Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

So that was how he was playing it. Well, she wouldn't jeapordize his plans, then. But she knew she was in for a world of hurt over the next few days--possibly more. Adiane hadn't liked the idea of the two of them having any kind of connection. And the researcher hadn't liked the idea of her getting hurt by the ugly general. There was that. The blonde wondered exactly what kind of consequences that would have on her in the future. No doubt she was part of some sick plan the researcher had.


In every challenge that Harbringer was paired with Exodus in lately, she got her ass handed to her in one way or another. The favorite seemed to be strapping her down in an electric chair and shocking the shit out of her for every beastman Exodus failed to kill. The pain was excruciating and each time it happened, she screamed. It was torture--not only to be shocked, but to be forced to endure his harsh criticism of her and the way he sneered at her when the researcher was around.

She had a feeling that he didn't feel nearly as much hate for her as he seemed to, but it was hard not to think of him as a ruthless bastard. Some days she would have much preferred Sovereign's company when he was in one of his blood lust moods. The woman took it all, however, and when she managed to get her blows in, she didn't hold back at all. She gave the convincing impression that she hated his guts--and in a way, she kind of did.

Harbringer was aware of what Adiane was trying to do by the end of the third day of training. She knew what Exodus was doing by the middle of the first day. On this day, however, the researcher did something that she knew was a bluff--he was too keen on her to let her go that easily--but wasn't sure if Exodus knew. He would have let her die. Her eyes went dead for a moment and she said nothing. Over and over she told herself that he knew it wasn't loaded. But that didn't stop her from planning a swift kick to his nuts when she was freed from this chair.
The researcher saw the hatred between the two; the air between their stares was electrifying. "Oh, Adiane will be so pleased! I have everything I need! See, Exodus, isn't it better when you play by the rules? Everything just goes so smoothly! Of course, there is no village to be attacked yet! Besides, I still don't fully trust you to operate a fully-functional Gunman. However, we do have disembodied cockpits that can teach you the basics. And it just so happens that we have an exceptionally talented pilot here for the next few days. The gentlemen at the door will show you the way. Now hurry along, Exodus." Exodus calmly followed the Beastmen down to the place where they had the cockpits; it would seem to even Adiane that he was broken.

The researcher then leaned down and saw the dead look in Harbinger's. "Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch. Poor dear, you look like your heart's been ripped out." he said teasingly; he then showed Harbinger the video of Exodus obeying the order to attack her. And how Exodus had nearly beaten her to death, so much so that they had to taze him to let up. "How brutal. Seems he doesn't care about you at all. Adiane will enjoy watching this, the authentic rage, the absolute 100% uncaring of your personal safety." He then leaned closer and whispered, "I don't like seeing my favorite subject in pain. Tell me what I can do to make it better, my dear. "
Harbringer wasn't so much in emotional turmoil as she was in physical pain at the moment. This week had taken its toll on her far more than it had on Exodus. She'd healed quickly, and no harm ever really came to her face, but the rest of her body was sore and the constant electrocution did little to ease that pain. Harbringer was certain that there was more to Exodus' little show, but watching the video of him being so ruthless as a little hard to swallow again. Then again, her performance was equally as vicious--but not nearly as skilled. If he was going to play, so would she. But she would play upon the researcher's weakness now--herself.

She looked up at him with her dead eyes as he asked what he could do to make it better. "Well, you could stop electrocuting me. That would be nice." She was only half-joking. "Am I...Am I really your favorite?" She said softly, looking at him with a soft, hopeful expression now. "Then why did you do that? I don't understand why you'd let me think I would die..." She looked down, beautiful even in this state. Sadly she let him think that it was actually his action that had brought her to this state, not Exodus' brutal actions.

