Amongst the Stars, Magic is Born. (Dingo and Vergil1989.)

"Leo, stop!" Giselle managed to say after the firing had stopped, knowing that the three humans he had just shot at were the help that Geunhwyvar had managed to retrieve. "It's the people that had fought their way here, probably from that message you sent earlier today." She replied, hoping that they wouldn't fire back in retaliation considering the brief glance she had seen of them told her they'd seen a lot of resistance on the way to the armory.

"Sheesh! We come all this way to help you folks, and you show your thanks by shooting at us?!" Ashley Williams retorted, already slamming a clip into her pistol since she hadn't expected to need it just then, but now she wasn't about to take any chances even if one of them had looked quite beat up if not heavily yet strangely armed. "Some thanks, wouldn't you say Kaiden?"

"They looked like they have seen a lot of action as well, so the reaction we just received isn't unexpected. Look at it from their point of view. They are barely surviving on adrenaline at this point if the state of things in this compound is any indication, and thus three more heavily armed people wouldn't immedaitely be greeted with open arms." Kaiden replied to his partner, wondering what was on Shephard's mind since he was the leader, and they had been charged to find and stop Saren, provided they found proof of course of his treachery. The Council back on the Citadel hadn't bought their story about what had happened involving the Prothean artifact and the colony they had saved from being turned into a crater by Geth planted bombs.

"It's true....we are the ones...that sent that message. If what Leo...told me is correct however, we need to leave before this place explodes, taking us with it." Giselle called out, looking to Leo and hopefully letting him know they didn't need to fight anymore. "I don't know....if I can make the run....having taken a shot to the stomach....earlier today. And...Leo is already past his own limit most likely. How he's still standing is beyond me." She was worried more about him than herself as she nodded for Guen to return home, and the black panther reluctantly faded into mist and disappeared back to her original home on the Astral Plane.

((Shepard and whoever else you want is yours to control my friend.))
Leo stopped firing but he had the rifle aimed. "If you are here to save us, then you can tell me, what about the main slaver ship, it was in orbit. If you did come to us, how did you get by it," Leo stated as he noticed the panther disappeared. Sheapered came out with his weapon holstered and said, "wasn't around, never was."
Leo cracked a small grin as he lowered the rifle. "What took you so long. I sent that message deep into citidel space," Leo joked as he helped Giselle over to the group. "I've rigid the place to blow up. The armory is behind us, you want something, grab it now." Sheperad shook his head and said, "lets just get you two to the shuttle now." The other two went to Giselle as Leo felt a small twinge of pain in him appear. He pushed it aside as he helped the other to the shuttle. Once on the shuttle, Leo chuckled a bit as it went into space. "Giselle," Leo stated, "look out the window, its your world out there," he said as he watched the world disappear beneath them. He then blacked out. When he came too, he found himself in a bed with some IVs hooked up.
Giselle was helped along by the two humans under Shepard's clear command, and nodded her thanks. By the time they reached the shuttle, she only got a brief look of her home before she too passed out from exhaustion and her wounds, her adrenaline having been used up at last. The initial crash left her quite lost for the duration of the shuttle ride, but being lifted onto a hospital bed and rolled into the medical bay, Giselle groaned weakly as she was gently stripped of everything she had on her. Her armor and weapons were taken to be examined and eventually stored the ship's armory. While her armor couldn't be repaired, it was unlikely she'd wear it anymore while she was up in space after she woke up hours later, putting an arm over her eyes since the first thing she saw was the bright light that hung overhead. Another human, a woman by the sound of it, noticed after looking up from her report and scans she had taken of the alien lifeform that had been brought to her, amazed at the results and turned the lights down before walking over to Giselle's side.

"I'm Dr. Chakwas, medical officer for this ship and her crew. You're on the SSV Normandy, part of the Alliance military stationed primarily on Earth, another world far from your own. Can you tell me your name, race, and other information that comes to mind?" She knew her name already, but considering the damage she had suffered before the good doctor and her small team had managed to do a much better job of patching the warrior up, it never hurt to check to make sure everything was still there.

Giselle understood the routine well enough since there were doctors that didn't use magic like most people she knew that tended to people like her and so they had similar techniques in that regard as far as checking memory and such while doing an examination of their patients. "My name is...Giselle Do'Urden. I'm 300 years old....which is young for...a member of any elven race you happen to come across....and I'm a mix of both light and dark elves, my father being of Drow blood, and my mother being the other half. I...came from I guess the world of Toril, on the continent of Faerun, from the city of Silverymoon if you want that information as well. Did...Leo make it?" Chakwas nodded and filed the information away, making sure everything was in order. The IV drips, both the ones that carried a special mix of antibiotics and nutrition feed as well as the blood transfusion bag that hung on the other end of the metal pole were doing their jobs and there was no adverse side effects so far, which reassured Dr. Chakwas considerably as she asked a couple more questions of her patient.

"Thank you for being so forward and understanding despite how strange all this must be for you, Giselle. Yes, Leo's been up and about for a good hour now, although I had to chase him out of here so you could rest up as much as you can. From what he's told Shepard, you are quite strong and agile, as well as possessing some rather unique abilities never heard of anywhere in the wide galaxy we live in. Before we talk further about space travel and everything it involves however, I do need to know if you're hurting anywhere and how it feels, as well as how much it hurts on a scale from 1 to 10, ten being the worst you could imagine." Giselle answered the questions as best as she could, not entirely familiar with a lot of what the woman asked but throughout it all Dr. Chakwas seemed quite understanding and her bedside manner was good as well. When it was over, she asked if Giselle needed anything and got a simple head shake in reply. "Alright, but if you change your mind, do not be afraid to ask. If you feel up to it, I'll have Leo admitted back in to see you for a time."

"I' that, thank you. I owe him my say the least." Giselle replied, glad that there was a cover over her otherwise naked body, having no desire to show off her many scars she had accumulated so far in her life already, having a feeling she'd be getting a lot more before this wild adventure was over. Culture shock was hitting hard at this point as well, and Dr. Chakwas did notice an increase in heart rate but nothing that alarmed her. It settled down before too long, and she went back to her paperwork after sending a message over the PA system to have Leo come back to medbay, as well as to inform Shepard that their other guest was awake, at least for now.
When Leo woke up, well, things wern't saine for him. He had to be pushed down to the ground by two men, A krogan and one other he didn't know the name of, but he thought lizard when he saw him. When he said he wanted to see Giselle, he got to see her for a moment, clothing given to him of corse. Dressed in a suit he didn't like, he walked over to her and saw she was out of it. He sighed for a moment and kissed her cheek when he left, obviously doctor's orders. When he went to the mess hall, he found Shepard there and he wanted to talk. He felt safe talking to shepard for a while until he heard he could go back. He felt hungry but he wanted to check up on Giselle first. When Leo walked back into the medical bay, he saw Giselle and averted his glance when he saw the covers had revealed some. He walked over to Giselle and patted her on the shoulder. "Doc says you are going to be fine," Leo told her as he cracked a smile. "Well, I umh, well," Leo was a bit of a loss for words so he just ended up pulling a chair up and took a seat next to her. "Good to know things are better right now." He kissed her cheek and took his place in the chair again.
Giselle turned her head and saw that Leo had been allowed to see her after all, which surprised her a little bit but she was glad for the company, unaware she was showing a little bit of her well toned body off to the man. His words were the same as Dr. Chakwas's own, which did reassure her and give a little comfort to hear it from Leo as well. Her dark cheeks seemed to go a bit darker when he kissed her again on the cheek. A girl could get used to the treatment the man was showing her, but she would try to not let it go to her head. "Thanks...Leo. How are you holding up? You look a lot....better than I feel, to say....the least." She replied, truly impressed at how much a little food and rest had done for him. Earlier he had looked half dead, which made her wonder just how bad she had been up until their arrival on this ship.

