Amongst the Stars, Magic is Born. (Dingo and Vergil1989.)


Apr 17, 2011
Wouldn't you like to know? Illinios.
Map of Faerun.

Mass Effect Galactic Map.

The warrior of many battles, a woman, slender as a willow wand, yet incredibly fast and agile, as well as a master of the twin scimitar fighting style, found herself in a very unique situation. Having been walking the paths to Silverymoon, the cultural heart of her home continent of Faerun, on the supposed plane of existence of Toril, or the 'Prime Material Plane' as she knew it, the warrior happened to look up into the night sky and see what she would have taken as a falling star falling into the general direction of the Evermoors. How wrong she would be when she went to investigate, having seen a strange blue light appearing over the dark forest that had a bit of an evil reputation and an even darker nickname due to the Trolls, monstrous beasts that could only be truly put down by fire or acid since anything less would only see them regenerate and form new trolls if pieces of them were cut off. Anything from a little piece of skin to an arm could be used to make a new troll. That wasn't important though since she didn't plan to fight any trolls tonight since thankfully the light was on the northern edge of the forest, a few miles away from the village of Nesme.

It was here that she got her first look at a ship from another world. It was certainly a sight to behold, that much was clear to her deep brown eyes which roamed over the small transport vessel, unaware that it was part of a much larger craft that was in orbit above the planet. Approaching in the shadows, essentially becoming a shadow herself, the woman was unaware that the creatures running about the area were slavers, much like the slavers of her own world, and that they were not friendly. She wasn't stupid by any means, and she wasn't about to run out and say hello as her dark skinned hands hovered over the pommels of her scimitar blades handed to her by her father a hundred and fifty years ago. She thought she was safe in the darkness, but having never dealt with such an advanced race before today, the half Drow/light elf warrior of many battles never saw the stunner bolt coming until she felt electricity surge through her entire five foot seven inch body, her mithril chainmail armor only adding to the effect of the stunner as it conducted the electricity along. Falling to her face, wondering how she had been seen in the darkness, Giselle Do'Urden caught a glimpse of her first Asari mercenary before passing out.
"Hey, she was just watching," Leo called out from behind Me'th, a merc he had been assigned to work with as part of his right of passage to go into space. "Shut up kid," Me'th hollered back as Leo pulled his pistol up out of the holster and scanned the area again. He was a lithe spacer, used to working on ships as a child but when he grew weary of it, he wanted to become a mercinary, a childish dream but the only dream that would get him off of the ship without questions. He was the one to spot the woman in the dark but he hadn't expected Me'th to shoot her. "I'm just saying, they want us to protect them, not go on capture sprees."
"And I say, we bring a slave to them and we get extra pay. Besides, I had been wanting to pull the trigger for a while." Leo followed behind meth, only showing to be about average hieght, his hair short and spiked, and his eyes bright and full of life. He only had a light jacket and a pair of green pants on, with a grey t-shirt underneath, but the area felt warm to him which he was still getting use to.
When both Me'th and himself we're standing over the woman, he realized two things. The woman looked beautiful to him, and that Me'th had only stunned the woman. "Okay, Iv'e gone over a data log befroe but I have never seen her kind before." Meth only shrugged and holstered her weapon away.
"She was armed," Me'th stated as she pulled out two bladed weapons the looked compltely foriegn to Leo.
"I still think we shouldn't have done that," Leo protested but soon enough he found the bad side of Me'th, and was thrown into a tree, falling down a few feet away from the woman. He groaned a bit when he landed and felt dizzy when he tried to sit up straight.
"To think you want to be a merc and yet you can't learn to shut your mouth. Now, help me get her into the cells or else I will throw you in as well and get your pay to boot." Leo grunted a bit as he stood up and found himself helping Me'th. A moment later, the woman was thrown into a cell and Leo was ordered to keep watch while Me'th left.
Leo sighed and stated under his breath, "to think, I wanted to be a merc."
Even though she had been stunned, Giselle Do'Urden was an elf. All elves, whether they were born in the dark underground caverns of the treacherous Underdark Labyrinth, her father having been a native of the dark elf city of Menzoberranzan, or on the surface as her mother had been before she had died shortly after Giselle had been born, say when she was five years old, they all had one thing in common. Sleep spells, or in this case, being stunned, didn't work for long. Being knocked unconscious was one thing sure, but being stunned was akin to a sleep spell, and thus the effects of the stunner were fading much more quickly than the slavers and mercs would realize until it was too late for them. Of course, opening her brown eyes just enough to see where she was, feeling that the sheaths on her hips were considerably lighter, Giselle knew that her father's blades had been taken from her and that she was in a cell of some kind. This was going to be tricky since she couldn't see a lock, at least any that she recognized anyway, but there was some kind of device by the door that had lights dancing about its surface.