Oh, she was pissed at him. And when the time came for long-range training she'd get her revenge. But for now, she could only trust that Exodus had something more up his sleeve.
"I'm sorry about that, dear. Yes you are my favorite, but I have to follow orders. I have to make sure Exodus really doesn't care about you anymore. And based on what I've seen, he's truly cut the cord. He didn't even flinch when I pulled the trigger." He then whispered into her ear, "Such a shame too, you truly are a magnificent creature. Elegant yet deadly. Quite the dangerous combination. Tell you what, I'll lower the voltage during combat exercises. Being as strong as I know you are, you won't even feel it." He then leaned back up and said clearly as he injected her with a strong sedative to knock her out, "I'll let you rest for a while, my precious. Exodus, however, will suffer greatly for the pain he's caused you." He then motioned for two Beastmen to take Harbinger back to her cell.

Little did the researcher know that he was playing right into Exodus' hands; there only remained one component, himself. The way he was acting, he knew Adiane would buy it. The proof of having to be tazed to get off of Harbinger was solid evidence he would obey any order now. The researcher then contacted Adiane, excited at the news. "Supreme General Adiane, I have great news! Subject Exodus has been successfully broken, and I even have video evidence to show it!"

Exodus finally reached the room where the make-shift cockpit was; he had been led through various portions of the compound, and he made sure to note every passageway, every door, anything to help indicate where the exit was, or where it could be made. He saw that there was a large burly, rather-human looking creature; the only notable difference was a large mane that grew along his jaw-line. "Ah! So you're Exodus! My general's heard a lot about you from Adiane! She tells me you're quite hot-headed!"

"You have me at a disadvantage here" Exodus replied calmly, suppressing his urge to break this thing. ""My apologies" he returned before punching Exodus hard in the jaw, "The name's Lyos, Adjugant Lieutenant to Divine General Thymilph the Crasher!" Exodus sat up slightly and rubbed his jaw, but didn't try to get back at him. All in due time.
Harbringer was disgusted with the researcher, but she managed to look grateful instead. She was glad that he would at least lower the voltage. It was better than taking the full brunt of them in any case. Moments later, she was injected with a powerful sedative and unconscious again. When she woke up she was back in her cell. She was tired and in pain, so she didn't move and closed her eyes again. Whatever Exodus was up to, she certainly hoped that it was worth her going through all of this. Because even if she knew it was necessary, she was still pissed and hurt at the same time.


Adiane was pleased with the news. "Excellent. send me the videos. Maintain surveillance of him. And what of Harbringer's personality? Have you analyzed it any further?" she demanded, wanting to hear results. She had a feeling that that project had taken back seat, however, and that was unadvisable. She got the feeling that the blonde was going to be trouble in the future. "Has she been broken by the process as well?"
The researcher nodded, "Yes, I believe Harbinger has been broken. Still, I need to run more tests to make absolutely certain that she and Exodus have been wedged apart. But do not worry General, I have it all under control. As for her personality, she is still showing resilience to behavior modification; but that will break in due time. You know me, General...I can break anyone".

He then pressed a button, sending the videos to Adiane directly showcasing Exodus' skill and brutality. He even sent the video of Exodus' non-reaction when he put the pistol to Harbinger's head as further proof of him being broken. "I believe you will find him quite suitable for your needs, General. Perhaps he can be the replacement to your current lieutenant you're looking for. Just my suggestion."

As this was going on, Lyos was showing Exodus and several dozen other 'supers' the ropes of handling a Gunman. From the start-up stages to movement controls to ejection sequence, he drilled them and drilled them hard. Exodus noticed that a lot of the other test subjects looked like Lyos; somewhat human with defining animal traits. "These poor bastards, they're on the same boat. But they still have fire in their eyes, that means they're unbroken. For now."

"Exodus, move it! Don't make me smack you for being lazy!" Exodus climbed into the cockpit; when he walked past, he saw a cart filled with guns being moved. "The armory must be on this floor" he observed; sure enough, the door opened and they went inside, revealing wall-to-wall weaponry. "Well, that was easy." he said as he tried to keep with Lyos showing him the controls. "Show me how you would eject!" Lyos barked; Exodus went through the controls, but accidentally pressed one wrong button.