((Hey Dingo? I don't like to nitpick, but could you do me a huge favor? I understand being tired and all and so posting size would suffer, but if I do a big post could you try to match it my friend? Also, if this is set around ME 1, wouldn't it stand to reason we wouldn't have a Drell onboard if that's what that lizard fellow is? Other than that it's cool, and I understand this is more or less an original story, just wondering on all that. Anyway, see ya around.))
OOC - I understand, I'll try to keep up with you in post wise. Anywho, I wasn't think Drell, I just couldn't remember the name of the species that, great, now the name comes to mind. Turian, Gareth's a Turian. My mind acts up at times, sorry about that.

Leo listened to Giselle and chcukled a bit. "Well, I have always been a fast healer, just put a littl medicine and food into me and I'm good to go for a while." Leo was glad to that Giselle seemed to be doing better but he kept his eyes focused up towards Giselle's eyes, not wanting to be caught looking downwards. "So, I best bring you back up to speed. I had a talk with SHepard and unforinatly, I let the cat out of the bag about what you can do. I understand if you are upset with me on this but I understood his side as well, he wanted to make sure his crew was safe as well." Leo took a quick moment to get his thoughts together before he continued on. "We are in space right now, on a ship called the Normandy, and lucky for us, they are the goodguys so we will be safe unless trouble comes looking for them. Now, as far as the base goes, its gone. Against his better discision, Shepard blew the place up so even if the slavers try to come back there, they have to restart from scratch. That said, we are under his care because you and I are the only survivers of the base. He was also asking me alot of questions about a Turian named Saren, I figured he might ask you as well when you get better." Leo saw the docter and gave her a bit of a wave. "Just checking on her, her heart rate went up a bit." The doctor left the room and Leo looked over at Giselle. "Something on your mind," he asked as he figured that something was on her mind and that is what caused the heart rate to jump a bit.
((You thought Garrius was a lizard type of alien? LMAO, sorry, I just don't see the resemblance myself lol. It's cool though and thanks for understanding my friend.))

Giselle listened quietly, filing away everything he told her as best as she could through the drugs that were being pumped into her system. Adjusting the covers so she wasn't showing off anything once she noticed a stray draft across her dark skin, Giselle blushed again, she let her arms rest on top of them for now, noticing the IVs and where they had been inserted into her arms at last. This was a first, but she let it go without a second thought. When Leo got to where he had told Shepard what she was capable of, Giselle calmly shook her head before replying in turn. "You...needn't apologize Leo. I have and never will have anything to hide, so telling him about what I'm able to do doesn't bother me at all. Besides, I'd be concerned too if I was in his place because only a fool lets a stranger into their home without first making sure they meant no...ill will." She was glad to find out that they had indeed blown the slaver camp sky high before they had left her home world, briefly remembering the view out the ship window as they left her home behind.

The name Saren didn't ring any bells and she said as much, having no idea what a Turian was, although she figured she'd meet one soon enough. As if summoned by her thought, Garrus, a former C-Sec officer for the Citadel, walked in behind Leo about the same time her heart rate decided to spike a little bit. "Is that by any chance a Turian?" She asked, and Garrius rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, having not expected to see their new guest awake already.

"Why yes, that I am. And you must be the newcomer we brought onboard several hours ago. Name's Garrus Vakarian, and might I say it's an honor to meet you Giselle. You're the talk of the ship right now, so as soon as the doctor releases you I'd wouldn't be surprised if you have a bunch of the crew asking to talk to you considering the rumors already flying around about you two." One of them had them facing down a whole platoon of Geth on their own and actually winning, although obviously not without suffering a bit for the effort. That one would die down pretty quick since there had never been any Geth to worry about. In the meantime, Garrus disappeared from sight, having been called by the doctor to go over the results of his routine checkup that most military officers went through.

"Interesting fellow. And...the only thing that was on my mind before Garrus showed up...was that I was hoping that that base hadn't survived because...I'd rather not return home some day and find that the entire planet was enslaved by anymore like those people." She replied in turn, although that wasn't ENTIRELY the truth. She wasn't about to tell him that though.
OOC - TO me, this is how I see each of the alien races. Krogan - Big Toads, or frogs. Turrian - Lizards without a tail. Drell - hes closer to the little green men from mars in my book, minus the little part. Sort of like paul but better manners and is green not grey. The little smart aliens, snails that arn't slow. Asari, humans with blue skins. Sort of like giant smurfs.

Leo watched the conversation between the two and chuckled a bit. "Last time I was at the center of a rumor, it was if I knew I was hitting on a robot while being drunk." Leo looked over at Giselle and said, "never drank in my life so I couldn't have been hitting on a robot." When Garuse left, Leo felt a little calmer then before but he didn't understand why he felt calmer. He chuckled a bit and said, "Military Man, still has the walk in him." Leo straightened up a bit and then got out of the chair. "I, umh, well, maybe I should go, give you some time to rest." He placed a hand on Giselle's shoulder and gave a small kiss on her forehead before he left. He needed to gather some understanding of what he was feeling. He greeted the doctor on his way out and went to the armory. He wanted to get the supplies back, atleast the weapons. He figured some adjustments could be made to them now and to him, when he needed to think things through, the best way to think is think and fix at the same time. When he got down to the armory, he found out two lockers were given to him and Giselle. Inside his locker was the clothing that was taken and the firearms he got for both of them. He knew he shouldn't have but he went over to Giselle's locker and looked inside. He saw her armor in there that had looked like it went through hell but he did see the blades that he knew had meaning to her.
"Lose something," Ashley asked as she walked up behind Leo, aware that the locker he was looking in wasn't his.
"Just making sure she got her possessions back is all," Leo stated before he closed the locker and went back to his.
"I see, nothing to do with the relationship between you two, I mean, with you two being lovers and all."
Leo chuckled a bit when he heard that as he went over to his locker and pulled out the weapons. "So, that's one of the many rumors about, huh?"
"Yeah. That and the fact you two took down a bunch of Geth." Leo walked over to the tool bench and got see some of the fine line problems with the weapons. Slavers never took care of them properly.
"Well, we took alot of people down, but deffintly no Geth," Leo answered as he got to work on the sniper rifle.
"Yeah, a slaver base. Care to tell me how you two did it?"
"I had dumb blind luck," leo stated as he pulled the magazine out and dismantled the scope majority of the rifle. "But she would call it warrior's intuition or experince."
"I see, and where exactly did you get your dumb blind luck at," Ashley pressed on as Leo switched out the energy bolt and switched the barrel out for a lighter one.
"I worked on ships my whole life. Need alot of luck when things go messy," Leo stated as he also switched out the frame. "Should make it lighter but I don't like the recoil possibility," he muttered.
"Switch it out for a low energy condenser, should make up the shots for the recoil," Ashley put in.
"Yeah but that ruins penetration power," Leo shot back as he looked at the scope. "Holy crap, the thing is out of focus big time. Good thing she didn't need it then," Leo stated as he started the adjustments. "Cross hairs are even messed up."
"So, are you two engaged to each other, or just happened to run into each other?"
Leo sighed as he switched the scope out for a high powered one, it suggested where to place shots because of wind and distance that could effect the shot.
"At the time, we were at each other's throats," Leo replied as he tried to keep some of his feelings down.
"Sound like you want to be at her throat, but not for the killing reasons." Leo dropped a wrench and looked squarely at Ashley with a confused look. "Women's intuition, plus, you are working on her firearms first, not your. Tells me you care about her." Leo looked away and started to put the rifle back together. "Look, if you like her, tell her, taking a chance won't kill you at all. But if you wait to long, well, she may grow an interest in someone else, new world, new people, she might take a fancy to someone else." Leo felt the screw driver leave his hands and he clumsily got it before it nicked the rifle. "And don't be jealouse, she has a right to choice who she wants to be with." Leo watched Ashley walk away before he sighed and looked down at the rifle. Did he really care about GIselle enough that he got jealouse? He shook his head and finished the work on the sniper rifle before he went over to her pistol and made the imporvments on them as well. He figured Ashley may have been right, but truth be told, Ashley was right about all of it. Leo sighed a bit and said, "well, so it's true. Like I have a chance, compared to that Turian." He went back to work on the pistol.
((Lol it's cool my friend. The face most Turians possess do some kind of lizard like so I'd buy that. Krogans are akin to frogs I can easily see, if frogs had hard as stone skin and were souped up versions of the Terminator lol. Haven't seen Paul yet but I get the general idea all the same if you're thinking about the Salarians. Anyway, let the show continue! Also, quick request? Your post size is good but it's kind of hard to read it with it all bunched together. Try to separate them a little more. Thanks!))

