Jugger x Luatesh


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan = Avatar

The Alarm to the room that Nathan and his partner was in rang loudly. Reaching over, Nathan clamped his hand down on the 'Off' button to shut the damn thing up. "Damn vault..." He murmured as he stood up and stretched. Nathan was one of the raiders that came in to occupy and old vault that no one seemed to use anymore...except radroaches. Yawning as he stood up and looked at his partner, he loved to mess around with her...teasing her and all other sorts of things...especially perverted joking, be it verbal or physical. Moving over to her, he began to rub her shoulder before shaking her gently. "Hey, wake up." Nathan said with a yawn. "Its our turn to patrol out for some stuff today to trade to the merchants when they get here. Get your lazy ass up."

Pacu could sleep thought just about anything it did not mater if it was the boss yelling at her or gun fire she she slept through it but for some old reason Nathan could wake maybe that's why the boss pair them up or it that her split personality has not killed him yet but a she finally wakes up after him shaking her.
she sits up rubbing her head " ok ok I am up give me a minute " she says calmly as she puts her boots on getting ready t go on patrol with him which was a good sign and she was not trying to kill cause the other day she awoke pissed throwing a knife at him trying to shut him up as she grabs her pack getting ready to fallow him " OK I am ready lets go" already.
"Finally. Jeez." Nathan said as he took his hunting rifle and holstered it onto his back. Walking to the vault door with her, he smelled the fresh air of the corrupted wasteland...The fresh air of the Liberty Wasteland, to present day people, would be like the smog of a factorial city...rather than the clean air of nature's trees and grass. Walking out, he turned to her and smiled. "Hurry up slow poke...I don't want to get in front the whole time. Someone has to walk in front of me to distract me with that fine ass of yours." He said smirking before turning to walk on. "Wonder when she'll admit her desire for me." He said to himself with an overconfident, cocky smirk.
Pacu now finally dress not laying around in her under wear she zips up the back of her assassins suit that is tight fit on her body showing off her carves and slips on her scarf and shades to block the sun from her eyes as she grabs her pack throwing it on her back and pulled out her rifle and started walking in front of him "well get a good look this is your only chance you going to see it for a few hours " she says as she slaps her ass " being a smart ass she turns on her stealth boy and disappears laughing "you see me now now you don't " as she asks like a bitch about his comment as she sneaks behind him giving him a boot to the but with a laugh as she fallows him.
Nathan watched her ass intently as she walked in front of it. When she slapped it, he laughed and began to howl like a wolf and bark at her. "Damn I'm so lucky I got you as a partner. A tease! I don't even care if you give me pussy, ass, or head! This is just too-" Before he could finish, she gave him a boot to the ass and he stumbled forward a bit but managed to catch himself. Chuckling, he continued to walk on. "Hope we get to see some Super Mutants today...I miss fighting those buggers out when we traveled." He said as he walked slower to walk beside her. "We need to find some animals to hunt and kill so we can take it back for food...and if any poor suckers wandering alone come by...let them live but steal their stuff...unless you want to kill them. But you know my motto baby. If you kill them...I'm going to get all over your ass...literally." He said smirking, referring to the time he had actually been allowed to feel her ass for a good period of time, as well as spanking it because she had been so naughty for killing the poor sucker last time.
She had turned of the stealth boy were she would not waste power even if she modified it were it would recharge its self she said as she was walking next to him " I am sure we can find mole rate or a pack of dog when were out and about it the area to find them and don't wish for mutes cause your wish mite come true and if it dose there going to be like ten of them and you would be on your own one last thing just cause I let you play with my ass once for a short time dose not mean you get to touch it when ever you want to" then spots some one looking through a pile of scrap that look like it could be useful maybe with some scrap electronic that could be use to fix the radio " hay Nathan look that over there " she says point the guy out to him.
Hearing her, he laughed as he remembered the night where he forced her onto his leg and began to spank her silly. Hearing her to look over, he looked and saw a man that was alone in the wilderness...staring at them through scrap metal. "Thats a bit odd...use your stealth boy and watch my back babe. I'm gonna see if he's alone...and willing to give over his stuff." He said smirking as he began to walk toward the man. "Hey there sir...wanna hand me all your goods? I promise I'll let you live. I'm just that nice of a guy to let someone live if they give me what I want."
