Amongst the Stars, Magic is Born. (Dingo and Vergil1989.)

Leo didn't sleep well, if you could call it that. He kept waking up many times in the middle of the night, his eyes barely opened each time. just enough to see that the coast was cleared. However, after many times of failing to sleep, he found he could no longer fall asleep. Instead, he watched Giselle sleep. His mind kept racing, what to expect from a young adult. He shortly found himself going over to the water and took his shoes off. He wanted to forget things, go home, find some safety. But part of him knew something wasn't right. Me'th. She had to oh lived through that. A merc of her stature and evil, no, random events wouldn't kill her. Either death's old grasp would have to do it or a bullet into her head would have to. He didn't know why but he knew, her death had to be by someone's dilliberate hand, no accidents would kill her. He placed his feet in the river and enjoyed the feeling of the water going over them. Then, without knowing it, he found a way to fall asleep with his head resting on his pulled up knees. He woke up later whne he head footsteps and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Giselle. He pulled his feet out of the river and started to dry them off. He didn't know what she wanted at the river but he figured he should leave her, give her some time to her own before they started out again today.
Turning her head as she started to disappear into the forests, Giselle smiled softly to herself when she saw that Leo was up, although it looked like he hadn't slept well at all. Going to his side a moment later, having only washed her face to wake herself up, the half Drow stood before Leo a moment later before saying anything to him. "Bad dreams? You look like you haven't slept in days." She asked, sitting beside him, wondering if there was something she could do to help him out. "Is there anything I can do for you Leo?"

((Sorry, brain's turning off on me lol. Will probably be heading to bed here soon.))
Leo looked over at Giselle and said, "call me crazy, but I know she is still alive. Me'th, fate wouldn't let a troll kill her. The act itself has to be diliberate inorder to kill her." flexed his hand for a moment and said, "no, there nothing." He sighed for a moment and finished, I feel like hell and my mind can't stop switching thoughts around. Sooner instead of later, I think I'm going to crash." Leo shook his head for a moment and said, "you know, I think the day I left that ship, I left more then a crappy ship, I left the last time I would see friends and family on that ship. If Me'th isn't dead, she will destory the ship to make sure I have no where to go."
Giselle nodded solemnly, having an idea that might hopefully set her companion's mind at ease. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him to his feet before turning to the right a bit, facing away from the river and into the more open part of the clearing they had settled in. "Then we need to go back and make sure she is dead so she can't destroy the only place you know as home." Giselle replied, pulling her right hand sword free and slashing the air before her straight down. Instead of simply swinging her sword however, a tear appeared before her, having ripped open a dimensional door back to the compound after having said the necessary spell to make it work. "This will take us right back where we started at. I couldn't do this before because I had not seen the base you and yours had set up, and thus until I had the general layout, doing this would have been impossible. If Me'th still breaths, then she needs to die before she harms anyone else."

Stepping through the 'doorway' she had torn open, Giselle popped her head out of the door and wondered if Leo would be coming along. "You don't have much time to dilly dally since this door is already wanting to close up." She explained, hoping she wouldn't be on her own on this one.
Leo watched Giselle and followed her when he heard her mention it could close soon. When he gone through, he noticed the cell and did a quick look around. Sure, there was damage all over the place but he saw something that bothered him. He saw a blood pool where Me'th had been but noticed the lack of a body. "She's on the move," Leo stated as he chambered a round and pulled the rifle up. Trolls, no trouble he figured. Me'th, no scratched that. A ticked off, wounded, seriously upset, and murderiouse merc Me'th, now that was a problem. He looked over at Giselle and nodded at the dimension door. "Think you can make one to get us to that city?" Leo didn't want to leave but he knew. Me'ths death would be by someones hand. His however, could be caused by anything, hand, club, monster, whatever. He figured while they were here, he would see if there were supplies to grab but he heard movement, organized movement. "Damn, they did survivie," he thought outloud as he raised the rifle up. A shot now would tell everyone someone was here, they would swarm which meant they could be out numbered and out gunned. To much not running in favor. "I hope my dumb blind luck holds out for us."
Hearing the noise up ahead, Giselle shook her head at Leo's question since that kind of jump would be too far, even for her to manage. "No, I can't open a door to get to Silverymoon from here. That's over a hundred miles, and that's well outside my range. Now, smaller hops wouldn't be out of the question, but I'd have to rest much more frequently is the only problem with that idea." She whispered in reply, hoping no one heard them as she nodded for him to lead on. He hadn't seen all of her tricks yet, but he had seen the vast majority of them. "If we survive, show me how to use one of those." She looked at the gun in his hands, wondering what it took to wield such a weapon besides the usual, practice and combat experience. For now, she was happy with what she had on her, her father's blades having never failed her before.

