Slytherin and the princess


May 3, 2011
Maryland. Hell
Sly moved threw the hall's of the school like a man on a mission.The Slytherin was working on finding himself a new toy to play with in this lovely castle for this day,or maybe even longer.A small grin on his thin lips as he moved threw almost as quiet as a living shadow. The Older boy dressed as always clean and pressed. Nothing from his deep green and silver tie, to a his pressed yet opened robe was out of place. The Boy was wearing his Normal there, round spectacles that he was allowed to wear for his sensitive eye's. The tinted lenses hiding his deep blue eye's which searched the hall way he was seeking for. Licking his lips, he took a small sniff of the air and turned. Moving towards the good smell he smelled off in the distance.
Lillith Malfoy grinned as her older brother Draco kissed her on the forehead and saw her off to class. He was a seventh year and always took up for her no matter what. He'd face down Marcus Flint on more then on occasion when Marcus tried to get with his little sister. And had actually decked Marcus one good time, knocking him cold out, ever since Marcus had left her alone. Lillith waved good bye to her brother. They had always been so close. She knew she could talk to her big brother about anything. It wasn't often you'd find a closer bond between siblings. Lillith moved into her class. Professor Snape, for whom she'd always been a favorite.
Sly grinned seeing the exchange between the older and younger Malfoy. He hated that ferret, not that he liked the golden trio or even most the rest the house's little goody two shoe's this school seemed to attract. But the older malfoy stood for all that was wrong with pure bloods. Arrogance without right, and all he thought was unbecoming of a slytherin. the poor boy couldn't be as smooth as slytherin needed to be. He turned and would follow the younger blond towards her class. a soft grin curling up exposing the barest hint's of the sharp canine's. The older boy moved up behind the girl as he followed her towards her class. she looked like a younger mirror image of her mother almost it seemed, and he enjoyed idea she grow into that. so he would slide his hand out and touch her shoulder." Hello?" he would say softly. just loud enjoy to be heard.
Lillith sat down in class. Wanting to know what was on today's agenda for the fourth year potions students. Looking through her book she knew she could easily concoct any of these overly simple potions. She was easily a candidate for advanced potions. But it would sadly have to wait till she got further along in her Hogwarts career. She was close with the golden trio. Especially Harry. This wasn't something her brother liked to hear. But she actually liked Harry. She gasped softly when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hello. You startled me a bit," she smiled. She looked up at him. "Something you needed?"
The older student smiled down at her, his head tilted a little. His eye's quickly took in her visage now that he was closer to her.She defiantly was her mother's child. Perfection in such a youthful form. His eye's slide down to her note's and back Up to her. " I am just seeing something for myself.I am one snape's aid's." Being slytherin and one top in class, he often was asked help the younger students with their work. He actually barely under the trio. green grass and the twins in grade's only and only under green grass when it cam to the grade's due to the fact he was horrible at divination but would not stop trying to get better.
" I am just looking for either student's who need help or promising student's of lower year's who could advance easily. Ive heard your better then your brother at potion's so was seeing if you were interested?". He would say with one his trade mark smiles.Honestly he had heard that truthfully but there was more there. His eye's barely seen threw then tinted lenses, showed a little darkness in them even as he smiled so sweetly down at the young girl.
Lillith was the top of her class. No one even came close to her grades. Most saw her as "little miss perfect", She was already being told she'd be Head Girl during her year. She was fairly sure it was true. But she didn't really want all the attention. Sure, her brother was one of the attention, but she wasn't. She didn't want it. She preferred staying out of the spot light and unnoticed. It was why she wore the baggiest uniform possible. She had a beautiful figure, but she hid it to keep the attention off of herself.
The older boy waited for a answer for his simple question. a smile given down at little miss perfect waiting for it He stood straighter and crossed his hands behind his back at the wrist as he waited for her answer." I have been told your mind is as sharp if not sharper then Miss Granger's. and if i must say. that is amazing." He admitted softly to the younger girl. He himself being no slouch. His glasses slide down his nose a bit showing the more ice blue eyes to her as he looked back down at her amazing work. and smiled." I think you would enjoy the change of pace that would come from it " He said softly. He was being quiet enough to try not attract to much attention thou to the younger girl.
