Amongst the Stars, Magic is Born. (Dingo and Vergil1989.)

OOC - I needed some twists in the story so yeah, Me'th isn't going to die by shot in the back or anything, it has to be face to face, Me'th is a merc that won't die by back shots or anything. I understand the delay, watching stuff on my end as well so yep.

Leo listened to Giselle speak and could see the emotions almost as if she was an open book. And when she hugged him, he realized she did care for him. When she had finished speaking, Leo sighed and said, "I'm sorry for being a pain in the jun wan." He looked over at the IV and said, "its just, to be accused of a crime that savage, I lost it. And if shepard could see the truth, you can tell they saw the truth." He looked back over at Giselle and said, "they are trying to use me as bait. If the Citadel can say they have a slaver under arrest, how long do you think it will be before others come out of the wood work to snuff me out? If I was asked if I would be okay with that, I would have said yes. But this way, just to try to arrest me, is not right. Many people lost friend and family on that ship. If they put me up on display as the only one responsible, then the real truth would be snuffed." Leo sighed a bit and sat up more. "Look, I'll try what I can but if push comes to shove, I will have to fight. I just wanted time to deal with this is all and it seems the universe wants to throw it back into my face." Leo rolled his shoulders a bit and said, "as for the pain I feel, I would not wish it on anyone else. I do not know why but I can hear their screams when I try to sleep, the pleas they must have said. They didn't want it, and selfish or not, I don't want the blame of it on me, when I didn't deserve the blame." Leo felt the verge of crying come up on him but all he could do was bring his knees up to his chest and wrap his arms around his knees. "I just don't want to be alone in this verse anymore, not knowing who to trust," Leo whispered before he looked back at Giselle. "Anyone you value, stick with them till the end because you never know if it is the last time you see them alive."

Me'th was smiling on the inside while on the outside she acted like a hurt agent. "I'm working with a man that answers to the government and I wanted to chase down slavers that destroyed a ship filled with thousands of people. I was able to chase some of them down to here when I found out they were taking locals hostages. And when I went to take them down, this one, a spacer named Leo, attacked me. Tried to kill me. And that Giseele, he tried to kill her but instead took her. I don't even know how well she is because she took a bad wound. And with that sadistic spacer that killed his own family, I don't want to think about what he could be doing to her right now." Me'th shook a bit and broke out a few tears. "He's off world now but the man I work with is on his way to get me. Look, help me until I get picked up and I garuntee you, when this man is found, I will make sure he is stuck alone with anyone one of you that want him. I'm willing to look away since he will be killed for his crimes. Hell, he has already been tried and ofund guilty, they just want his body more then anything else."
((I love it myself so go nuts I say. I was tempted to have Seth detect her falsehoods through a lie detection spell, but I like this spin on the story too much lol.))

Giselle understood exactly what the man meant since she would have most likely did the same thing in his place. Putting a hand on both sides of his face, the half Drow gently pushed his face upward so he was looking into her own eyes. "It's understandable...Leo. Even so, please don't fight them anymore. I don't....want to lose the only person I fully trust here, in space of all places, and the last place I ever expected to be, to say the least in my entire life. I have one more trick up my sleeve that might help in this situation, a way to make the Council see the truth from my eyes if nothing else works. Such a thing can't be faked, even if false memories are planted, real ones will always overpower the false ones. It works both ways however, because it's an open channel, allowing the viewer to view things from the one casting the spell in turn, but it's something I'm willing to risk if it means clearing your name, Leo." Giselle replied, making sure he would believe her as she thought of a demonstration might be in order. All that was left was to decide what to show him....


Seth and David didn't fully trust this woman because something just felt off about her, but their father they knew hated slavers with a passion because of his personal past with such people. He slayed them without hesitation, to say the least. While it wasn't often he let personal feelings get in the way of what was right, Drizzt was feeling especially strong about following Me'th into Hell and back if it meant saving his daughter from the danger Me'th said she was in. "Just tell us where to go to meet your ally." Drizzt said, and despite their better judgment David and Seth nodded in turn their agreement on this course of action.
OOC - I'm a writer and I listen to what the characters say. To me, Me'th has to be killed face to face and she will stick knives in the back to get her revenge. That is what I hear from her.

Leo listened to Giselle, part of him enjoyed the fact she held; he wasn't evil, and nodded his head. "Alright," he said. "I trust you, but the council, they have a closed mind, to them, if it isn't hard data of some kind, then they won't listen to it. Its politics my friend." Leo was going through things in his mind. Later, when Leo heard they were coming into port. Leo went to his locker and found his old outfit. He was slipping it on while C-Sec stormed the ship. He was right, the counsel found something else to charge him with. When C-Sec got down to the locker area, they saw Leo slip on his jacket and place a pair of thermal shades ontop of his head. They were ready to holler for him to raise his hands when he already rose his hands above his head. The C-Sec officers didn't know what to say, In the end, they took Leo into custody while Shepard was off trying to get this whole nightmare to stop. Soon enough, Leo was in a cell but someone else was in there as well, Saren took care to make sure a killer was in there with him, just waiting to go off while the C-Sec officers left.

Me'th waitied for Saren to land and soon enough, a shuttle landed and several Geth came off as well. Behind the Geth though was Sarren and another Asari. "Come now," Sarren said as he noticed the others, "we have no time to lose. Found out the slaver is right under our noses in capital space. He's at the citadel and if we don't hurry, then he will slip away with his prisoner as well." Sarren motioned for all of them back onto the shuttle but only Me'th, Sarren, and the Asari knew the truth, but they would make this lie run in their favor for as long as they can.
((Works for me my friend. And strangely enough I know exactly what you mean lol.))

