Jugger x Luatesh

The deathclaw was surprised when she suddenly mounted him. Another go!? Was she not satisfied with the two sessions they had already?! He whimpered in small fear and pleasure as she began to hump his cock with her pussy. She was too much of a whore, more than he thought. He whimpered, fear now as he thought she would fuck the life out of him.
Loving the feeling of the death claws cock inside of her she rode his cock over and over she looks at him with a grin on her face and says to him " why do you seen surprised I told you I am going to fuck the hell out of you" holding onto his horns as she rode him using his cock tell they both had cummed for the third time she un mount from his sore cock and said to him as she rubbed it to make it feel better she asks " so how did you like being with a human for the first time"
When he came, he roared out loudly. Feeling her rub his cock, he whimpered as he cuddled next to her...He was a disgrace to all Deathclaws....cuddling with prey and even getting dominated by it. He would more than likely get killed if he went back to his clan. He wanted to go with her...but would the vault really accept him? He whimpered as he continued to lay next to her.
She had stood up patting the death claw on the head not knowing what it was thinking " well I was fun but I need to get going" she says to the death claw she had then looked around and found some clothes in a crate a few feet away they were dust but they fit before leaving she had fill her bag with as much as she could carry there was a good amount of stuff in this cave she had grabbed her guns and left back to the vault to see what she could get for a ll this stuff hoping she did not have to go back to cheating at cards
When she began to leave, the deathclaw got up and began to follow her like a dog...only it was standing on two legs. It wanted to come home with her. It had no place to stay now that it was so easily overpowered by a human female. It whimpered to her, nudging her with his head as if saying that he wanted to tag along with her. He wanted her to become his owner.
She saw what it was doing and she had got the point "ow you want to come with I don't think you could get in side the vault I know your tough but I know for a fact that rocket launchers and fifty caliber round I killed your kind before" she thought for a moment " maybe if I was riding you bill ( the look out sniper) wont shoot" she said jumping on his back and point to the way out "well lets get to the vault" hoping every thing would go as planed knowing most likely thay wont maybe she would bet lucky.
The deathclaw howled with excitement as he began to walk toward the direction she pointed to. Bill was amazed at the deathclaw being ridden by Puca and he didn't say anything. He just...let them into the vault and didn't say anything else. The deathclaw looked around, sniffing the area before looking to her...wondering where it would live.
She knew the rooms in the living area were to small so she had walked him down to the lower levels were the storage rooms were know that were was not much storing going on " well this is the only place with enough room for you to sleep" know for it being vary little it would be all it he relay needs not knowing what her partner is going to think about her friend being a death claw or what every one else in the vault so she just goes to the bar to get a drink with what little money she has to spend
The deathclaw happily walks in and lays down, resting after a long day of fucking.

