Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Exodus was running like a madman, howling and jumping all over the place as he tried to find a way. It wasn't until he felt something pierce his back and narrowly miss his heart that he stopped. Whatever hit him seemed to bring him back to reality; it wasn't long before he dropped to the ground, gasping like a fish out of water. "W...what just hit me? Where am I?" Exodus thought to himself. He then felt two large presences over him; one reached down to apparently check his pulse as he felt two thick fingers on his neck. "Damn it, he's still alive. We better radio this in, he won't be happy."

The researcher smiled secretly; now he had direct access to Harbinger. Even though he put on the image that she no longer cared for Exodus, the researcher had a nagging feeling in his gut that it was the exact opposite. If she ever asked where Exodus was, he'd just tell her that he got shipped out because he completed his officer training.

"Hehe, Harbinger, now there's nothing that can't make you mine." he thought before saying aloud, "Excellent shot, Harbinger. You don't know how much of a headache you just saved me. Now let's get t...." but then he was cut off by another call, "Oh what now? Hello?" "Sir, he's still alive. What do you want us to do?" "What? How? No way in hell Exodus survived that shot! Just take him down to the lower levels, I'll deal with him in a second!" He then hung up and went to turn the microphone back on, only to realize he never turned it off in the first place. He sat there in surprised, horrified realization that Harbinger had heard everything he just said.
Her eyes widened in shock and she gasped as she realized that something had been happening to her--and she hadn't even been made aware of it. "What? But...that can't be him...It didn't look a thing like Exodus..." She was obviously confused and frightened. Heart hammering in her chest, all that went through her mind was "What have I done?!" over and over again. She looked at the researcher and shook her head.

"What did you do? What did you do to me?!" She was panicking, her hands trembling. If she hadn't been able to recognize Exodus, that meant that he was toying with her brain somehow. Her hands gripped the rifle tightly as she shook her head. "Do you realize how much trouble you've made for us all? Adiane wanted Exodus. I just shot him! What if he dies? I doubt the general will spare any of us!"

She was on the verge of hysteria. She was horrified that her body had been used against her and her skills has unwittingly been used to kill a comrade. "Why?! He wasn't even worth it! He was leaving anyway!"
Exodus was quickly carted down to the lower levels; the researcher was sure he'd be out of the picture while he dealt with Harbinger. He was in shock over her reaction. Her initial response was enough proof to him that she still cared about him to some degree. He'd make her pay for toying with his heart.

"AHA! So you do still care about Exodus! You lying little bitch! I gave you my heart, I gave you everything I could so that you would care about me! All he did was berate you, insult you! He even tried to kill you and he would have let you die! What does he have that I don't!? Huh!? Tell me!! And don't lie and say you're worried about my safety!" Even though the purpose of his shooting Exodus wasn't to see if Harbinger still possessed feelings for him, it served as a useful test all the same.

While the two of them carried on above, Exodus was being laid onto a table in a room ten levels below where Harbinger and the researcher were. "What should we do? Does the researcher want him dead or alive?" one of the Beastmen said, to which the other responded "Hey, while we're waiting let's have some fun. Give him a dose of sealing gel, then an energy pill so we can fight him." His comrade gawked, "Are you nuts? What if the researcher comes down here and sees us messing with his property?" "Relax, would ya? He's already in bad shape, so he can't do nothiin' even if we heal his injuries." His partner then nodded and put the gray goop in Exodus' gunshot wound; immediately it glowed blue as it healed his injury. A purple pill was then placed in his mouth and he was forced to swallow.

Immediately, Exodus' eyes popped open and he rose quickly from the table; the two Beastmen tried to hold him down, but even at 11% strength he could overpower them easily. In mere seconds, they were dealt with and dead on the floor; Exodus bent to grab a keycard. It read 'Master Control Key #43'. "Step one, secure the keys complete" Exodus muttered with a tired grin as he exited the room where he was being held and looked around. He was in the thick now; it was now or never. And so he went about unlocking the cell doors on his level of the compound. He then went to every floor above it, using his newly acquired troops to help him overtake the floor guards and release the prisoners.
"He is not the thing that matters here, you liar!" She growled at him and glared as though she'd been waiting her whole life to tell him off. "You did something to trick me into this! You did something to mess with my head! How the fuck would you like it if I toyed around with your perception of reality you sick bastard!? How dare you use me like some toy?! If you wanted him dead, you should have fucking told me you wanted him dead! Now I have to deal with Adiane because there's no way in Hell you'd ever take the fall for me!" She panted and watched him like a tiger watched its prey.