Even so, they were good weapons for when the enemy was up close. These people favored shooting rapidly firing energy bolts everywhere, making that prospect dicey at best when it came to close quarters combat. The dimensional door she had ripped open zipped shut, so escape wouldn't be possible now anyway, not without blasting their way through everything first. "Have any more of those grenades on hand?" An idea coming to mind since she had seen how they worked. Maybe, if they could cause enough of a distraction, they could essentially sneak past many of the guards running about? Of course, on the other hand they could just bring the entire bulk of them down on their heads, with Me'th leading the slaughter.
Leo looked back at Giselle and nodded his head, "fair enough. We hit the armory then. If we need weapons and supplies, they hold them in there." Leo looked out the door and saw a patrol walking away. He leaned back in and said, "I saw a three man patrol up ahead. They were armed with rifles. Armor is slaver." Leo pointed at his chest and then at the armor on Giselle's body. "The color of their armor is crimson and brown stripes. Now, I hate to say it but we may have to kill them on site if they will risk our cover to much. Keep it quiet, you hear bells, we have been compromised." Leo held up two grenades. "Four of the grenades on me, now, I see that twinkle in your eye. What's the game plan in your head?" If it were up to Leo, with building crumpling around them, he would do another kick in the groin to the slavers by planting explosives along the route and take out the armory. His only problem that went through his mind is that if they did the foot trek again, they would get nowhere close as they did before, he was running on fumes and in a short while, hunger, stress, tiredness, and lack of moral and true reasons to keep going. He would fall and he feared he would fall too soon before he got far enough. Atleast Giselle would be able to get away with no trouble at all.
"Watch and learn little boy." Giselle purred, picking one of the grenades right off of Leo, her hand moving quickly before he could hope to catch up with the theft, or her for that matter as she faded from sight. She had never had reason to do this before, but having seen how destructive they were, Giselle had the brilliant if overly loud idea of planting a live grenade in one of the slaver's pockets. She planned to make it as destructive as possible and put it in a generally huge crowd of them, taking out enough to even the odds considerably in their favor. If she saw Me'th though, Giselle would simply cook her, alone if she had to.

If Leo had a way to see in the infrared spectrum or had any magical power for that matter, the illusion she had cast would have easily been seen through and her plan ended before it began, but so far, other than that one time yesterday evening, she didn't think they could find her so easily again, especially now that she was actively trying to hide. Having tucked her own grenade in one of her pants pockets, Giselle fell in line with the three soldiers in front of her, spotting another grenade in the middle one's belt. Helping herself, Giselle armed it as Leo had done and put it back before running the hell away so she didn't get caught in the blast. "Time to go!" She called as she passed Leo since he could still easily be seen while she could not. They'd need to find a hiding place as the three men before them frantically tried to disarm the live bomb before they were all consumed in the blast.
OOC - RL caught up with me today so sorry for the long wait.

Leo put the remaining grenades back and watched Giselle. He saw her go invisible but he could still see her general figure, like a silouete or a shadow. It covered her but he could still see the obviouse refraction around her and the shadow from the lights above. When he saw her plant the grenade, she ran by and he followed behind as well. "You know, those things don't need the pin pulled to explode them," Leo stated as he caught up with Giselle and showed a little devise. "Blows them up without having to pull the pin. If it's armed, send a signal to them as long as they are in range and it blows up. They leave range, it still blows up." Leo looked around for a sign and pointed to a blue line. "Follow this," he said. "Blue line leads to the armory." He had his rifle pointed downwards since he was running but near corners he pulled it up quickly when he checked. "How long of a timer did you set it anyways," leo asked as he realized that by now it should hav... the alarms sounded as the explosion bloomed up behind them but not reaching them with the lapping flames or the shrapanel. "Okay, heads up, you see low to the ground things moving, take them down before they get to close. They have a nasty electrical bite," Leo stated as he remembered about Fenriers on the compound, if any where still around. "And mechanical men, they can't be reasoned with but they arn't alive. Kill them on sight. They can tell the others where we are and possible heading." Right as Leo said that, he saw three Loki MK IIs come around the corner with a Fenrier and they were ready to fire. Leo brought the rifle up and was ready to fire. The mechanical dog was already running at them and the Loki were taking aim.
((Ah it's ok Dingo. I couldn't get on the comp until now since weekends my little bro is on more than me lol.))