"Incorrect! You are an idiot, and if this were a fight, you'd be dead!" Lyos roared; he then yanked Exodus from the cockpit and threw him roughly on the floor. "Get up, you weak piece of shit! You're the Goldeneye Adiane talks about with Thymilph? Pha! What good are you?" Exodus just wordlessly got up; Lyos was testing his patience, but he wouldn't show it.
Adiane growled. "Fool! I told you not to break Harbringer! You are not to break her spirit. Certainly you are to keep her in line and you will attempt to teach her the glory of what she has become, but I believe that little streak of resistance is what gives her her power. If she is completely broken, she will not be anywhere near as useful to us!"

She watched the video, impressed with Exodus' change over time. It pleased her to see him reject Harbringer in a sadistic sort of way. She wasn't worth his time like the great Adiane. And most certainly she was not special.

"This week you will test all subjects in long range combat. For the final session you will pit them against each other, but don't give them rounds that will actually kill them--that's counter-productive." She watched Harbringer, caution and hate mingling. She was quite special, and it killed Adiane to know that she needed the blonde human to accomplish her goals. Otherwise, she would have been destroyed. "Watch her carefully."
"Yes, of course, General. I did not mean to imply that I would break her spirit. I merely tried to convey that I would force her cooperation is all." he replied smoothly, unchanging in his demeanor. "Though I'm curious, General, why did you approve of having Thymilph's adjutant lieutenant come here? It certainly can't be merely due to his skill as a Gunman pilot, can it?"

There was still one issue to address; it was clear to him that Harbinger still possessed feelings for Exodus, though he couldn't possibly fathom why. He thought for a moment on how to word it without arousing suspicion of his true intentions of having Harbinger for himself. He then spoke once the words had formed in his head, "General, there is another issue. While it is clear Exodus no longer harbors emotions for Harbinger, I can tell she still has some remote feelings for him. Any suggestions on how to break that without completely ruining Harbinger's spirit?" Of course, he himself had a few ideas in mind on how to do it; however, he wanted to see what Adiane to offer.
Adiane continued to watch the footage, paying special attention to Exodus in some scenes, and Harbringer in others. It seemed to her as though Harbringer didn't want to hurt Exodus as much as he wanted to hurt her...perhaps that was just the nature of the woman. She didn't want to break Harbringer--that little streak of resilience she had in her was what made her strong and efficient. No, she would use other means to secure cooperation from the blonde subject.

"When you test the abilities of subject Harbringer, make sure she is paired with Exodus again. Give her the opportunity for revenge. I believe these feelings you speak of are merely compassion. Reward her for taking her revenge. Do so while actually training her. I want to see what she's capable of. Oh, and I'll be visiting in another day or so. Make sure I like what I see."
The researcher nodded, "Of course, General. Harbinger will be well-trained, and everything will be to your liking when you arrive. We look forward to your next visit." The researcher agreed with Adiane; however, unbeknownst to her, he had his own plans for Harbinger. Her sensory perceptions would play into his hands quite well; all he had to do was make her 'agree' to be with him. "Well, I'll be signing off now. Till next time General."

The next day, Exodus awoke to see himself strapped to a chair; now it seems the shoe was on the other foot. "Well, shit. This is gonna hurt." Exodus mused mentally; he already had a good idea of what was going to happen. On a monitor he saw Harbinger with a what appeared to be a high-powered rifle sitting on the ground next to her at one end of an open range.

The researcher appeared next to Exodus, wearing a malicious grin. "Ah, Subject Exodus. How are you, hmm? Are these straps a little too tight? No, they look loose. I should tighten them more." He then pulled down the straps even tighter, causing them to bite into his skin. Exodus kept himself from grunting in pain; he almost screamed when the researcher injected a silvery fluid into his body. "Well now, Harbinger is going to have some fun, but what she doesn't know is that she'll be paying you back a thousand fold for all that nastiness towards her. And I'm course I'm obligated to help her, seeing as she's my favorite and all." "So that's your angle, you sick fuck. When I break out, I'm breaking you first" he thought to himself while keeping a blank expression.

The researcher then turned on the microphone down on Harbinger's end; she had already been strapped into a specialized vest that would deliver a debilitating electric shock if she got out of hand. The researcher decided to lower the threat to their lives slightly, with the exception of Exodus, who still kept his vest on at all times. It wasn't that the researcher didn't trust him; he just saw Exodus as a threat to his own plans.