"You can tell yourself whatever you want to justify the things you've done, but don't even tell me it's because you wanted me to love you. If you wanted that all you had to do was save me. Even once. But you LET him torture me. You LET him do all of that to me. You even had me believe that you'd have killed me. No amount of clean clothes or fresh food can change that. I did everything you wanted and you didn't have to threaten me. I followed orders without having to be broken. And yet you still chose to punish me. You don't love me."

Now was the time if there was ever any. She rose her rifle and took aim in mere seconds. After a steadying breath she squeezed off several bullets and hoped that he died.
Unfortunately for Harbinger, the researcher's station was practically impenetrable. Her shots bounced off the walls as if they were but mere pebbles. "No, it is you who lied. You tried to use me! You tried to use my emotions to get out of with your beloved Exodus! Well, I won't have it! Harbinger, you are dead to me!" He then flipped on the gas; he would teach her a lesson himself. "Guards! When she is unconscious, bring her to me! I have something special in store for her!"

Meanwhile down below, Exodus was leading a rebellion one floor at a time, gathering more and more troops. He was now on level 9, and almost freed everyone from captivity in this block. Sovereign would be doing his thing; creating a diversion so that the enemy would be split in their attention. That was so they would have to divert forces from the detention blocks and help complete the second step of his plan: Ascend from Darkness. Sure enough, the resistance on the final floor was lacking horrifically and judging from the lack of reinforcements, no word had been able to get out about his activities.

Meanwhile, a call came through to the researcher, "Sir! It's Sovereign, he's gone crazy! We're doing our best, but he's tearing through us like we're nothing! Send rein....." it cut out. "Damn it! Why! Why did everything have to go so wrong!"
She was about to turn the gun on herself, figuring that she would never get out of here now. And even if she would have been safe as the researcher's pet, she'd have wanted death to save her in every moment she spared to think about her life. He was sick and depraved and she was ready to end her life before things got even worse for her. She was dead to him, which meant that even if she lived, she'd be better off dead. So she aimed for herself just as the gas came on, but she was too late. Too much of it was in her system, and just like that, she was back to being the poor unconscious subject of a madman's sick designs.

Little did she know that Sovereign and broken free and was starting to create havoc. She had no idea that Exodus was staging a breakout or that he was even in good enough physical condition to do it. She had no idea that there was a glimmer of hope that she would be saved. All that she felt as her consciousness faded from the world was despair and guilt. And as far as she was concerned, that was all she deserved.
When the gas had cleared, the guards retrieved Harbinger's unconscious form and brought her to his control center. "Put her down in that chair over there! I've got a special brand of punishment for her!" They did as instructed; they strapped her down in the 'Special Seat', one that could not be broken out of, not even by a Goldeneye of Sovereign's strength. Once she was secure, the researcher just said, "Wakey, wakey, you little lying bitch!"

Exodus and his forces broke through the final barrier obstructing their freedom; now it was time to turn them loose. Though his condition was terrible, it was just enough for him to carry on the fight. His eyes were the characteristic shade of gold as he led his brigade through various parts of the facility, tearing apart any Beastmen guards who stood in their way. It was here they finally met up with Sovereign; his body was but up and bleeding but still he raged on. Piles of dead Beastmen lay around him. "Nice work, Sovereign. Take this brigade and these barrels of Silver Fire and go to the east wing. Make it rain fire." One thing he heard during his stay was that Silver Fire literally exploded when mixed with high quantities of air; several Beastmen guards had died that way.