Giselle listened to Leo's advice as well as his instructions. Mechanical men huh? Sounded like the golems that mages were so fond of creating to serve in a number of different tasks. And she would have been right on that except these droids weren't anywhere near a magical construct. The question about the timer would have had to wait, but she had set it to ten seconds....she was pretty sure anyway. Not wasting time to answer Leo, Giselle pulled her twin blades free and charged in, being careful not to touch the obviously dangerous front to the Fenrir bot dog looking thing, instead she simply jumped up and over it, coming down behind it only to cut it in two, rolling forward as the bots opened fire. Coming up in a spin to the right, Giselle's blades sliced through two of the mechs across their torsos without much trouble, but the third suffered only a glancing blow as she closed in on it, taking most of its right arm off.

That didn't even slow it down, but it had to reorient itself a bit before it could fire on the target that was so close to it, but Giselle luckily got too close and smacked its gun arm away before slamming the pommel of her blade against what she took to be its head several times before kicking it in its chest, knocking it flat. Her blade severed the head clean off once it was on its back. Somehow it still managed to squeeze the trigger of its gun, and even more miraculous, or unluckily for Giselle, a laser bolt slammed into her stomach and came out her back, and pain quickly followed behind as she dropped against the wall just as the mech powered down for good. She was alive, but she had underestimated how powerful the modern weapons were, and now she was paying for it as she put a hand weakly to her stomach, trying to stem the flow of her blood.

