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What's the above user's avatar thinking?

"H..huh? What? Bathing in red lights isn't scary anymore..? IT HASN'T BEEN SINCE STAR WARS!?!? SHIT! SOMEONE GET ME A SPOTLIGHT!"
"Yes, you see my mustache? I bet it alone has gotten more bitches than you could ever fathom. Go ahead, men want it too. #t3hs3x"​
I wonder if she will notice I am unzipping her gown...maybe it I keep her distracted like so....

(that turning blue post was a good one, very funny)
"Doors... They're nice this time of year.
And in the nude.
Is that even a door...?
Meh, my ass is hot."​
If I stand here and look mad he will come back and beg for forgiveness...they always do....and he will too....if he knows whats good for him,
"'Red Clothes must be taken off'? Well, then that's the first rule I abolish as new captain."
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