Sovereign let out a characteristic booming laugh, "THIS IS FUN! CAN I KILL MORE BEASTMEN!?" Exodus just replied, "Kill any that stand in your way" Sovereign then replied, "But where are you going?" Exodus just said, "There's someone I need to kill personally." Sovereign nodded in understanding and boomed "COME ON, YOU WIMPS! WE HAVE BEASTMEN TO KILL!" before leading the large force of 900 Supers to free more of their brothers. Exodus then went his own way, saying in his head "You're dead, you sick freak!"
Harbringer's eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice, her hearing so sensitive that it was almost as though he were shouting right in her ear as he said it. He might well have been considering the fact that she'd don nothing but reject his sorry ass just moments ago. She was through pretending to be his pretty little pet, though. The world clarified in an instant and it was clear that she was strapped down in a chair that the researcher was pretty sure she couldn't break out of. After all, he'd just called her a bitch. She relished the thought that he would be afraid of her if she were free. He'd had to sedate her to bring her here after all. Though her hand to hand skills weren't much to speak of, she could take him without any trouble and snap him in half like a twig. And she would do it, if she ever got the chance. After all he'd put Exodus through, and after all he'd done to her, he deserved to die.

She glared defiantly at him, not wanting him to have the pleasure of seeing any trace of fear.
The researcher as he saw Harbinger's eyes open and glare at him; that defiance. Oh, how that defiance got him going! "Oh, good. I'm glad to see you're awake." He then slapped her, his voice raising "Admit it! You never loved me! You only pretended! Do you know how it feels to have your heart wrenched out of your body? I do! You heartless lying bitch" He then reached down with a knife to cut away her clothes, revealing her full breasts to him. "Oh god, they're even more beautiful than I imagined. Don't worry though, I won't be gentle!" He then started kneading the lumps of flesh furiously. "You could have this enjoyable for yourself, Harbinger. All you had to do was say you love me! But now, no more! Everything you say is a lie!"

Exodus was nearing the researcher's control center; however, he was stopped for a moment by two guards armed with massive clubs. His strength wasn't fully there to begin with, so it made the fight that much harder. "Get out of....urgh...my WAY!!!" Exodus roared as he threw one of them using a portion of his remaining strength into the other, causing them to drop the impressive weapons. He then started beating them both to death with one of the clubs; the bodies made sick smakcing noises as the skulls cracked and the brains were turned into mush.

It was here that Exodus heard someone running straight towards him from behind; he turned and saw it was the researcher's assistant. "Oh shit!" he said before he tried to turn and run; Exodus however was on him in seconds. "Wait! Wait! Please don't kill me!" "Give me one reason why I shouldn't!" "I know where the researcher is. I can take you to him! Please just spare me! That man....he treats me like crap! Just because he's angry with Adiane, he takes it out on me!" "Take me to him! And if you're lying, I'll crush you like an ant!" "I promise, just please, don't hurt me!" The assistant then ran with Exodus in tow, taking him right into the belly of the beast itself.

Then, as if to interrupt the doctor's enjoyment, a call finally came through, "Sir, the east wing is under attack! We need reinforcements! Sovereign and nearly a thousand Supers are tearing this place apart! They're using Silver Fire to burn through us all! We need....Agh! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! PUT IT OUT! I'M BURNING! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! I'M...*chrsh*" All there was static. The Doctor stopped touching Harbinger to say into a microphone, "All guards, report to the east wing! Do whatever you have to get them under control! Lethal force is authorized! I repeat, lethal force is authorized!" He then turned off the mike and said, "Now where were we? Oh yeah, here!" He then grabbed Harbinger's breasts again, kneading them roughly and twisting and pulling her nipples to cause pain.
She barely moved his head as he slapped her, not giving him the satisfaction of letting him know he'd hurt her. He really hadn't done much damage, in fact. She kept her eyes on him, only mildly panicked when she saw the knife. She'd been expecting some sort of torture, and she supposed in a way, she was being tortured. Her training clothes had been cut away--at least on top to reveal her body to him. Disgusted with his choice of punishment, she clenched her fists. If she ever got free, she'd see to it that he was castrated.