Giselle reluctantly let Leo be taken away by C-Sec officers. She was in the armor that Shepard had had Ashley put aside for her, feeling odd in such an advanced suit of armor that really didn't feel like armor at all but a second skin considering its light weight and nanoweave exoskeleton that offered far better protection that it appeared. She had learned much in her waking hours, most of it having been on the different races, their biological makeup, (and thus their weaknesses should they possess any,) and weapon information that would help with the target practice she had managed to squeeze in yesterday evening. The black 'skin suit' didn't seem out of place on the Drow for some reason as she followed behind Shepard, her brown eyes full of awe as she stepped off the Normandy of her own free will, amazed and utterly floored by what the Citadel truly was to these people. " the gods, I've....never in my wildest dreams have even imagined anything like this." Her worry for Leo disappeared for a moment as she went to a railing, and looked out into the nebula that was behind the Citadel until her eyes stung considerably from the intense light. Blinking away the tears that the light brought on, Giselle turned away, sighing heavily as she tightened her sword belt a bit and made sure her pistol and sniper rifle were still attached to her suit's back. "I feel so odd carrying all this new gear."

"You'll get used to it Giselle. Do not doubt that since warriors like us adapt or die rather quickly." Garrius replied, wearing his own medium weight combat armor, a couple of shades lighter than Giselle's own, giving him a dark blue sheen in the light. Hardened Weave, along with a good version of a Kinetic Exoskeleton put into the armor, Giselle felt stronger than she ever had, although she knew that David could still probably put her on her back in a straight up fight of strength. Speed and agility however, was her advantage, and always would be. "So, where do we head first Commander?"


David hated this, and it showed on his face as he paced nervously back and forth on the Geth cruiser. The synthetic bastards scared him, although that Turian also gave him the creeps, but the Asari....he wasn't sure what to think of her or Me'th for sure just yet. Seth had remained silent for most of their trip, but Drizzt was the one talking to Saren and his entourage the most, trying to gain as much information as he could about everything that was relevant. He was always that way, always the ranger trying to work every angle to make the best decision possible. "Tell me, how did you come across this man to begin with? Surely he didn't wake up one day and decide he'd destroy his entire home? If you wish our help, then I ask that you trust us with what information you will allow us to let us do what we do best."
Leo was watching the other man in the cell with him and something in the back of his mind ticked, knowing this man was waiting for something.

Shepard guided Giselle and a few others with him to the counsle but when he saw them, they told him to leave. They wanted to ask questions alone and Shepard figured now would be a good time. Shepard, with Garrius and Wrex, walked to C-Sec and requested to see Leo. When Shepard was escorted to Leo's cell, inside he was shocked. A giant person, a size that made Wrex look small, was splattered across the room and obviously dead. The man was suppsoidly armed, illegal upgrades to the body, but it was obviouse Leo somehow fought back against a man that had the advantage. C-Sec was now searching the citidal for Leo but three people knew C-Sec wouldn't find Leo until he wanted to be found. but what bothered Shepard the most was why stick Leo with someone who was armed to the teeth.

Me'th watched Sarren and the other Asari speak up to each other and she knew what she needed to do. She walked over to one of the Drow she met earlier, him asking questions, and she acted like a cop. "We believe because he lived on the rim, he lost humanity and commited crimes that started small and eventually went to the point it is now. Its called building up to the point. So, he didn't start this way but in the end, he got to this end. I am also noting he is getting worse. So, he may get to the point that the only way to keep people safe is to kill him, which I would prefer putting him infront of a judge." "Me'th sighed and looked out the window. "If he keeps up, I don't know what he will do to Giselle." Me'th looked over at the Drow and said, "if he proves to be a true threat, I authorise you and your family to do whatever is needed to stop him, and to save Giselle."

Standing before the Council, the half Drow bowed respectfully before the three aliens before her. This was a little nerve wracking since what she had managed to read up told her these three were practically the most powerful people in the entire galaxy. She had no idea what to expect, but she was pleasantly surprised when the Asari woman calmly introduced herself and her two companions. "I am Giselle Do'Urden, ranger and new member to Commander Shepard's crew." What followed was a two hour session of asking how she had gotten involved and why she had decided to join with Shepard as she had. By the time it was over, the half Drow felt that things might be turning in their favor until news reached the three Council leaders that Leo had escaped. "Great....." She muttered to herself as all three turned their eyes on her.


Drizzt listened quietly, nodding his understanding since there was similar things that happened back home. Criminals weren't unheard of, but they didn't usually see justice done unless they were hard as stone killers like this Leo sounded to be. "I and my family thank you. We won't let you down." Little did they know they should have been trying to destroy Saren and his entourage.
Shepard was already trying to form a search squad when he heard of a fire fight break out between C-Sec and some hired thugs in the lower markets. Shepard didn't know why but he followed to the firefight and found he was already late to the fight. It was over, not long ago because the sizziling heat hung up in the air from the firearms but it was clear that the thugs lost when someone attacked them from behind. "Garrus, you and Wrex fan out, find survivors and C-Sec, I think Leo was here," Shepard told the two as he went over to where the thugs had died in the bar.
"I can see why you think he was here," Garrus stated.
"I don't see how he could have been here. C-Sec, some thugs, everyone armed to the teeth but him, how could he win and run away," Wrex stated as he nuddged at some of the bodies; they were obviously dead. SHepard pointed to the grate at the ground and then up above from where the great had fallen down from. "Shit," Wrex uttered, "he's in the ducts?"
"Cat walks by now," Garrus stated as he judged the distance. "The grate falls, sounds like gunfire, and C-Sec beats the men. But how did Leo cause the end of..." Garrus was about to say how to end them but he saw the evidence. The firefight was face to face, some of the men had wounds to the back, fresh wounds that were still bleeding.
"Shepard," Garrus stated, "hate to say it but I think his survival instincts have kicked in."
"Smart guess," Wrex stated as Shepard walked between them.
"He's heading to the other end of the Market, I think he is trying to loop behind C-Sec to get out of the net they are casting," Shepard stated as word got around of another firefight, but this one was heavyier in C-Sec casualties then thugs.

