Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

The researcher tsked; Harbinger killed them all again. Oh, well. He could use the excuse of her missing the first few shots as a reason to shock Exodus. "Well, Exodus, she missed four of her shots. So you know what that means." Cranking up the voltage to two-hundred and fifty thousand volts, he then released the massive amount of energy into Exodus' body, completely uncaring .

The red marks flared bright red again, causing the pain in Exodus' body to skyrocket. He finally couldn't hold back anymore and howled in agony as his nerves felt like they were being fried. Exodus wasn't sure if he could take six more days of this, but he had to and he would. However, it only got worse as some of the red marks actually split and started leaking blood; that was a side effect of the Silver Fire, too much electrochemical stimulation and it would react to develop lacerations in some areas. However, with how much Exodus was howling, Doctor couldn't hear a thing; he had inserted ear plugs before cranking up the voltage higher, for he knew what would happen. Harbinger wouldn't be able to hear much either; the booth was very well-insulated, allowing very little noise to pass through.

After a grueling eighty seconds, he switched off the electricity. Doctor switched on the microphone after Exodus had calmed down and called to Harbinger "OK, Harbinger. You did excellently, but we'll have to stop for today. Tomorrow we'll have you shoot targets and of course, continue your vengeance against Exodus. But, follow the two guards up to my study. I have a little something for you." The researcher had the final goal in mind now, but it would have to occur after Adiane's visit. Then, oh then, she WOULD be his. All his, nobody else's.
Harbringer grinned in what could only be considered an evil way as she set down her weapon. She wasn't sure why, but the researcher really had it in for someone who'd been "most promising." She wondered if Adiane would approve of such marring effects on someone she so clearly valued. She spared a glance in his direction yet again and saw that he was in horrible shape. She felt horrible for causing that kind of pain, but she couldn't show it, so she just smirked.

This visit to the researcher had her feeling uneasy in many ways. She was always sedated and then just taken to the place he wanted her...so what on earth did he want that would warrant her being conscious. She merely smiled at the ...creature--for she couldn't bring herself to call him a man--and bowed her head in mocking respect, though she looked quite sincere.

She looked surprised when he invited her, but nodded. "Yes, doctor." Then the guards came to get her and she followed after them, hoping that Exodus could be alright. I'm so sorry...please...hang in there.
When Harbinger finally arrived, Doctor just smiled, "Welcome, Harbinger! I have a surprise for you! You see, while you were down there slaughtering Beastmen with your superb marksmanship, I was thinking 'how can I help Harbinger get revenge on the man who so clearly hurt her?' Then it hit me.....invite her up here to directly cause some of the pain! And there's also another reward!"

Doctor then snapped his fingers; another Beastman appeared and set a large silver platter on the desk. It was filled to the brim with seared meats, fresh fruits, and bread. "I figure my favorite should have the best food available! So I had some of the 'normals' put to use for a scavenge mission. But....you have to hurt Exodus first. Hurt him like he hurt you." Exodus barely heard all of this, and couldn't even lift his head to see what was brought, but the smell told him meat was here. His eyes were lackluster beyond compare, and some of the pseudo-burns still bled steadily. "Take it, Harbinger. You need your strength." was all he thought to himself.
Disgust bubbled up within her, but she hid it masterfully and redirected it toward Exodus. He was already in such awful shape that she didn't want to touch him. In fact, she wanted to help him. But she found herself holding back. She remembered a little too clearly the look in his eyes when he told the researcher to kill her. She'd had a good idea of her being the favorite, so she didn't really think she would have died...but the idea that he would kill her without remorse made her more compassionate side cautious. He would have to do much to earn her trust back, even if she understood why he'd done it.