"I don't know... I don't really want all the attention of moving into a more advanced class. I get too much attention now..." Lillith said. She looked around, hoping no one was staring at her. She hated it when people stared at her. She bit her lip. She didn't know if she should take the offer or not. She heard her compliments. Knowing she was surely smarter then Hermione. She often helped Hermione with her homework. Harry came to her for home work help often. She didn't mind being compared to Hermione. She was a great witch. Something Lillith wished to be some day. Professor Snape walked over, smiling, placing a hand on her should. "Take the opportunity Lilli, you know it's a good one. You'd be in class with your brother. I know you'd like that,"he said with a small smile.
" No." he said towards the professor with a sly smile. that smile which had gotten the older slytherin his nick name. " She'll be above her brother in the class. She's the brains in that family for sure." He said, thou not truly trying to put down her older brother But simply put Lilith was one the smartest witches in the school now, if not the last few generation's. the teenager slide his Hand down and and rested it onto her other shoulder. Not putting any pressure just a soft presence of it. "If you don't want to do it in class? we can work on your advance studies in the common room, or the hall?"he admitted to her. The Wizard himself like her was in the top percentile just like her. thou he was No shining star.
"I...I guess I could do it. If it's such a wonderful opportunity. I really shouldn't pass it up. Draco would be upset if I did," Lillith said softly. "I'll do the advanced class. So long as I get to be in class with my brother." She made her one stipulation. She had to be in class with Draco, otherwise she wasn't going to do it. She wasn't to be able to see him, and help him if he needed it. Being in different houses made that hard. She looked up at the older student, then to Professor Snape. Severus Snape has always had a soft spot for the younger Malfoy. Stealing glances when he could, saddened when he couldn't.
He would nod as he heard her stipulation. the mans head tilted as he looked at the professor who nodded as he smiled to the man." Indeed. you would be with me in the class, but your brother would be in our class. But you would be my lab partner most time. and would learn a lot things i'd hope." he said with a grin then a chuckle." or maybe you could even help me some . from what i heard you could graduate if you weren't a little shy and trying avoid the spot light." The half blood said with a approving tone. he pulled slide his hand back and snapped his wrist. his wand sliding up into a wrist holster. the wand was a twelve inch of cypress, dark as the night. with green runes. inside it was a dragons heart string which came from a rare breeds.
"I could... I suppose. But that's not right. I wouldn't be putting in my time like everyone else. I wouldn't wanna graduate early...." Lillith said softly. She looked down at her notes, wondering what it would be like if she could graduate this year. With her brother. With her friends. She shook her head, sighing. She didn't know what she wanted. She closed her eyes. Trying to put her thoughts together. Buther OCD brain was making her thoughts very awry. Her OCD often messed with her, it was something not even mgic could really help.
The Older slytherin boy touched her gently on the shoulder and would squat down beside her chair. he put a hand on her desk and leaned back a little thou so he could be close enough to whisper, but not to crowd the young girl yet. she smelled good which caused his canine's to length just a hair." Look. you wouldn't need to graduate right away if you didn't want to. But think of this. Dumbledore and the teacher's are getting together the ace's from all the years. the trio, the twins. and more.. and putting us together. were working on post newt level stuff."
Lillith reached out straightening her papers out, along with the pen, which were aligned perfectly with the top left corner of the paper. She smiled at him. "I guess I could do that. I would... get to work with Harry?" She asked softly. She hada severe soft spot for the boy who lived. She knew it probably never going to happen between them, because he throughly wrapped up in Ginny. But she could dream, and let her mind hope.
He grinned as he looked over at her and nodded." Well some, but i would be your main partner, for now. anyway," he said with a smile and tilted his head." your my choice for the class after all." he said with a chuckle as he then moved to poke her pen just a little out of the order to tease her." And yes, he would be there. two of them will. and i am sure you can guess which two." yeah, poor weasely. he was.. not just advance as potter or granger. he wouldn't be able handle all the classes." Its Two seven years per house, with each of us picking the people we wanted out the two years below us"he said simply. and then nodded." so i am glad you agreed?" he said and offered her his hand. His Finger's were long and spidery. His nails looked a little long and as cared for as his cloth's." I am glad you accepted " he said with a smile.