Leo's mind was in a state of lost and searching. His instintcs had kicked in but he wasn't the one started the fire fight. He just happened to pop up at bad times. He would have kept up against the thugs that were searching for him but he had ran out of ammo in the pistol and couldn't find one to secure. His mind was thinking go to where they wouldn't even find him and he had planned on doing that from the start. C-Sec had already statrted framing Leo for this but, even if no one else knew, Leo knew he wasn't the cause for this, he was a something for these people to find. But what bothered him was why was he stuck in a cell with someone armed to kill him? Someone on the inside of C-Sec wanted him dead.

Sarren had gotten a message from his mole in C-Sec and heard how Leo escaped and the thugs were having no luck in capturing them. Sarren just nodded at the message and found himself smiling. He figured Shepard was in the fray now and it seemed Leo had unwittingly became a pawn in this game. But the question was, in a war of two sides, which side was Leo on in the end? Would he help Sarren or help Shepard. he knew Me'th would call Leo a good guy but something deep in Sarren told him that something in Leo was building. It was just a matter of time and the right triggers.
(Sorry Dingo, I'm back and hopefully at full capacity again.)

Thankfully the headset she had been shown how to use by Ashley kept her inform of what was going on with Shepard and the rest of his current offshore team as the Council let her go to rejoin her commander. With a quick bow, the half Drow ran out of the grand chambers, not even pausing to look at the beautiful trees and flowers that lined the stairs leading up to the Council meeting hall as she had on the way up since there was an emergency situation of a sort to worry about. Putting a hand to the wireless headset that linked her to Shepard, Giselle activated it and spoke as she ran to the elevator, finding her way down to the Markets. "I'm coming your way Shepard. I'll try to find a shortcut through the alleyways if I can." She said, opening the channel so she'd hear any response as she booked out of the elevator, easily slipping through the crowds as she used the holographic map display to plot a route to meet up with Shepard as she ran on. There, a small access tunnel between here and the next hallway would cut her trip in half.

Reaching the red lighted hallway however, Giselle noticed movement and conversation. Slowing down and planting herself against a wall, Giselle listened to what was going on. "I'm an agent of the Shadow Broker, he sent me to find you and help you get out of here in one piece." Male, human if her ears didn't deceive her, and she thought she had detected a slight tremor to his voice, telling her if she was right that he had been lying out his ass about part of his statement just now.

"No, I want to meet the Shadow Broker directly. This information is too valuable and I won't risk it in anyone else's hands!" Female, though her voice sounded odd, as if she was speaking through a helmet or maybe even a microphone of some sort? She was still learning about the different races, but she had seen a few Quarians on the way to the Council hall. Maybe this was one of those? Apparently that didn't satisfy the man as guns were drawn and Giselle slipped out of the shadows, having a feeling she knew who the enemy was a moment before the man threatened their newest ally.

"Sorry lady, but you aren't getting out of here alive now. Get her!" They didn't have a chance however as Tali, as Giselle would come to call her, and herself opened up on the dozen men around the access tunnel, the Quarian finding cover but not staying there long as a orb appeared that floated away from her, electrocuting a few of the fools enough to drain their shields, in which case Giselle popped a few well placed pistol rounds in before they could recover sufficiently. Fist ran of course, managing to slip away as his men were swiftly dealt with, the half Drow getting in close despite taking a few slugs to her shielded body, still getting used to the fact she didn't have to worry so much about getting injured now with this fancy armor as she cut them down to size as Tali did the same, popping in and out of cover as her droid did half the work.

When it was over, Giselle sheathed her blades and walked over to the Quarian who could only stare in awe of this alien that was more alien than she was. "I didn't expect help when you showed up. I thank you. My name is Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. I...was a fool to trust these people, but the fact they betrayed the Shadow Broker...." Earning a puzzled look from Giselle, Tali got the impression she wasn't making much sense. "I apologize. Who are you?"

"The name's Giselle Do'Urden, and I'm trying to link up to Commander Shepard." She replied, earning a startled gasp since there weren't that many people that DIDN'T know Shepard's name anywhere in Citadel space.

"You know him? Take me to him! I might have information implicating Saren in the Geth attack on Eden Prime!" Nodding as she took off without a second thought, Giselle led the way, hoping no more trouble ran into them.
Leo did what insticts told him to do, except for getting out of the net. He went to the upper part of the market which ended with him going back into cover, heading to the lower markets, and the two groups fighting with guns. Leo went to where he first popped out, at a bar of some sorts. He was about to jump down to the ground when he saw a human walking by, shaking like a leaf in the wind and smelt obviously of a coward running away from the battle. Leo's mind kicked in and he jumped down, but ontop of the man. When the man groaned, Leo was already on his feet and dragging the man to the back office the man had. The man begged for his life but Leo had no intentions of taking the man's life. "Don't worry," Leo said coldly, almost emotionless, "I just want some information is all." The next time the man, whos name was Fist, was ever seen again, well, he wasn't found in one piece. Leo had managed to escape into the ducts again, this time, he had a name to find.

SHepard and the two made it to the other firefight in time and was able to take the thugs down with ease but Leo was still missing. Until Garrus pointed out that all of the fire first started at one point at a grate. However, the grate was damaged so no one could get in without repairs being done to it first, would take an hour at most to get it working again. Then, Shepard heard a voice and looked behind him to see Giselle and a woman with her. It was obviouse to him that the two had been fighting but Shepard figured they were fighting for a diffrent reason. "We havn't found Leo yet but C-Sec wants to put the blame of all this on him," Shepard told Giselle.
"So far," Garuus added in, "we can only find proof that he may have killed a few thugs but other then that, hes running in self diffence. Someone tried to kill him in his cell and he ran."
Shepard looked over at the other woman and said, "mind if I ask your name, miss?"

OOC - Sorry about the length, just not alot to add in at this point right now.
((It's all good my friend. I didn't have much at the time to post either but I'll pick it up here shortly hopefully.))