Giselle could only chuckle weakly at the light banter between the two before she started coughing again, and then moaning quietly since it still brought a measure of pain yet. Still, she nodded her agreement about Garrus since she had seen plenty of people walk like he had. "I've been around warriors all my life. I was raised around honorable and community minded people back home, dwarves if you can believe it. trolls and magic for the first time last night....and I am still trying to catch up with everything." Watching him leave silently, Giselle sighed heavily, hating to be doing nothing since she was a woman of action.

Anything would be better than just sitting on her ass, but she was still too weak to move about just yet, let alone anything else. Instead, she resigned herself to trying to sleep, which came easily despite her effort to resist it at first. Dr. Chakwas would get a little bit of a surprise when she checked Giselle's monitors since she had never seen brain patterns like hers or a person's heart rate drop so low and still have a living patient to tend to. "A meditative trance perhaps? You are full of surprises my dear." She whispered to herself, keeping a close eye on Giselle, but eventually she let it go since there didn't seem to be any distress. Her brain waves showed the typical signs of a person dreaming, but Giselle's was constantly in that range rather than dipping and rising up in a set pattern as most humans tended to do. So again the good doctor was surprised to find that after only four hours of sleep, Giselle was wide awake. "You are full of surprises indeed, Giselle. There are few races that can survive on only four hours of sleep, yet it seems you do just fine. How is that possible I wonder?"

Giselle shrugged since she didn't really have a LOGICAL explanation, but she did have an explanation all the same. "I'll try to explain it as best I can, but bear in mind that I come from a world where magic and monsters are common things. I'm guessing you don't have those save in stories and legends alone." Dr. Chakwas nodded, having expected as much considering that she was talking to a real dark elf after all. She had been a fan of fantasy stories as a child, but she had outgrew such fascination long ago. But, to stare it in the face, that was an eye opener, even for a medical officer who had seen a lot more than the average person could ever dream of. "I enter what you might call a living dream, except I don't actually fall asleep in the traditional sense. We call it Reverie, a meditative trance like state that allows us to relive past events as if they were happening all over again in perfect detail. Every muscle is totally relaxed, and it's not uncommon to see a blissful look on an elf's face who is deep in Reverie, even when they are having a bad memory crop up. I can't control what I'll see, just like a person in deep sleep can't control what they dream. I don't know how to explain it beyond that."

"It's a good enough answer as any, and the monitoring equipment told me the same basic thing you just did. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I thank you for clearing it up Giselle." Chakwas replied, earning a sigh of relief from the girl as the doctor patted her on the shoulder. "How are you adjusting?" The smile died almost immediately, answering the question far better than she would have guessed.

"How do you think? I appreciate....what you did for me, what you all did for me and Leo, but....I don't know if I'm cut out for all this space travel. I've traveled all over my home world....gods it feels so weird to say that, but out here I wouldn't have the first clue about anything." Chakwas nodded solemnly as she continued her work, changing out the IV bags for a fresh one and completely removing the now empty blood pack that had replenished Giselle's own. Checking the bandages while she talked, the good doctor understood what Giselle was going through.

"It's called culture shock. Considering you were dragged off your homeworld without any real chance to prepare, it's totally understandable to feel lost and confused. I'd be worried if you said you were perfectly alright. However, you're doing excellent in my opinion, for what it is worth, and if you still wish to return home after you've seen what it is we fight for, then I'm sure Shepard wouldn't mind taking you back. For now, rest up. Do you need anything?" She asked after changing the dressings and applying a new bandage to both the entry and exit wounds, surprised at how well her patient was healing up.

"Some actual food would be nice. The last meal I had were in a small shiny pack and the little squares the thing had inside were akin to eating rocks." Chakwas laughed since she knew exactly what Giselle meant and sent a message to the man in charge of the mess hall after taking her patient's order.

"Military rations are not known for their good taste. Even so, Shepard does alright for us and whenever we stop at the Citadel, he allows the crew to bring back as much food as they can carry and the ship's galley can store."
Leo had finished up on the upgrades and placed them into Giselle's locker, along with some grenades and ammo. He wondered what he should do along with the armor for Giselle but figured he should leave it alone. He went to work on his euipment and tried to make it light wieght, a good set of irons on it, and less kick. However, he found himself thinking about Giselle. When he was finished with his weapons, he saw some of the crew men looking at him and whispering. "Cut the rumors crap," Leo stated as he went over to the life and went up to the main deck.

He walked out onto the main part of the ship to see it working as a whole, mainly humans were about but he saw occasional aliens about. He was ready to go back down when he saw the Turrian from earlier walk onto the life with him. "Quarters please," he asked and leo pressed the button.

"So," Leo asked as the doors closed. "Military huh?"
"C-Sec, back on the citidal. You a spacer?"
Leo looked up at the Turrian and said, "yeah. Ever seen a Jetisoned Capison 330 shot from the airlock?"
"You never want to. I almsot saw it happened, if it had happened, life support would have crashed and we would have died of the cold."
The turian looked over at leo and said, "most people would assume you would die of lack of oxygen first. What makes you think cold?"
"What's keeping the ship warm in the depths of cold space," Leo stated as the door slid open and both of them walked out.
"Going to go see your friend," the turian asked as he pointed at the medbay on the other side.
Leo didn't know what to say. Hell, why had he even left the work bench in the first place. "No idea," Leo stated.
"Honest answer," the turian stated. "By the way, names Garrius, you need some help, you can ask me, I can probably help." Leo nodded and walked over to the medbay. He saw someone bringing some food in and he asked who it was for. When he found out it was for Giselle, he asked if he could bring it in. Almost without questioning him, the man handed the food over and Leo walked into the medbay with it. He saw Giselle with the doctor and said, "they were bringing this for yah, I was just coming in here as well so figured would bring it for them," Leo said. He was certain he liked Giselle but he wasn't sure what he should do about it. He placed the tray of food on a table and moved the table over for Giselle.
"Sounds like a good commander." Giselle replied, and turned as she heard the elevator come down to their floor. She didn't have to wait long to find out who was coming as Leo stepped into the medbay, carrying a tray full of food just for her. "You are a life saver. Thanks, Leo." Giselle said, being helped up to a sitting position so she could dig in. Even if it was alien food, (at least for her since most of what was on the plate wasn't easily recognized by her save for the vegetables and fruits for the most part,) Giselle didn't complain and actually enjoyed a lot of it. Chakwas kept an eye on her just in case she suffered any adverse effects to what she consumed, but so far everything seemed to be ok. Even so, when dealing with alien life, it was always better to be prepared in case they went into shock or had some other horrible allergen pop up that they weren't aware of, so she prepared a needle full of a med that would help with anything like that from lasting for too long, setting it at the end of her desk in a sealed container so she didn't end up sticking herself by accident.

