Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Harbringer was surprised to see that Sovereign was standing there. She tilted her head to the side curiously, wondering how he'd gotten out of his cell. Or had they moved him and she been too drugged to notice his absence. She had to appreciate his sense of humor as he joked about his own size. Chuckling, she smiled at him, relieved that she could be at ease with at least one of the subjects. She was not overly friendly however. The last thing she needed was to cause more pain.

His comment about Exodus sent a pang of guilt surging through her, but her expression remained unchanged. "Oh it was the researcher who broke him. I merely made some suggestions." She was soft-spoken in front of this rather large man. If you could really call him that. "Exodus has his strengths, but you and I are far more advanced," she said, though the opposite was true. They were at different ends of the spectrum and Exodus was...balanced. He was an all-around player, and Harbringer and Sovereign were specialists.

"Do you really get a live deer every day?" she asked, a little shocked that it was the case.
"So the researcher did it, eh? Shame. Oh well, if he's too weak to even fight back against you, then he has about as much use as a broken limb. I heard about the researcher's favoritism of you and I, but I didn't believe it. I figured that they were just trying to appease us so we didn't tear them apart! As much fun as it as to fight those weak babies, I'd've rather fought that Adiane. She looked like a true warrior!"

"You bet I do! I get to rip it apart and eat it raw! Better than that green crap they used to serve us! I wonder if Exodus still gets fed that garbage. Hahaha, he's so pathetic." One of the Beastmen finally came and saw Sovereign, saying "Come on, Sovereign, time for more combat practice. And try not to kill anyone before we get to the arena this time." "Well, maybe they shouldn't look at me funny!" he roared back, causing the guard to flinch. "Time to kill! I want to see an ocean of blood!" Sovereign roared again as he charged out of Harbinger's quarters without so much as a good-bye. "I sure hope you know what you're doing, Exodus. If there's an army of Beastmen out there and you said I could kill as many as I want, then I want out of here." Sovereign thought to himself.
She'd been curious as to whether or not Sovereign really liked fighting regular beastmen and as he mentioned wanting to fight Adiane, she smiled on the inside. So he was already on her side in one regard. It wouldn't take much to convince Sovereign that he was meant for bigger and better things than this place, and that defeating Adiane was the key--which it was, actually.

Harbringer felt a little sick as he explained how he ate the poor deer that were unlucky enough to be captured for him. "...Wow..." She didn't know what else to say. Deciding that she had better play along with Sovereign as well, she smirked at his assessment of Exodus. "Got that right."

Amused, she watched as Sovereign left, waving for lack of knowing what else to do.
The researcher was visiting Exodus in person, being as non-gentle as possible when doing the examination of his unconscious body. He had to admit he was amazed; while Sovereign was able to shrug off the illnesses entirely, Exodus' body managed to turn them around and actually integrate them and build up an immunity. He concluded the excessive vomiting was his body's way of purging the various strains of bacteria and viruses that the researcher had infected him with. "Hmm, you're a lot tougher than you look. But I wonder how you'll handle what I'm cooking up. Bet you won't be so tough after that." He instead focused on actually fixing up Exodus' body to make it look presentable; though as he toiled, he noticed that the scars from the Silver Fire had not gone away. That was alright, though; he'd justify it as necessary punishment for belligerence.

The next day, the three subjects were once again strapped into the brace; Exodus felt like shit on the inside, even though he looked near perfect on the outside. The only defect being the scars from the Silver Fire, Adiane would surely buy that Exodus was in peak physical condition, that was Doctor's mentality. "Alright, Exodus. Time to play the good lil' man-bitch and show your obedience." He'd probably be able to pull it off, since he was so goddamn exhausted from the thousand-fold return Harbinger had exacted on him with the help of the researcher.
The next day Harbringer was brought to the center with the other golden eye subjects and strapped into the brace. Somehow, Harbringer managed to look appealing in this way, though it wasn't her conscious decision. She just wanted to get this visit over with. She didn't even look at Exodus. She did glance at the researcher from time to time as if to say "do I really need to be tied up?" Though if last time was any indication of her restraint around this Adiane person, then yes, it was necessary.

Speak of the she-devil...