Giselle nodded as the Quarian introduced herself at Shepard's behest. Of course they'd try to blame this on Leo, Giselle thought to herself, growling silently as she fell in with the rest of Shepard's team and himself. Even so, the fact there had been someone in his cell with him that had tried to kill him made Giselle wonder who wanted him dead. "What is going on?" She whispered to herself, looking at the grate and wondering if she could simply cut her way through so they'd be able to follow Leo. No, it'd be too slow even if she did, and Leo already had a head start. "So, what do we do now? This place is far too big unless we split up, and from all the fighting already taking place, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. We don't have a choice however if we want to get to Leo before these C-Sec officers do." Giselle said aloud, earning a nod from Garrius.

"I hate to interrupt, but I need to talk to you Commander Shepard. I'm in possession of information regarding your investigation of Saren, a rogue Spectre you know well I believe." The Quarian woman stated, earning a serious look from both Giselle and Garrius, as well as Wrex. "I ran into trouble, thinking to negotiate safe passage with the Shadow Broker, but instead was double crossed. I'd be dead if not for Giselle here." Tali explained, earning an embarrassed chuckle from the half Drow. At any rate, it didn't matter now since there was too much trouble at hand to worry about much of anything else. "I need to speak to the Council immediately since if Fist was willing to betray the Shadow Broker, then I don't think I can trust anyone but you and them with this information."


Drizzt sighed heavily, having turned in for a couple of hours while David stood guard, having a bad feeling about all this since something just seemed wrong about these people and their metal pals. He wasn't sure what it was, but it just felt wrong, and Drizzt felt the same way, as did Seth when he awoke a little while later. "What do you think is really going on my son?" Drizzt asked, facing his two sons, having managed to find a secluded spot on the ship that he hoped their 'allies' weren't listening in because if they were, and his hunch was right, they'd be in trouble. Seth looked up, nodding his head once before opening his mouth.

"I think they're lying about what has happened with Giselle and this man named Leo. I also think that they can't be trusted considering what they have told us, as well as what they haven't. Something just seems off about all this, but regardless, they are getting us closer to her since we wouldn't have any idea otherwise." David sighed, hating to admit that his stick up the ass brother was right about something for once, but such was life. Besides, he couldn't be right all the time.

"Yeah well, with the three of us together, nothing can get in our way. You two worry too much." David said with a grin plastered on his face, but he sobered quickly as he looked to the synthetic fellows that were a ways away. "However, I do know the fact that those things creep me out considerably, but I also know that something's off about all this as well. Those two blue skinned women as well as that gray skinned guy makes my skin crawl."
Leo had broken hidding now since he figured out what his endgame would be, an endgame with him living that is. He followed a man that to him, looked like Garrus but a shade of red. The man was followed by several C-Sec security guards and Leo uttered a parayer for the men that were unlucky to be with this man. When the man stood infront of the counsel, he wanted to due a trial of Leo to confirm his guilt so if trouble came, which the Head man said it would, then Leo could be shot on sight and no one would be in trouble. He presented his findings, pictures of recent events, and a vid from a monitor in Leo's Cell of him killing the occupant but it was edited so it showed up like Leo was the one who started the fight, which was a lie. Leo never throws the first punch or else his instincts wouldn't have kicked in like they did. Leo's mind, if could be read right then, was filled with one thought, kill the liar. Leo pulled up the pistol and jumped out of the hiding spot. In a matter of seconds and thunder roaring in through the hall, the C-Sec guards were dead, and the Head C-Sec was now face to face with Leo and both of them had a gun pointed at each other. When extra C-Sec came to the scene, they took aim but couldn't fire because of Leo's akward positioning. One bad shot and it could hit a counsel member or the C-Sec Leader.

Shepard heard tali mention the information she had and Shepard looked at her, part of him expecting it to be a joke. But when he saw that it was real, he motioned towards some of his men to go on, until a broadcast broke out. Leo was on camera with a gun to the C-Sec Administrator, Ashen, and Ashen had a gun to Leo. "Looks like we need to go to the counsel now," She pard stated and lead the group to the counsel hall. When he got there, he could see everything was clam and still, the standoff lasting for a while but no visible signs of fatiuqe on either of the two. Ashen was hollering at Leo what he wanted but Leo didn't say a thing. Shepard could see the look in Leo's eyes and knew his mind was gone, instincts were taking over, and he was a cold blooded killer now. A war like face Shepard last saw on Tarrus, all those years go. He had the same look on his face as well as a few of his war buddies had it. Now, he saw it again and knew that leo had resigned to something deeper then an obviouse thought but what drove it only Leo knew, until Ashen said, "what, you want the information?" Shepard saw a light flicker behind Leo's eyes for a second and knew what Leo was after, truth to everything.

Me'th walked over to Sarren and handed him a CaptureVid of the three passengers talking. Sarren chuckled before Me'th could say a thing and said, "the indocturnation will have them in our grasp in due time. By now, if they try to hurt us, we can force them to their knees. Just a little more time and we will have warriors with us." Me'th nodded her head and left Sarren as he watched the broadcast of the citadel. he could see Leo and knew that if Leo got the information he wanted, he could trace the slaver attack on his ship to Sarren and if that happen, the fight in the citidel would seem like child's play compared to what Sarren figured Leo could do. "It's your move, Shepard."
((I was wondering if Saren was using that trick of his lol. That is a nice trick and it certainly will make things a hell of a lot more fun, if traumatic for our favorite half Drow.))

Giselle followed Shepard without a thought after Tali had shown her data to the commander. The scene they walked in on was something for her worst nightmares since Leo didn't look like anything she remembered seeing before. She knew the face he wore, a mask of a man ready to kill without a second thought since it was clear instinct had taken over. Giselle knew in her heart however that he would have never done anything that was being said he had done. She made a decision, one that she hoped was the right one as she charged the Turian down, drawing her Icingdeath from its scabbard as the man turned only to have the blade at his throat. "Cough it up, the true data you have about all this, or I swear to every god I know that I will cut you down without a second thought and rip it from your damn corpse." Garrius was already aiming at Giselle's back, having been blinded by how fast she had moved considering she had been standing right next to them a second ago.

