dick. That's his problem not mine. She thought as a smirk crossed her lips. She closed her book and put her feet on the table. She knew the librarian didn't like it, but these boots wouldn't scratch the table.
Draco smirked when he saw Brandi, "Expecting me?" he asked and laughed as she walked away. Dumb bitch, he thought and sat down on the couch. He stared into the fire and smirked as he closed his eyes and rested. Draco couldn't wait to get out of the castle and go back home. He always had a headache by the end of the day, but this time was different. He had to deal with Brandi's pathetic attempts to get his attention.

He never did mind girls throwing themselves at him, since that was a daily issue. Something about Brandi turned him on, but at the same time, pushed him away. He didn't know what it was, and he frankly didn't care. Draco looked around and smirked when he caught a group of second years staring at him. Thats more like it, he said and he shot them a smug look. Draco went back up to his dorm and laid into his bed. He was tired of Hogwarts, and quickly fell asleep.
Brandi raised her eyebrow. "Nope." She said, not looking at him. She walked out of the common room. As she did she ran into Nikki. "So, how did it go with Draco?" She asked. "Surprisingly he never came to the dorm. But I really don't care." She said. Brandi pulled Nikki away from the door and to a side hall. "I have something planned in potions tomorrow for him. He want's to think of me as a whore, that's fine, but a liar I will not." She said smirking. Nikki looked at Brandi. "What are you talking about?" She asked. Brandi smirked. "Veritaserum." She said. Nikki gasped. "You're going to let him ask you questions in front of the class? No way." She said. "Damn straight." Brandi said. "See you later." She told Nikki taking off.

Nikki didn't like that one bit. She had to warn Draco about Brandi's plan. She walked in to see if Draco was there. He was. She walked over to him. "Draco, I have something to tell you." She said. "Brandi want's you to ask her questions tomorrow in potions class. I'm guessing about what Blaise told you she said." She told him. She seen him look at her. "I'm no whore, and I don't go around showing my tits to everyone, but believe me when I say, that everything she told him was true." She added. "See you later Draco." She said, walking up to her dorm.
Draco looked up and smirked when he saw Nikki looking at him. And here comes another one, he thought and looked up at her. "Look Nikki.." he started and stopped when she spoke. "She wants me to ask her questions?" he repeated and laughed, "Oh that girl is ....." he shook his head. "If she wants questions... I'll ask her questions .." he smirked and looked up at Brandi. "Its hard to believe she is a virgin, the way she dresses. If she was less exposed I would have believed it" he said casually and brushed her off, "thanks for the warning, but I want to see how far your little friend wants to go." he sneered and watched her head up the stairs to her dorm.

Draco walked up to his dorm and smirked. "Blaise, wait until you here what Brandi has in store" he said and looked at his friend. "What are you talking about mate?" he asked and sat up. Draco chuckled, "she wanted me to interrogate her... as if she is on trial for azkaban." he said and watched Blaise crack up. "Are- are you serious?" he asked and grinned when Draco nodded, "So what are you going to do?" he added. "She wants to prove that she is not a liar, but she is going to the lengths to do it." he said and smirked, "Oh, I'll interrogate her alright" he asked and smiled as he laid down on his bed and went to sleep.
Brandi went back to the common room and up to her dorm. She changed out of her dress and crawled in bed, totally forgetting about tomorrow. Brandi woke up to Nikki shaking her. "Brandi get up." She said. Brandi looked at the clock. It was 6 am. "Why are you getting me up at six?" She hissed. "Look, Draco knows about today. I told him. He's not going to be nice, I can assure you of that." Nikki said. Brandi sat back up. "You told him? Why?" She asked. "Because I didn't want Draco to be caught off guard." Nikki said. Brandi sighed. "That's exactly what I wanted! Why did you have to ruin this? Dammit Nikki." She said. "From now on, I guess I won't tell you anything. Thanks for ruining it. Now Draco's gonna take full advantage of me during the time I drink it, and make me look like bad. Thanks pal." Brandi said as she got up, grabbed a black dress with her boots, put them on and walked out.