She winced a bit from the pain of his rough handling of her, but she was determined to remain as stoic as possible. The defiance in her eyes was clear. She didn't even bother trying to reason with the lunatic. No words would have made a difference, even if she'd still been in his good graces. Harbringer felt disgusting as he toyed with her body for his pleasure and her pain. And make no mistake, the most sensitive parts of her body were in serious pain. But she'd gotten used to that sort of thing when he'd still been shocking her.

She'd heard the call on the radio, and smirked. So Sovereign had broken out then? That meant that there was still hope that someone would find this bastard and kill him. She had no idea, however, that that person would be Exodus.
The researcher smirked as he saw Harbinger react subtly to his 'treatment'; that meant she was feeling something. "It's no use lying to me, Harbinger. I was going to make you my queen; with your skill and my genius, we could have had everything. But no, you chose to remain attached to Exodus. Well, guess what! Your little boyfriend is sleeping off his gunshot wound that you caused. And besides, he's been broken. So don't count on him to come save you!" He then took the knife and cut away the fabric surrounding her nether region. "Now let's see if any of the Beastmen decided to have fun with you." Slipping a finger inside, his face broke into a wide smile and said, "Oh, my! Still intact, how delightful! That means I get to have you first!" However, he just returned to kneading her breasts, saying in his cocky tone, "But let's not rush a good thing! And don't worry about interruptions, I've disabled incoming communications and this room is impregnable! Only my assistant and I have the keycard to get in! And he's run off like the scared little bitch he is!"

The assistant and Exodus were still a bit away the door of the researcher's after having Exodus fought his way through more guards; the assistant seemed to know a small deal of hand-to-hand himself. "You know, for a bastard who's helped a maniac, you're alright." Exodus said after finishing off another set of guards, to which the assistant responded "Thanks. Anyway, we're almost there!" As they continued to run, Exodus couldn't help but ask, "Why are you helping me? It doesn't make sense." "Because, the researcher's an evil bastard. And after seeing what he did to you, Sovereign and Harbinger, I couldn't take it. So I tried to run, but then you showed up. I figured you were the best shot I have to end him once and for all." "Oh, trust me, when I get through with him, he'll be begging me to kill him!"
Little did they know that Harbringer was going through something far more traumatizing than they would ever experience. However, she did her best not to show just how utterly humiliated and disgusted she really was. She didn't move as he cut away the rest of her suit to reveal her womanhood. Any thoughts of his kindness ever having been about some smidgen of love were erased. No matter how unstable a person, this was not an act of someone who'd had love in their heart. Harbringer wanted so badly to spit in his face, but that would only have made him angrier, and on the off chance that he'd slip up, she needed to be able to capitalize on that.

The blonde felt absolute disdain as he shoved his finger into her probing her like some animal and then returning to his action. It was a wonder she didn't throw up then and there. She didn't give him the satisfaction of any words-- she knew he wanted her to say something--to react. But she wouldn't do it.
Exodus and the assistant finally arrived at the door; Exodus looked down at the assistant and said, "So this is the place?" "Do you mind if I stay to watch? I've been praying that someone would beat his face in one day." "Oh, that's far too easy on him. I have much worse things in store for him." The assistant then started punching in the code; why the hell did the researcher have to make it so damn complicated?

The researcher stopped massaging Harbinger's luscious chest and revealed his weapon; a fat, nine-inch erection dripping with pre-cum. "And now, I wonder how loud you'll scream when I break you! Again, I will not be gentle!" As he positioned himself to take Harbinger's virginity, the door behind him slid open, making him pull away before it could be done. He stopped then turned around, saying angrily "Can't you see I....no." Exodus stood in the doorway, his toned body bleeding, beaten and scarred from the amount of fighting he had to do to get here. His eyes flashed gold as he took in the sight before him; he then growled angrily as he quickly made his way toward the researcher, "So, not only do you try to get rid of me, but now....." he stopped to punch the researcher hard in the face, causing him to fly back into a wall before continuing, "NOW I CATCH YOU TRYING TO RAPE A COMRADE OF MINE!? YOUR DEPRAVITY KNOWS NO BOUNDS!!!!" He then grabbed the researcher's legs and broke them effortlessly, causing the researcher to howl in pain.