"Damn, I have never seen anyone move that fast. Shepard, giving her those armor upgrades might not have been a good idea after all if she is this fast already." He couldn't get a clear shot either since she had managed to get behind the Turian. If he was what she felt he was however, then maybe he should be aiming at Ashen? It wouldn't be the first Turian that had gone rogue, and it wouldn't be the last most likely anyway. Ashen didn't have a choice it would seem as he slowly but surely pulled up the data that had the truth of what had happened and displayed it on the Council's monitors. There was a collective gasp as the assassin meant for Leo struck first, but was swiftly dealt with thanks to Leo's hidden powers as a biotic warrior. Even Giselle couldn't believe what she was seeing as Leo tore the man apart with his bare hands practically. "By the gods, what happened to you Leo?" She whispered, meeting his eyes as she pushed Ashen down, letting the other C-Sec officers take care of him from there. Turning to Shepard, Giselle lowered her head and put her blade away, hoping that she hadn't crossed the line with her actions.


Seth was the first to notice something wrong since his mistrust for Saren started to fade away. David and Drizzt noticed the worried look on the mage's face and rose to their feet at the same time. They then noticed the scratching at the corner of their minds and knew that something was terribly wrong here. "We need to move, now!" Drizzt said, charging the cockpit with his two sons backing him up. Cutting the door open rather than waiting for it to open up, Drizzt's lavender eyes blazed with intense fire and rage as he stared Saren down. "What are you doing to us?! Talk!" Seth and David had not seen their father in such a rage before, not for a very long time anyway, but not a force on their home planet could stop him once the Hunter was let out, his dark alter ego that lived solely on instinct, giving him supernaturally quick reflexes, even seeming to grant him the power to anticipate his opponents' moves to a degree. "You shan't get away with whatever you are trying to do Saren, because we know that you are not as you say you are, any of you. Tell us the truth, and get us to where my daughter is now."

There was no way any of them could back up their threats however since the indoctrination had already crippled their ability to stand up against Saren once they actually tried to fight him. For now, Drizzt and his two sons were unknowingly already powerless against this alien and his dangerous allies.
Leo's mind was coming back to possession of his body as the instincts were slowly weaned away. It saw the job done and no longer had a purpose. However, before it had slipped away completely, it saw the assassin coming into view, a small lithe person that had to be an alien of some kind, a gun drawn and at the ready. It had started to fire at Leo but the shot missed. Leo's hand came up, his mind now coming together, and had almost litterally split the assassin in two, even three pieces. Leo saw what he had done, or over done. His insticts could have crippled the assassin, not kill it, but they choose to kill it. He saw Giselle looking at him and instantly, his eyes watered up and he said he was sorry before he dropped to all fours and wretched on the ground, his stomach purging anything he had left inside of him. His mind raced. He killed people before but he only did nessicary kills, nessacary wounds, not once had he done an over kill, the base didn't count as over kill because the compound had to go away so the lost lives on it were nessicary losses, not over kill. Shepard along with a few others ran up to Leo and covered around him, deny the media a chance to see Leo in such a state. It was one thing that wasn't need to haunt him if it was possible. If any good could be seen from this, Leo finally got his name cleared of the charges. However, the stench of it would cling to him and this inncident, although in self deffence, will stick in people's mind of what a freeman cleared man did. Leo just whipsered he wanted to leave, he wanted to die, he just wanted it to end. Shepard knew the doctor would need to give a sedative to Leo to calm him down but he was threatening his own life. Did he really become that far pushed?

Sarren chuckled as he snapped his fingers and the three men infront of him fell to the ground, unable to grab their weapons or do any form of magic. "Me'th told me what your kind can do, so I know not to take chances on it." He walked around them and continued to chuckle. "I am doing nothing. It is the ship that does it. It is bringing you in to our fight. So, you will see that beloved woman again but the next time, you will be exchanging death blows, killing her and anyone she is with. And for your information," Sarren leaned down to the father and whispered into his ear, "Leo saved your daughter. He fought like hell for her. And I imagine, he is still defending her. Tell me, which will be worse knowing? Knowing you can't save your daughter but a weaker man can, or the fact you will be killing the man that can save her?" Sarren walked away and knew that the next time they got up, they would be fully under his control, while he was under the Reaper's control.
Giselle knelt beside Leo and helped him to walk the long way back to the Normandy, wanting to get out of this place that had taken so much out of her. "It's ok Leo. Everything....will be alright." How hollow those words sounded to her ears at that moment, but it was the only thing that came to mind as they finally reached the ship and Giselle let Dr. Chakwas take the man from there, having already been radioed ahead of time and told everything that had transpired. Tali had stayed behind long enough to play her recording that had been recovered from a Geth's memory banks and the decision for Shepard to go after the rogue Spectre was reached in a matter of seconds afterward. Considering everything that had happened already, it was little surprise they'd want Saren found before anymore deaths came, especially right under their noses as this had happened. Also considering Ashen was a traitor didn't sit well with the Council. Giselle didn't care about any of this as she went to her room and curled into a ball on the bed, exhausted in every way after everything that had happened already. She didn't blame Leo for anything, but....she couldn't ignore that he could have easily done the same to her if he ever lost control as he had then.

He wasn't a monster however, that much she knew as she rolled onto her back, having stripped out of her armor and gear and gotten back into the suit she had worn earlier. "Gods....what have I gotten myself into? I'm....not ready for this." She silently whispered to herself, the fact she was hundreds of light years away from home and the fact she'd never see it again most likely weighing her down considerably, along with all the other stressful things she had had to deal with....well, not just her of course. There was Garrius, Wrex, Ashley, Kaiden, and everyone else that had seen and heard everything as well, but they were used to this kind of life. She was having trouble just getting the toilet to work when that had been needed not so long ago. Falling into an uneasy sleep, Giselle silently prayed that she could just go home and forget all this space travel business, needing someone to help her along or she'd give up this fight.


