Slytherin and the princess

Lillith made her way toward the great hall. Her little feet padding on the stairs as she walked down the stairs from the Gryffindor common room. She saw Seamus standing with Harry and the others. She rushed over to Seamus. "I so sorry for what my brother did. I tried to stop him," she said softly. Hermione was glaring heavily at the younger Malfoy. Hermione couldn't stand her and she knew it. She sighed, looking back at Seamus, not caring if Hermione liked her. So long as she still had Harry, Seamus, and Ron she would be ok.
" I know.." he said simply.Thou she could still see the hurt look on his face. the boy dropped his head alittle." But. I need time to think.. i just . he scared me Lily." The boy said. not ever day you were corned like that and feinted. he was as much to embrassed to face her as he was scared of her brother. How manly can you be feinting even thou that was one most special hours his life. poor seamus, would be alittle broken for awhile..

Harry pat the girl on the shoulder and nodded. thou he understood both sides. he sort of agreed the boy needed time. The look said it all, apologitic for Hermione who's forearm he squeezed alittle. and at same time, agreeing the boy needed time. seamus was beat red after all." And Me and Mione here are proud of you" He said.. as he gave Hermione a look to tell her to agree." We knew you'd be one the lucky kids chosen,"
Lillith was a little hurt when he said he needed time. After all, they had been together for four years. She nodded, moving away and smiling a bit when Harry mentioned that they were proud of her for being selected. "Thanks," she said softly. She walked away. Her dress flattering her figure. She bit her lip, trying not to cry. Four years, nearly down the drain. She made her way toward the Great Hall for dinner.
Harry waved at her as she walked away. and then went back to a talk with ms granger which was not exactly nice. She had been mean to the poor girl for no reason. seamus felt bad, but draco had scared the poor little boy even after four years. Draco always was a little protective of the girl.

Sly was waiting at the doorway to the great hall for her. He smiled a little and then blinks. He stood straighter as he saw her approach nd then moved to offer her a hand." you.. Ok?" He asked very softly. and then looked around. " Shall we get a table.. or do you want to leave., Mmm maybe go to three brooms? somewhere else??" He asked a little concerned. she seemed upset and he was actually concerned.
"Can we get out of here, I just wanna get away..." Lillith said softly. She had tears falling from her eyes now. Luckily enchanted make-up doesn't run. She was shaking and on the verge of sobs. She wanted nothing more then to go backto her room and die. She felt pangs of pain in her chest because of what Seamus had said. Fear was no reason to do what he did. Draco could be intimidating. But they were in the same year. And the Seamus was physically much larger then Draco.
He nodded alittle and wrapped a arm over the girls shoulder's and guided her out slowly. the boy seeking to try to lead her down a area where she also could have a little privacy as went towards the main gate. " Yes. lets get out of here.. Once we get closer to the gate i can apperate us to a nice place" He said. the man hand rubbed her shoulder soothingly. this was now a soft tender motion. what started as a dark seduction had become comforting her.. for now.
Lillith walked with him, tears still sliding down her pale cheeks. Feeling him rubbing her shoulder, sweetly, comfortingly. She couldn't help but fall for him a little because of that. The fact that he was comforting her in his time of need. But Draco was looking for his baby sister. He came flying up from the dungeons that were the Slytherin Dormitories. He came straight to Potter. Grabbing his shirt.

"Where is Lillith? I want to know where my baby sister is now!" Draco growled. He was fuming. He couldn't believe she had left before he could sit her down and have a talk with her.
Sly Moved out once they were far enough. His hand slide over her shoulder and up to her hair. He pulled the shorter woman close so she rested against him even as they walked." Shhh ill apperate us in one second. I have a great idea were we could go eat.. and did I say? you look very pretty." he said softly to her. Just seeking to compliment her and try get her mind off the pain. He didn't know what caused it just that he didn't like the cute little girl crying and he would try make it better. Hie stroked the tears off her face just alittle.

" Shove off ferret! even if i did Know i wouldn't tell you" Potter growled back and his wrist flicked and he hand his wand at draco's nose." Ive been nice to you for her last few years. But let me go now." he was mad, malfoy always pushed so hard and this was pushing it
"Harry, please, last I heard she was leaving with Sly... I don't trust him. He has a reputation around Slytherin. Please just tell me she wasn't with him," Draco sounded truly desperate. Almost hurting from the fact that his little sister was no where to be found. His hands were shaking as he let go of Harry's collar. He took in a shakey breath. Closing his eyes he instantly opened them, not wanting the images that flood his head of what Sly would do to his baby sister. She was only 14 years old. She was too young.

Lillith blushed as he complimented her, wiping her tears away, allowing the enchanted make-up to stay. "Thank you," she smiled softly. She felt odd being arounf this man. He was her brother's age, much like Seamus. But he seemed so much older, almost like a professor.
Harry Blinked alittle as he tilted his head." Yes, shes wth sly, he's her mentor." He blinked and then tilted his head. the boy hadn't heard about the slytherin. Of course. sly was well, sly. Most what draco knew was rumors then facts. the boy dropped his wand. " I don't know where they went."