((I figured it would do her some good to learn that charging in is not a good idea lol. That and I've been taking all the fun from you as well, so it's your turn my friend.))
"Sonofa," Leo hollered as he ran over Giselle. "For the love of pete, and you call yourself tough," Leo stated under his breath as he rolled Giselle over onto her back. The entry wound was bad but nothing that a medpca couldn't fix. However, Leo didn't have a med pack on him. And with Giselle focusing on her own wound to stop the bleeding, she probably couldn't heal at the same time. "You know, they did teach me one thing, going at the enemy headon, is well, simply, dumb." He looked around and could hear the famialer sound of mechanical feet. He knew this meant two things. A, alot of the slavers were dead so they activated the machines. B, he needed to stop the bleeding and buy some time. He looked over his shoulder to see a supply closet. He shouldered the rifle and dragged Giselle into the closet. He closed the door behind them and turned the switch on. "okay, I need to keep applying pressure to the wound," Leo told Giselle as he found some cloths. He pulled them together and then wrapped them around Giselle's wound. "Okay, one hand on the wound," he pulled a pistol out and placed it into her other hand. "pull the trigger if someone tries to come in, but becareful not to shoot me when I come back. Its simply, aim at what you want to hit and pull the trigger. You have 12 shots so aim for the head if you can. If not, two shots in the chest should do the trick." Out of pure instincts and comfort, he kissed Giselle on the cheek and got up. It didn't dawn on him what he did but once he was up, he got his rifle back in hand and went out the door, closing it behind him. The thing about machines is they don't bother to follow blood trails. To them, part of the enviroment. They would just say move along and keep going on. However, if something moved that didn't register, they would shoot it. When Leo was out, he found the red and white line and followed it down the hallway to the medical part of the facility.
Groaning weakly, Giselle felt herself being dragged into a closet and could only nod at Leo's words. Gods, how could she have been so stupid?! Her father would probably slap her upside her head for such an amateur mistake, and now she was in danger of bleeding out no thanks to her tactical error. It had worked so far, and she had gotten a little overconfident since she didn't fully grasp just how powerful these people were. That was one mistake, should she live that long, she wouldn't repeat again. When the pistol was shoved into her free hand, Giselle gripped it tightly but was careful not to pull the trigger. " it. I might....shoot you if you....leave me to die....however." She chuckled weakly, grimacing since it hurt to laugh. But, she trusted he wouldn't do such a thing, and was reassured if not a little surprised as he kissed her cheek. Finding a reserve of strength she didn't know she had until then, Giselle's wavering eyesight reasserted itself almost immediately and she kept her ears open for any trouble out there. She doubted she would be able to effectively fight anytime soon, but if someone did come at her, she'd give them a reason to think twice as she leveled the gun as best she could on her lap, pointing at the door before her as she kept pressure on her stomach with her other hand.
Leo was running as fast as he could be he felt in his mind it was way too slow. He kept checking corners for patrols and was able to get by some because they were looking the other way. However, when he rounded a corner to the medical facility, he found a dispath of gaurds coming his way. He ducked back, hopefully before they registered something was amiss. He looked back to see shadows moving along behind him. He could hear mechanical clicking infront of him and boots behind him. He swore at himself for getting cornered like this as he reached for a grenade. He armed it with a short timer and threw it towards the machines. Normally, he would throw it at the people because it would scare them, freeze them up, buy him time, but the machines wouldn't freeze up. If anything, they would come up faster to check out the noise to make sure everything was alright. The grenade went off with a thunderiouse noise and knew that Giselle could have heard it from the closet, which told the rest of the base, 'hey I am at the medical bay, woo hoo, come and get me!' However what he did instead of turned around the corner, the mechanical noises had stopped, he crouched down and aimed at the shadows. Right on que, they came running out after a second pause. When the first one came out, Leo aimed, but he took shot at the second one. The second one fell down with only a grunt and the first one, instead of looking at Leo, reflexes forced him to look behind him. Leo took aim, cycled the shot, and fired again, taking down the first one. He rounded the corner to see the wreckage of the machines all around and some of the damage that the trolls had done as well. He went to the med bay doors and opened them. However, instead of going through them, he went down the hallway a bit and took cover behind a crate. The boots clattered infront of him and when the men noticed the open door, they went towards it. Leo, feeling his heart pound in his ears, pulled the trigger three more times and gave three of the gaurds a bad case of horizontalnitse, aka, they were out of the game horizontal dance. Leo thought back for a moment, counting the shdaows compared to bodies and knew two were left. He could have easily thrown a grenade and killed them, but it was his last one. He needed to save it. he checked the mag and found he still had some rounds in it. Then, an idea came to mind. He grabbed one of the pistols that a machine had and ejected the clip from it, making sure it sounded through the hallway. he quickly brought the rifle back up to aim and right on que, again, didn't these guys learn. The last two came out from around the corner and joined their friends in the dance. Leo noticed his hands were steady and a grin was on his face. Ship or not, his mind was geared for fighting. A soldiers hands don't shake in a fight, they stay calm and relaxed. Leo got up and went to the medbay doors, first checking his back, then the corners, then the room, before going in and closing them behind him. He did a second sweep and found that the room was empty, with the exception of the medical supplies and tables. Leo rushed over to the back end where the medpacks were kept and he got on out. However, before he could fully put the pack away, he noticed a metalic sound and a boot squeaking at the same time. As if they were moving at the same, "oh hell," Leo thought as he dropped the bag and brought the rifle back up to bear, Me'th infront of him with a shotgun and it was aimed at him.
"Hello, you little punk, time for payback."
Hearing the sounds of fighting, Giselle groaned as she stood up, opened the closet door, and managed to limp her way to where the fighting was heaviest from what her sensitive ears were telling her. She couldn't bend down to pick up her fallen swords for fear of not being able to get back up. Giselle wasn't about to lay down and die, although she knew that laying still was the best thing she could do at this point, following the clear trail that Leo had left of destroyed mechs and slavers. He was good, that much was clear. It took her a little bit, but Giselle finally reached the medical bay just as she saw Me'th's blue skinned form slip into the same room, and hear what they said to each other. She had one chance, and one chance only before she was wasted by that Asari bitch. Raising her gun so it rested against her right side and was aimed away from her, Giselle used the last of her strength to jump/fall forward enough and rolled, missing once but managing to hit Me'th in the back twice, hoping to at least distract her if not outright drop her down.