Drizzt, Seth, and David had not been expecting the mental assault that came upon them at the exact same as they dropped to their knees. Seth had dropped his magically powerful staff, David the mighty warhammer that had been made for his mentor long ago that could blast a giant's knee apart, let alone solid stone, fell to the ground with a heavy thud that had small cracks appearing across the floor despite the highly advanced metal that made up the Reaper craft, and Drizzt lost his two scimitar blades that had seen him through many a battle after he had handed his old ones to his daughter with his blessing. Looking up as he tried to fight off the mind controlling effects brought on by the Reaper they had docked inside hours ago, Drizzt's lavender eyes never lost the fire they had contained before. "You....are the worst...kind of monster...I have ever my six hundred years....of life...Saren. daughter will stop you....I know it." He growled out in such a way that even the Turian would have to pause for a second before all three hit the deck, having been rendered unconscious by the pain that the Reaper was bringing down upon them all due to their remarkable resistance to its power. Even so, they were merely organic beings, and thus controllable. They would indeed be quite willing to face off against this Giselle Do'Urden to the death now, and no force on any world could free them now, even if they did manage to slip out of the Reaper's control for a time, it would just resume it again later. For now, some upgrades were in order to their archaic weapons and armor.....
Leo slowly came to later, Garrus next to him and the doctor standing feet away with her charts. "His implants seem to have a secondary function," she stated.
Leo kept quiet as he listened to the conversation.
"Become a killer," Garrus stated coldly.
"Survival, his mind slipped away and his body took over. In a way, he's like a drell, except his mind only kicks in when he needs to defend himself."
"Will it be a threat to the ship?"
"As long as no one takes a stab at him first, it shouldn't kick in." The doctor looked over at Leo sand said, "you can cut the act, I know your awake." leo sighed and sat up. He got off of the table but this time no one stopped him from getting off.
"So, implants, huh," Leo stated as he slipped his clothing back on.
"Yeah, and they make you strong as hell," garrus stated.
"Maybe I had them when I was on my old home, fixing things," Leo stated before he walked out of the medbay. He didn't know why but his mind guided him somewhere and he went to a door he knew was Giselle's cabin. He pressed the com buttong on the door and said, "Giselle, its me, Leo, I would like to talk to you if you don't mind," leo stated.

Sarren heard the father speak and chuckled at being called a monster. He went to his monitors and found the information he had missed out on. His mole was arrested, the assassin dead, and his spectre status revoked. He knew Shepard would be on him soon. But, to find out that the truth was out, he feared what else did Leo find out. If Leo did find out about Sarren's part in the attack on his home, then he knew he would come at him with all the fury Hell will give him. However, Leo's actions today told him that Leo was still on the line trying to figure out which side he was on in this whole fight. "sorry boy, but you got pulled into a war that will change you forever."
Giselle awoke almost immediately and sat up when Leo's voice had filtered through the comm. Getting up and going to it, she opened it without a second thought. "What's on your mind Leo?" She asked, though more than a little sorrow was in her voice as she slowly went back to her bed and sat down, not really in the mood for visitors....except Leo strangely enough. That thought startled the otherwise calm and in control warrior, but she kept it hidden well enough....she hoped. "I'm...not really in the mood for visitors...but I won't turn you away Leo. I just....feel about as lost as you do probably...though for different reasons than your own." She stated, barely above a whisper as she looked up at his face, trying to keep her face a neutral mask and not doing so well. "I don't....even belong out here. I'm way over my head here. I just...feel so lost and unable to....find my way. I thought...I'd be able to adjust, but the more...I learn and experience things out here in space...the more lost I feel." Giselle's brown eyes clouded over as she blinked away the tears trying to fall. "I just....don't know what to do Leo. You're the only anchor I have....and despite...what I saw in or whatever it was....I don't see you any differently...than what I did before." She managed to choke out, her hands clenching into fists as she jumped up from the bed and embraced him tightly, crying into his shoulder and not caring one damn bit. "I'm....sorry...for acting like this....Leo. Just...stay here...please." She whispered, feeling safe and secure and like she belonged out here in space only in times like this.


Drizzt was the first to stand, shaking his head as if to clear it of any lingering doubts about where his loyalties now lay, as did his two sons when they stirred. In that time however, they had been moved, stripped of everything they owned, and those possessions had been changed drastically for much more powerful weapons and armor.

David's warhammer was one of the few items that hadn't been changed much, except now it had a few hidden tricks to it, the least of which two metal titanium spikes could now be extended from either side of the hammer, adding for a much more devastating swing. Seth's old mage robes had been closely examined and his new advanced armor had all of its old enchantments plus a few new features as well, (the Reaper having captured a few mages from Toril through the use of its Geth minions a couple of days before these three had fallen into its clutches.) Now, along with his medium level elemental defenses, Seth was virtually untouchable since his staff also acted as a shield generator that was also powered by his matching armor that generated its own kinetic barrier that worked on the same frequency. It was Drizzt's swords that would be the most dangerous of them all however because instead of metal blades, they had a blue energy covering that made them deadlier than ever, able to rip through most metals save those used on a starship. Shields wouldn't stand a chance, let alone flesh and bone. Not only that, but all of their armors had kinetic skeleton weaves worked into them, making them all faster, stronger, and able to take a hell of a beating now.

The Reaper had had them scanned from head to toe to figure out what made them tick as well as how to give them the best advantage they could since they were its newest addition to its army of drones. They could still think and act on their own, at least for now, but sooner or later their warped minds would be rather worthless beyond being mindless drones, in which case it would simply transform them into husks. For now, they had all of their knowledge and experience to fall back on, and it had a job for them. It would send them to the Citadel and try to locate the Normandy and her crew. Once aboard or once on the same planet as her crew if they got on the ground, they would destroy them all.

((Where are we heading first my friend?))
OOC - Well, if we stick to the main story bits that are needed, not any of the side stuff, we have three places we can go. Theres finding Liara, going to Noveria, and going to Feros. And I was thinking that with our characters, having two side things one for each of them since the other side things for the others is pretty easy to understand, in a way, give some more back story into each of them like the other characters have. Just a suqestion on that. Anywho, I would like to say finding Liara first because it seems to be the simplest one to do and most likely the most mind numbing boring to do because the only time a fight happens that I remember worth noteing is after the shield is down and the Asari is saved from her jail.