"OK, Subject Harbinger, this is your time to shine. Now I have a target that is going to be moved further and further away. I want you to track it without using the rifle scope. When it becomes too hard to see, hit the red button so that I may record its distance. Then we'll move onto the fun part."
Harbringer was well aware of the fact that something was off about the researcher in question. He played favorites for sure, but just how much of a favorite was she? In any case, she watched as Exodus was strapped a little too tightly and injected with something. It was all very clear to her eyes and though she couldn't hear what he was saying clearly, she was certain that the researcher was being particularly nasty to Exodus. She felt a tinge of guilt, but that went away pretty quickly when she remembered how they had to taser him to get him to stop beating her. A little extra discomfort coming his way was only right in her eyes. Her face remained blank. It was her turn to play the part of heartless bitch.

She wouldn't enjoy knowing that Exodus was in pain--much less that she was the cause. But she would enjoy the fact that he'd have to think twice about what he'd done to her. Her eyes took on the dead quality they'd had the day before as she listened to the researcher's instructions. She took note of the red button and nodded. She wouldn't use the scope for distance, so she just took it off and used the cross hair at the end to do it. Setting the scope down she just nodded, waiting for him to show her the target.
Exodus remained silent as Harbinger got ready to see the target. "Guess this is her payback. Can't say I blame her, I did some pretty nasty shit. I just hope she realizes I was just trying to get Adiane into an unsuspecting position." He then felt a powerful surge of electricity course through his body; it was a torturous thirty seconds before he wanted to scream out in pain, but he wouldn't give the researcher that satisfaction. "Sorry about that, Subject Exodus. Just wanted to make sure the shocking mechanism was still functional."

He then turned the mike on to Harbinger, "Harbinger, dear, I do apologize but my scattered brain forgot to tell me to mention that the blue button opposite the red one will tell me to keep increasing the distance." He then switched the mike off and said to Exodus in a malicious tone, "And since your pain tolerance and durability is obviously higher than that of sweet Harbinger, I'll double the voltage and duration. But that won't come till later; that's when the fluid I injected will really come into play. I think she'll enjoy the effect it has on you."

Switching the mike back on, he continued with "OK, Harbinger, get ready for your first trial. First marker distance, five hundred meters." A black, star-shaped marker with a red dot in the center appeared. Now he just had to wait to see if Harbinger could still visibly see it.
Harbringer took aim with the cross hairs and fired, figuring that's what she was supposed to do. She hit it dead center. Then she reached over and pressed the blue button. It was a simple enough exercise, and she wasn't entirely sure that he would be shocked at all. She didn't really understand why he was tied to the chair...if she missed would he be punished? These sick bastards...and they were only doing it to try to turn everyone against each other.
The microphone came alive, "Perfect shot, Harbinger. Very nicely done. Get ready for the next marker. Distance, eight hundred and seventy-five meters." This time a yellow circle with a black dot appeared. Exodus wouldn't be shocked if Harbinger missed; this test was mostly to see what her long-range unaided visual capability was. Shooting just helped give more data as to her ability to utilize such weapons.

Exodus just watched as Harbinger nailed the first target; even though his previous actions probably led her to think otherwise, she was amazing.
She didn't let herself look happy or proud, partially out of contempt for the researcher, and partially out of principle--after all, she hadn't elected to have this little alteration performed on her. Merely nodding, she made sure her gun was ready for the next target. This one wasn't much of a challenge either. Once more she took aim and a steadying breath before firing and achieving a perfect bulls-eye. Harbringer didn't allow herself to feel any joy--but there was just the slightest tinge of pride as she hit the blue button. That was quite a distance.

Her face revealed nothing of her inner feelings, but she wasn't all steely resolve. If she had to be something under protest, then at least she could be proud of what she could do. "How am I doing, doctor?" She asked, not really knowing the real title for that creature--not that she'd ever associate him with healing.
"You're doing fantastically, Harbinger. Only two targets to go. Next, one thousand seven hundred and fifty meters." The third target popped up, a blue square with a teal dot that was off to one side of the square. This next set of two would reveal how well she could distinguish differences at a distance. He then said as he scribbled down the previous results "Harbinger, before you fire, I want you to press the blue button if you can notice the dot on this one, then fire. If not, press the red button and re-attach the scope so that we may move on."

