The new girl

Tess nails were digging into Draco's back lightly as she grabbed hold of him. Her moans were filling the closet and her legs were tight around his waist. Tess pulled away to look into his eyes and kiss his lips. "Come for me "she whispered against his lips, breathing heavily now. Her hips moved against him faster.
As Draco kissed her his cock jerked he thrust deeply int her and held there his body stiffened as he he felt himself explode. his knees went week, he pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes, her eyes seemed to be alight as he let out a groan and gasp, god she was so very hot!
Tess body jerked forward as she came with him. Her breathing was out of control as he pulled away from her lips to look at her. Her face was damp with sweat and she was smiling at him. She pulled her arms from around his neck and let her fingers trace of his sweaty chest. He never looked more sexy to her. He was staring at her like he needed her more than anything in the world.
Regaining their breath they gradually uncoiled from each other, he smiled at her and couldn't look away as she started to re dress and re arrange her clothes. He was mad for her, and that was an infuriating problem, one he wanted very much but didn't need. Maybe she could help him? He had had an amazing evening but he had no-one to tell, he had no confidants, perhaps he was looking at the solution to that problem.
Tess had already fixed her skirt when she grabbed her blouse and began to put it on. Draco was looking at her and smiling. She couldn't help but smile back. She was worried about how this was going to leave them. He seemed like such a jerk sometimes but other times he was so nice.
Once her shirt was buttoned up she grabbed her robe to pull it on. She wasn't entirely sure how to act now. She would have loved to hold his hand and walk to the common room together but she had a feeling it wasn't going to go that way. "We should probably get back to the common room right? Before it gets to late."
"erm yes, yes we should get back" he took Tess's hand and led her back toward the common room. When they entered Draco strode away from her straight to his own group of cronies. He was very confused about how he was feeling about her. One thing he had realised on the walk back to the Slytherin dungeon common room was that if he was seen to be fond of her she would be in great danger. He would spare her that even if he could not spare her feelings tonight, it was probably the only selfless thing he had ever done. he hoped she would one day understand. He wanted her so badly but dare not bring her into his world. was he underestimating her? he hoped so.
Tess held onto Draco's hand and walked back to the common room silently by his side. Draco walked away from her and made his way to his group of friends. She wanted to spend more time with him but she didn't think it was a good idea. Tess walked over to the couch to talk with some friends she had met the day before. As much as she wanted to look over at Draco she somehow kept her eyes away from him. A random slytherin boy was rambling on about who he was as her mind went over the events of the day. She was actually worried about Draco after seeing him talk with that man before detention. She was pretty sure she had seen him before when she was shopping for her books before school started. She was even more sure of that fact that he had been following her that day.
Draco's dreams that night, ranged from passionate kisses and soft beautiful bodies to threataningmen in shaddows and huge snakes. Needless to say he was tired at breakfast, but he had to make plans, Dumbledore had an item in his office, a scroll, Draco's master wanted it and Draco was to deliver it to him. He could not delay longer he had to start planning how to get it, he had been warned. He really didn't want a scroll he wanted Tess, he sighed to himself. You didn't need to be an observant person to see that the young man sat at the breakfast table was troubled, and not his usual swaggering self. And he was being observed.
Tess was at the table a few people down and she could tell something was wrong with Draco. She wanted to go to him and help him with whatever was wrong but based on the way he walked away from her last night, she assumed talking to him in front of others was not a good idea. She had a feeling it had to do with what Draco and the mysterious man were speaking about last night. Draco finally looked up and made eye contact with her. Tess smiled at him, she wanted to help him. "You ok?" she mouthed to him.
Draco saw Tess an half smiled, he took parchment and quill and scribbled a message. "you come here!" he barked at anearby first year, draco instructed the boy to give the note to Tess then he stood and left the hall. he was forming a plan. The note read 'Meet me at noon, the astronamy tower. D"
Tess read the note and smiled to herself. She was a little annoyed to admit she was excited to be alone with him. Tess barely gave any attention to her class as she sat waiting for noon. She made her way to the astronamy tower at noon but when she got there Draco was no where to be found. She waited for him for a few minutes then made her way to leave. She was furious at him but more furious at herself for catching feelings for him.