Exodus looked over to Harbinger's nude form and shouted at the assistant, "HEY! GO GET HER SOME CLOTHES!" "Y..y....yessir!" He then punched the researcher hard enought to knock him out, but not kill. Not yet. He would leave that to Harbinger. Exodus then reached down and rifled through the pockets of the researcher until he found his prize: the master control key. It was fortunate that he had the assistant along, for Exodus knew not how to operate this. He then set about to unbuckling Harbinger from her restraints, not saying anything at the moment because he felt that she would not want to speak with him. Within moments, the researcher's assistant returned with another set of clothes and laid them down in front of Harbinger. "Unlock all the Super's cages. Then open a comm channel." The assistant nodded as he began to work the controls like a master; Exodus kept his back turned to allow Harbinger some privacy. He finally spoke up, his eyes changing back from gold to brown, "Harbinger, did he hurt you? Are you alright?"
He wouldn't get the satisfaction. She wouldn't give him what he wanted...She closed her eyes as he came closer to her, positioning himself for it...and then a miracle occurred. Exodus saved her. He called her comrade. Tears of shame formed in her eyes as he took in the scene and the ratty little assistant did as well. Her body felt disgusting after all of this and she wanted to scratch it all to hell. Everywhere he touched her was sore and she felt herself on the verge of a breakdown. She was only able to collect herself as he set her free. She was very much glad that he didn't speak as he freed her. Grateful that he'd thought to get her clothes, and more grateful that he didn't stare at her. She took the clothes from the assistant and glared at him as if to dare him to look at her.

She removed the remains of her old suit and put on this new one. When she was finished, she heard Exodus. "I'll live. I want to light myself on fire at the moment, but I'll live. As for him...He will not." She kept it simple, glaring at the researcher. "I know he's put you through a lot because of me, Exodus, and I hope you know that I'm truly sorry for that. I never wanted to see you suffer..." she paused and then said, "And I didn't know it was you when I was shooting today...he did something to my eyes...The bastard on the controls probably knows about it... how long will this last?" She demanded of the assistant.

When she had her answer she looked to Exodus. "I know you went through a lot, and you probably have a lot more physical pain to be pissed about. But I'm asking one favor of you. Let me kill him."

It would be the first and only time Harbringer would murder anyone face to face. And she wouldn't make it easy on the doctor.
(Just so you're aware, this post is going to be rather long)

The assistant squeaked in terror as Harbinger demanded how long the effect of the drug would last; the researcher gathered his wits and said meekly, "It'll wear off today. In fact, it should have worn off by now."

Exodus listened as Harbinger apologized for what she had 'done'; it wasn't her fault at all. "Harbinger, you have nothing to be sorry about. If I had kept my mouth shut that first time, we wouldn't have to go through all this. I screwed up, and you almost paid a horrible price. I'm the one who should be sorry, and I am. I truly am. I don't blame you if you never forgive me for what I had to do to you to get us out. But I ask this of you...." he paused as he turned to face Harbinger and then continued, "Wait until the researcher re-awakens before you finish him. I want to hear him scream in terror and agony as you extinguish his life."

The researcher's assistant then spoke again, "OK, all Super Beastmen cells have been unlocked and communications have been re-established. Everything said will be transmitted station-wide. What now?" Exodus then walked up to the microphone and hit the on switch as he said, "Then, step four has been completed. Unleash the horde. and now....This" He then began talking, his voice deepening as his rage took over once more, his eyes shifting to gold as the Blood Rage took over. His next words flowed from the speakers around the station, reaching the ears of all who could hear it.



All throughout the station, the Supers that had been unleashed began growing more violent against their captors cheered in the aftermath of Exodus' speech. Sovereign seemed to get even more amped up; though he was bleeding heavily, he showed no signs of stopping. It was soon sheer chaos; reports from all over the station soon began to flood into the research station. Exodus drove his fist into the console, shutting off the flow of cries for help. Just then, the researcher stirred, obviously in pain from Exodus breaking his legs. "And now Harbinger, I leave step five to you: Slay The Monstrous Beast."