She looked at her fellow subject with eyes that were filled with rage. She substituted his face for that of the researcher. She didn't need to be told twice to hurt Exodus. She practically launched herself at him, delivering a hard punch to his jaw and another jab to his gut. She kicked him out of the chair and unleashed the anger and pain she'd felt on him in much the same way he didn't hold back when it had come to fighting her. The doctor would have to pull her away if he wanted her to stop.
Doctor was surprised at the savagery of Harbinger's actions; not that he minded. "Ooo, such delightful ferocity! Very good, my dear! Make him suffer! Make him swim in his own blood!" It was clear he would let this go on for a while, even if it meant Exodus was beaten to within an inch of his life. They had the means to fix him up and be ready for the next day of torture; what Exodus and Harbinger didn't know was that the researcher would torture Exodus behind her back, so that he would be getting many times the amount of punishment he had dealt to Harbinger returned to him.

Exodus didn't and couldn't even defend himself; the amplified shocking had taken a great toll on his body. The steady blood loss from his body didn't help either, and was compounded as she assaulted his weakened form. "That's it, Harbinger. Keep beating the crap out of me, I deserve it all. Heh, you're a lot stronger than I thought. I think I like this side of you better." As Harbinger continued to pound into him, the amount of pain sensitivity caused by Silver Fire seemed to increase; however, he couldn't even groan in pain. He just laid there like a dead fish taking her beatings without protest; even if he could, he wouldn't for it was all in his plan.
Honestly, she was kind of surprised that the doctor didn't just step in and stop her a few minutes into her beating, but she pushed that thought out of her mind, coldly attacking Exodus as if he were the doctor himself. She practically growled at him, her eyes flashing golden as her fury mounted and she cut loose on him. When was this foolishness going to stop?! She kept at it, doing her best to forget who it was she was really mad at.

She would continue her beating until she was stopped or she got tired--one of the two.
Exodus still laid still, his body moving slightly as Harbinger increased the speed and ferocity of her barrage. Exodus could barely see that Harbinger's eyes turned gold; he chuckled internally. "Holy shit, she must hate my guts. Good." he said before groaning in pain as the burns opened up more, causing more blood to spill. Harbinger's fists made slight smacking sounds as they collided with the small rivers of blood that flowed freely from him.

The researcher just sat back and watched; he would let Harbinger have fun for a short while longer. Based on the result from Exodus' physiological profile examination, he could sustain fairly massive amounts of injury. Nowhere near the levels of Sovereign; that titan could take a direct impact from a missile and still be relatively unscathed.

After letting Harbinger wail on Exodus for about another half-hour, and letting the blood pool around both their bodies, even more so than Exodus did to Harbinger, he jabbed a needle of extra-strength sedative into her neck. "When she passes out, take her back to her cell and clean her of the blood. Then get a clean-up to clear the blood and medical crew to take Exodus to the infirmary. I don't want it staining the floor of my study and unfortunately, Subject Exodus cannot be allowed to die." "Sir!" one of the assistants said as he ran out to fetch the crews needed.
She was panting when she stepped away from Exodus, her body and hands covered in his blood as well. When he jammed the needle into her neck she was actually relieved that she didn't have to hit Exodus anymore. Though she was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get any of the food she was promised instead of the gruel she was given, she was kind of glad that she didn't get to eat it. She was sick to her stomach. Even if he deserved it, she hated to be responsible for pain on that kind of level.

Her eyes flickered golden and their natural blue color after a few moments and then the sedative ran through her body quickly. She looked at the doctor before she passed out, sinking first to her knees and then to the floor. Covered in sweat and blood, she wondered if he still thought she was exquisite. Her eyes closed and she was carried off by the second assistant.
As the assistant carried Harbinger off to be washed and rested, Doctor looked at Exodus bleeding on the floor. What a pathetic excuse for a soldier. "What on earth does she see in you?" he asked in reference; why would Adiane want this piece of garbage still alive? Even though it was clear to him and Adiane that he had been broken, Doctor still felt Harbinger harbored feelings for Exodus. He noticed her slight hesitation to attack him, but once she got going, it was brutal. "Hmm, I guess I'll have to try harder to break their bond then."