Meanwhile, Nathan was at the bar, drinking away his worries. He was still shaken up that Pacu had almost killed him. "Dammit how dare she hold a knife to my neck and slash." He murmured as he was now drunk...something that he never was. He never even drank...He wasn't an alcoholic. So why was he drunk now? To forget.
Pacu had walked into the bar and she had seen Nathan piss drunk and said to him standing right behind him " you seem to be drunk have you been her all day I thought you could handle alcohol better then this are you still mad about this morning you know I would have never relay killed you I don't know why you are mad I done it to you ten times now it is not like it was new or some thing and you know I have made the oddest friend to day I sure you day was more fun then mine was" she had then sat down next to him and got a drink.
He ignored her the whole time. He was drunk and he didn't want to worry about a single damn thing in the world. When she sat down beside him, his eyes leered at her before he stood up, paid his tab, and walked out. Sure, she ATTACKED him after sex before...but she never nearly killed him, or even brought a weapon to the fight. He was pissed. He walked out and left her, heading back to his room without another word to her.
She had drank her drink down in one large gulps then fallowed him " Hay Nathan talk to me you going to have to do it sooner or later anyways so just calm down and talk to me" getting anyoed that he was not listening to her she grabs him and pins him to the wall as she yell she yelled at im : aww you ass OK am sorry for trying to kill you are you satisfied now" placing his hand on her breast trying to calm him down trying to get him to talk to her were he could help her grab the stash that she had found in the cave
When Pacu pinned him the the wall of the vault, he glared at her even after she forced his hand onto her breast. He removed it slowly and just stood there, glaring at her silently until he finally spoke to her. "You tried to kill me. With a knife. Thats a first. Your psychotic attitude's getting the better of you and frankly I'm sick of living under constant fire as your partner."
I thought you like livening on the edge but any ways when I was out I had found a cave full of equipment scrap and useful stuff could you help me move it I know you low one money to and food is not cheep to buy so do you want to make money or not and I have some one to do most of the heavy lifting I done have to pay so you in" hoping that this pay off would cheer him up were he would stop acting like a sad puppy dog and get over her trying to kill him not like it was some thing new
Nathan glared at her and eventually sighed. She was right...food and money was scarce and he needed money badly. "Fine, whatever. Lets just get the hell out and get this over with." He said sighing as he began to walk toward the vault door. "Hurry up! I want to get out of here for a bit!"
" be right there got to get my big friend" she she goes to the storage room were the death claw was and said to him then said the first thing had come to him " hay Shaav I need you help you big i think you can do it" walking him then he were he would fallow her going to the vault door as Shaav scars the hell out of a bunch of foce in the vault as he was headed to the door "ok Shaav and Nathan lets go" leading Nathan to the spot were all the gear was once they had got there she said to Nathan " well start grabbing stuff" as she started loading thing in a big box for Shaav
Nathan glared at her. "You went and brought a deathclaw home? And by the way that thing looks at you...I'm guessing you were fucked up enough to screw this thing?" He said as he pointed to the deathclaw that was staring at her ass intently as it waited for her to load the boxes onto him. It wanted to fuck her again so badly... "Typical Puca...You can't go around fucking animals, especially deathclaws!"
Pacu looked at Nathan as she spoke to him " and he was the one who screwed me not the other way around and death claws like anyone or anything strong then it and why are you made about this I thought you didn't care and I would not call a death claw a animal there actually vary intelligent besides he is vary cute so whats not to like about or are you just jealous of him cause I pay more attention to him then you" when the box was filled she had mount the box on shav`s back using some rope then grabbed all the bags she could carry off stuff.
Nathan glared at her. "I'm not jealous. If I wanted to fuck you like this overgrown lizard did, then I'd just get you drunk again! As much as I WANT to, I won't do it because I'm not going to get my ass killed!" He argued with her. "Lets just get the hell out of here and back to the vault so we can sleep, alright? And I'm still serious about us...splitting up from being partners for the time being..."
Once every thing was was load up they made there way back to the vault she had left Nathan alone for the time begin letting him keep what ever he grabbed as she she brings shav to the storage room were were she went thought the stuff keeping what she wanted to keep and sold then rest to the shop keep here then took a hat and put it on shav were he could leave and go from the vault as he pleased then once she was done with every thing ealse she came up with a idea how to make up with Nathan she grabs him then say as she walks to the showers "would like to take a shower with me' she asked.
When she grabbed him, Nathan just went with where she was pulling, reluctant at first until he heard her ask her question. "I...wouldn't want to normally but whatever..." He said as he walked into the female showers and undressed himself before walking into the shower, sitting on the ground as he waited for her to come in and turn on the water.
She had her clothes neatly folded sitting out side on the bench she had walked in naked she had turn on the water waiting a few mins before stepping in once the shower was hot and started to steam up the roomshe had stepped in then said to Nathan " well the water is hot are you going to join me or sit the on the cold floor for the entire time" she said as water started to run down her soft skin of her back and ass along with bubbles and soap suds from the soap that was was in her foamy hair
(Oh, did you name the deathclaw Shaav because it was the name of a Deathclaw in Fallout Tactics? >.> )

Seeing her step into the shower, he erected as he watched the scene before him and he seemed to become less annoyed, though he still ignored her as he looked away. His eyes occasionally looked over to watch her every now and then, but he still said nothing until he finally stood up and began to shower. "Fine. Whatever. Lets just shower and get it over with Puca."
She said to him once he had steppe in " well it took you long enough now stick it in" as she leaned against the wall spreading her cunt open for him waiting for him to stick his cock in as the water run over the both of them making her body warm slick and steamy as one of her feet rubbed the bottom of his sack to the tip of his cock teasing him and giving him a invitation as she become red face begin to moan as the hot water runs across her cunt.
"You said nothing about sex...You said you only wanted me to shower with you." He said bluntly as he watched her spread her pussy, her foot teasing his cock and causing it to erect against her. If this was kept up...he'd probably lose it and have to be forced to relieve the sexual tension. "Just stop...please I'm not in the mood to fuck you right now Pacu."
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