The researcher decided that Exodus should be shocked on this one; if Harbinger missed, Exodus would get forty seconds of one hundred thousand volts of electricity. OK, so that was far more than double of what Harbinger was getting, but she didn't need to know that.
Habringer hit the blue button and then took quick aim and fired, nailing the target yet again. No matter how much she resented the change, she couldn't deny her excellence in this field. And so far, Exodus hadn't been hurt. Not seriously, in any case. And if he did, it was his turn to take a couple for the team.
The researcher was astounded with Harbinger's visual capability; almost two kilometers out and she was still able to distinguish targets clearly. "I know I've said this, Harbinger, but you are amazing." he said into the microphone. "OK, last one now. Distance, three kilometers. Same as last time: blue button if you can see the dot and shoot, red if you can't" The final target popped up, a red triangle with a crimson dot at the topmost vertex. Both the distance and near-equality of color would make this most difficult target of all. Sadly, he couldn't shock Exodus, but hopefully this time he would be able to.

Exodus couldn't help but be relieved Harbinger had hit her target; still, he felt that she wasn't going to be able to do this last one. His gut told him he was going to be in some serious pain in the next thirty to forty-five seconds. Switching off the microphone, the researcher told Exodus in a low, evil tone "You better pray she can do this, Exodus. If she can't, well, things won't be pleasant for you."
This target was much more difficult. She couldn't see a dot to fire at, even when she concentrated. Frowning, she hit the red button, disappointed that she couldn't hit that target too. Just as she pressed it, she remembered what would happen when she did. Her heart skipped a beat and she prayed that he would be all right. She masked her little moment as she replaced the scope, with a look of disappointment. No doubt Exodus, however, would be regretting her loss much more than she would.
As Harbinger hit the red button, it a sharp little 'BEERNT!' indicating Harbinger could not see the target. The researcher simply tsked in mock disappointment and said in a low voice, "Well, Exodus, you know what that means. Now you get to see the effect of that liquid I injected into you. But I feel it's only fair I should warn you, it's going to give you a slight 'burning' sensation." The researcher cranked up the voltage past one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand volts; he apparently took it upon himself to aid Harbinger in getting revenge.

Exodus closed his eyes and gritted his teeth before he felt the electricity surge through him; his entire body then felt like it was filled with napalm as angry red streaks, which looked like burns, appeared all over the exposed parts of his flesh. They were sensitive as well; it seemed this liquid heightened the sensitivity of the pain receptors in the 'burned' areas, compounding the amount of pain he felt. He desperately wanted to scream in pain, but the small shed of pride he saved wouldn't let him. Tears began to fall down his face as the burning reached unbearable levels; he was clenching his jaw so hard he felt like his teeth were going to break. After forty hellish seconds, the electricity was shut off; fire still ran through his veins, his body twitched and the angry red marks didn't go away. Exodus was now permanently scarred.

"Well, well. You handled that just like I thought you would. But don't think you're off the hook. I would use normally use Sovereign for this, but the truth is, he'd break free of the restraints easily. With you, I've measured your maximum strength to the nearest decimal point, so I was able to design a harness that could overpower you. Now, the nice thing about Silver Fire is that it increases the sensitivity of the pain receptors a thousandfold, so even just a..." he then paused as he pinched one of the red marks on Exodus' skin, causing him to nearly scream out in pain, but it just came out as a long, muffled grunt, before continuing "..small pinch can cause massive amounts of mind-breaking pain to anyone. I don't appreciate you being so rude and callous to a fine lady like Harbinger, so I'm going to make your punishment a thousand times worse than anything you could imagine short of harming or killing her." "That's right, focus on me. I'm the important one, that's exactly what I want you to think."