What happened next, Giselle wasn't able to tell as she finally blacked out, having lost too much blood on the way there to sustain any coherent thoughts. Whether or not her last ditch effort to save Leo's life as he was trying to save hers, Giselle was content in the knowledge she had at least died trying, thinking this was the end for her as the help Leo had sent for earlier that night finally arrived and unloaded its cargo of one of the best Alliance soldiers Earth history would ever know, even if it was the true beginning of said soldier's career. Three other people followed behind the potential leader of millions, finding the compound torn up pretty badly, making it very clear heavy fighting had been going on out here.
Leo stood there until he heard three shots ring out and saw Me'th go down without so much as a hint of understanding. When she fell, Leo looked over where the shots had came from and saw Giselle on the ground. Leo dropped the rifle to his side and picked up the medpack. He rushed over to her and unzipped the bag. He wanted to call out her name, check to see if she was okay, but he knew what he needed to do first. He grabbed a skin bandage along with some stich foam. He applied the foam to the wound which went through the entire wound and started to heal Giselle of the damage. He then put two pieces of the skin bandage on Giselle and finished with a medical bandage wrapped around her midsection, keeping the bandages onto of the foam to make sure it set in place. He then went down to Giselle's motuh and put his ear close to her mouth. He heard a shallow breath which told Leo she was alive. He kissed her cheek and said, "idiot. I told you I was coming back." He hated to do it but he broke a capsel and put it under Giselle's nose. It a matter of seconds, she woke up and Leo caught hold of her. He could hear boots and machines walking around and the alarms continued to blare. "Okay, lets get to the armory," Leo told Giselle as he tried to help her up.
((I brought in Shepard but I didn't do anything with him or whoever you decide is with him and all. That's all you my friend. I do have to leave here soon though cause little bro wants on. Anyway, last post for now, might be back later though. Thanks for the awesome RP so far though my friend. Also, if there's anything that comes up you don't like, drop me a PM, I'll be happy to work with ya as I've said before Dingo.))

Giselle winced a little in pain as the foam was poured into her wound, but she didn't do much beyond that as she slowly came around. " feels like I got ran over by a full wagon caravan." She groaned, looking down to see that she was patched up, but how he had done such a feat was beyond her understanding, at least at the moment. She'd still need some medical attention, probably on an operating table, but for now she was alright to walk about if nothing else. "By the me an idiot again....and I'll kick your ass." She chuckled weakly again, just happy to be alive at this point as she was helped up to her feet, though it hurt like Hell. Even so, Giselle was tough, and she didn't let on that she was still in a great deal of pain even with what Leo had pumped into her system making her wound go numb a bit.

Gunfire was heard elsewhere in the compound, and the few machines and soldiers that were left were being quickly dealt with by the Alliance crew that had dropped down when they had picked up the distress signal. But neither Giselle or Leo would know that just yet as Giselle limped along thanks to Leo's help. "Thanks.....Leo. things have turned out....but I'm glad....all the same....for all you've done already." She replied, coughing a bit and groaning since it hurt to do so. "Just what...did you get me back on my feet anyway?" She asked, curious more than anything as they made their slow way to the armory.
"Simple quick patch job." Leo replied as he kept his rifle pointed infront of them incase someone or something came out. "I put a sutrafoam into the wound which mends the wound. Then I applied two skin bandages that stay stuck to you until the wound is taken care of. And incase you get a bit picky at the skin stuff, and to make sure it stayed in place, I put bandages around your midsection there to keep both sides in place." Leo gave a small smile as he noticed them get back to the closet. "You know, I did have a plan to take care of Me'th," Leo stated just for the hell of it. "It was very elabrate, very delicate, and it involved a frilly dress," Leo joked as he noticed the sounds dying down. "Sounds like whatever is fighting these slavers is thining their numbers out. "And for kickers, to get you up sooner rather then waiting on my own, I placed a amonia tablet under your nose. One wiff wakes up anything, and clears out the sineses." Leo could see the blades on the ground and leanded down to pick them up. He handed them to Giselle and said, "when this is over with, we still need to grab some food. Close to passing out myself, not sure about you." He looked over his shoulder and heard some gunfire but it wasn't coming his way. He helped Giselle then continue the way to the armory.