Maybe that was the locking mechanism, but how that could be Giselle had no idea as she slowly sat up with a groan. At least they had kept her armor on, and they hadn't bothered to check her for hidden daggers or anything like that, having several tucked away in her boots, in her sleeves, and one between her breasts, although that one would be a bit tricky to get hold of in a hurry. Even so, they were fools to think that her swords were her only means of defending herself. She also had access to magic, spells that allowed her to manipulate the elements and other forces with the right words and hand gestures, depending on what spell she was calling upon. They'd be in for a surprise, once she figured out how to get out of her cell. First though, she was curious about her captors, and so put her right ear to the metal door, hoping to overhear anything that would help her to learn more about those she planned to tear apart for this crime.

((Is it just a metal box kind of cell with a small window to look out into the ship or are there prison bars? Just curious.))
OOC - Prison bars

When Me'th came back, Leo was still ordered to guard the woman. He didn't appreciate being ordered that way but he couldn't complain about with Me'th's recent threat still in his mind. Instead, he grabbed a shotgun, and went back over to the cell. Through the bars and one way mirror glass, he could see the woman listening. He chuckled a bit and pressed the button to turn the glass translucent but it was still there and obviosuly still holding in place. "I take it you want to kill Me'th, I wouldn't blame you," Leo told the woman as he grabbed a spot near the bars and sat down on the ground. "Now, who are you and what were you doing spying on us," Leo asked. "And before you go asking me, I can assure you, I didn't want you captured, it was Me'th that decided to." He sighed a bit and cracked a small grin. "So, do you have a name I can call you by or would you prefer 'hey you' for the rest of your time?"

Me'th on the other hand was out getting ready for her job that she had been paid for and ready to go out into the woods. She figured a runt like Leo couldn't even possibly mess up guard duty and if he was good, he might enjoy a better sleep then usual.

Leo, with the shotgun sitting on his lap was examining the woman closely and noticed a few odd shaped objects on the woman. Leo just shrugged as he heard a small beep and noticed the lock on the door was still in place and on.
((Thanks. Last post of the night. Tired lol.))

The door itself was a heavy metal affair, though the material used was unfamiliar to Giselle, and she had been living with industrious dwarves for most of her life until a hundred and fifty years ago, when she had started her own adventures. Now, at age 300, still very young for an elf of any species, Giselle stood in front of the bars a moment later when she saw the glass flash for a second before revealing a man, a human if her brown eyes didn't deceive her. Then what had been that blue skinned woman? Well, might as well engage in light banter then. "Huh, and here I thought since you arrived in this strange contraption from the stars above that you'd be speaking some foreign tongue too. It's nice to be surprised in that regard, but I will say that if you don't let me out of here, you'll find out just how dangerous a Drow, or if you prefer, dark elf, can be. As for my name, since I plan to kill you and Me'eth when I find a way out of here, I guess I can share it. It's Giselle. Giselle Do'Urden, daughter to Drizzt Do'Urden, a master of the double scimitar style, the swords you took from my person before you ask. I take it you haven't seen a good blade in a very long time."