The researcher then turned on the microphone and said, "OK, Harbinger, now you get to have some fun. In a moment, you are going to engage some moving targets at varying distances. You will be given thirty seconds to take out an increasingly large wave. We will start with eight and progress from there." He then activated a button in the booth, releasing subjects in the range; they were mentally broken 'normal' Supers that obeyed the researcher unquestioningly. Since Adiane didn't care about 'normals', he felt it was only right to use them as a base to test the three Goldeneyes.
Harbringer had been expecting more targets like the ones she'd been shooting. She gasped as she realized they were other beastmen. Not that she should have been surprised really. Exodus had done his fair share of killing, but that had been self defense....Now she was stuck being a murderer. Her only ray of light was that the more of them she killed the less Exodus felt pain. And she could tell that the researcher had done something to him. She spared a glace at them a devilish smirk on her face as a mask and what she saw made her feel physically sick. She'd had to endure quite a bit, but Exodus, she saw, would have far more to deal with.

Hang in there she muttered. Taking a deep breath, she quickly scanned the area, lifted her rifle and took aim, taking out her targets one by one. Lucky for Exodus that Harbringer was an excellent shot--and just as fast. She took out the first wave with little trouble.
The researcher was slightly disappointed that Harbinger had been able to take out all the targets so quickly; hell, she finished with eighteen seconds to spare. Still, he couldn't help but be amazed at her skill in target acquisition, reload speed and level of accuracy. The rifle she had was a single shot, meaning it had to be manually reloaded each time. With how fast she could shoot with that, it all made him more aware of just how amazing she was. And how soon, oh soon, she would be his. It was all coming together.

Looking back at Exodus, he growled with the microphone off "Well, well. It would seem after all you've done to her, she still cares about you enough to eliminate all the hostiles. How does that make you feel?" Exodus couldn't afford to break the facade now, so he just grinned and said, "Why the fuck should I care?" The researcher went up to him and scratched some more red marks with his long claws; Exodus held back his scream. "You still don't understand? You're supposed to say, 'It makes me feel like shit!' But yet you still treat her like garbage, well I won't have any of it!"

He then turned on the microphone and said after calming down, "OK, Harbinger. Get ready for round two. Twelve targets, thirty seconds." He wanted Harbinger to succeed, but it would make him happy even if she missed one.
At this range it really was easy to pick them off for her. It was like time slowed down as she nailed each one perfectly, sending them to a quick and merciful death. She finished with seconds to spare once again and turned her head to look up at the "doctor." Though she was doing well, she got the feeling that he was upset because she wasn't missing any targets. Time to put on some acting. She glared at Exodus with the kind of hate she reserved for the doctor and his little team of researchers.

"I don't want to skew your data on me, Doctor, but I would love to miss one so I could see him shocked again. How many this time?" she asked, turning her head back to the range, taking up her rifle with a possessiveness that she knew would please the man. In no time at all it would seem as though she'd never had any kind of friendly feelings toward Exodus. She felt bad for putting him through whatever it was he was going through--she couldn't tell from here during her drills--but he'd nearly killed her the week before. He could take a few for the team as well...assuming she was right about him not being a total prick.
Doctor. He loved the way that sounded. It stirred feelings of desire deep within him, but he regained his composure and smiled as Harbinger said she would love to miss one. He was just finishing writing down the results as she said it, so he replied "Oh, dear, you can miss as many as you want. I certainly won't mind. And I;m sure ol' Exodus won't mind either, will you? We can just write those off as bad shots, so don't worry your pretty little head about it. Now, it's going to be twenty. Same time period of thirty seconds."

Exodus saw the hatred in Harbinger's glare; like he said before, he couldn't blame her for hating his guts. But that was non-essential; he was just trying to make sure they survived, even if it was with some scarring. And Exodus would serve as the best example of what happened.
Harbringer didn't know if she could watch him take any pain like that any more. But he'd driven her to a state which she didn't think she'd come back from, and she needed to return the favor or the researcher would certainly be suspicious. She could only hope that he wouldn't ask her to take aim at Exodus before the week was up. Despite her pain, she was pretty sure she'd forgive him in short order...well...if he was just pretending to be this way. Otherwise, she'd just have to kill him when she broke free.

She took up her gun and managed to miss a few shots in the first few moments before she got serious and took out the twenty, though this time with much less time left over. She managed to take them all out, too.
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