Leo walked in, still feeling sick about what he had done. He watched Giselle walk back to her bed and he closed the door behind him. He didn't want people over hearing what he had to say to her, concerning the event on the citidel that had happened. When he was about to speak up, Giselle spoke and he just listened. He could hear concern and worryment in her voice and the body signals he saw agreed with it. And when he saw she was about ready to cry he slowly walked over to her, unsure if he should treat her like a warrior that she was or the woman that she was. When he got closer, he saw her get up after saying she didn't care what the video showed. And when she held him and cried into his shoulder, he brought his arms up and held Giselle. He came in there to talk to her about what he had done and now he was listening to her cry out she was lost. He understood her. It didn't even surprise him that she wanted him to stay there. He just held her and listened to her. Finally, he said, "I would hate to see a wonderful woman like you leave but I think Shepard did offer all of us a chance to take us whereever we wanted to be dropped off at if we wanted to leave his mission," Leo stated. Part of him knew it wouldn't help Giselle to know that she could leave, which she choose not to take before, he knew she would stay. But, he knew that he had to remind her that she could go home if she wanted to and if she choose to stay, he was going to be next to her. Part of him felt like saying, hey, go home if you want to, but I am staying because I don't have a choice. He wouldn't voice that to her, but it lied in his mind like the rest of his feelings did. He felt a little strange in the position he was in but he knew it was what she needed, maybe she needed it for a while and just no one really stood around and told her to be honest with them and herself. He just sighed and listened to Giselle, wondering what he could do to help her.

Sarren watched the transformation proceess happen before his eyes while at the same time, redirected course since the Citadel wouldn't be a safe harbor for him. He had to plan out a new strategy, and new field, and a new way to fight Shepard and the man's crew. Me'th however, was at the citadel taking care of the mole that was in custody and was now fleeing C-Sec. She wanted Leo dead and she had a way to figure out where he was going. "Every ship uses warp gates," she muttered, "so every ship has to reqister to and from with the gates."
((Sounds good to me Dingo, and sure we can go after Liara first since you're right about her and all.))

Giselle trembled slightly as she slowly calmed down again, having heard what Leo had to say. It snapped her right out of her earlier dark mood, and a weak but slowly growing smile found its way to her face. "I can't go home....not in the middle of something as important as this. I'll tough it out Leo, somehow. Just today has been quite stressful for all of us, but you at least grew up around all this while get the idea. Regardless, thank you for putting up with that...embarrassing moment of mine." Giselle said, drying her eyes on the sleeves of her shirt before hugging him briefly again before sitting on the bed again. Besides once word reached her of her father and twin brothers joining up with Saren, she'd have a very strong reason to hunt the Turian down from the Perseus Veil and back. For now though, she looked to the one person she trusted in all this madness, (Shepard and Garrus being close seconds,) and nodded once before speaking further. "You came in here wishing to talk, and instead I ruined the moment and bawled about how lost I felt without giving you a chance to say anything. Well, before anything else happens that require our attention, go ahead Leo since it's only fair I return the favor." She chuckled lightly but hoped it wasn't anything serious. If it was though, she'd take it in stride as best she could.


Seth, David, and Drizzt were relatively the same people they had been before, just they were now carrying far better equipment than before and they were willing to lay down their lives in Saren's, and thus Sovereign's by relation, causes. They had only switched sides, but their mental faculties were all there, at least for now. A couple of weeks of constant exposure would make them mindless drones however, and they were far more useful as they were now. There was a fine line to walk when dealing with indoctrination that hovered between usefulness and outright control. The more control the Reaper had over its thralls, the less useful they became in the long run, a fact they would discover in time. For now, the three Do'Urdens were ready to go to war for the wrong cause, a fact that would haunt them to their graves when and if they ever broke free which was extremely unlikely.
Leo listened and when Giselle sat back down on the bed, he sat down next to her. "I wanted to appologize for the way I have acted with things recently. Yes, I felt jealousy that was linked with you and I am sorry. And as for what happened today, I'm sorry you saw that." He gave a kiss to Giselle's cheek before he stood up. "Alot is going on in this world and it feels like hell is on the rise behind it. I just wanted to say sorry about things is all," Leo walked over to the door and tried to push the button to go out but he found himself stalled, not wanting to push the button for a reason. He didn't understand why he couldn't press the button, he knew it worked fine, but still. What was holding him back from leaving?

Shepard had hit in cordinates to a desert world to find Sarren by going after an Asari and knew it would take some time before they would get there.

Me'th was behind Shepard's ship now and was following it with an idea of waiting for the best moment to come in and kill the two from the compound.

Sarren had recieved his report from Me'th, the mole dead and she was enroute of Shepard's ship, figuring he would never see her again. Revenge fueled that woman's soul and it would also be her undoing.
((Had to leave before I was able to post more than what I did. Anyway, here's one to make up for it.))

Giselle listened quietly, saying or doing nothing until Leo went to leave but he stopped at the door. Standing and moving over to him quietly without any audible noise, Giselle put a hand to his right shoulder and turned him about before planting her lips against his own, surprising herself as well as him most likely. If allowed to go on, she'd deepen the kiss considerably before slowly breaking away, a little dazed and confused at what she had just done. "I'm...not sure why that just happened....but I will tell you one thing Leo. I liked it....especially after three decades of not even considering what I'm considering now." She whispered into his left ear before shaking her head as if to clear it. "But....I understand if you don't wish to do so Leo. After...all that's happened I wouldn't blame you one bit."


Meanwhile, on Therum, an entire squad of Geth, Krogan, and a few Turians were trying to break through the energy fields that surrounded the annoying Asari that just happened to be the daughter of the Matriarch that was currently working for Saren. She had vast knowledge of the Protheans, and thus she was a valuable asset that needed to be mined, to say nothing of her strong biotic powers that could easily be turned to work for the Reapers. "Come out and we promise not to hurt you Dr. Liara T'Soni. You're needed elsewhere."