Giselle meanwhile could hardly believe how good most of what Leo had brought tasted, barely able to swallow one mouthful before she had another one ready to go on her fork. "Gods, it's been ages it feels like....since I've eaten last. Or is it the fact I survived a near death experience....again that everything tastes so good?" She chuckled, taking a break from stuffing her face to look at Leo, and then to REALLY look at Leo since she could tell there was a lot on his mind. "You ok? You seem to have a lot on your mind."
"Alot on my mind is an understatement," Leo stated as he took a seat next to Giselle. "I did some upgrades to the weapons we got. Slavers didn't take really good care of them." He felt his mind rush a bit as he looked over at Giselle. "I also saw your armor, beat up to hell. Might want to consider new armor." Leo sighed a bit and looked more concerned then before. "So, any ideas of what you want to do? Sure, after they get our statements, they may ask us to stay but we can leave. What'cha going to do?" Something told him she was staying and if she was, he would too. Besides, he went from merc to really good merc, even soldier if some wanted to use the term losely with him. "With it not being MREs, any food is better," Leo stated about the food. God, he felt strange as hell and he knew he wasn't sick from anything at all. Was he jealouse?
Was he jealous? Why would he be jealous? They had just met not twelve hours ago, and then she had wanted to slice him into tiny bits for helping that Asari woman hold her against her will. She had forgiven him, but not forgotten the whole thing just yet. The news about her armor didn't surprise her considering everything she'd been through in the past day, but it did sadden her to think she'd have to replace it. Well, nothing for it then, even if it had seen countless battles, just like her. "I am not surprised to hear that about the slavers. They didn't strike me as the type to take care of their gear as well as they should, let alone their own lives for that matter. Course, being slavers kind of gave that away." Maybe not the best joke, but it helped to lighten the mood, she hoped anyway. Taking a chance though, Giselle flat out asked Leo what she hoped was right on the mark.

"So, you think the first real alien I see I'm going to fall head over heels for? Sorry to disappoint but I've had three relationships in the past, none of which ended well at all. So if you're worried about that, don't be. What? It doesn't take a psychic to know what was on your mind." Giselle said, putting a hand on his shoulder before speaking further. "I don't know anything about space travel, or alien life, or anything like that as I told Dr. Chakwas already. However, I think I can adjust easily enough. I plan to stay for a little bit, learn what I can before I make any decisions. From what I've heard, there's something major going on, and if I can keep up with all this, I want to do what I can to help since I owe you and everyone onboard a debt for saving my life. If whatever trouble finds its way to my homeworld because I didn't do anything, then what kind of person would I be?" She wasn't one to back down once her mind was made up, and Giselle wasn't about to start now as she focused inward, having recovered enough to heal the rest of the damage she had endured since it was now within her level to do so. The wound in both her stomach and back closed up underneath the bandages that the doctor had applied, and before the woman could even look up to see the monitors going haywire, Giselle was already pulling the lot off, revealing perfectly smooth skin.

"There, good as new. Um....sorry to put you out of a job Dr. Chakwas, but I don't think I could stay in bed a moment longer without going permanently insane first. If I check out alright, I think I'll be taking my leave, although your company was quite nice and your advice you gave greatly appreciated." Chakwas meanwhile couldn't believe what she had just seen as the monitors settled down as soon as Giselle had finished her little trick. Now she had seen everything it seemed, and she was completely dumbstruck. "All I did was accelerate what you had already started. Was it really that shocking?" She turned nervously to Leo, hoping she hadn't overdone it since she kept on forgetting that these people weren't used to magic in any form.
Leo listened to Giselle and realized she may have been right. To many things she was right about. He listened and watched. Then, he saw her heal herself and he did seamed shocked about it. He saw a lot of things in the past. He took life, he risked his, he helped someone he didn't know, went to war pretty much with this woman. Maybe what he felt was not true feelings but wanting to stay with her because he felt like an eternity had happened between them, to him atleast. He wasn't surprised at anything he saw anymore. When she was up, he said, "Im just a confused young adult, what do you expect after being involved in something close to full out war," Leo asked as he watched the doctor, a needle in her hand and a shocked look as well. "Doc, best put the needle away."
Leo slowly got up and looked over at Giselle. "Just seen a lot, still confused on things," Leo stated before he left. He went to the lift and found himself going down to the engine room. He hardly saw anyone around it and sat in the corner. He closed his eyes and listened to the humming. He wanted to be home, he didn't want to be here. He didn't know what was right or wrong now. He didn't know what to do or think. What is he going to do. "If I keep acting like this," Leo said to himself, "I'll end up getting myself into more trouble then I can handle." He wasn't sure of things anymore. He brought his knees up to his chest and brought his arms around his head as he found himself thinking.
Doctor Chakwas recovered quickly, and merely shook her head as she sat back down. Yes, that had indeed been a surprise, but it wasn't SO far out of her usual day that it would stop her from doing her job. There were plenty of questions she wanted to ask, but she understood Giselle would most likely have far more now that she was up and about. Putting the needle away until it was needed later, she did help get her ready to go as Giselle watched Leo go. She hadn't wanted to send him off like that. Now she'd have to find him and try to offer some comfort if nothing else. She wasn't the only one way out of her league, considering everything that had happened of late, a fact she'd do well to remember. Wincing a little as the IVs were pulled out and the tape holding them secure removed, Giselle watched the good doctor work silently, thinking on everything that had happened. Twelve hours ago, she'd been wandering back to Silverymoon, had spotted the slaver camp, gotten stunned, had to fight her way to freedom with a former merc who had feelings for her, and now was on a ship that traveled the stars going to the gods knew where.

Sighing heavily as she was given a clean suit much like Dr. Chawkwas's own, Giselle dressed quickly, feeling naked all the same without her armor and swords on her person if nothing else. "Thanks Doctor, for everything. I owe you much, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you."

"Nonsense darling, it's what I do everyday. You just be sure to be careful so you don't have to come back for another medical emergency. I don't mind visitors on the other hand, so if anything comes up, please feel free to talk to me." Giselle bowed at the waist, smiling warmly as she walked out of the medbay, having a little trouble with the door but she figured it out quickly enough after putting her hand to the green holographic symbol that was in the middle of it. Raising an eyebrow, she got her first look at the more busier parts of the ship. This was going to be a little overwhelming. Walking into the mess hall, Giselle felt eyes on her as she passed by the tables that housed most of the crew. She didn't stop as she reached the elevator, heading down since someone had said Leo had headed that way as well. Maybe she'd find him before they got to...wherever it was they were going.
Leo sighed a bit as he sat up straighter and pulled out a CaptureVid from his pocket. the current still frame showed him getting ready for something, packing some clothes into a duffle bag. Shepard of corse was watching Leo from a camera while at the same time was talking with one of the counsel members. "So, you found two survivors on that slaver compound. What happened to the compound."
"The human rigged the compound to blow on their escape. When we got to him and the other survivor, a Drow I think she called herself, he had rigged it to blow and before we could ask him to remove the explosives, he had passed out. So, we evacuated from the area."
"You let the evidence of slavers blow up," the female asari asked, obviously upset.
"Like I said, situation didn't allow us to collect more data. Besdies, according to the human, he destoryed their database of information after he sent the call for help."
"All of this is hear say, do you have any solid proof of any of this acctualy happening? What if he was a slaver that acted like a good samaritan, huh?"
"I doubt he would lie about any part if he told the truth about the attack and what they had done. He even told me the ship he came from, the Becon Omega, a colony ship that..."
"Blew up three weeks ago," the asari stated. "Or did he forget to tell you that? Did he tell you how he got to the compound?"
"Well, I didn't question him on that, at the time I figured go soft on him, he went through alot."
The asari threw her fists down and hollered, "I don't give a care if he is the pope from Earth, get the information out of him and if I find out you kiddy play him, I will make sure you will never get on a ship again. Get the information on him, and book him for the sabatoage of that compound and that ship." The message cut out and Sheapard sighed. He looked back over at the monitor and watched Leo looking at something. He shook his head and knew, Leo wasn't involved if anything that the counsle wanted to charge him with. Why tell lies and yet bring a survivor from it. She could have told the truth but she seemed to confirm things. Sure, the slaver compound was rigged to blow but even the woman knew about it. And the ship, why name a dead ship. Why not a station where no one would remember him period? And why just him? WHy not arrest both of them for lying? Sheapard wasn't bying this at all.