Shepeard on the other side of the armory was pinned down, along with two of the humans that were with him. When he got the distress signal, he figured the base was the one calling for it. However, seeing that the people inside the base were firing on them, made SHepeard glad they didn't have any AA Cannons up or else they would have blown out of the sky. A thought came to mind to run away, report it in but the signal was open to anyone. if it was encrypted, then he could understand they just got the message by accident. But it wasn't encrypted but it was a Hot area. Which told him someone needed help and they were here. But with all of these slavers around, he had a small feeling in the pit of his stomach that the people that wanted the help might not be around. Still, the compound was still in pretty bad shape so something was here, and maybe an answer to the whole situation.
Giselle couldn't help but laugh which caused her to groan again. "Sure you did....Leo. I just bet you had a plan to get held up by that psycho merc, making it possible for me, wounded and weak I might add, to finish her off." She retorted, smiling despite how lucky they had been so far. Filing away his explanation about the medigel he had used, Giselle wasn't able to walk muh further despite her best efforts to push through the pain, feeling her legs give out from under her. Landind on her side, Giselle could only nod weakly in reply about getting food. "Do me...a favor...Leo. Look pack...and get a black statue of...a panther out for me. I have one last trick to play." She hoped he wouldn't wait too long or they might never get out of here.

(PS 3. Last trick in her arsenal, promise.)
Leo listened to GIselle and when she started to fall, he helped her to the ground. He then went to her pack as she asked him to and pulled out the panther statue she wanted. He hnaded it to her as he checked his corners again. Combat dying down or not, you never know who is following you.

Shepard was able to knock off a few of the machines before he could push forward into the base. They went through a door that looked to have been blasted off with a grenade. Inside, once able to get some cover, the machines and slavers continued firing as Sheaperd tossed a grenade into the fray and filled the corridor the enemy occupid with nerve gas. The slavers were going down while Shepard focused on the machines that were blocking the way.
"Thanks...Leo." Setting the panther statue down so it was standing up on its feet, giving the very intricate carving the illusion it was about to take off running, Giselle whispered to it. "Guenhwyvar, come to shadow." Her call was heard across the very planes of existence, and moments later a black mist appeared out of the statue, taking shape into a beautiful and deadly yet intelligent six hundred pound panther. Turning her green eyes upon Leo then Giselle, the powerful animal gentled rubbed her face against her mistress's own, having sensed immediately what was needed as she ran off a moment later. Giselle had communicated their need for aid to her dear friend through the mental bond she shared with most animals, a trait picked up from being a ranger just like her father. "She'll fight through the slavers and get whoever is coming. I inherited her from my father along with my blades. She can't die on this plane of existence but she still can be sent back home if she's hurt bad enough."
Leo picked up Giselle the best he could and tried to get her to the armory. "Alot of that stuff made no sence to me but if it means we have cover, then we need to move." His rifle was still up because the thing went behind them and they were going a diffrent direction. The one thought on his mind though was what happened to the trolls? Surly they didn't all die out and if they didn't well, he would have liked them to come back for round 2 with the slavers so the slavers had more problems to deal with. "One question though, if you had that statue, how come you didn't use it until now? It would have been usefull when we came into the place so we could have gotten a few of these guys without sounding an alarm?" Leo was just upset was all, seeing how he didn't like the odds, or his dumb blind luck either, so he kept thinking wish for the best, expect the worse. They were able to turn a corner and saw the armory up ahead.
"I didn't use her because she can only be out for half a day, and Guenhwyvar then needs a day and a half of recover her strength. It's...complicated, but if I had called her earlier, I most likely wouldn't have to use her now." Giselle replied, wishing there was a way around that little time limit, but Giselle had found no way to do so despite her years and experiences. "I don't like the odds as I don't, but don't give up hope just yet. Guenhwyvar is not your normal panther." As if to prove her point, screams were heard as said panther found the slavers off their guard and they paid heavily for it since she was a magically born creature. Gifted with unnatural grace and speed, Guen made Giselle seem slow in comparison as she struck fast and ran off before the enemy could shoot at her. A natural hunter, Guen also possessed a keen intellect, for an animal, and thus capable of ambushes and sneak attacks which she set up perfectly almost every time.
"That is not what is on my mind," Leo stated as they got to the Armory door. he pressed in a key combination and the door slide away, revealing the armory filled to the rafters with firearms, tools, equipment, explosives, and a few other odds and ends. "I'm more worried about how much we can carry in our current position." Leo helped Giselle to a chair and sat her down while he went to twon grabbing rifles, pistols, shotguns, grenades, and many other tools infront of Giselle. "You want it, pick it out and I'll put it into a diffrent pile." Leo stated as he closed the door. He then went to grabbing basic essentials. Meal kits, medpacks, watercontainers, and a few other essintals to surving light and in the wild. He also traded in his rifle and pistol for better equipment and ammo, plus four grenades. He then went over to the explosives and started to wire the containers together. "When we leave here, best tell that panther to get out of here. This place is going to turn into Hiroshima when we are gone."
Giselle nodded after she was sat down, glad to be off of her feet at last as she leaned heavily against the back of the chair. She wasn't feeling the greatest, mostly mildly light headed from her previous blood loss and sore from being shot, the meds starting to wear off already since bed rest would have been highly recommended instead of all the walking around they had been doing. Looking to the guns before her, Giselle couldn't help but notice a sniper rifle seeming to call her name, although the pistol seemed her speed as well. "One of the small pistols I guess you would call them seems good, as well as the big long weapon with the circle like tube on the top of it would also be welcome, or is that a very advanced form of a crosshair? We aren't so far backwards that we don't possess at least a means to aim crossbows more effectively." Such inventions only having recently come to pass, but thanks to that they were becoming a bit more accurate and easier to aim for precise shooting. Giselle was going to be in for a surprise when she first picked up her very own sniper rifle since it would allow her to zoom in on enemies farther than even her sharp eyes could hope to see on their own.