(oh, and it won't be super loud for Harbinger. It'll be normal speech level in the booth)
She listened to every word he said, patiently absorbing and thinking over each detail. He sounded sincerely sorry and it seemed as though she'd been right about his plan all along. She knew what it had meant at the time and even now. But it still hurt to know that it had been done. "I trust you Exodus. But you're going to need to do a lot less improvising around me if you want to keep that up. Because I very nearly missed you before and if you betray me, I will not miss again." She looked into his eyes and felt tears of shame coming once more. And then he gave her the very thing she'd wanted. She got to kill the bastard that had started it all. "But considering what you just did for me, I don't think I have a right to go on without forgiving you."

She strapped the researcher into the chair she'd been in and watched as he woke up, finding his knife and picking it up. "Normally I don't like to see pain. I don't like to cause it, and I don't like to take life unnecessarily. But it is absolutely vital that you die here today. I will not stand for you to continue on living after all of the horrible things you've done. So before I take your life, I'm going to let Exodus get in a few choice hits. Since I know you like each other so much."

She nodded to him and said, "Don't get carried away. If nothing else, I want the final blow."
Exodus stepped forward, looking into the researcher's eyes as he said with a maniacal grin, "Well, now. Looks like the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it?" The researcher, now fully awake just laughed, "You think this changes anything? The Spiral King's reign will live without you! We can always make more Goldeneyes! You're nothing special!" Exodus said nothing as he punched the researcher hard in the ribs; audible cracking could be heard throughout the room. The researcher coughed up blood and just kept smiling as he looked Harbinger dead in the eye, "You may as well kill me now, whore. I'm already a dead man."

Exodus had enough of this guy's mouth; he then landed a hard punch into the researcher's jaw, causing it to shatter like glass. "That ought to keep you quiet." he said shortly; he was done after that. Looking at Harbinger, he said "It's all yours. Have all the fun you want."
"Oh I won't take any joy in this. But I will have the satisfaction of knowing that he will never, ever threaten anyone again." She looked the researcher in the eye and took his knife. "You may want to look away, Exodus." And with that, she took his knife and castrated the bastard before stabbing him right in the heart. When she was sure he was dead, she dropped the organ he'd tried to use to hurt her on the ground and looked at the assistant. "Bring me some guns."

The little man nervously did as he was told. She strapped two hand guns to her legs and a large rifle on her back. Her belts were made of ammunition. "All right, Exodus. The show's all yours."

And with that, she let him lead the way.
Exodus did cringe a bit when Harbinger castrated the bastard; he felt a small twinge run through his own package as he watched her do it. That was a man's valuable property it was, and having it removed like that. It sent small chills up his spine at the very thought. "Better him than me." Exodus thought.

When the assistant returned with guns for Harbinger, Exodus crossed his arms and said, "What, don't I get any toys?" The assistant started to stammer an apology; Exodus just laughed and said "Hey, just kidding. But if you could disable the lock on the main armory, that's be fantastic." The assistant nodded as he tried to manipulate the controls; however, nothing seemed to happen. "Seems like the researcher really hated people. He shut down access to the armory and the Gunmen bay, and I can't override, even with the master control keycard."

"Fuck" Exodus thought to himself; the assistant then said, "An explosion of sufficient size should blow the armory door down." Then we can use heavy weapons to break down the door to the Gunmen bay. Nice." Exodus replied, "How many barrels of Silver Fire would it take to knock it down?" The assistant thought for a moment, then said, "Not many. Three ought to do it, though they'd have be punctured violently." Exodus grinned, "I think we got that covered. Follow me, Sovereign's waiting." He then led his troop out of the researcher's office.

