Slytherin and the princess

Your so tight so wet.." He murred into her ear as he himself was getting to the point of no return. her hand felt a slickness of pre-cum over the boys shaft. The boys hips rocking to meet each down stroke as he moaned out and nips at her shoulder almost to hard. his fingers moving in her with the inexpierince yet need to try get her feel as good as he.
Lillith gasped as she felt the sticky pre-cum coating her fingers. Feeling his hips rocking to meet her as she stroked up and down his rock hard shaft. Moaning as he began moving his fingers inside her. Closing her eyes, and letting the bliss take over. Still stroking him, despite the pleasure he was giving her. She would certainly have to do this again. Feeling the pleasure welling in her body from his touch, and the way his fingers slid in and out with ease because of how wet she was. But still providing resistance because of how tight she was.
The boy arched back, and exploded hard. eyes closed as the ropes of cum flowed out him and out his stomach. the boy came three decent sized stands which webbed out over her hand and his flat stomach even as he groaned out deeply. His own fingers working her more as he leaned and kissed her neck and tried to still work, his fingers thou going erratic in the pleasure he was getting. the boy moaned out her name at last before seemed to relax and fall half limp
The girls hand tightened a little bit out of instinct, milking him as he came all over his stomach and her hand. But she let go when he finished, her back arching a little bit. His erratic fingers causing her more pleasure then he knew. She was moving with his hand, almost riding his fingers. Closing her eyes lightly. Loving the feeling of his fingers inside her. Her eyes fluttering open and closed in the pleasure. She didn't know what would happen next. But she didn't care, as long as it kept feeling this good.
The Boy would move to kiss her even as he rubbed his fingers in and out. slowly coming off his own orgasm. the boy shuddered as he moved to turn her slowly so she was now on her back. he pressed his cock to her thigh. still hard thanks to youth and the first time he ever saw his girl naked. he pulled the fingers out and began to rub himself against her.. trying ti find entry.
Moaning with each toch of his fingers, she then felt his cock pressing to her entrance, trying to find entry. Causing it to rub over her clit a few times. Making her moan a bit more the usual. "Seamus, it feels so good love...." She whispered. Closing her eyes. Feeling him pressed to her, their bodies molding together to become one.
He moaned out and began push in slowly. taking his time. even as he leaned down and kissed her so softly. the man enjoying this.. his hips tensing as he wiggled in close" fuck lilly. you feel greaat. I want to" he moaned against her lips as his one hand slide down and stroked her leg.
Lillith wrapped her legs around him, gasping as he began to slide in. It was somewhat painful, but she liked it all the same. She gripped his shoulders. Her eyes fluttering closed, Pleasure washing over her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? Get off my sister right now you bloody git!" They both heard. "Oh no, Draco..." Lillith gasped. She would've reached for her robes had Seamus not been on top of her.
the boy was about press to her cherry. his hips pulled back as he moaned as he felt the pleasure and then he froze. scrambling back the boy blinked as he moved to stumble away from her. Draco was known to have a temper from hell. and here he was.. naked with the tip his dick in his baby girl! seamus began to dress so fast he was trying set records!
Lillith quickly grabbed for her robes, holding them tightly around her. Draco slammed Seamus into one of the trees, his wand pressing against his throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, right here right now! For touching my sister in such a way!" Draco spat. His hand clasped over the poor boy's throat, the other holding his wand just above where his hand was.

"Draco, stop it!" Lillith screamed. Holding her robes around herself, trying to cover up as much aspossible. "You're being irrational Draco, please!"
I er..I do.. dont do." the boy was scared shitless. Pants halfway around his knees and his underwear barely on. he was no longer aroused. and Draco would feel his stomach wet if he pressed to the boy. the boy.. Passed out he was so scared. this was a older student who was able to duel the potter almost. Mr finnigan was no match and feinted in fear
Draco sighed softly, seeing the boy pass out. He'd leave him there. Pants on the ground, around barely on. He shook his head, turning to his little sister. "What the hell were you thinking? You know these boys want nothing more then take the innocence that you've preserved," Draco said in a much more tender tone. Touching her cheek, "Please, don't scare me like that. I can't have boys thinking they're going to getting it on with my little sis. I'd hate to have to kill a whole population of men." Lillith smiled, hugging her brother. "Get dressed, I'm taking you back to the castle." Lillith quickly got dressed and let her brother lead her back up to the castle.
And poor seamus.. He was forgotten at this part of our story. left.. covered in cooling cum. dirt and half naked. what would happen? well see.