Doctor was still enthralled with Harbinger's performance, her form glistening with sweat and blood made her even more beautiful to him. It made him want her even more; and soon, he would have her lock, stock, and barrel. He was then interrupted by the medical crew coming in, the clean-up crew quickly cleaning the blood from the floor. Doctor told the medics to patch him up so that outside he looked fine, but was still messed up on the inside. He also to deal with anything that would pose a threat to him living; he didn't care if it was in horrific agony, just so long as he was alive. Adiane would come the day after tomorrow most likely, so he had another day to make Exodus' life a living hell. He then took the tray of food he had promised Harbinger and decided to deliver it.

As soon as he arrived, he found Harbinger to be finished being washed. "You know, I think we need a new location for her. I have a very nice room right to my main office, let's move her there. At least she'll have a soft bed to sleep on instead of the hard floor." The assistant nodded as he redressed Harbinger in a change of clean robes and followed the doctor to the new room. Much cleaner, this room possessed a large steel door that locked from the outside, but it was brightly lit and had a queen-sized plush bed. Laying the food on the table in the room, the assistant laid the unconscious Beastwoman on the bed. "Sleep well, my dear. Eat when you awake, you'll need your strength for tomorrow." He then left the room and turned off the lights.

Exodus would get no such luxury; when he was healed to the barest of minimums, he was moved to an even filthier cell, one that surely possessed many diseases.
Harbringer woke in an unfamiliar place. She bolted upright, gasping and panicking, sure that she was in for another operation of sorts. Heart racing, she looked around her and saw no such equipment. The only difference from her last room and this one had been the lighting and how clean it was. And she was noticing that this bed was much nicer than the pad they claimed was a bed. Now that she was awake, she saw that she was clean--no blood, no sweat. She even smelled a little better. How strange that they'd take that into consideration now. She wore robes instead of the training clothing she was used to which made her wonder what exactly she was doing here. Her dark brown hair was still a bit wet, but she ran her fingers through it so that it would at least dry nicely. What was happening?

There was food in the room, she realized after a moment of taking in her sparse but upgraded surroundings. Where was she now? Regardless of her distrust for this research facility, she ate the food that was given to her, confident that it wouldn't kill or harm her. She ate to her fill and was pleased to find that it was real food. She left a few pieces of food on the plate, too full at the moment to eat it now. She lay back on her bed and wondered if Exodus was alright. Her eyes closed and she hoped that he would survive this week. If only she could be certain he was just playing a game or purely selfish she would be better able to commit to her role. In any case, it was clear that the doctor wanted there to be absolutely no tie to Exodus left in her.

She would do her best over these next few days to ensure that that was the image she presented.
The researcher watched Harbinger awaken; in those pure white robes, she looked simply angelic. He saw her lay down; he would ask how she felt about the accommodations tomorrow. Now that Harbinger seemed content, it was time to focus his attention on Exodus. But first, he should probably see how Sovereign is doing. The last few times he'd checked in, Sovereign had done particularly well with missile launchers and heavy machine guns at long range; though he burned through ammo like it was nobody's business. However, that was a moot point, as their raids on human towns left them with a surplus when supplemented to the main weapons supply.

Now turning his attention back to Exodus, he saw the mangled man sitting in the rotten gunk that coated the cell floor; he wasn't even given a pad to sleep on. His meal consisted of raw, uncooked and spoiled meat, rotten produce and moldy bread. HE was given a dose of antibiotics, but only enough so that the resulting illnesses wouldn't kill him. Exodus was hungry enough to eat the putrid food and dozed off to sleep. However, not long into the night, he got a severe case of food poisoning; he wretched and hurled several times throughout the night, ensuring that he didn't get nearly enough sleep.

And when next morning came; his breathing was ragged and his stomach ached to high hell. Given the disgusting green slop again, he tried to eat it; however, his food poisoning was still present, which meant whatever went down came right back up. The Beastmen watched him suffer and laughed heartily, getting a good free show. One of them was none then Adjutant Lieutenant Lyos, who said "Even though this post sucks, getting to watch you suffer is so very worth it, hahaha. You weak pathetic half-ape! Unless you pull your shit together, there's no way in hell Adiane will select you to be her replacement lieutenant."