The resistance was non-existant; thanks to Sovereign's diversion and murderous rampage, they ran by many piles of corpses. "Looks like Sovereign was having fun." Exodus mused; sure enough, it wasn't long before the blood-soaked giant came into view. It would seem he lost a few men, but Exodus estimated about 750 remaining out of the original. "Exodus! I thought maybe you got hurt again, you pathetic pile of shit!" "Nice to see you as well, Sovereign." "You said you would have armory door open when I got here. It's still closed." "Sorry, the good doctor had other plans. How many barrels you got left?" Sovereign turned his head and did a quick count before saying "Five, and no you can't have any." Exodus sighed and said, "But, Sovereign, I know how to make them explode even better." This piqued Sovereign's interest, "What? Tell me!"

Exodus tried to keep from smiling, "Well, see if you put two of them against a hard surface, like that armory door, then throw a third one at them, it'll make an even bigger explosion. Trust me." Sovereign laughed maniacally and shouted, "YOU TWO! PUT TWO BARRELS AGAINST THE ARMORY DOOR AND BRING A THIRD ONE TO ME!" Exodus then said calmly, "We might want to find some cover." Sovereign got his third as the other two were put into position. "STUPID DOOR! I MAKE YOU GO BYE-BYE!" was all Sovereign roared before chucking his barrel at the two near the door; the explosion was indeed fantastic, and when the smoke cleared, the door seemed to have vanished.

Exodus stared at the hole where the door once before gulping. "I can't believe the doctor injected me with that shit. I didn't realize it was so reactive!"
Turns out she hadn't needed her guns. Still she stayed on alert, ready to go should anyone need her skills. The sight of Sovereign would have horrified any normal woman. It was a comfort to Harbringer to know that he was alive. Even his off-putting sense desire to destroy was putting her at ease. So good to have things be just as they had been before her little incident with the researcher. She found cover with Exodus when Sovereign got ready to blow into the door.

Harbringer frowned as he mentioned being injected with that volatile substance. "I'm really sorry about that. I had no idea he'd done that to you. I could see you were in pain...I just wasn't sure why." She looked at him as if to emphasize how sorry she was, the look on her face incredibly guilty. Still, they didn't have time to sit around and apologize, so she stood up and headed for the armory with the others, careful about any traps that may have been lain. She took more ammo for herself, strapping it on around her waist, thighs and arms. Better to have it than to not have it.
The troops poured into the room; Exodus was barking commands "Grab as many weapons and ammo as you can carry. No doubt reinforcements will be arriving shortly!" Sovereign then laughed as he strapped a good dozen heavy machine guns and launchers to his back and waist, "And when they do, we'll blow them to pieces!" Exodus himself grabbed a few blades of varying lengths, three scatterguns and two high-caliber semi-automatic pistols. "Now let's move everyone! On me to the Gunmen bay!" He then led the near-thousand strong, heavily-armed brigade away from the armory.

It wasn't long before they reached further resistance; battalions of armed Beastmen impeded their progress to the Gunmen. Exodus wasted no time in shouting "OPEN FIRE!" Soon it dissolved into a massive firefight; explosions and bullets rained through the air like a deadly storm. Exodus tried his best to manuever everyone so that casualties were minimized; however, it would seem some took his previous words of rising up a little too much to heart. Bodies began piling up on both sides; Sovereign was using his various armaments to literally blow holes in the enemy defenses.
Harbringer held up a hand to the large number of people behind her. Grinning, her eyes glowed golden as her hands went to her hand guns. She took one in each hand, raised them, and then unloaded a few rounds, taking down as many of the opposing soldiers. She cleared a path and began walking it the troops following behind her serving as her back up.

Harbringer dodged a few bullets with effortless grace and fired off a few more rounds, killing the source of such things. It almost looked as though she were dancing as she rained death down upon her foes. So long as she wasn't close range, she was golden--in more ways than one.
Exodus was off doing his own, showing that CQC was his battleground. He caught glimpses of Harbinger doing some impressive work with her handguns. Having exhausted his own pistol and scattergun ammo, he drew one of the three blades strapped to his waist. He then went to work with his sword, the edged death weapon cutting through Beastmen like a hot knife. Of course, that didn't stop him from using his fists; however, he tried to keep that to a minimum. Harbinger and Sovereign were in much better shape than he was; Sovereign because of his unreal durability and Harbinger because of the researcher's desires.