General Adiane hated coming to research facilities for a number of reasons. Mostly that they were boring, but also because they smelled and tended to be filthy. One thing she was glad to see when she arrived was that the subjects each looked much more presentable than last time--even Sovereign. She was not pleased when she saw marks on Exodus. "What is this?" She asked, touching one. Not even a greeting. Just disapproval.
The researcher and said, "Ah, General. Those marks are nothing, just a result of a battery of tests I had performed. I felt he still wasn't broken all the way, so I used him to perfect some of the chemicals we use to break subjects. The scarring is superficial, nothing damaging to any internal systems." On this he was telling the truth, but his motive was far from honest. The researcher didn't want to have to strap down Harbinger; he knew they were uncomfortable to her. B he had to make sure Adiane saw that everything was going according to plan.

Exodus just kept his mouth shut, not wanting to blow everything he had worked for so far. "Just hang in there, Exodus. Soon, everything will be paid in full. You just have to be patient." he thought to himself. He kept his averted the whole time, pretending to be the broken soldier they wanted him to be.
Harbringer watched Adiane curiously, keeping her expression blank. What was she looking for anyway? She wished the witch would look harder and see Exodus' pain, but she doubted that would happen. The whole time, she kept her eyes on the general, who didn't much care who looked at her and who didn't.

Adiane was quite pleased with the progress made on subject Exodus. He looked like the type to follow orders now. And after he'd called her ugly last time..."Good. Exodus, stick out your tongue." It was just a test to see if he would obey. It was really the only thing that she could have him do while he was strapped down. She wanted a faithful and talented puppet.
Exodus heard Adiane's command; though it sickened him to his core to do anything that ugly bitch said, he had to stow his pride for the greater goal. "Yes, General Adiane" he said obediently as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue just as she had ordered. He only hoped he wouldn't have to do anything else, especially if he was unstrapped. For this facade to work, he would have to anything she told him to.

The researcher just watched with a bemused grin, thogh he was slightly disappointed with Adiane's lack of creativity. Usually she did far worse things; all she had to do was say the word and he would sedate Exodus so that his body would move sluggishly. "You see, absolutely broken. You've made a fine choice for a puppet, General" he said as his assistant brought him the reports, which were then unceremoniously handed off to Adiane's current lieutenant.
She grinned as Exodus followed her commands. "Excellent. Now see if you can't lick Sovereign over there," she said, turning to the researcher. "You may release him so that he may complete the task. Whatever measures are necessary. Bring me up to date on Harbringer and Sovereign."
The researcher almost busted up laughing when Adiane commanded Exodus to lick Sovereign; that was just perfect. Pulling out a needle, he injected Exodus with a compound that would make him as weak as a five-year-old human child. He then released Exodus, who made his way over to Sovereign and licked him. Exodus then just stood there; waiting for Adiane's next orders if any. Sovereign glared at Exodus as if to say "HOW DARE YOU LICK ME, WORTHLESS SHIT!!"

The researcher then summarized what he had observed what he had observed about Sovereign and Harbinger, "During the long-range tests, I determined that Subject Harbinger has the best resolution range of the three at two and a half kilometers. Sovereign has the second best resolution range at just over one kilometer."

He continued, "Subject Harbinger seems to possess the capacity to engage mulitple targets at long range effortlessly, provided they are still with her range of resolution. Subject Sovereign.....well, I think you said it best when he's a tactical tank."

Further he said, "I also decided to see what their capacity to resist disease is. Sovereign has the highest level of resistance; I must have infected him with over sixty different viral and bacterial strains and he just shrugged them off. Harbinger is the weakest in this department; while she can certainly handle a wide variety of diseases, her body can become overwhelmed easily."
Adiane nodded, greatly amused by how Exodus was behaving. "Hit Harbringer," she commanded. "But not on her pretty face," she teased, showing mocking restraint. Since he was already dosed, she knew he wouldn't do any damage. Little did she know that that would drive a wedge between her and the researcher. "And what of the psychological states of the three subjects? Exodus appears to be loyal, but what of Sovereign and Harbringer?"
Doctor did his best not to react; even though it took all his willpower to not contort his face in rage and shout at Exodus not to do it. "Soon, Adiane, I will usurp you. And then we'll see who's superior to whom." the researcher thought in his demented little head. He then simply said, "Sovereign appears to follow whoever can offer him the most violence. As long as one promises him plentiful amounts of hostile forces to combat, he will be unwaveringly loyal. Harbinger, I have not broken her mentally, per your instructions. She appears to be obey orders of her own free will, General."

