Slytherin and the princess

He nodded to the girl as he sipped more to drink." Yes. as in let you live your own life. and do your own mistake's. I am not telling you to rush. to go be a slag or a scarlet woman. I am telling you this as a big brother myself. " He said softly and tilted his head." You seen my baby sister. Shes not a slag or evil. shes well adjusted. But i still look out for her. but I try let her live her own life some." he said with a soft frown. hoping not offend her so she understood what he meant. He smiled alittle." and its good you know what you want. but always learn to push a little and grow is important to."
"But...I don't want to go too far yet...." Lillith said softly. She looked at the food. Wondering if she should tell Draco these things. Af first she had thought he meant Draco felt for her in ways a brother shouldn't feel for his sister. Now she saw he didn't mean it that way.
"And i am telling you take your time and explore when your ready my dear" He said with a smile and pat her hand with a nod." Mmmm How about we drop this subject and move back to school work. I think it be good for us to focus back on school work for abit." He grinned as he moved to begin eat some more the food." I think your going to do well in the advance classes. So any ideas we should share ?" he said with a smile.
"Nothing I can think of," Lillith said. She was ready for this class. She wanted it more then anything. She was glad he'd invited her.
He nodded a little as he took another bite his food.The male's head tilting to the side as he looked at her with a smile." You do Look beautiful today. I am glad you dressed up Nice for me." He winked at her as he took another drink." I think their going be working on soundless casting. as well as None somatic if your skilled enough. Not to mention the normal advanced levels in the normal classes. Also i think their going try teach us some of the mind arts"
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