Brandi grabbed her bag and went to the great hall. She pulled her robe out and put it on, even though she wasn't showing anything. She quickly ate, hoping to avoid Draco. She didn't need the torment yet. She finished up, and as she walked out, she seen Draco walk in. Great. Here we go. She thought.
Draco woke up the next morning and smirked. He took a long hot bath and headed back up to his dorm to change. He saw Blaise sitting up, "Damn i'm actually looking forward to class today" he smirked and headed down to the common room. He smiled at Nikki and waited for Blaise, "Why the fuck do you take so long" Draco hissed and walked to the Great Hall. He scanned the table and smirked when he saw Brandi. He sat down in front of her and chuckled, "Well, I've heard all about your little plan" he said is his husky voice.

He smirked when he saw her tense up, "What's wrong? Regret it now?" he asked and laughed as she turned red. "Good thing your little friend warned me. I mean he probably just needed the excuse to talk to me. Although I don't see how the two of you are even friends. She is well... average. And you are known as the house whore." he smirked and started to eat. "I'll see you in potions" he asked and laughed as she took off. Draco looked over to see Blaise staring at her, "Go get another blowjob, she probably needs to suck right now." he said and smirked at Blaise.
Brandi seen Draco sit down. Oh gods, here it comes. "Yeah, I know she told you, she told me she did." She said glaring at him. Hm, the house whore who hasn't even lost her virginity?" She mused. She then looked him in the eyes. "Okay, don't believe me? There's only one way to find out Draco. I'm sure you've taken a few girls' virginity before,so wha't one more? You'll know." She said. Then she got up and walked away, her face turning red at what just happened. She ran into Nikki on the way out. She looked at her. "How could you?" She asked, but before getting an answer she waked away.

Brandi got her bag and made sure she looked presentable. She went to the common room and sat down on one of the couches. She leaned her head back against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. She was getting prepared for the interrogation that Draco was gong to give her. Brandi cursed Nikki under her breath. How could she have done that? She had betrayed her. She didn't know if she could trust Nikki again.
Draco smirked, "Indeed I have. Even if you are a virgin, I'm sure you would enjoy me" he said and smirked as he heard Blaise chuckle. Draco raised his eyebrows, "Ah! so you expect me to sleep with you? Honestly I won't mind that. I enjoy new pussy." he said and watched her face go red as she walked away. Blaise looked at him, "I can't believe you said that!" he muttered and started to eat. Draco watched her leave and smirked.

"Well mate? I remember you telling me that the more you ignored her, the more she would expose herself. The bitch is covered today" he said and made a face. Draco looked at him, "I guess she assumes that I don't like my woman strutting around naked." he laughed and caught a few first years looking at him. "Well I would gladly enjoy stripping her of her so called viginity." he said and continued to eat. When he finished, he headed towards the common room to grab his bag and smirked as he headed off towards potions.
Brandi looked at Draco. "So who's the whore here Draco?" She asked. "Oh really now? How would you be so sure?" She asked him. She looked at him again as she heard his last comment. "Really? Cause I was under the impression that you think I'm a whore. You're contradicting yourself Draco. Make up your mind." She said as she got up and headed of to potions. She walked in and looked at Snape. "You might want to brace yourself. This might get ugly." She told him, and walked to her seat. "Draco knows. Nikki told him, and now it's gonna get ugly real fast." She added as she was Draco walk in smirking. She sighed. Okay, here we go. She thought to herself.

Nikki walked into potions. She saw Brandi and sat by her. "The hell you want Nikki? She asked as she got up and sat somewhere else. Brandi really wasn't in the mood for Nikki right now. She sat down and noticed she was sitting behind Draco and Blaise. She sighed as he turned around. "Thought of that answer yet?" She asked him, smirking. Then Snape started the class, and Brandi felt her heart begin to race.
Draco walked into class with Blaise, "ah! this should be.... interesting" he said and locked eyes with Brandi. He watched her carefully as he headed to his usual seat. "This should be good" Blaise said as he watched Brandi, "Damn, why the fuck is she covered?" he asked and slammed his book into the desk. "Well? go tell her then, I'm sure she won't mind standing on a table and stripping" Draco said and chuckled. He watched Nikki sit down next to Brandi and raised an eyebrow when he heard her snap.