As the researcher explained the three states, Exodus mumbled, "Yes, General Adiane" and slowly made his way to Harbinger. He looked her dead in the eyes as if to genuinely say "Forgive me" before hitting her as hard as he could in the solar plexus. Though it wasn't anywhere near as hard as it could have been, Harbinger would still feel the impact.
Despite the restraint the sedative offered her, the wind was easily knocked out of her and she glared at him as though he were dirt. She knew it wasn't his fault and that he would suffer for all of this later, but she had to keep up her part of the act. It was a bit surprising she didn't cough up any blood to be honest--but he must not have hit her as hard as she thought. Either that or he missed an organ--she could only hope.

When Harbringer caught air back into her lungs she panted and looked at the general as if to say, "not cool." She then looked away and resumed her normally stoic expression.

Adiane cackled with delight at the results of this project. "No doubt the sedative has slowed you down, but you didn't hesitate. Excellent. You will be serving under me, Exodus. Yes...a new lieutenant." She grinned freakishly before coming to look at Harbringer.

"My my, following orders by choice, eh? Well that's certainly a new one. But I'll take it. Continue to develop her long range skills. Work with her on agility as well. She'll make an excellent assassin."

Sparing a glance at Sovereign she nodded. "Yes, and he will be our tactical tank. You are to keep him amused and loyal at all times. When Exodus completes training in the way of the officers, I'll return for him. The others will serve their purposes.
The researcher as Adiane made her assessment of what she believed would be the use of their abilities; once she was gone, however, things would go slightly differently than what she wanted. Training Harbinger and keeping Sovereign entertained he would certainly do, but Exodus would pay for hurting Harbinger. He would make sure of that.

"Yes, General Adiane. I'll see to it that....." but then he was cut off by assistant talking to him over the microphone "Sir, I apologize for the interruption, but General Thymilph is wondering when the next set of Supers will combat-capable. He says that he's planning a series of offensives and he needs more....." but then a hologram of Thymilph's head appeared on a pedestal next to Adiane and the researcher were standing and started to say "Hey, where are those Sup...." but stopped when he saw Adiane, "Well, well, look who it is. Fancy seeing you here, Adiane. Find a replacement for that pathetic excuse of lieutenant yet? Bet he's no match for my Viral."
Adiane growled at the interruption of the microphone but visibly softened when she saw the hologram of Thymilph's head. "Indeed. I do believe I've found him. As for whether or not he can beat Viral...well that is a matter that can't really be decided here and now. But from what I hear, though Viral is impressive, he wouldn't put up much of a fight against my chose lieutenant." She grinned and turned. "If it's supers you need, borrow from my forces. I'll retrieve more when I leave here today, isn't that right?" She said, turning to the researcher.
Thymilph smirked "Oh? Well, we'll have to have a match between them at some point, won't we? And thanks, it's better to not have to break them in to true combat. You were always better at that than me anyway." If there was one thing Thymilph wasn't deficient in, it was humility. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and gave credit when it was due. Thymilph's hologramed head then turned to stare at the researcher, "I don't want to hear about you giving Adiane any trouble. You best give her what she wants, otherwise I might decide to let my troops use you for target practice. Understand?"