Whether or not he had didn't matter to Giselle as she narrowed her brown eyes to dangerous slits, wondering if using her innate powers would be a good idea or if she should gather more information first. Considering she had threatened this man's life as well as that of his partner, she considered being a little least a little anyway. "So, if you didn't want me captured, why in the Nine Hells did you scrape and beg favor from your boss? Any man with balls would stand up against what's happening here. Slavery, since I can't think of any other word to describe what Me'eth has in mind, is a serious crime in more civilized parts of this world. People like you usually end up hanging from the nearest tree, if an adventurer like me doesn't just end up and gut you from your stomach up to your necks of course. Then there's the fact you captured a Drow, which are quite proficient assassins and deadly with a blade. You'd never hear them coming or see them until you felt a dagger pass through your spine."

What he didn't know was that Drow didn't play nice with any race, not even their own, and that they didn't' live on the surface anyway, so all that she had just said was a well calculated bluff since Giselle was assuming they wouldn't have a clue about this world. If that was true, and there was no reason to assume otherwise since she had seen them come from the heavens above, then she was probably doing a good job in freaking this fellow out. Fearful opponents made mistakes, got too close to prisoners, and ended up dead before they hit the floor. If she could get him to come closer, and on the other side of the glass barrier even, then she would have a means to take him apart without resorting to some of her more intricate spells such as blasting the door off its hinges if she had no other choice in the matter.
OOC - No problem

Leo couldn't help laughing a bit at what Giselle was saying. "We'll you have me there about not standing up to Me'th. But the thing is, before I could get my gun raised up against her, she would have me torn limb from limb and my heart forced to beat outside of my body; and thats if she is just nice. As for knife going through me, that dosen't scare me, compared to what some people can do with a needle. Hell, once saw a vid of woman tearing a transport ship into rubble with her bare hands. As for not seeing a blade, well, havn't seen one in a long while, seeing how you can't cut through a Krogan's armor with anything less the a shotgun shot to the head." Leo stood up and walked over to the pitcher filled with water and filled two glasses with the water. "Now, as for why i do this, I don't have a choice. You see, if I want to get off of the scrap metal death trap I live on, I have to be a merc and unfortinatly, I got stuck with Me'th."
Leo brought the two glasses over and pushed one through a port that handed it to Giselle without him having to go into the cell. "Look, I didn't want you captured but when a person can kill you without looking at you, you're sortof stuck doing what they want or else. And for your information, I didn't beg for favor, I begged to have reconsider to let you go. Our job is protection, not hunting, so I don't know why she did what she did." Leo sighed a bit and then took a drink of the water from his glass. "Look," he stated as he lowered the glass and set in down, "I know you don't trust me. But, there is one thing you have to understand, out there in the stars, there is a threat greater then anything else we have seen coming from the depths of space, landing on planets, and taking people away forever. They may have even landed on this plane't for all you know. So, when I say I am scared of Me'th, I mean, I'm scared of her and what she is afraid of as well. You, we shoot you and you stay down. Them, they just get back up and rebuild themselves like nothing happened. Hell, they make even more from parts blown off of each other. " Leo sighed when he was done and got up. "Trust me when I say, I didn't want this for you, but my hands are tied on this. Where am I suppose to run to on this planet anyways if I tried standing up to Me'th, huh?" He walked over to the main way of the area with his right to the door and the left to the cell so he could keep an eye on the woman in the cell.
"Ok, so you're scared of this Me'eth because she can rip you apart without touching you? Hmm, it's not her you should be afraid of then. However, what you told me doesn't make much sense to me since I'm not from your world or wherever it is you came from, so try to remember that if you would." Giselle replied, taking the glass, and taking a sip of it since she hadn't seen him slip anything into the substance with her sensitive eyes. It would be very unlikely he would do such a thing anyway, but this Me'eth on the other hand sounded quite dangerous. Focusing her energy a bit, the water in the glass iced over in Giselle's hand and she calmly turned the cup upside down and caught the chunk of ice that fell out, quite proudly showing the ice cube off to Leo's eyes. "She's not the only one with power." The tone of her voice would probably scare the heck out of the man since it was calm as the ice she held in her free hand as she put the glass back into the slot it had come out of.