Leo pushed a button and the CaptureVid started playing. "Hey Leo, look up at me," a young female voice stated. Leo had looked up at the woman and you could see the hopefully look in his eyes. "Come on," Leo stated in the vid, "i'm trying to get packed. I ship out soon."
The woman chuckled as said, "still, you are leaving and I want something to remember you by."
Leo chuckled and zipped up his bag. "Come on Cell, you make it sound like I am never coming back."
"Oh, so you plan on coming back now? I thought you wanted to leave this rat hole, never see it again."
"You know I will come back, my family is here and so is my friend," Leo pointed at Cell. The vid cut to static for a bit before a second video clicked in.
A young woman was sitting on a bed, the CaptureVid pointed her but because it wasn't shaking, the vid was assumed to be on a pole or something to hold it still. "Hey, Leo, I wanted to get this message to you. Look, I figured you should hear it fro me, noth that bitch merc, I know she would be sadistic in making sure you knew." The woman sighed and then continued. "The ship is dying. Not your fault at all, the compressior shot out which has mucked up the engine. Well, I hate to say it but the captain has said we are to try to get help. Look, I doubt help will come to us any time soon. So, I wanted to record this and have it sent to you when someone found it. I love you Leo, always have and always will. Part of me wishes you were with me right now, I feel so alone and I know you could help me try to stay calm. I wish we could have had a chance to be together but it looks like we won't get that chance. So, I want you to take my request. Move on in your life, find someone to be with you, live the life you wanted. But, do what you feel is right, not what others tell you to do. And when you find someone, treat them with all the love you would give someone like me. I love you Leo, be safe and live life."
The CaptureVid turned to snowscreen for a few seconds before it started up again. Leo didn't want to see it because he saws it before. Cell was in the vid but terrible scared and obviously not doing well. The vid kept going but the audio painted a macabre picture of the torture the slavers were inflicting on her. He seen it before. They raped her, slashed her up, made her life hell before she got up and was able to kill a few slavers. Then, a loud shot rang out when he heard the elevator open up. He killed the video, which showed Cell on the ground bleeding out from the wound and crying. Leo was crying as well but he was rubbing the tears away. Shepard was watching and listening to the whole thing and had to close the monitore at the same time Leo stopped the vid he was watching. Leo was obviously shaking and upset but the only reason why he kept the vid was because it was what was left of the life he knew and had. Had blamed himself for leaving without Cell, blamed himself for not being with her during the end, blamed himself for almost everything that happened. He didn't know the ship had blown up, and he didn't know Me'th had a hand in what had happened. One of the reasons why Leo did what he did was he was still lost in the woods and he was looking for someway out of them. Traces of the tears were still visable.
Giselle may not have seen the video, but her sensitive ears told her all she needed to know as she had managed to get close without being heard or seen, an old habit of hers back home on Toril when she was needing information from one enemy or another. Sneaking about was what Drow did, usually right before unleashing a Hell of their own on unsuspecting victims, but Giselle was no heartless assassin and she certainly wasn't planning anyone's doom, at least not today. A few tears of her own found their way to her brown eyes, knowing what it was like to lose friends and family. How many people had she lost to war when she was still a child on her father's knee? Too damn many, to say the least. Sighing heavily, she walked away, choosing to leave Leo alone until he was himself again. She wouldn't mention what she had heard, not unless it was pertinent later. For now, she wanted to learn more and see more of the ship, unaware that Shepard had probably seen her as well on the cameras that were stationed about the ship listening in on the CaptureVid he kept on him as well as her own reaction.

Taking the elevator again, this time to the CIC level, or the top of the ship, and was surprised by the hustle and bustle of what this level possessed. Having dried her eyes on the way up, Giselle stepped off hesitantly, unsure if she was supposed to be here, but no one had stopped her so far. "Oh boy." She muttered to herself, not about to touch a damn thing for fear of either A), messing something up royally, and B), she didn't want to find out what it would be like to be pushed out the nearest airlock and be jettisoned out into space. However, she was curious all the same as she stayed out of the way of the crew, her hands tucked neatly behind her back as she silently observed what happened regularly on a ship like this. It reminded her of many of the war meetings back in Mithral Hall, yeah, if said meetings were held out in space on a technologically advanced ship. Even so, the same bustle was evident. She spotted Garrus heading to the front of the ship, and just caught sight of a human sitting down at what could only be the steering wheel, minus the wheel from what her sharp eyes could see from here before the door closed.

Heading that way herself, Giselle made it about halfway before the galaxy map popped up, Kaiden having pulled it up at the controls, purposely highlighting where Giselle's homeworld was, on the southwestern edge of known space in the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy. "What do you make of all this? From what we saw of your planet, you don't have anything close to what we have here, yet from the way Leo described your combat abilities, you are advanced in ways that make us look like we just crawled out of the primordial soup." Giselle turned and sighed heavily, still very much overwhelmed by all this, but she was adjusting quickly all the same. "That bad huh? It'll come to you in time and you'll be an experienced spacer like the rest of us in no time Giselle."

"Thanks. I never got your name however. Isn't it customary to introduce yourself or did manners drop off the map when I got sucked along for this wild ride?" Giselle asked, earning a laugh from the human as he shook his head, earning a smile from the half Drow in turn.

"You're right and I'm sorry. My name's Kaiden Alenko, Earth born and a L2 biotic, a telekinetic specialist before you ask for clarification. I can move stuff with my mind, as well as crush another living being like they were tinfoil, but I don't use that part of my training often." He said, looking down at the console for a moment before seeing that Giselle had approached a few steps.

"You don't like being a weapon of war despite your training to be just that. You serve to help others, not to destroy them even if they are truly evil." She understood his dilemma perfectly, which surprised Kaidan considerably since he had just been read like an open book. She knew a few people that would benefit greatly to follow his example, except he did have a few things to say on the matter.