Taking one of the meal kits that were offered, while holding onto her stomach with her free arm, Giselle tore open the packet, unsure of what was inside. It didn't look all that appetizing, the so called 'meal' consisting of what she would come to learn as being military styled rations in the form of small supposedly healthy squares. Biting into one, Giselle chewed and swallowed it down, not enjoying the taste so much but it was better than nothing. "Thanks....Leo, and I do apologize....for the misunderstanding earlier." When he mentioned the bomb he had built, Giselle didn't relish having to move again, but she would if she had to. Besides, while she didn't know anything about the Earth city that had been nuked so long ago, she understood what he was doing, and she was glad he planned to erase this place from the surface of Faerun. No one should ever know what had almost been created here because even she was aware that despite most of the nation's armies possessing powerful wizards and other spellcasters, along with the standard soldiers found in any army, they would never stand a chance against what Leo and his people, for lack of a better word, had brought along with them from the stars.


Meanwhile, Guenhwyvar was dashing away again, after having pounced on a mechanical being's back, ripping through the metal and circuitry with her powerful claws while bringing the machine down hard before springing away, only to run into Shepard and his team that consisted of two humans like himself. Kaiden Alenko and Ashly Williams, she and her mistress would come to find out. They were embroiled heavily against the few slavers that were left as well as their metal constructs they had brought with him, and the black and deadly panther knew what she had to do. Giving a mighty roar before charging in again, the animal seemed to bowl over two of the mechs before clawing one man's face clean off on her way by before jumping on a second man and clamping her powerful jaws onto his neck, snapping it like a twig. Getting shot a couple of times by laser bolts, Guen growled in pain but it didn't stop her, not even close as she sprung off at a standstill and was amongst the few enemies that were left, her paws slamming into two more of the weak slavers, tearing horrendous looking claw marks into their stomachs and chests despite their armor they wore.

Once they were down and out of the fight, Guenhwyvar stood atop her latest kill and roared her victory before calming down and turning her green eyes to Shepard. Her keen intelligence was clear in her green eyes as she hoped that he'd follow her and not shoot at her as she bounded away, turning back and doing so again, hoping he'd get the hint she wanted them to follow her before it was too late.
Once Leo got everything hardwired, he walked over with a duffle bag and put the equipment into it. he even got the sniper rifle and pistol. And replacing his rifle and pistol. He also put in ammo and the rest of the gear he could fit in there. He looked over at giselle and cracked a smile. "No problems," Leo stated as he got up and helped GIselle out of the armory. He saw the panther come back and said, "get her down the hallway and out, this is the appex of the soon to be crator," Leo said when he saw three humans turn the corner with weapons. He should have noticed the armor diffrences but he opened fire on them and forced them into cover. "Whats up with letting them behind you," Leo hollered at the animal as he wondered on what he should do now.
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