He had unwittingly given her a spell component, although she could just as easily cast an ice spell just by using the water in the air if she chose, but it would take a bit longer. Now, with fresh water cooled to freezing, Giselle had enough to work with to break the door down. "So, you didn't want me captured, but your excuses don't impress me enough to spare your life. Everyone has a choice, no matter what they might think. That whole following orders line doesn't work with one that actually has honor and a mind of their own and is not afraid to stand up to those that would hurt others for their own gain. You are a coward, no matter what you would say to the contrary, and you're about to die." Slamming the cube of ice against the door, Giselle focused her power again and this time, instead of shattering the cube, the door iced over quickly and shattered into a thousand pieces when the entire frame had been frozen over.

Stepping out of the cell, Giselle pulled two of her daggers out from her boots quick as a flash as she levitated a piece of the door to the glass pane before her and let it slam into the barrier. Just as the door had before her, the pane froze, then shattered into a thousand different pieces. Before even half of the pieces had fallen to the ground, Giselle had already thrown her two blades forward, aimed at Leo's neck and chest. She expected him to move out of the way if he wasn't too stunned to of course, but if not she expected them to do some damage if not outright kill him, even if he had some fancy armor that would protect him against her attack. The lights would go out next as Giselle dropped a globe of impenetrable darkness upon Leo's position just as she hopped over the former window, her ears telling her all she needed to know to find Leo in the darkness that no light or sight could hope to see through.

((I'll let ya respond now lol. Sorry bout taking over the scene a bit there.))
OOC - Its okay, gives a bit of fun to add.

Leo sighed but when he saw the ice, he swore under his breath and realized he made some trouble for himself. He got the shotgun ready and aimed it at the woman when she caused the pane of glass to freeze. He knew enough not to shoot out the glass yet but when it broke and then the door froze, he knew two things would happen. The alarms would go off and he would be stuck in a fight against this woman at close range, which he didn't prefer. However, when he noticed the two metal pieces coming at him, he did the one thing that came to mind. He held the shotgun up and blocked the blades, sending them away but unfortinatly not back at the woman. He was ready to take aim again when he noticed the light go out and the room turned into a dark chamber of some kind. He cracked a big smile and closed his eyes. Not the first time he was stuck in a place like this, specially if you work on ship prone to light failures. He listened for a second and found the woman moving. He took aim a foot ahead of where she would be, leading her as the term was, and fired off two diffrent kinds of rounds at the same time. The first was a regular shotgun round, loud as hell and ready to kill when they hit. At the same time, a flare went of in the same direstion and blurred our brightly, pratticly blinding anyone around. Part of him thought of what to do next but the other part knew what to do. He moved out of the spot he was in and tried to keep up a new direstion each time he moved around. He would have liked to yell at the woman but before he had a chance, he heard a loud pop and found himself slammed against a wall. "You little bastard, figured you would mess this up," Me'th hollered at him as he barely noticed she was already taking a fight against the woman. "Well, I had a sucky life, might as well die the same way," Leo thought as he wondered how Me'th was able to fight in this darkness with ease; almost like second nature.
If not for her globe of darkness that blocked the lights completely, the flare would have surely permanently blinded Giselle since her eyes were light sensitive. The globe had no hollow center as the man might have thought, the spell an innate talent all Drow possessed, no matter their level of power or ability. While it wouldn't stay around forever, it would do the job of concealing her movements, but it also aided Leo as well, and it was apparent to Giselle he had some practice blind fighting. She had far more since her father and herself had dueled in globes like this every day after she had mastered the art of fighting with her eyes able to see her surroundings. The first couple of weeks had been tough, but Giselle picked up on the art just as quickly as she had everything else up to that point.

So, when the shotgun round went off along with the flare, Giselle was luckily no longer standing where the rounds buried themselves into the floor and wall behind her, having ran up that wall just in time to avoid being shredded. Landing on her feet with a hand splayed out before her, Giselle looked up as a new noise was heard by her ears, which were still ringing a bit from the weapon the man had fired.