"I serve and fight to protect those that matter. There's the difference, but you were close to what I do all the same. You have indeed seen a lot if you're able to see through me so easily. Your file that Dr. Chakwas made up says you're three hundred years old, yet you don't look a day over twenty five. Asari are the same way in that they live for a very long time, but beyond that you and them are far different from what I can tell on observations alone." Giselle shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal to her either way, and it wasn't in all honesty.
Leo slowly got up, tried to dry up some of the tears on his face when he heard the elevator go back up. He sighed for a moment and placed the CaptureVid back into his pocket. Hell or high water, no one was taking it from him. He was heading back to the elevator when the doors opened up before he pushed the button to open them. "Leo, come to my office now," Shepard said through an intercom. Leo walked in and before he could press the button to go up, the doors had closed and the elevator went directly up. No stops, no one getting on or off, just a straight shot. Leo had a bad feeling in the back of his mind about this but he also had nothing to hide so why worry. WHen it got to the top floor, he walked out and around the corner to shepard's office. He could see the man sitting at a desk with a computer on and several files infront of him. "We need to talk," SHepard told Leo as Leo took a spot infront of the desk and stood there. "The counsel wants me to arrest you, Leo, on counts of being a slaver," Leo was turning around to walk away, evidence could prove if anything he was told to do whatever he was told to do, or else. "And a charge of mass murder of the ship you said you came from." If a pen had fallen, it would have sounded like a cannon went off when it would hit the ground. Leo turned sharply around and slammed his fists onto the desk. He could handle the merc bit, but saying he hand a hand in what happened the ship, it wasn't his fault. Not his fault that a part failed. Not his fault slavers found it. "The ship blew up a couple of weeks ago, around the same time you shipped out with Me'th. The COunsle believes..."
"Screw the counsel, I didn't have a hand in what happened to the ship. And what do you mean it blew up," Leo hollered and people floors below, if they could hear over the everyday noises, could probably hear Leo's tyraid.
"According to them," Shepard pulled up a few pictures of the debris, "the ship was blown up. No survivors. Now, you admitted to being on that ship and you were the last one to leave it."
Leo said something in chinese which roughly translated and cleaned up meant, Me'th lied, she got it easy compared to what he would do to her if she was still alive. He knew now he was being set up by Me'th, even in death. Leo looked Shepard in the eyes and coldly stated, "I had nothing to do with this."
"And the counsel says otherwise. Now, we are going back to the citadel where C-Sec is taking you in."
"So you just going to do what they tell you to do, not look into things," Leo stated as he slowly stood up. "And I thought I could trust you. It just seems like you are a lap dog of those piece of gosu government g-men, I guess you finally get that dog treat from them." Leo was being harsh as he could be because he saw the situation as he was willing to help and now they wanted to charge him as a criminal.
Shepard sighed and said, "its not my call. Personally, I wouldn't charge you. I can tell you didn't have a hand in this because of the CaptureVid I saw you watch. To them, its a sign of guilt that you did it. To me, I can tell you want to find everyone resposible for this and kill them."
Leo said something else in chinese again which roughly and and cleanly, he was swearing more then usual, translated to forget about the government and the stick they were sticking you with. "You try to arrest me and I will fight back." Leo said another thing in chinese which translated to did shepard wanted to be riddled full of hole from Leo because he would be willing to do it if SHepard tried to arrest him.
Shepard stood up and walked around his desk, a pair of cuffs in hand. "I'm sorry but I have to do this."
Leo swore again in chinese and before he knew it, SHepard was on him. Leo, technically never threw the first punch in this fight between the two, Shepard had. But Leo saw it that the counsel had instigated the fight from the start. Leo was use to one rule in fightinf which was cheat in a fight if death is on the line. Shepard however, seemed to be giving Leo an easy hand in the fight. When the Krogan went up the elevator, he sent a message to Garruise and Giselle to come up, Shepard's orders. WHen he got to Shepards office, he saw Shepard being thrown out into the main hall and landed against the wall. The Krogan handed Shepard a gun which he pointed at Leo, who was scratched up like hell and bleeding now. For only being awake for a few hours, Leo seemed in top condition for his situation. "Go ahead," Leo stated coldly as his fists tightened. Shepard shook his head for a moment and shot Leo, but no blood had appeared, Leo fell down stunned, and had blacked out. "I started the fight," Shepard stated, "so get him to the doctor."
"What about the arrest," the Krogan asked as Shepard heard the elevator.
"Technically, I assulated the suspect so he can't be charged now," Shepard replied. He would have smilied if he could but he knew the consle was watching. Leo was right, the counsel was wrong. And Shepard was putting his neck on the line to make sure Leo didn't get arrested. But the fight showed Leo was willing to fight to the end, a trait he needed on his crew against Saren; shepard chuckled at that idea and knew Saren would have hell to deal with if caught alone with SHepard but now SHepard was forming a crew that would make Saren hope he never saw any of them on his own, let alone if he had help. He was going down and he wanted to make sure everything was put in the right order.
((Clever boy lol. Love the post Dingo.))

Giselle looked up when the order came through the PA system, and got on the elevator along with Garrus. Heading up just as Shepard was tossed against the wall, Giselle gasped to see what was going on as he stunned Leo a moment later, a giant toad with incredibly hard looking skin standing by. "What in the Nine Hells just happened?!" She asked, bewildered but she was quick to connect the dots. The Council, whatever that was, must think that Leo had had something to do with his home's destruction if that CaptureVid was any indication. "Your governing body....this Council, thinks he destroyed his home after running off with the slavers don't they? Of that, I have my doubts considering he saved my ass against the very person that ran that base down on my homeworld. Also, if not for him I'd be dead right now." She also had a feeling that this Council were watching since if what she had learned so far was true, then they ruled over Shepard and his crew even if he was outside the law otherwise. "So, why did you call me up here Shepard?"

"She's good Shepard. For coming from a backwards world, she's smart, I'll give her that." Garrus commented, passing along a smile to the room at large as he leaned against the wall, earning a glare from the half Drow before turning back to Shepard, sitting on his desk with her arms crossed under her breasts. "I think you better talk to her Shepard." The Turian grinned, helping to get Leo back to the medical bay along with Wrex, leaving them alone for now.

"So, who the hell is this Saren, and what are you really doing out in this metal casket in the middle of nowhere? I know enough of politics to know that they don't hand this kind of thing over without a lot of strings attached." Giselle said further, knowing there was a lot of things she didn't understand, but she was going to get answers, somehow. Her eyes seemed to shine momentarily before Shepard would hear her voice directly in his head. And considering you managed to free Leo from being handed over to this Council you mentioned by striking first, I understand you need men for whatever is going on. She was full of surprises.
Shepard watched Lwo get carried out and he gave a look to Garrius, who understood, treat him well. When Wrex and Garrius were in the elevator, Sheaprd looked over at Giselle and looked over at the one camera in his office, which somehow got damaged during the fight. Sheapard closed the door behind him and heard Giselle voice, and thought, out her questions. "Leo is a tought kid, I'll give him that much. If Wrex hadn't shown up when he did, I think Leo would have had me down for the count," Shepard stated as he walked over to his desk and pulled out a bottle of drink along with two glasses. "The counsel wanted Leo for a few crimes I know he hadn't had commited. He was too honest about things so why lie about those things." Shepard poured two glasses of drink and put the bottle back. "So, I broke some rules to make sure hw couldn't be arrested by me or the counsle without the smoking gun. In short, hard evidence he commited the crimes. And since the ship is blown up, only people could say what happened. And if they did speak up, then they would be arrested. So, in the long run, Leo is safe now." Shepard faced Giselle and took a drink from the glass. "The other glass is yours." SHepard took a moment to think and then said. "Sarren attacked a human colony a while back and when I tried to accuse him of it, I got shot down. You see, he has a SPecter status, which means, he can do as he wishes and without hard evidence, no one can say other wise. Well, I got a lead on him, well, three leads really, and I plan on chasing them down." He used the word them on purpose because he wanted to state someone was backing Sarren as well to do this. "I brought Leo up to speed about this a while ago and I figured you deserved to be brought up to speed as well. It seems to me you want to find the slavers and people responsible for what happened on your world. Well, the slaver's main ship is out there and it might be working with Sarren. So, you have a stake in it like everyone else. A reason to keep on and fight Sarren tooth and nail." Shepard finished his drink and then stated, "everyone but Leo that is. Origginaly, I wanted you up here to be brought up to speed on our mission. But Leo now dosen't have a reason to stay on and fight. Sarren had no hand in his home being destroyed, no hand in messing his life up. Which is why I need to ask a favor from you. You and Leo fought together and survived. War buddies is a term we like to use and it is one that fits you two together. So, don't be surprised if he acts diffrent towards you, or strange even. War bonds some people to others faster then they realize of understand. I need you to keep an eye on Leo, make sure he dosen't decide to do something that endagers his life or anyone elses life for that matter." Shepard walked over and took a place next to Giselle. "He has no ground to go to now, so now he is dangerious. He may help fight Sarren but if he can't fight anymore, he may find himself in trouble. Help him when and if you can."

Leo was in the medbay but still passed out. Garrius stood next to him while the doctor patched him up. "Shepard should be down here getting looked over as well, this boy fought hard," the doctor stated as she put a small bandage over his left eye, a big cut that bled.
Garrius nodded his head and said, "strong as hell when put into a spot he dosen't like. Seems to be a pattern if you ask me."
The doctor looked over at garrius and said, "do tell." She started on a small weave on Leo's fists.
"From what I have heard, it seems he isn't a violent person. But when pushed, he shoves back with knives at the ready. If I didn't know any better, I say he was a pascifist, or atleast a peaceful person."
"A diplomatic person, had me fooled with these wounds," the doctor chipped in as she wrapped up the hands.
"He was going to be arrested for crimes he didn't commit. I think he did the logical thing any of us would do. Think of it like this, he takes down the captain, technically the strongest man on the ship with his bare hands, and it would force us to wonder how strong he really is."
The doctor nodded her head and said, "I saw the look in Wrex's eyes. I think he would have loved to go at this boy."
"I hate to admit but I think he could beat Wrex."
"Of coruse he could, the boy has biotic cybernetics in his body."
"Come again," Garruis asked when he looked over at Leo, still asleep.
"This boy is like a walking machine. He gets close to the edge, it turns on and he can keep going. I noted that in my report."
Garrius walked over to the charts and looked at leo's file. Sure enough, the doctor noted the implants. Which caused Garruis to think that Leo may have been holding back as well. The truth was though, at that moment, only Garrius, the Doctor, Sheapard, and the Counsel knew about Leo's implants. The thing was though, Leo didn't know about the implants he had, never knew about them but two people knew about the implants that wern't the counsel or on the ship. Two people Leo had met before but never remembered them.
((Seems I am not the only one with surprises lol. That mind trick I forgot to mention but she can only use it when calm and in control. That and she can't force her way into another's head, not like her full mage brother Seth anyway. Only things it's useful for is to get around silence when it's needed unless there happens to be another mind reader about, then we're in trouble lol.))