Exodus just rolled weakly to one side; these last few days took a toll on his body. "F...fuck.....everything hurts. I can't eat, I can't sleep, one of those I'm trying to protect hates my guts. Well, I hate 'em right now, because they won't let me eat anything. Damn researcher, though it is mostly my fault. I had to open my mouth to Adiane, now I'm trying to scramble to think of a new strategy." However, it wasn't a total loss; everywhere he had been led had helped him create a mental map of the research facility. He secretly collaborated with Sovereign during the few times that they had actually had to fight each other about what to do and when. Exodus had a feeling Adiane would be coming back soon, so that meant he needed to wait.

Just then, he heard a familiar voice, "well, well. Look who's deciding to be lazy. Get up, Exodus. It's your turn first on the firing range. But hold on, for a second, need to remove this gangrenous tissue." Without even numbing the area, Doctor began hacking away at it, cleaning it in no time. Exodus' ability to produce endorphins had significantly diminished, so that meant he felt everything. After pouring alcohol liberally on the affected areas to burn Exodus' exposed, hyper-sensitive skin, he then placed a bandage over each of the surgery points. So now in addition to the red marks, he was covered in five different areas on his upper body. He was then led to the firing range; the researcher decided to not shock Harbinger if Exodus missed. Hell, he hadn't even woken her up yet.
Harbringer had learned to cherish each moment of sleep she got in this hell hole. It gave her strength and a break from all the pain she'd been put through. On her new bed, she slept very well, and woke with far less aches and pains. Her wounds from Exodus had healed quickly and she was just left with the aches that came with training and whatever else they did to her. Despite the fact that Harbringer had been given special treatment, she still hated everyone at the research center. Except for Sovereign--they'd never risked putting her in training with that behemoth. As for Exodus...She didn't hate him. She really didn't like him right now, but she didn't hate him, and she felt truly awful for how she'd managed to bring him so much pain...what happened as a result of it all.

Still, she slept for as long as she could, wanting to be as strong and sharp as she could be when she was taken out of her cell and wired for training.
The research saw that Harbinger had awoken; he greeted her with a cheery 'Hello! How's my favorite doing? Are the accommodations to your liking?" He then said without giving her a chance to respond, "Whenever you're ready, I have two friends who will escort you here. Today you get to watch Exodus fail miserably at long-range. It should be a riot."

Exodus was led roughly to the firing range and thrown down next to a rifle, a pair of handguns and a scattergun. Doctor wanted to see how the weapons would be handled under duress. But first, he had to test what the range of Exodus' vision was. After going through the same process as Harbinger, it was determined that his effective range of sight was about three-quarters of a kilometer. Now it was time to see what his accuracy was like. Exodus picked up the scattergun and waited lazily for the first target to appear. "OK, Exodus. First target range - 15 meters. Number of targets - eight. Time ten seconds." Exodus cocked the scattergun and fired; all eight targets went down in five seconds.

"Urrrgh, next wave. Number of targets - twenty" the researcher said in a growling tone; however, he knew Exodus would not be able to fire the gun that fast. And so he failed. "Tsk, Tsk. Exodus, I'm disappointed. Harbinger did much better than you. But, in all fairness, it is her specialty. Now get on the rifle." Exodus did just that; he could now see incredibly far. However, he was being tested for long range speed and accuracy. After the second wave, it as clear that Exodus just plain sucked with long-range weaponry. OK, perhaps sucked was a bit harsh, but Harbinger certainly outclassed him.

After his tests were done, the researcher's voice came alive over the microphone, "Exodus, it's clear that you're not suited for long-range combat. Now please stop embarrassing yourself. Oh and by the way if you could look up towards the booth...." When Exodus did, a large chunk of what looked like rock came flying out of nowhere and struck him in the side of the head. The researcher laughed maniacally, "Oh, Lyos! That was a great shot! Very well done!" The burly adjutant appeared in the range itsef and gave the researcher a thumbs-up.
Harbringer had woken up in her little cell just moments before She heard the researcher's voice. She sat straight up, on alert. He wasn't in the room but his voice was. She saw a speaker in the ceiling and let out a sigh of relief once she saw where it was coming from. What was eerie, however was how he was able to see her. She couldn't see any cameras or windows, but maybe it was covered by something? No, she doubted that. Perhaps there was a sensor in the room that allowed the researcher to know when she slept and when she was awake.