She had activated her stealth boy and creeped away on top a rock laying on her belly with her rifle pulled out looking through the scope lining up the sight on the local just in case he tried any thing once Nathan got close to the man he pulled out a 10mm pistol firing 2 shot missing him both before jamming he had pulled the slide back trying to get the gun to unjam but pacu fires a single round into the grip of the gun passing through the handle and the mans hand forcing him to drop it.
Once he was unarmed he got on his feet then started to run for cover trying to get away with what he had found as he ran away jumping over a car and rubbish that had covered to ground he was about to turn a corner as a super mutant smacks him with a large pipe killing him with a signal blow with the mutant yelling "awww hummes".
"Crap...When I wish for something...I sure do get it!" He said as he saw the two super mutants begin to walk his way. They only had melee weapons...he had to keep his distance. "I WISH for a night in bed with Pacu!" He roared out, hoping that whatever luck he had asked for before would come again to give him that night with Pacu. Walking backwards, he began to fire at the super mutants as they began to run at him. "Damn they can eat bullets!" He said as the bullets went into them, but they kept on running. Reloading, he was wondering where Pacu was. "Could use some help here Pacu!" He yelled out as he dodged out the way of a swipe of a lead pipe that one of the Super mutants had.
Seeing that his wish had come true she let him play with the muttes then when he had asked for her help she said to her self " ow fine and I was just starting to get some entertainment from watching " she did not move being in a good spot with a view she aimed for the head looking through the scope firing right as he was charging at Nathan
going clean through his head landing on the ground face first she had waited so long purposely she want to watch him sweat moving up as she deal with the last one yell out as she ran his " see what did I tell you be careful what you wish for"
Nathan grumbled as he took his hunting rifle and began to empty all five bullets of one clip into the other Super Mutant before it fell to its death. Nathan stood up and grumbled as he walked over to her. "Yeah yeah. Thanks..." He murmured as he rubbed the back of his head. "Anyway..." He walked over to the dead body of the man he saw before and began to loot him of scrap metal, a scrap electronics, his 10mm pistol, and some dirty water. "He didn't have much on him...cmon, lets head back to the Vault before any other guests show up." He said before walking over to her, spanking her ass once before walking back toward the Vault. "I hope my second wish comes true." He said chuckling.
She started to fallow him then out of the corner of her eye she saw a night stalker she had turn firing her rifle and miss by half a inch " dam I miss there goes dinner I guess" she said to her self as she reloaded her rifle "so can those parts fix the radio cause it kind of quite with out that thing on other then the fight that yall stage and put bets on"she said as she walked next to him she had felt him him slap her ass causing her personality to change as she swing giving a left hook looking at him with cold eyes as she said to him " what have I told you about touching my ass" he had let the demon out of the box now.
Feeling the left hook, he almost fell over but he caught himself as he looked at her, holding his arm. "Damn calm down!" He said before shaking off the pain in his arm. He moved over and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "Cmon...It wasn't that bad of a slap. You deserved it for taking so long on killing that mutie." He said smiling as he picked her up into his arms so he was now carrying her. "Well how about this....I'll carry you the rest of the way...and maybe we'll get drunk enough to call out the dogs of passion, yes?" He said smiling to her as he began to walk toward the Vault.
She had fought with him as he picked her up hitting him rapidly as he did so " hay hay hay put me down now" she said when he was telling her to calm down then said " well I am sorry Would you rather me missed and you be dead its not easy killing things from a far how about I let you die next time and let you rot in the wastes " when he talked about alcohol she stop cause she was broke and has not had any for a week " fine then you can buy me a few drinks and carry me all the way there that's fine by me well let get going" She said letting him walk back to the vault.
Nathan smirked...maybe his plan would actually come to. He'd get her drunk and have his way with her...he hoped the luck was on his side. Once they got to the vault, he let her down...his hand going to her ass again but he made sure to make it look like an accident for when she slid out from his grasp. Walking inside, he chuckled and motioned for her to follow after him so they could hit the bar with what money he had. Walking in, he ordered two scotchs...the most common drink they had in the Vault. The good stuff, like Vodka and Whiskey, was higher priced.