"No! You shan't...take me anywhere!" The blue skinned woman shouted back, but her strength was wavering considering she had been trapped in this bubble for a couple of days already. Hunger and dehydration was starting to get the better of her, but she wouldn't be bending anytime soon. Besides, she didn't even know how to get out of the forcefield anyway, but she wasn't about to tell these people that.


Having boarded Me'Th's ship since she was heading the same way anyway, Seth, David, and Drizzt did have to wonder briefly what they were in for. David yawned and stretched, feeling tired despite his new outlook on life. "You know, strange as this might sound, but I am kind of wondering if Saren is as tough as he makes himself out to be. He's what, five four and a hundred and thirty pounds? Me, I'm nearly six foot five and I weigh twice his size in pure muscle power alone." Earning a light chuckle from his brother and father, it was Seth's turn to speak up next.

"Even so, you of all people should know that size doesn't matter David. Just because he looks small compared to you, which by the way makes everyone seem small compared to you, doesn't mean anything in the long run. You'd be wise to remember that considering who we are going after. A human Spectre, a Turian like Saren, a Krogan warrior that could match even you for strength probably, and the gods know who else that's become a part of our sister's life at this moment. All of whom we shall destroy utterly." Drizzt remained silent, having doubts about all this but he wouldn't voice them aloud, not yet anyway.
Leo looked up at Giselle after the kiss. He gulped a bit, feeling his heart beat stronger then before and his blood was rushing through his body. He felt this before, in firefights, but his hands remained still in firefights, now they were shaking a bit along with parts of his body. He didn't know why but he brought his arms up and held Giselle as he returned the kiss. Part of his mind thought he should leave the woman alone but another part of him knew something else. "I think with it being you," Leo joked, " I guess I could make an exception." He had a small smile on his face and then kissed Giselle again. He wanted to be with her, he wanted to forget the pain he felt, and he knew Giselle was just as lost as he was when it came to things. "Tonight, lets forget about the day behind us, just think of now."
Giselle's dark cheeks turned a shade darker but she chuckled lightly all the same as her own hands went around his back, leaning into his chest as she closed her eyes, just simply enjoying the moment for what it was. "I'm glad you've decided to stay....Leo. have a bit of a confession to make though. Nothing serious...just I haven't done anything like this for almost thirty I might be a bit rusty." She blushed further, looking up as she lightly ran her lips up his neck and against his ear, softly sucking on the sensitive lobe before slowly backing away, looking deep into his eyes as she pulled the zipper down in the front of her suit/shirt thing, whatever it was called and revealed her perfectly shaped dark breasts as she pulled it all the way down before slipping out of the outfit. Standing in nothing but her black and white pants now, Giselle pressed herself against Leo and kissed him again, sucking on his lower lip for a few moments before letting her tongue explore his mouth.

Pulling away, Giselle's brown eyes seemed to twinkle with mischievous intent as she turned them about so that his back was to the bed instead of hers. "I want you...Leo. Undress before I rip those pesky clothes off myself." She purred, dropping her pants as well as her bra and panties, both of which were black, revealing a metal stud in her bellybutton as well as another in her clit. Waiting for him was almost torture in itself since she was needing this, more than she consciously realized. There was dozens of scars all over her body, most of them small and barely noticeable, but a few, like the claw mark that was from a red dragon, was an ugly reminder of how chaotic and dangerous her life had been, and it wasn't getting much better in that regard. Even so, the laser shot she had put up with through her stomach was barely a pinprick of discolored flesh, but it was there all the same, a couple of inches away from her metal stud.
Leo watched Giselle as he held her, enjoying the feeling of them together. He saw her undress and felt a bit of a blush race through his face. He was about to mention the fact he hadn't done this before but when she kissed him again, he felt that thought slip away. He felt her being a little forceful which didn't bother him and when he felt her tounge in his mouth, he realized she really did want this. He held onto her and showed the same passion, want to be with her.

Then, he saw the twinkle in her eye as she flew him down to the bed, her ontop of him. And when he heard her, demand he might call it, he slipped off the jacket right away followed by stripping off the shirt. He started to unbutton his pants when he saw her stand with no clothing on her. He gulped a bit, feeling a little surprised by this as he saw the scars and metal in her skin. The scars didn't bother him at all and niether did the metal, he just hadn't seen metal in those places before. He stalled up as he looked at the scars and then back to Giselle. "Didn't expect you to have metal in yah," Leo stated as he chuckled a bit. He kicked off his boots but was having some problems with his pants not wanting to open up so he could slip them off. Great, he thought, this happens and I seem like a clown.
She had all but forgotten about the small, round metal studs in her bellybutton and clit until Leo had reminded her of them. Giving a small gasp of shock, Giselle's dark cheeks actually turned crimson somehow as she giggled, embarrassed but loving the attention all the same. "Yeah....I was a lot, let's say wilder in my younger years. Like, eighteen or something. Drove my father nuts but I matured quickly when war broke out. Funny how seeing your friends and family die off like flies will do that. Even so, all that aside, that was a long time ago, 282 years to be precise. I'm more worried about here and now. Having trouble?" She asked, noticing he was having a few issues with his fly not wanting to cooperate. That about figured as she chuckled quietly before helping him a bit. "Sorry if I ruin these perfectly good pants." Was the only warning he got as she yanked them open, popping the button and the zipper apart. Well, a belt would help to keep them together. "Now, isn't a bit rude to keep a lady waiting?"
Leo listened to Giselle and chuckled, "couldn't imagen you with a wild side." He noticed the blush and found a small smile on his face. When he saw Giselle rip the button and zipper off, he chuckled and said, "lovely women get what they want." He stood up, slipping the pants and underware off as he stood up. He brought his hands up to Giselle and held her as he kissed her on the lips. One of his hands slipped down to her mound and his fingers started to pinch at the clit, occasionaly pulling at the metal down there. "You wanted me, I want you, now, lets take our chance together." He got as close as he could to her and continued to work his fingers on Giselle.
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