His pleasant voice disgusted her--especially this early after waking. Still she put on a fake smile and didn't attempt to answer. She got up and found that she still wore her white robes. There was nothing to change into at the moment so she ran her fingers through her hair and knocked on the door. The "friends" mentioned escorted Harbringer to the booth just in time to see Exodus in the firing range.

His trial did not go well. Well--that was an unfair assessment. Harbringer's abilities were ridiculously honed. It seemed as though her alterations were specifically meant for this kind of skill. Exodus, however, was not. He still did quite well--far surpassing any human shew knew of. Still, if they were facing each other, he'd be dead in seconds.

Lyos' gesture was immature and, frankly, stupid, but she was forced to smile. She said nothing the entire time she watched. She just sighed in pity when he missed, laughing when his range was determined and again when he missed the targets. She felt like such a bitch. These people were all disgusting. Still, for now, she played the part. For the most part she looked thoroughly amused. If she was bad at close range fighting, he was awful at long range.
The researcher was pleased to see that Harbinger was enjoying herself at Exodus' expense. "Oh, Harbinger, did I ever tell you how perfect you are? How flawless your figure and your charm are?"

Exodus managed to rise up, bleeding out of the side of his head; it was obvious the impact stunned him, for his legs were shaking. Well, the rock only served to worsen it; he was already weak from sickness, injury and starvation. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were sunken; black rings also made themselves known as he looked up at Harbinger. Suddenly, his stomach turned over and he felt a wave of nausea hit him like a hurricane; it wasn't long before he fell to his hands and knees wretched once more, coating the floor beneath him in red-streaked vomit. Now his arms shook as pain began to rack his body.

The researcher turned on the mike and yelled, "Exodus! Why the hell are you soiling my firing range? Lyos, punishment!" At this, Lyos smiled as he strode over to where Exodus was and picked him up by the nape of his neck before punching him in the stomach hard. Exodus dropped like a rock; he then started gasping as he felt another wave of nausea hit him, and vomited once more. Now he was just throwing up pure stomach acid, adding a burning throat to his list of pains. The researcher turned to Harbinger and shook his head, "Can you believe the nerve of this guy? Getting blood, acid and stomach contents all over the place! Unbelievable!"
"What a disgrace," Harbringer commented. He seemed to be in worse shape before, which meant that he was probably getting all kinds of mistreatment because of the doctor's favoritism. She watched as he shivered in obvious pain, throwing up all kinds of stuff. Did he have food poisoning? Or did they inject him with something. Though She was very worried about him, Harbringer showed no emotion but disgust. It seemed counterintuitive to punch someone in the stomach as a punishment for vomiting, but she couldn't really judge.

"Doctor...while I am thoroughly enjoying watching his pain and utter failure...I'm worried about you. Won't General Adiane be upset if she sees that Exodus is in poor condition? I love watching him suffer, but if it means that you'll get into trouble..." she looked deeply concerned for the doctor, torn between getting what she "wanted"--seeing Exodus feel every bit as much pain as she'd felt and more--and what the doctor needed. She hoped that by saying this the doctor would assume that her hesitation had to do with the doctor's safety and name, rather than the subject who'd beaten her within an inch of her life.
Doctor chuckled "Oh, dear Harbinger. Don't you worry your pretty little head. Thanks to some ingenuity from yours truly, I've developed treatments that make people look perfectly healthy on the outside, but inside they still suffer so. I only use it on subjects I deem to be troublesome, like Exodus. I honestly don't understand what General Adiane sees in him. But in any case, Exodus will look perfect on the outside, and ol' Adiane will be none the wiser about what's really happening."