The researcher nodded, "Yes, General Thymilph. Adiane will leave here with several battalions of fully-conditioned soldiers, ready to crush those dirty apes in the honor of the Spiral King." In truth, the researcher only respected General Guame, for he seemed the wisest of them all. And most importantly, he wasn't a total ass to those beneath him. Thymilph laughed loudly, "Well said! All hail the Helix Empire!" Thymilph's head then saw Exodus, "Wait, why is there a filthy ape still alive behind you, Adiane? I'm surprised you haven't turned him into floor paste yet."
Adiane laughed, tossing her head back. "That 'dirty ape' is my new lieutenant, Thymilph. He still has a bit to learn, but he's already quite loyal to me. With a bit more training, he'll be the epitome of our golden eye forces. Of course, if you'd like to test him, I'd be honored to watch you beat him to a pulp."
"That's your new lieutenant? Can't say he looks like much myself, but if you think he's worth somethin'" He then let out a hearty laugh as Adiane suggested having him fight the human creature, "I haven't fought a Goldeneye yet! I hear they're insanely strong! Tell me researcher, am I wrong?"

The researcher spoke up, "While certainly not stronger than a General-class Beastman, they do bridge the gap in strength between them and the Lieutenant-class. If I may say, General, I think he'd give a good fight." "Well, then, perhaps I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime, Adiane. But not anytime soon, there's a bunch of recently surfaced ape settlements that need exterminating. Have fun with your new puppet, Adiane." And with that, Thymilph cut out. The researcher then turned to Adiane and asked humbly, "So, General, is everything to your liking?"

The whole time Exodus was secretly listening intently to the conversation; though to Adiane he would just seem like a hapless puppet. That's the image he wanted to portray.
Adiane was, indeed pleased. "Well then, Thymilph, I'll send you your troops. Just tell me how many you need. I need to go--other labs to see to today. Do stay in touch, Thymilph." With that, she nodded and turned to the researcher. "Excellent work. Continue with their training as I have laid out before you. And make sure you reward Exodus for being such a good little puppet today."

That said, the general left with her poor lieutenant in tow.
"About fucking time" the researcher thought to himself as Adiane left; he could probably give Exodus the day off from punishment. Yeah, that would be his reward. As soon as Adiane was gone, the researcher had each of the subjects put back in their cells. He'd left a plate of seared meat and bread for Harbinger to eat; what she didn't know was that it was laced with a tasteless drug that would slowly alter her perception of Exodus to be that of a normal Beastman.

He'd also slipped the newly-created superbug into Exodus' food; just the right amount that would make him sick and drive him crazy from the effects. Enough to where given the opportunity, he would even run from his comrades to freedom.
Harbringer was surprised to see someone enter with something that actually looked appetizing. It was a shame that when Exodus hit her he'd made pretty much every muscle in the area sore. No bruising, just a lot of pain. She sat up and nibbled at her meal slowly until it was all gone. It was very good. Totally unaware of the drugs that were now coursing through her, she decided that until she was needed again, she should sleep. So she climbed into bed and did just that, deciding that if the researcher wanted her, he would someone for her.
As Exodus ate the green slop that was pushed under his bar door to him, his body had recovered from the food poisoning to allow him to eat. He didn't know the good researcher had inserted superbug spores into his meal, or that he would slowly be driven insane due to its effects. For once, Exodus was back being the underdog, even if the researcher wasn't aware of Exodus' plans all this time.

As the week progressed, Exodus was beaten, starved and tortured mercilessly to help accelerate the maddening effects of the superbug. The researcher saw fit to keep Harbinger and Exodus separated the entire time; he'd made personally sure that she saw neither hair nor hide of Adiane's future lieutenant. Or rather, soon-to-be-ex-future-lieutenant. The deception caused by the drugs would only work beyond where she could see, and he couldn't risk her seeing Exodus slowly 'transform' before her eyes.

On the other hand, he made sure Harbinger was being treated like a princess; fresh food and clothing every day, compliments aplenty, anything and everything he could do to make sure she would want him. Everyday, he gave her a new set of conditions to test the capability of her as a long-range specialist, He had her right where he wanted her, or so he thought.

By the end of the week, Doctor had Harbinger once again engaging live targets, this time it was trying to go for multiple kills with a single bullet at the very fringe of her resolution range. Keeping the microphone off, he said to his assistant "Is the 'escapee' ready?" The assistant nodded, "Yessir, but what if Adiane finds out? She'll be right mad at you, won't she?" The researcher chuckled, "By this time tomorrow, my beautiful Harbinger and I will be somewhere else, being lovers for the rest of our natural lives."