Sovereign meanwhile, had exhausted all of his heavy machine guns; however, he would find one last use for them. Using his massive strength, he hurled them like cannonballs, the impact alone enough to clear dozens of enemy Beastmen from this world. When that was done, he took one of the launchers from his back and began firing it uncontrollably into the enemy hordes. With the three Goldeneyes being led by Exodus and their own legion of troops, it wasn't long before the enemy was vanquished. For now. Exodus looked over his remaining troops; many had died, but many survived as well. Along with himself, Harbinger and Sovereign, there were about 498 of them left. "Sovereign, break down the Gunmen bay door!" he barked.

Sovereign followed Exodus' orders and began hitting the door with all his reamining explosives; it didn't take much for it fall. Inside sat the tools for their mission: To destroy this place and then escape. Gunmen of various forms resided, each equipped with different forms of weaponry, most of which were clubs and hammers, but some were armed with projectile weapons. "Step Six Complete: Wield a fist of iron." Exodus muttered before barking, "Mount up, everyone! I want this station into rubble fifteen minutes ago!" When everyone had gotten into a Gunmen, Exodus then powered up his own and decided to give a last speech: "MY COMRADES, MY FRIENDS! WE HAVE COME FAR, BUT THE JOURNEY IS NOT YET COMPLETE! WE HAVE ONE FINAL GOAL BEFORE WE LEAVE: THE UTTER DESTRUCTION OF THIS FACILITY TO ENSURE IT NEVER DOES TO ANYONE WHAT IT HAD DONE TO US! AND NOW I ASK, BROTHERS-IN-ARMS, WHAT IS STEP SEVEN!?!?"

There was a slight pause before a thundering roar was heard as the troops all shouted uniamously in combat passion and fury:

RAISE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It didn't take them 30 minutes to reduce the lab to a pile of glowing ash once they had gunman. Harbringer had chosen one with a powerful long range rifle. She could nail anyone with this thing. The thought comforted her immensely after today. She would miss sleeping in a bed, but she wouldn't miss it enough to go back to the way things were. Many of the supers parted ways but some banded together. Others, like Sovereign, Harbringer, and Exodus, had chosen to stay together and seek out beastmen to destroy.

Harbringer opened the cockpit of her suit and stood up to see what the others would do. She wondered, briefly, if Sovereign was alright. He seemed to be bleeding, but he had so much blood on him, she couldn't tell. And Exodus had to be in awful shape. She wanted to take care of them both--to apologize again and again for what she'd been responsible for. But this wasn't that kind of group, so instead, she asked the quintessential question. "What now?"
Exodus and Sovereign both opened the cockpits of their Gunmen; Sovereign's had a couple of installed bomb launchers and Exodus' had a giant club. Still, it was a nice to see the base in shambles; it was here Exodus said with tired eyes and voice "And that is Step Eight: Freedom." The assistant that had helped them get out decided not to tag along. He wanted to be as far away from the action as possible. Still, he had given them position data of several other research installations throughout the area.

When Harbinger asked what should be done now, Sovereign was the first to speak in his usual bloodthirsty tone Isn't it obvious? We find any Beastmen we can and crush them! HAHAHA!" Exodus shook his head, "Not yet, Sovereign. You're hurt, I'm hurt, Harbinger's hurt. We can't function until our injuries heal." OK, Exodus may have been a bit selfish with that statement; Harbinger and Sovereign seemed more than capable of carrying on without him, but in truth he felt secure with his two Goldeneye comrades. "We? What's this about we?" Sovereign said annoyedly, Exodus responded "Come on, Sovereign. It's obvious we function better as a unit. Look at the damage we did to a research station. Imagine what we can do the Beastmen."

Sovereign thought about this for a moment, then said "I like it. As long as you show me where the Beastmen are, I'll follow you." Exodus then looked at Harbinger, wondering if she'd still want to join him in exterminating the Beastman scourge.
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