She had fallowed him into the bar take the drink from the bartender as he was handing it to him and sat down at a booth with her feet kick up on the table taking a few drinks from the bottle before she says to him " this great I have some alcohol now all I need is a fight now go jump in the ring kick some one ass for my entertainment I am Bord cause all there has been is the raider wannabes that cant fight worth shit maybe if you kick the asses maybe some one good will want to fight " she has know him for a few year and has enjoyed watching him getting hurt.
"Are you sure its other people getting their asses kicked or just mine?" He said as he drank down his scotch. Getting up, he walked over to the ring and smirked as he called out everybody. One by one they all got into the ring, some of them even teaming up to take out Nathan but he easily defeated them. Cracking some jaws, bones (not permanent because the vault needed these guys), and even some bar furniture, Nathan eventually stepped out of the ring, bloody in his own blood and others...though he wasn't drenched. Just blood splatter here and there. He walked over and sat down next to Puco and smiled. "So...have I earned a night in bed with the beautiful mistress of Vault 38 yet Puco?"
By the time the fight was over she had finished her bottle and half of his she was heavily drunk it was easy to tell from how she swayed back a fourth and how red her face was when he had sat down next to she had become clingy and horny " that dose not sound so back right now and I don't know why you look vary cute right now I guess we could find one of the empty vault rooms" she said as she climbed into his lap with his hands wrapped around him with her breast pushing against his his chest " well what taking you so long.
Nathan smirked as he saw how horny she seemed to be. Gripping her ass tightly as he stood up, he began to walk with her to one of the empty Vault rooms. Laying her down on the bed, he smirked as he began to force her clothes off of her body as well as his own until they were both naked. He smirked as he pulled her onto his lap, her stomach on his legs as he began to spank her ass. "Yeah, how you like it when I treat you like a bitch?" He said as he spanked her ass until she was nice and red. When he was finished, her began to shove two fingers deep into her asshole and twisted. "Beg me to use my dick on you."
She moans as he spanks her bottom then moans loader when he sticks his finger up her ass she rolls over and says to him " you know that I will beg" she then grabs his shaft rubbing it tell it was hard then as she was holding his shaft she began to suck him off shoving his cock deep in her mouth going up and down on his cock as she lay on her belly across the bed as she rubs his sack with the other hand " well dose then feel good do you like how it feels" she asked as she sucks him off completely drunk,
"Oh god yes...I know I'm going to pay for it when you sober up...but its going to be so worth it to fuck you again..." He said as he moaned loudly, feeling her suck him off as his balls were massaged by her hand. He laid back on the bed and began to finger her pussy as she continued to suck him off. "Oh no more games...I want you to fuck my cock like you own it! And this time...do you want me to cum inside you...or all over you?" He said smirking.
She continued to suck him off over and over sticking his cock deep into her mouth then she had pop the cork taking in all of his cum into her mouth swallowing every drop then lick it clean before she slide his cock in side of her beginning to ride him as she slide up and down on his shaft as she rubbed the both of her breasts pulling on the both of her nipples as she begin to move fast move up and down riding his shaft giving loud moan as she road him but amazingly she was realy tight for a girl he was abuse by many slaver when she was younger.
When he came hard into her mouth, he was surprised that she ate it all...but was even more surprised when she decided to start riding his cock like a cowgirl. He began to thrust his cock deep into her as she rode him...and was amazed at how tight she was. "Damn girl...your pussy's as tight as that corset you threw away cause it was too small on you...!" He said lovingly about the sex.
It being a tight fit she forces him inside of her as she rides him going up and down on his shaft at a rapid rate as she touched her self but soon she had cummed covering his shaft with her juices then collapsed on top of him panting like like a dog covered in sweat dead tired form riding him she lays on top of him playing with his cock with her feet as she chewed on his nipple
Feeling her orgasm already, Nathan frowned a bit as she suddenly slid off of him. He was rather enjoying the tight fit...Her chewing on his nipples wasn't exactly the best of ways to get him off...but then her feet began to play with his lubed up cock and he began to moan again just like when she was fucking his cock. "Thats good....thats good...keep doing that until I cum all over your body baby...!"
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