Giselle took the drink and didn't need any prompting since it wouldn't have been the first time she was offered something of the sort. She didn't usually indulge in alcohol on personal choice since she didn't like the lack of control overindulging brought about, but one here or there was totally acceptable. She never drank before going on a mission however, and that was one habit she wouldn't break unless under a great deal of stress. Today would have been a good day to do that but she was trying to keep it together, and so far she was doing alright. "Leo was indeed quite capable of handling himself back on Toril, my home planet's name if you don't know it already. If it does come to trial I'll testify in his favor, but the way you manipulated it about it sounds like you got him off pretty clean, at least for now." She replied, taking a sip and was surprised at how well it went down. Shrugging, she took one more as she listened to Shepard and what he had to say.

Spectres, she hadn't heard the name but what she had heard while wandering about the ship told her as much as Shepard had himself, plus a bit more she hadn't. They were indeed above the law and only answered to this Council that she kept hearing about. Sounded to her like they needed to rework the rules a bit if someone like Saren could pull this off, although not without a lot of help surely? Someone or something was helping him, that much was clear. His statements about Leo though gave Giselle much to ponder as she nodded solemnly her understanding. "I'll do all I can, but it might not be enough. I'm a warrior, tis true, but I'm not the best person to ask advice from since I've faced a lot of hard times in my own life. Let me put it this way for you Shepard since you don't know what my dark skin signifies back on Toril. Drow, or dark elves as they are more commonly called, are evil incarnate. They raid, pillage, and slaughter any other race they come into contact with, but only in times of war do they ever come to the surface of Toril or every twenty years or so in small raiding parties. It is very rare to meet a good dark elf, and I can only name five of them off the top of my head, and my father and myself are two of them. In three hundred years, I had to earn my right to exist peacefully with those that lived on the surface already because racial hatreds are that strong against those that look like me, just as my father had to earn his own place before me. I promise I will try to help Leo, but...I just warn you I might not be the best person to do so either is all because of my own personal issues."

Looking up at Shepard's face again however, Giselle's brown eyes showed deep determination and a resolve to see this thing through after finishing her drink and putting the glass down beside her on the desk. "However, if this Saren is as bad as you say he is, then I won't stand idly by and let him do whatever he wants to innocent people. I'll fight in your cause, but I do have a small price. If I'm going to be out here, I'm going to need to be brought up to speed on everything considering my world isn't nearly as advanced as yours seems to be. I'll offer what information I can in return, but nothing that could compromise the safety of those I call friends and allies, hard earned as they were beyond my family's circle of close friends. Do we have an accord?" She asked, wanting this deal to be made because she wouldn't be any use otherwise if she didn't understand what all this was and how it might effect the battles to come. Knowledge was power, and Giselle wasn't about to be left unarmed in that regard.


Meanwhile, back on Toril, Seth Do'Urden and David Do'Urden had been sent out to find their missing sister, having received word from the rulers of Silverymoon that she had never shown up. Seth and David looked like their light elven mother, but had some distinctive features from their dark elf father, Drizzt Do'Urden, who was leading the way through the trail that she had taken not a day ago. Drizzt's eyes were alight as he looked at the ground in the infrared spectrum, kneeling to get a closer look at the footprints and other telltale signs of heavy movement in this area. "She was here, as were many other beings, humans if my eyes have not failed me yet. There are also troll tracks here as well, but they were obliterated. Seth, David, do you two notice anything amiss here?"

David, the 'barbarian' among the Do'Urden children hefted his heavy warhammer onto his shoulder, indeed noticing something besides the huge crater that had been left behind. "Yeah, the tracks stop not too far off from here, as if she took off on a dragon or something. I don't see any claw marks to say she did however, or any signs of a struggle. I doubt she was taken by surprise though, since you and everyone else tied to our family, small as it is, trained us well." Chuckling lightly despite the grim circumstances, Drizzt patted his son on his shoulder, barely able to reach his impressive height despite his own tall and slender frame. Turning to Seth next, the mage nodded his agreement of what his brother had said already.

"It would seem that she simply vanished or was pulled into a dimensional rift of some sort. Since I detect the trace of neither spell or clear tracks to follow, and the damage done in this region is impressive to say the least, I do not know what has happened other than to say that it is quite possible the gods themselves struck this place, but I am not a religious person, so I do not believe that is possible." Always the sensible one Seth, and again Drizzt sighed, hating that they were unable to help her, wherever she might have gone.

"Keep looking, maybe we'll find something soon. If we don't, then we search farther out. I won't abandon her, and I wouldn't abandon either of you either if you had gone missing, my sons." Drizzt said, earning a heartfelt smile from both of his boys. Their mother, gods bless her soul, would have been proud of what they had become.

((My request page has everyone but Drizzt on it if you haven't looked already is why I didn't add their physical descriptions here. Anyway, I plan a bit of trouble later for them lol.))
Shepard listening to Giselle and nodded his head. He walked over to a side of his desk and pulled out a small black book that had a screen inside and an armband. He handed it over to Giselle and said, "the book is a universal encyclopidia. Has all information in the known universe inside it. Just ask what you are looking for or browse through the index to find it. The armband is a Biotech equipment, think of it like a magical tool without the magic, yet still allows you to use magic." Shepard took his place at his desk and closed up the monitor. "Now, I got you a room for yourself as well as one for Leo so you have a place to rest up for a while. We should be at the citadel no later then tomorrow morning, and when we get there, the Counsil will want to talk to you, to learn about you. As for Leo, I still have to come up with a plan for him. C-Sec will take him into holding for a while until the counsel finds something to charge him with. But I expect him to fight like hell when they try so I have to figure out how to keep him calm and yet not arrested."

Leo was barely coming to when he saw Garrus standing over him along with the doctor now leaving. "What happened," Leo asked as he slowly sat up.
"Shepard shot you with a stun round and knocked you out," Garrus stated as he continued to read Leo's medical file.
Leo swore in chinese again about Shepard not being nice, cleaned up translation of course.
"Well, he could have arrested you but he stuck his neck out for you instead."
Leo just got up and was ready to walk away when Garrus stood up with a pistol at the ready. "Down boy or I will shoot you with a stun shot. Captain wants to keep you out of trouble and he would agree with me on this."
Leo just kept walking and when Garrus took a shot, he found that this time, the shot didn't do a thing. However, when Leo got to the door, the doctor swung out at him and got him with the needle. Leo went down a moment later and Garrus helped the doctor get Leo back on the table. "The boy is just filled with problems," the doctor stated as they got Leo back on the table.
"Still seeing his actions as understandable," Garrus chimed in as he sat back down next to Leo. "Maybe I am the wrong person to presuade him to stay down."
"I wouldn't believe those rumors," the doctor said as she hooked up an IV to keep Leo sedate for a while.
"I know that, but I am just thinking, he fights authority way more then I have seen."
"Still see him as peaceful," the doctor stated.
"Still do. But think about it, he does what he thinks is right and authority tells him he is wrong. Can you think of anyone on this ship without a rank of somekind that can keep him down without it sounding like an order something?"
The doctor sighed and said, "the boy is screwed up beyond belief."
Garuss nodded as he looked at the CaptureVid that the boy did have on him.