Sly smiled a little as he stroked her cheek clean all tears" We can discuss why your so Upset later. I just wanted to tell you you Look nice." He said with a wide smile and he pulled his glasses down so that the Blue eyes now seen without the tinted rims." I was thinking a Nice muggle diner for dinner" He said with a smile. The mans arm pulled her tight to his chest. and then boom!. they teleported and were off to somewhere nice.. in a nice muggle city.
Draco closed his eyes, "I swear, if he touches her....." Draco said softly. He almost had tears welling in his eyes. He needed to find his sister. He bit his lip, "Thank you Harry...." Draco ran off, he had to find them before anything happened.

"Where are we Sly?" Lillith asked softly. She had never really been to a muggle city before. She was very sheltered when it came to such things.
Harry blinks a little as he looked over the blonde boy" shes.. a growing girl. shell have to deal with this all on her own soon enough. But. well see." he said as the man ran off,

Sly grinned down at her and then pulled her out into the mob people. His hand laced her own wrapping her finger's in his " We are just in a small city closer to hogwarts." the city was a little busy with a crowd for dinner all moving to varouis places. He turned and lead her to a small dinner. a Muggle based little pub." Your the prettiest girl here" he said with a teasing wink to her." And your safe with me." he said softly. as he smiled at her.
Draco almost wanted to take this to the Headmaster. Students weren't supposed to leave Hogwarts for any reason. And he had searched the entire castle, checked the lake and briefly looked in the woods. And he had found nothing. He bit his lip. He wanted to find her.

Lillith almost had apermanent blush from all ofhis compliments. She couldn't help it. Seamus didn't compliment her nearly as much as he should've. She sat down with him, ready to eat.
Poor draco. but back to the evil muhahah

Sly smiled and sat across from her. He got them a few different variety of muggle foods. stuff a pure blood like her may never even heard of. at all. The mans hand was on hers on the table. she notice him cast a notice me not charm around them once they had dinner." Now.. we should talk. but first. do you want to get why you looked so upset today out of your system dear?" He smiled a little at her. He shiffted so they pressed close enough for her notice, a knee touching her own yet not fully against her.
Lillith pull her hand back, "It's my boyfriend," she said softly. Moving away from him a bit. She still fely a loyalty for Seamus. They were still together afterall. She knew he wouldn't cheat on her, and she didn't want to betray him like that. She looked at the variety of foods, some she had never even heard of, let alone seen.
"And whats wrong with him?" He asked gently as he tilted his head.the man realizing he loosing and gaining ground. The Man nodding and began to eat alittle slowly. He tilted his head as he looked at her with a smile." Just relax and let yourself go. No one knows us., and this isn't the world your used to. no ones going treat you any different." He smiled and chuckles. and waved a hand around to the room." Here were just two kids out for dinner."
"Nothing is wrong, my brother just intimidated him too much is all," Lillith said softly. She picked at the food, not even sure some of it was edible. "Can this be eaten? She asked softly. Her accent was a little stronger then Draco's.
" I Promise. It all is edible." he said with a soft laugh and then smiled alittle. " Oh why would draco do that?" he shakes his head. He knew he could smell it on her before.He offered her her first bite of a nacho." trust me and eat it. you have learn trust me considering the classes and the level of work we shall be doing." he said honestly. as much this was a seduction in ways, he was trying bond with his soon be partner.
"Draco cares for me. I'm his baby sister, he doesn't want to see me hurt. He's probably frantic trying to find me right now," Lillith said softly. She took the nacho, taking a bit. It was odd to her for a bit. But it was edible. "You have a bad reputation you know...."
" Me?" He said with a blink of innocence. The man pulled his glasses off and then slide them Into his pocket."And what is this reputation. and I assure you. you are safer with me then most people." He said with a smile. the man being honest with her. she was safe with him truly. The man moved to eat a few more bites of the nacho's." And this is more about the classes and a friendship to make it easier. then who or what i am"
"That you've been with many girls, I think that is why Draco worries," Lillith said softly. "Draco wants me to stay innocent forever. I suppose any big brother would...." She looked at the food, eating a few nachos. Knowing he was right about the classes.
He stopped and clasped his hands over his plate as he looked at her." Well I have a sister and i sort of understand. But i also rather her not. think the poor girl. and the world shell enter without the building of a character that comes with the things Draco don't want. Now. Do i want know about it? No. But have i assumed it does and would happen in degree's over years? Yes." He said as he took a drink of soda and then smiled" Hows the coke?" he chuckles and then smiled." As for me? I am a Man with Many female friends. Yes i've dated a few women and ive have relationships. But is that so wrong? we were consenting and I didn't lie to them. And i never dated or played with more one person at a time. " He admitted.
Lillith sighed, sipping on her drink. "I don't want to hurt my brother. I worry about him," she said. It was obvious she loved her brother very much. She grinned at him. "Well, I've been with Seamus for four years now. We've never done anything but kiss."
" Look. He needs to get over you and let you grow up Lily. Your about be a adult in a year or two." He said with a soft smile and nodded to her. he understood what draco felt. his sister was the same year as lily but in slytherin like him. " Mm I am sorry to hear that. There is so much more fun things to do then kiss when you dated someone. especially that long. " He said with a nod. he smiled. " Do you think I am bad for Just enjoying life and the girls who wanted it. I never forced anyone."
"I don't want to go beyond that. I'm only 14.... Get over me? What do you mean Draco needs to get over me?" Lillith asked softly. Her head tilted to the side a bit. She was so confused by everything that he was saying. She hadn't gone farther by her own choice. She felt she was already too young to lose her virginity. Any younger she would've felt like a whore.
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