He then shooed the assistant away and switched on the microphone, "Harbinger, I've watched you grow so much over the time we've spent together. You truly are an amazing creature: Beautiful yet deadly, elegant yet fierce. I color myself disappointed Exodus would treat you so badly, but I say, his loss."
Harbringer had progressed impressively over the past few days, honing her skills with each new training program. They had her using live targets again and she couldn't help but wonder if they were thanking her or cursing her as she killed them. It made her sick to dwell on it, so she ignored the ideas floating in her head. She'd been treated quite well as of late, and she wasn't entirely sure what had brought it on, but if she wasn't being tortured like Exodus, then she wasn't going to complain.

It was quite a few steps up from how she'd been treated upon her arrival. When the microphone clicked on, she jumped a little, having been concentrating on a far off target. She looked up to the booth as he told her how she'd grown. Funny how he thought they'd been spending time together when she was always either locked in a cell, getting the shit kicked out of her, or sedated in his presence. Again, she said nothing as she watched him. His last words puzzled her.

"Exodus, Doctor? What does that arrogant bastard have to do with anything?" She said it for the benefit of the doctor who seemed to have a need to hear her put down her comrade. Well, why not? As long as he kept her here, she was going to be the cause of a great deal of pain for Exodus unless the crazy doctor believed that she didn't care about him at all.
"Oh, nothing, dear. Just my own musing is all. I just don't think it just someone of your beauty and grace should receive such nastiness." he said with a grin, obviously pleased with Harbinger's words towards Exodus. 'But after today, you'll be mine. All mine." He then straightened himself up and said, "Alright, Harbinger. Keep plugging away. Let's how many hostiles you can kill today. See if we can't beat last we....." He then pressed another button after switching the mike off at that point to make it look like a hardware fault, once, then twice quickly, and once more. He then turned the mike back on, "Sorry about that, it cut out. Now, how about beating that record?"

Elsewhere, Beastmen were struggling to hold Exodus down; with him having little to no control over his cognitive faculties, he was squirming and trying to break free. "Dammit, when's the signal coming? I might just kill him if he doesn't stop." "No! It will come soo...." Just as the assistant was about to finish his sentence, the series of beeps came through. "OK, now let him go! Pretend to chase him, and try to miss most of your shots!" When Exodus was set free, he ran off like a madman, tearing through the facility looking for a way. He just grunted and howled like a rabid animal. Soon, the assistant called the researcher, just as the researcher had planned.

Back at the training exercise, the researcher had just finished Harbinger with one set and was about to move onto the next when the call came through. "Excuse me, Harbinger." He then took the call; putting it up loud enough so that Harbinger could hear "Sir! One of the Speed Demon Subjects escaped!" The researcher responded in a fake but convincingly angry tone "What? Where is he?" The other voice came back through with, "He's tearing through the compound, I think he's looking for a way out!"The researcher then said, "You idiots, I ought to...." but then stopped, smiled and said calmly "Actually, this is good. This will be a more realistic training exercise for Harbinger."

Just then, further down the range and out of Harbinger's scoped resolution range, a wall was busted down and Exodus bust out, giving a loud primal howl as he began to run towards the free space. Though Harbinger wouldn't able to see it was him, even if she was looking through a scope. The researcher smiled; though this was unexpected that Exodus would come through this way, he just smiled and said, "Oh, my. Harbinger, it looks like you're the only one who can make a shot like that. If you don't mind, I don't need Adiane finding out we have a runner. Would you be a dear and take it out for me, please? I have a great reward in mind for you this evening if you do."
Though the cringed inwardly at the sound of his voice as he offered her a reward, she merely nodded. Still, Harbringer could tell that something was up. It wasn't normal to have a break...Nor did she think it would be easy for a normal super to escape. But who was she to make assumptions. As she raised her rifle and used the scope, she saw that it appeared to really be just a grunt. Still, the researcher seemed a little too happy about it. Suspicious, but still playing her part, Harbringer raised her rifle took quick aim and a steadying breath before squeezing the trigger. She didn't have the clearest of visuals, but the body went down like a rag doll.

"Target hit," she reported, her voice even. She had no idea what she'd just done, but she would not be happy when she found out--for a number of reasons.
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