He then looked down at Exodus, "But personal satisfaction isn't all I'm getting out of this. I'm gathering useful data on a Goldeneye's disease resistance. Sovereign by far is the most resistant; I must have given him about forty to fifty different infections at once and he just shrugs them off. Exodus so far has only been exposed to four; influenza, gangrene, cellular necrosis, and food poisoning. I've also tried starving him and keeping him dehydrated to test his endurance under extreme conditions. So far, I admit myself impressed he's survived this much. I'm thinking about introducing him to a nerve toxin. What are your thoughts, Harbinger dear? How would you suggest to hurt him? After all, this is your revenge, I'm just here to 'lend a hand', so to speak."

Lyos walked over to Exodus' shaking form and yelled up at the Doctor "What do you want me to do now? It seems this little ant hasn't learned his lesson. He keeps throwing up all over the place!" Doctor then shouted back down, "Just keep beating him until I think of an appropriate punishment. But don't kill him." Lyos nodded with a maniacal grin as he turned Exodus onto his back and started punching him in the face; it wasn't long before Exodus started bleeding heavily again.
In truth, the doctor probably was a genius. A horrific one with no morals and a sadistic mind, but a genius none-the-less. The question was how to turn that against him using her "flawless figure and charms." It was her only weapon, and she needed to find a way to use it. Her eyes brightened at the mention that he would not get into trouble because Adiane wouldn't know he was in pain. "How clever of you, doctor! I had no idea you could do that. And using your strategies to help me as a way to collect data? Brilliant." She smiled adoringly, though inside she was thinking up ways to kill him. Maybe she would ask him himself. He'd probably have a good idea.

"I'm not sure...I don't know much about diseases," she said, thoughtfully. "What if you named a few and I chose one?" she asked, deciding to give him a chance to shine and look the part of heartless bitch.
Doctor's smile widened as Harbinger complimented him on his brilliance; he then said, "Well, thank you, Harbinger. I'm glad you think so, because Adiane seems to undermine my intellect. Sure, she came up with the idea, but it was me that had to do all the work! Countless trials, countless errors and failures! Months of experimentation to determine the most suitable subjects to undergo the modification!" He then took a deep breath, "Sorry about that, but I view Adiane as an inept General. But, she has the strength and the favor of the Spiral King right now, so I have to follow orders."

He then thought about what diseases would ravage Exodus' body the most without killing him. "Hmmm, this will require some thought. I was thinking maybe a variant of plague virus. Erupting boils with plenty of opportunity for further infection, constricted breathing, vomiting blood. Yes, yes, I think that will do. But, wait perhaps, I can cross that with polio, leading to attack on the central nervous system, causing acute muscle paralysis!" He soon starting talking a mile a minute, so much so that even with Harbinger's enhanced senses, she wouldn't be able to understand him. All the while, he had forgotten to call off Lyos; if it wasn't stopped, Exodus would be beaten to death, even if it was against Doctor's orders.
It was working like a charm. She had him wrapped around her finger. So long as she appeared to be worshipping him for his intelligence, he would never give a second thought to her having "feelings" for Exodus. She loved that he was willing to divulge so much useful information to her when all she did was pay him a compliment. She would find a way to turn his disdain for Adiane against him and Adiane's lack of technical knowledge against her. At least, that was her plan.

"Of course doctor. A man such as yourself deserves much more respect." She smiled loyally and tried to listen as each option he listed for diseases became worse and worse until they all ran together and he got too excited to slow down his speech. Even Harbringer was at a loss. She glanced out of the booth and saw that Exodus was in trouble. It was time for her to jump in.

"Doctor, I hate to interrupt you, but I don't think Exodus can last much longer in that state with Lyos beating him. He needs to be alive for Adiane, doesn't he?" She was now playing the part of helpful assistant. "It seems as though Lyos took your order a bit too literally..."
"Hmmm?" Doctor said as Harbinger interrupted his train of thought; he then looked down and saw that Lyos was still beating into Exodus. "I suppose you're right, Harbinger." He thne switched on the microphone and said, "OK, Lyos. That's enough, we still need Exodus alive. God knows why. Have the medical give him a superficial patch-up and then take him back to his cell to let him rot." Lyos nodded and called two Beastmen in to take Exodus away.