Me'th was still alive, still breathing, and ticked as ever. She got shot by Giselle in the back and was lucky to survivie that but when the base blew up, well, she considered dumb blind luck was in play. She had taken refudge in a cave and was slowly healing herself. She knew Saren would come for her, he had to. It was the perfect planet to hide out on and beyond that, she wanted revenge on Giselle and Leo, but how to torture the two was the real question to her.
((Now there's a thought lol.))

Giselle took the offered items, thankful for what he was giving her and it showed in her brown eyes. Putting the black datapad under her right arm, Giselle firmly shook Shepard's hand, having not expected it to be that easy in all honesty. "Thank you Shepard, Commander if you prefer, for everything you've done already." Slipping the armband onto her left hand, the half Drow went to the elevator and paused, wondering just what Leo was doing if he was awake already or if he was still trying to fight his way out to freedom somehow. Another problem arose as well considering her armor was all but ruined thanks to the shot to the stomach she had sustained. Turning to Shepard again, Giselle gave voice to her concerns. "If I am to fight with you Shepard, I am going to need new armor since my old mithril chainmail was ruined at the slaver encampment. Also, weapons training would be most welcome as well since other than a few lucky shots with a small, I believe it was called a pistol, I have no experience with your type of weaponry. Crossbows, longbows, and other weapons of the same I'm quite proficient with however. I know that won't help me here however. If you or someone else can help clear that up, I'd be much in your debt, more than what I am already."

No matter his answer, Giselle would go to the medical bay to check up on Leo only to find him out cold again with an IV attached to his arm. She understood the necessity after hearing how he had tried to get free of the ship yet again. "Wake him up. I think I can talk to him, calm him down. We....have a mutual respect for each other." She told Doctor Chakwas who looked to Garrius who could only shrug but he did have an opinion on the matter.

"War tends to bond people in strange ways. From what I hear you two saved each other's asses more times in one raid than most soldiers do their entire career. I say do it doctor, but I'll have my stun rounds ready just in case." The Turian said, although considering it hadn't done him much good with a single shot he figured it might take more than one shot to put Leo down until he could be contained again. Looking to Giselle, Garrius did have something more to add. "It's your call, but do try to be careful around him, even if he is your friend he's a lot stronger than he looks. He's been upgraded considerably with biotic implants, making him a hell of a lot stronger than anything we've seen before, physically anyway." Giselle nodded her understanding, hoping she'd be strong enough to take him down should he ever turn on her, but she was hoping and praying it never came to that.


David, Drizzt, and Seth decided to take shelter in a cave for the night, ironically the same cave that Me'th had taken shelter in as well. Seeing a presence almost immediately, a blue skinned woman, badly wounded but healing from what they could tell, the three elven warriors rushed to her side, unaware she was an enemy to be feared. Drizzt knelt beside her first, his dark skin seeming to blend with the shadows around him as two similar twin scimitars swayed on his hips much like his daughter's own, except he was far more dangerous than she was now since he was a master of the style. She had been taught everything he knew, but he was still considered the best swordsman that had ever walked Toril. Seth's magical prowess and David's awesome strength set them apart as warriors to be feared in their own rights, but none of that mattered now as Drizzt's lavender eyes focused on the Asari's face. "Are you alright? Who and what are you? More importantly, is there anything we can do to aid you?"

David had a bad feeling about her, as did Seth, but they were caught off guard by the strange skinned woman before them, having never seen anything like her before. "She looks beat up, to say the least. I wonder if she knows anything about our sister, Giselle?" Mentioning her name was probably a very bad idea considering how badly Me'th had lost to the half Drow, of course Drizzt's very uncanny likeness to his flesh and blood daughter didn't help either most likely.....

((Have fun! :D))
The doctor took the IV out of Leo and to quicken the process put a stimulation shot into his arm. In a matter of moments, he was waking up again. He slowly got up and saw all three people in the room. He looked over at the doctor and said, "don't do that again." The doctor huffed and walked away. Garrus however, placed the CaptureVid next to Leo and stepped away to the other room. If leo Tried anything he would be ready for it. Leo however, looked up at Giselle and said, "welcome to politcal hell." He wanted ot get up but a part of the sedative was still in him so he was forced to the bed still. "I take it based on that fancy bracelet Shepard talked with you," Leo stated as he tried to get up again, only finding his clothes missing and only able to swing his legs over. The doctor had removed them because of the blood that had stained them. "So, how long until I get arrested again?"

Ashley was in the locker area putting some armor into Giselle's locker at Shepards request and noticed a strange statue inside it. Ashely didn't bother to touch it but instead, went over to Leo's locker. Inside, besides the weapons, she saw what Leo had been wearing earlier but cleaned up and folded.

Me'th saw the people come in and he heard them talking, part of her felt like killing them for knowing that woman. Instead, she played a diffrent card. "Yeah, I got hurt during a rescue operation. Some human took a woman with him, she might be this Giselle your looking for. Before he left, he tried to blow me up inside the place. I got lucky that my armor saved me but my wounds are trying to heal up some." Me'th knew how to lay it down. "That girl, Giselle was it, she was wounded badly and he was dragging her along. If you ask me, I don't think he had proper plans for her. Slavers, all they think about is war and rape." Me'th acted like she was trying to get up but couldn't, or to say wouldn't get up. "Damn, he really got me in the back. No decency to help me or anything, just when I fell down, he shot me twice in the back." She looked over the people and fiqured out that this was the family. "Look, I knew that slaver, he caused his own home to blow up, killing thousands of people. He didn't care. Hell, he even raped the woman that tried to love him, before he killed her. You have to help me or else he may do it again."
((Bad bad bad little Me'th lol. Clever little actor isn't she?))

Giselle sighed but nodded, but she did want to slap him one for his actions earlier. "Yes, he talked to me and if you wouldn't be an ass you'd figure it out that he managed to work things around so that you wouldn't be charged with anything unless new evidence comes forth saying you did all those horrible things that the Council believes you did. So shut up and calm down, please. I'd really hate to have to kick your ass again." Giselle chuckled weakly, just glad he was alright at all, and it showed in her brown eyes as well as her face as she hugged him tightly before letting go, a little embarrassed as her dark cheeks became a shade darker. "Sheesh Leo, you got me all worked up. But yes, I am going to help Shepard stop this Saren fellow we keep hearing about, and anyone else that's working with him. For now, try to behave yourself ok? I'm here for you Leo, but not if you're going to be a danger to everyone around you. I can only do so much, just like any other mortal being. Considering what we've been through together though, I can't help but worry for your well being." She whispered, looking away before he could get a good look at the emotion that had passed over her face that was close to love, something she hadn't felt since being betrayed for the third time, which had been three decades ago.

"'s....not important. What is though that tomorrow I guess we arrive at the Citadel and we'll be taken before the Council. I'll probably be interrogated and asked questions most of the day, but you I don't know what will happen other than you'll be held for a while. I promise you this Leo. I'll do whatever I can, as will Shepard since he wants you here to help against Saren, to make sure you don't stay locked up. I don't care if I have to break you out myself." She said, locking eyes with the man, hoping he'd believe her as she handed him his CaptureVid. "I....have to tell you something though...about this thing here. When you opened it up on Engineering I believe it was called...I listened in, not ten feet away from you and you didn't even notice. I'm sorry....for your loss, Leo. I've...lost a lot of friends and family over the years as well....but....never that many at once. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but I am here for you Leo, please believe that if nothing else."


Meanwhile, back in the cave with Drizzt, David, and Seth Do'Urden, Drizzt gently pushed Me'th so she wouldn't try to get up, unaware she was able to walk as she told them her little 'story' about Giselle being captured and taken away quite possibly by a madman. "Tell us how to find this man. Seth? Do you think you can heal her at all?" Seth shook his head since he wasn't the healing type. Drizzt knew but thought he'd ask anyway since it had been a long time since they had been together. "Just tell us what you can and if you speak the truth, we'll offer what aid we can."

((Sorry for the delay, little bro was on for a bit, that and I was jumping on and off to watch a movie and get back in here for commercials lol.))
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