Draco watched her get up and sit behind them, "You really can't help yourself can you?" he teased, "Couldn't see me from where you were sitting, so you decide to sit behind me?" he added. Blaise laughed and quickly straightened up when Snape cleared his throat. Draco closed his mouth before he could say anything and watched Snape with a smirk on his face. "Today, class, we will be discussing the properties of veritiserum. Open your books to page 268" he said in a low voice and the class was filled with the sounds of pages being flipped. "Very well, we have a student who has agreed to demonstrate how this potion makes one act." he said and looked at Brandi. Draco smirked wider when he saw Brandi walk to the front of the room.
Brandi looked up at Draco when he talked to her. She smirked. "Oh Draco, no, I just can't stay away from you." She said rolling her eyes. She was about to answer his other question when she heard Snape telling them to open their books. She opened it, and as she did, heard him say that someone was going to take it to show them how they acted under it. She stood up, and went to stand by Snape. She looked at him as he he pulled the vial out. You better enjoy this Draco, and I expect you to fuck me one of these days. She thought. She took the vial and drank it down. Then she looked at Draco and sighed.

Brandi hated the taste, and shuddered as she swallowed it. "Okay Brandi, who's going to question you under the veritiserum?" Snape asked. "Draco." She told him. She watched as he smirked at her and she couldn't help but glare at Nikki. Okay, here we go. Get ready for the ride of your life. She thought to herself. She looked Draco in the eyes. "Well? I'm waiting. Let's get this over with." She told him.
Draco watched her stand next to Snape and take the vial. His eyes widened as she took the whole vial. "Isn't it three drops only?" Blaise asked and watched Draco's expression. Draco smirked, "might as well have fun with this" he whispered and walked up to her when she said his name. He circled her and stopped on the other side of her, "I heard you have a little business in your dorm. How many dicks have you sucked up there?" he asked and watched her go red. "Well?" he asked and waited for her to answer. Draco smirked and continued, "Out of curiosity, what's your bra size? They seem to change in size whenever i see you." he said and heard a few laughs break out. Draco was having fun with this.

"What do you plan on accomplishing.. when you dress like a whore" he asked and watched her carefully. "Why did you want me to question you?" he asked and smirked. He looked into her eyes and chuckled, "I know the answer already but I want to hear it. Do you like me?" he asked and watched her go red, "Are you trying to get me to sleep with you?" he said in a low voice. He smiled and opened his voice to ask more, but was interrupted by snape. "Professor I am not finished here" he said and rolled his eyes and snape handed her the antidote.
Brandi sneered at Draco. "Enjoy this while you can." She told him before he started his questions. "This year? One, and I believe it was your best mate Blaise." She said. "Curious my ass, 36 D." She answered. "I plan on accomplishing nothing. Did it ever occur to you that I might like showing off?" She retorted. "Because you seem to be dead set on thinking that I'm Slytherins whore, when it's actually you." She said looking into his eyes, smirking. "I would be stupid not to like you. Of course I do Draco." She said rolling her eyes at him. Brandi smirked. "If I was trying , it would have already happened." She said. Brandi grabbed the antidote, but just stood there. "Well, what are you waiting for. Ask away Draco." She said. "After all I did take the whole damn thing, might as well make use of it." She taunted.

Brandi seen Snape look at her as she told Draco to continue. She looked at him, "Sorry, but I find this amusing. Please let him continue." She said. Snape sighed, and looked at her. "Just this once. Nobody else here will get to do this. So don't ask." He said watching as the class looked disappointed. Brandi walked up to Draco. "So what else?" She asked him. She seen him take a step back. Brandi laughed. "Let me know when you're done." She said looking at him.
Draco raised his eyebrow, "I'm the whore?" he asked and laughed, "I'm not the one claiming to be a virgin" he snapped and looked at her. "How many dicks have you sucked here at hogwarts. From what I've heard you seem to be pretty experienced." he said with a smirk and glanced at the class, "I'm sure if you're cheap, guys will start lining up." he watched her go red and laughed, "So Brandi... you do like me..." he smirked at her and walked up close, "Is that how you plan on reeling a guy in?" he asked in a low voice. "Even If you did try, what makes you think I'd want someone who has been manhandled more than a prostitute on knockturn alley?" he moved his head away from her and smiled.