"Thank you, Harbinger. Now I know what to do to make him truly suffer." he said as put a hand to his chin. Of course, it would have to wait until Adiane's visit before he tried anything.
A thought occurred to her that at some point she would probably need to be tested for her disease resistance as well, but she let that fall to the back of the researcher's mind, not keen on going through any of what Exodus was going through. It was inevitable that she would be made to suffer, however. "Doctor? What will you do?" she asked curiously, tilting her head in a way that she'd seen other girls from town do when they were being cute. She only hope that his twisted mind would accept this fake emotions and interactions, making him think that she was right where he wanted her.
"Ah, but that would be telling, wouldn't it my dear?" he said with a sick, demented grin characteristic of a mad genius. "But, don't worry, I've already tested the extent of your ability to fight disease. Using a much, much less painful method. I drew some blood while you were sleeping, and engineered small host bodies to produce your unique blend of antibodies. So, I basically created small versions of you to determine your resistance. Your capacity to fight disease is impressive, but nothing like Sovereign. He is also a curiosity, albeit a very bloodthirsty and dim-witted one. Exodus, I'm still unsure of, but analysis of his body will yield useful information indeed. Even though his suffering is obvious, he's still hanging on. Curious, curious."

He then took one of Harbinger's hands in his own, "Don't worry about a thing, Harbinger. I'm not going to let you suffer like Exodus. You're far too good for that." Though he wanted to believe Harbinger was all for him, his paranoia made him believe that Harbinger still cared for Exodus. "I'll break you of that soon enough. Just wait until after Adiane visits." he thought to himself before releasing her hand and saying aloud, "Now, let these gentlemen escort you back to your room. You'll find fresh food and clothing waiting for you. I've also taken the liberty of having your sheets washed so that they'll be as fresh as possible."

He then left to examine and prepare Exodus and compile his report for Adiane's visit; he knew it wouldn't be long before she came. He had to try and make him look presentable, not too hard since he had all the right tools. He also used the time to begin engineering a super-bug to really wrack Exodus' body with pain, suffering and a wish to die.
Harbringer sighed in relief as he told her she wouldn't suffer like Exodus was. It was real relief, not just pretend, so that, at the very least would be believable. "Thank you, doctor. I won't want to end up looking like that one," she said, pointing toward Exodus. "As much as I love to watch him squirm, it does look very unpleasant." She bowed her head respectfully in gratitude. She looked up at him as he took one of her hands in his blinking uncertainly as he told her not to worry.

"Thank you for your kindness, doctor. The world is lucky to have a man as brilliant and generous as you." She gazed up at him adoringly, though her inner self felt like she wanted to throw up. As he released her, she listened to his instructions. "As you wish, doctor." She stood and bowed once more before leaving the room with the guards.

When she was back in her room she changed into the clothing that had been provided for her, folding the robes neatly and setting them on the floor near the door. She was conscious of the fact that she may be being watched, and simultaneously disgusted with the lecher who'd been doing so before. She had a small, relatively bare cell with a metal door, but the bed was at least comfortable, and it was always clean. When she was finished, she found a comb and ran it through her hair before setting it down and waiting for further instructions. Would she be training again today? Or was she just supposed to sit in her cell?
As Harbinger sat in her room, the door to it suddenly opened. In it stood Sovereign in all his might; he had 'asked' the Beastman guards to let him talk to Harbinger. Needless to say, their fear for their lives made them give in. It wasn't that he was concerned about her, he just was curious where they put her. "So, this is where you were moved. Not bad. Of course, mine's bigger. But then again, just look at me, hehehe."

He then said, "I saw Exodus. Hahahaha, and here I thought he was strong. To be reduced to a mumbling sack of shit, that's just sad. I expected it to be the researcher who did it, but to hear that you've been the inspiration to break him? Nicely done." he then gave a grin, "Isn't this place fantastic? All the shit I can blow up, a live deer for me to tear to shreds every day, and countless weak baby Beastmen for me to fight and kill! I think I like it here!"
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