The Hero of this story. wait hero. ok Hero of this story was found leaving the class he had just a issue with alittle while later. having come from the class once again annoyed he did not understand it. Sly rubbed a hand threw his hair. as he moved past the class. he was starting to think granger was right. this wasnt a class! it was all a shame. He did so well in most classes. How come he was horrible here. All the ace students his year felt this class was a shame. well accept one the twins. but who counted them. he swore they cheated due to being magical twins. So here we find sly grumbling as he made his way towards lunch.
Lillith ran into him, she too was frustrated. But for an entirely different reason. She was on her way to divinations. But she was an ace in that class. Most swore she was a seer herself. She taught it better the Madam Trelawny did. She gasped. Running straight into him, scattering her pile of books to the ground. And he but hitting the ground with a squeak.
he stumbled and caught himself and her barely. His hands on her.. as he tried make sure they both didnt fall. thou he did end up falling pulling her right with him at the same time almost it seemed till they sprawled in pile mixed limbs on the floor." You Ok?" He asked her with a blink as he looked down at the girl. Eyes peering out with true concern from his tinted glasses. and she'd notice.. he felt alot better shape then poor seamus did.
Lillith blushed heavily, "I am so sorry, I should've been paying more attention...." Lillith said softly. She looked up at him trying to grasp what had happened. Sighing softly. Feeling what amazing shape he was in, trying to catch her breath desperately.
He moved to kiss her cheek and then lifted them both up. He handled her as if she weighed nothing." where are you going in such a hurry? I think you need relax and come eat with me" he said with a smile. the boy looking over his tinted glasses." we need discuss your advance classes anyway. and you. seem to need time to get your thoughts in order. your ahead in all your classes.. you can miss one" he said with a half smile. the boy leaned down and began hand her all her books. fingers brushing her hand eah book he gave her.
"Oh, I really shouldn't miss class. It's divinations. It's my worst subject, my lowest grade. I couldn't bear to miss it. I mean, I'd love tocome eat lunch with you, but I really mustn't. I have class," Lillith said.She tended to ramble a bit when she got nervous. Taking each of her books. Thanking him each time in her nervousness. She certainly did not have Draco's confidence and way with words.
" So its a date then. we go get lunch soon. Maybe dinner. work out the details about the classes. we will be working side by side for hours a week easy for the next year at least" his hand dropped to her shoulder and squeezed it. his hand could break her if he wanted, thumb stroked her neck soothingly as she seemed so tense. yet he was gentle. " Your worst subject and still better then most the class" he said with a reassuring grin.
Lillith shuddered a bit, feeling his thumb on her neck. She was still a bit tense from almost losing her virginity and then being stopped at the very last moment. "I um.. maybe dinner. I don't have any class then, I really should go to all my classes. I can't afford to miss anything. If my average dropd I couldn't live with myself..." Lillith said softly. Her heart was beating a little faster then usual.
"Then its a dinner date" he half teased her and moved to bow and kiss her cheek" Wear something nice for me" he breathed against her cheek. his sharper sense's due to being a half vampire smelled how aroused she was..well had been just a little bit ago. he nipped her cheek " and well discuss all your classes and how make the grades you have now.even better." he leaned back and looked down at her. eyes locked with her own." Ok? deal?"
Lillith pulled away whe he nipped at her cheek. Being very uncomfortable with this young man, whom she barely knew, touching and kissing her cheek. "Ok, I'll see you then...." Lillith said walking away as quickly as she could. Freaked out by the young man, who she'd only met a few hours earlier. She bit her lip, and rushed to Divinations. Saying all the right things and getting through class with ease. Her mind of Seamus. And how bad she felt about her brother leaving him there.
He chuckled a little and knew he had rushed it just a little to fast then. But that was ok, now he could apologize at dinner and act so much more sincere. She had just smelt so good between the pheromone's and her natural smell. Sly turned and moved towards his next class. which was a free period. He always had one right after lunch which he used to the most. So he would study. thou today he was studying not the books. But mentally going over what he could about the girl. Even as he did a few spells in preparation of their dinner. Sly's Mother, was a pure blood and she taught him the need always look crisp. So he was there. waving his wand over his clothes.

Shirt was ironed out to perfect, slacks the same. Shoes Polished. a small enchantment weaved in. a nice charm which caused anyone close enough to smell their favorite smell's in small subtle dose's. Just enough to help them relax. In lieu of the sweater, He Laid out a green vest. and had same charms put on it. before he headed to shower. curios if she would dress up. But he the hunter must look like a million gaellon's.
Lillith went back to her dormitory before dinner. Looking at herself in the mirror. Blonde hair in a frazzle, she herself just looked frazzled. She sighed. She waved her wand over herself, everything fixing itself. Her hair now falling perfectly straight around her shoulders, bangs falling over her left eye. Her make-up fixed. But making sure it still looked natural, not cakey and over done. Most would've thought she wasn't wearing any make up. A just-below knee length red dress. It was a halter top, but didn't show much cleavage. Baring her back to the world. But she covered it with a little white short sleeve shurg. And a pair of white flats completed the outfit.
After getting out the shower and drying himself. the Man now stood dressed in front the mirror. He made sure not a piece or stitch was out place. Sliding on a thumb ring and few others on his hand which all silver. he would wrap a leather wrist band around his wrist , thou this hand a secondary use. wand slide up and into it. which seemed vanish. a flick the wrist and it appear in hand ready. He smiled a little as he now combed his hair and made sure all was perfect, and then. He ruffled it just a slight bit. Mom may been a perfectionist, But dad was a hellion and he taught his son a little roughness on top all polish just, added to the charm. Sliding on his glasses the boy turned and left for the great hall. Wondering, if he could kidnap her to the three broomsticks or some other establishment outside the school so to make this alittle easier.
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