Lillith glared at him when he moved her pen out of place. Most people didn't realize how small things like that could really mess with someone who had OCD. She quickly moved her pen back into the proper place. She couldn't handle it being out of place. She bit her lip a little. She couldn't believe Harry was in the class. She was glad she accepted as well. "I'm three years below you...." Lillith said softly. "I'm only a fourth year." She wasn't sure heknew or not. She didn't want to say it more then once though. So she'd let the once stand. Even though her OCD wanted her to say it again.
" I Know you are." he said with a smile to the woman." and your special so your being invited to come and learn with the best. from the best" he said with a chuckle even as he moved to watch her fix the pen. that was funny, thou he wouldn't touch it again." and i Promise to never touch your stuff." he said with a smile. the older slytherin finally stood up and then nodded" you can find me when your ready? is there anything else?". he looked down at her as his hands clasped behind him
"Thank you," Lillith said softly. She looked up at him as he asked if there was anything else. She thought for a few moments then looking back at him. "Nothing I can think of." That was when it was time to change classes already. She ran to her brother as soon as class let out. Telling him all about what had happened. He grinned and kissed his little sister on the top of the head. Congratulating her. The next person she went to see was her boyfriend. Someone no one expected her to be with. Seamus Finnegan. "Seamus! You wouldn't believe what happened today. I got invited to be in a much higher level potions class. Can you believe it?" She said excitedly. She and Seamus had a healthy relationship. They spent most of their time together. And he absolutely adored her, as she did him.
The head boy nodded. Her brother was his prefect anyway. he moved watching her move out as he followed a little. Hand offered to the older malfoy." I will make sure nothing happens to your sister i cant protect her from" he said offering the older malfoy boy his hand. sly was taller then him, and paler. part of being his dhampyr state. He would Nod to the boy named finnegan. and then moved away from them all. The head boy moving towards the tallest towers stairs. he hated divanation. he was horrible at it. he could do dark arts or potions to make most the dark tossers dream. but he couldn't do anything worth a damn in that class or muggle studies. those silly muggles.. and their. Nets of inter. they confused him
Lillith hugged Seamus, they had a fairly innocent relationship. But Seamus craved more. He wanted more then anything to be the younger Malfoy's first. She knew this. But she wanted to wait. She didn't want to be like her brother. Fucking everything that moved. That wasn't how she was. She was saving herself for when true love finally showed itself. She wasn't sure if it was Seamus. Or if it would be some other handsome wizard. She knew they had to be a pure blood. Her family would disown her otherwise.
seamus looked as the taller slytherin looked away. The wizard shook his head" and who was that?" he asked his girlfriend as he walked her towards her next class. Trying to hold her hand. He glared a little at the moving away boy even as he looked back to his girlfriend." And how was your class?" he asked as he smiled down towards her. Now trying to play nicer that they were walking away from the the potions dungeons and toward somewhere more friendly. her brother not around now seam felt alittle more comfortable, so he even kiss her cheek.
"He'll be helping me during my advanced potions class. I'm so so excited about all of this. I wish you were in the class with me. Harry and Hermione will be there," Lillith said softly. She knew that like usual he would suggest they go 'celebrate'. Which meant they would make out till he was all riled up, and she would stop because she didn't want to go too far.
"So what you wanna do?Go celebrate?" and she was right. the older boy was just what he was. He smiled a little at her as he squeezed her hand as he smiled." Oh they will be? Potter's is a good chap." he said with a smile and then looked around" whats your next class?" he asked with a thought. he should know but he been studying way to much om His newt's year.
"Um, next class if a free period. I didn't want anything after potions incase I needed time to study," Lillith said softly. Mentally sighing as she had heard him ask to go celebrate. She bit her lip. "Don't you have class? Celebrating might get in the way." He should've known the most he would ever get was making out, at least until he married her. Which, considering her age, would take some time. She looked up at him, feeling him squeeze her hand. Not sure she should.
Seamus grumbled a little as he shakes his head. in truth she was right, He leaned and kissed her on the cheek then nodded." Later then Lilith." he said with a kiss on her other cheek then moved away from her towards one His classes. Leaving her alone to soak in fact she just been invited to the best of the best of hogwart's. Not just the top of the top. She was one rare fourth years invited.
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