Draco came sprinting toward the tower, he had been delayed in herbology. He wanted to be near her, to hear her voice and smell her scent, he knew he was falling for her when the class had gone on and on and his heart sank at the thought of missing a moment with her becaus of a plant! He caught up with her as she was leaving the tower, grabbing her hand he pulled her into an empty class and kissed her deeply. Before she could catch her breath he started to talk, he had a lot to say and little time. "you're new in school and soon you'll be invited to see the headmaster in his office for a welcome, I need you to look arround as much as you can when you're in there, i need to know where the oldest scrolls are kept and i need you to find out Dumbledore's password to get in there." he barely breathed as he blurted it all out
When he grabbed her hand she was going to yell at him but she felt his lips against hers and melted. She kissed him back deeply wrapping her arms around him. She sighed when he pulled away. She just got his lips back and he was already taking them away. She listened as he spoke and assumed what he needed had to do with the mystery guy from last night. She didn't what it had to do with, she just knew that she was going to do it for him. She smiled up at him. "OK." She leaned in to kiss him again and bit his lip gently. Her arms wrapped back around him.
Draco kissed her again, slowly this time and savoring it. He didn't expect her to agree, but he was so glad she did. he reached down and grasped her ass with both hands enjoying the firm softness of it, his passion rose and he thought that together they could do this then he would be free to be openly with Tess. Even as he thought it he knew getting free wouldn't be that simple, and besides if they won the coming war, he'd be a made man. Quickly though his thoughts returned to Tess
She moaned against his lips when she felt his hands on her ass. Tess pushed Draco into a chair and climbed in his lap. She smiled at him and leaned in kissing his ear. "Did you miss me?" she whispered against his ear as she pushed his robe open. She didn't want to rush but she had a need for him she couldn't explain.
"i missed you very much" breathed Draco as she opened his robe, he knew he was in a very compromising position and it scared him a little, if they were caught? but he didn't want her to stop. This girl was amazing he wanted to know all about her, but that could wait for now! he grasped her butt and squeezed
She pulled away smiling at him. "I missed you too." Tess pushed his robe off and leaned in kissing over his shoulder. "If i ask you what you need me to find out where the scroll is, would you tell me?"
Draco knew he shouldn't say but she had agreed to help so willingly, and her lips felt so damn good on his skin...."its..its... because...." it took him a moment to gather his thoughts, she was so distracting! "it's for a spell, yes it's a spell that helps, er helps in exams" he knew as he said it she'd never believe him, he hoped it wouldn't stop her now!
She bit Draco's shoulder hard and pulled away to look at him. "If you don't want to tell me just say that. I dont like being lied to." She leaned in kissing his lips softly. "I'll do it for you but just please don't lie to me."
her bite jolted him and he listened to her request for honesty. before he could reply though they were kissing again. He ran his hand up her back and into her thick dark hair, grabbing a handful he pulled her head back exposing her neck, he leaned his mouth foward. using his lips and just the very tip of his tongue he started to kiss her smooth neck, covering inch by inch.
Tess felt he was trying to distract her with his lips, it was working. She moaned as she felt his lips on her neck. " your trying to avoid it aren't you" her fingers slid over his chest slowly. She hoped he wouldn't stop.
"really Tess, you're better off not knowing" draco murmured as his head very slowly moved down toward her cleavage, gently he pulled her robes open. He felt his excitement growing, he must be very careful with what he said untill he could learn more about her, but he desperately wanted her as an ally as well as his lover.
She knew it was probably the best to let it go but she just couldn't. Tess moaned softly as she felt his lips over his chest. "But your asking me to do something for you and it doesn't sound good." She tried to continue on but his lips were distracting her.
draco couldn't think straight, "i'll tell you more later, not now, in the Library later, i'll explain then" he worked his hand inder her sirt to feel her pert ass cheeks, ne noticed after a moment she wasn't wearing underware, he sighed "oh Tess" as he started kissing the tops of her breasts still pulling her hair gently.
She wanted to ask more but she forgot all about it when she felt his hand on her ass. Her hips rocked against him. "I thought they wouldnt be needed. They would have just gotten in the way."
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