"So why exactly did you agree to be interrogated in front of the class? Is this some sort of publicity?" he sneered and opened his mouth to say more and stopped when he heard Snape clear his throat. "That is enough Draco" he said in his low voice. He looked at Brandi, "I believe the students have gotten an idea of the dangers of veritaserum" he said and turned towards the class. "I would like an essay, 2 scrolls, about what you have observed today. And be sure to discuss ways to get around the potion."
Brandi looked at Draco. "Yeah you are." She told him. "It's no claim. It's true. But you don't care, just because I suck dick, doesn't mean I fuck them too." She shot back at him. "Total, about 25-30, not as many as you expected was it?" She told him. "Well that's funny, cause I never charged." She said smirking at him. "Who says I've been manhandled?" She asked. "From what I hear, I'm not the one talking about taking girls' virginity." She said.

Brandi looked at Draco. Just admit you wanna fuck me and get it over with. She thought. "I didn't agree, I was trying to catch you off guard, but my friend had to open her mouth and tell you about it." She said glaring at Nikki. "No, not doing for publicity." She told him. Then she burst out in tears, ran out of the room and went to her dorm. She threw herself on her bed and cried into her pillow. How could Nikki have done this to her? How could Draco have been so cruel. She was doing so good until she looked at Nikki, then she couldn't stand it anymore. She totally forgot about the antidote she clutched in her hand. She didn't feel like going back to classes, so she just stayed in bed, pulling the covers up over her head.
Draco raised his eyebrows as Brandi ran out in tears. He quietly took his seat and looked at Blaise. "You were a little too harsh mate" he said and Draco shrugged, "she set it up, what should she expect" he said and smirked in his chair. Draco went to transfiguration and noticed that Brandi wasn't there, "Probably crying" he said and chuckled. Blaise rolled his eyes, "30 dicks, no wonder she was so good." he muttered and Draco laughed, "and you were the first one this year" he said and patted his back, "way to go.". After class, Draco headed down to the Great Hall, he noticed that Brandi wasnt here either.

"Maybe you should check on her" blaise said as he started eating. Draco made a face, "I'm sure she is fine." he said and went about the rest of the day as usual. He came back to the common room after quidditch practice, and saw Nikki, "where is your friend?" he asked as he walked up to her. He looked up at her dorm and smiled, "thanks" he said and smirked when she turned red. Draco took a long bath and changed before heading up to his dorm.
Brandi just laid in bed. She didn't want to eat, she didn't want to study, and she sure didn't want to see Draco. So she spilled her guts to him, in front of the whole class, and he still doubted her. "That fucking asshole." She said. Then she thought about Nikki. "That fucking loud mouth bitch." She said again to herself. She was intent on just staying in bed and not doing anything. She seen Nikki come in the dorm and she rolled over. She never wanted to talk to her again. This was a disaster, and it was all thanks to her.

Nikki walked in the dorm and looked to see if she could find Brandi. She seen her roll over when she saw her. Nikki sighed. "Brandi, I'm sorry. I was just trying to help." She told her. Brandi felt her blood boil. "Help? Help? You were just trying to HELP?" She screamed. "Thanks to your fucking help, I just got humiliated in front of him. It was the element of surprise I wanted, and you just fucked it up by giving him time to plan his questions!" She said, tears rolling down her cheeks again. "Get the fuck out. I don't want to see you right now." She said turning once again to face the wall.
Draco walked in and saw Blaise, "Long day, don't you agree Zambini?" he asked as he massaged his sore muscles. "We need to drop that new keeper. Couldn't block a fucking quaffle" he said and sat on his bed. "Yes, but if you catch that snitch as quickly as you did i practice, then we pretty much have the cup." Blaise said and smirked. Draco grinned, "Well we have to win the cup, or else father will kill me .. and the team" he added and watched Blaise tense up. Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"What's wrong? I assumed you would be heading to her dorm for some head." Draco teased and laughed at Blaise's reaction. "Mate, she likes you" Blaise said and frowned, "She admitted it to the whole class and I'm sure that your interrogation has spread through out the whole house.". Draco rolled his eyes, "She asked for it." he muttered and laid down.
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