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What's the above user's avatar thinking?

"I hate having to do the "STFUAOAGE" grip, it's fucking annoying"
"It's always muscles, muscles, muscles! Does no one ever care about me?!? I got my hair cut and no one even cares!! *Runs away crying*"
"Soooo, he was like "you are cute" so I was all "uh thamks" and then he was all "wanna come over sometime?" and I was all "....I'm a dude...""
"I will punch the next person that says I have a huge zit on my forehead"
"No one knows that..under this flick of hair.. .. another flick of hair. GAH-ZUH! Mind-fucked."
"Oh...Um, do you mind? This is kind of a private bath"
I am captain of this ship now! any one got a problem with it? I got two bazooka's and I know how to use them!
"Bene, cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare." (Well, if you don't understand plain Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you.) ((Yes...I see the sign of Anubis on the stomach...but I first saw the avatar and thought this)
" on the wedding aisle? A..Alright, if that's what you want"
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