Me'th had returned, and the globe of darkness disappeared almost on cue, revealing Leo pinned to a wall but her brown eyes couldn't see how he was being held. Looking at the blue skinned woman, Giselle growled but stood to her full height, wanting nothing more than to tear her apart. "So, you have decided to return, and you are just as heartless as I imagined you were from what Leo told me about you. He fought bravely against an opponent he had no understanding of, but you hold him down because of his own ignorance when I forced my way free? You should be congratulating him for surviving at all." She wasn't defending him because she liked him by any means, but Giselle wasn't about to stand by and let this bitch take him apart just because she was pissed at his failure either, a hand behind her back pulling together an orb of fire, hoping Me'th wouldn't see it before it was ready so Giselle could throw it in the woman's face.
Leo was gasping for breath as he felt the blunt force of Me'th's power hold him down. He still had a grasp on the trigger but he could only pull the trigger enough for one shot so it lead him to decide, a shell or a flare? Me'th however looked over from leo to the woman. "Anything that pipsqueak did was pure luck, he is just a junk scrap spacer. You probably don't know it but his kind live on the edge because they arn't wanted. No harbor wants them, and its just a matter of time until those damnded ships break down and send those useless scraps of shi..."
"Shut up," Leo was able to blurt out. "Just shut up right now!"
Me'th looked over at Leo and saw he had the shotgun aimed, but not at the woman like he had a clear shot of. No, he had it aimed at Me'th. His eyes were narrowed and his arm wasn't shaking, neither was his hand. Steady, calm, cool, and decisive. "What, a piece of shit finally grew a pair? Like it matters now, You don't stand a chance against me. And if you even think she will help you, let me remind you, she wants to run, not save your ass."
"Last I checked," Leo stated, "I was the one that didn't want her captured. Plus, she has to be wondering, why I take aim at you instead of her?" Leo looked over at the woman and saw a look in her eyes, a look he understood well enough. Regardless if he did what he was going to do, she had her own plan at the ready. "You're right, Giselle, I'm weak. But I do have honor unlike mercs like Me'th here. Something you have to think about, if I truly did want favor from this scumbag merc, wouldn't I aim at you and take you down? Wouldn't I be given a clean slate for taking you down? If so, why do I aim at the merc that wants you to fight her so she can try to put you down?" Leo looked back over at Me'th and saw she had a pistol in her right hand. Leo raised his other hand and pointed his pinky out at Me'th, a big smile on his face. "Not worth wasting a full bird on," Leo said as he did a quick glance over at Giselle and closed his eyes but for what was longer then blinking, hoping she would get the message to close her eyes now. Leo thought it over and figured he had enough for two things in one. "A spacer lives on the rim to find freedom, a life of their own, your the piece of sh..." He pulled the trigger mid sentence and was able to fire of both a shell and a flare at the same time which kicked some wind out of him and sent him into a blackness, losing all sence from the known world around him.
Giselle had to admit, she suddenly felt respect for the merc since he had a valid point. He even admitted that he was weak, but he was doing the right thing now as he surprised them both when he aimed his weapon at Me'th instead of her. She would stand by him in this endeavor since it was clear who the real enemy was here, closing her eyes just as he fired both the shell and the flare as he had before, only it wasn't directed at her. The fireball in her hand was ready by then, and having memorized the location of the Asari mercenary as well as the potential path she would take to avoid getting shot if she was quick enough to move of course, Giselle turned rapidly to the right and tossed the orb straight at Me'th, knowing she couldn't miss at this close range. Whether or not it did enough damage to end the woman's miserable existence was another story.....

((Sorry for the short post. If he still lives after the resulting explosion and all, then they'll talk if you wish.))
Me'th didn't expect Leo to have enough guts to fire the shots but when he did, she could only stop the shell but the flare, it's light wasn't material. Material can be blocked but since light wasn't material, she could stop it, which blinded her and some of the flame was able to burn the side of her face. However, when the shot from Giselle tried to hit her, she found herself only able to dodge it which caused her to get hit by some of the pellets that got through the shield now and sent her to the ground in pain. She grunted out as she felt her leg give out and her mind started to go numb and confused. Leo slowly was waking up and felt the shotgun fall out of his hand and he could see Me'th on the ground. He chuckled a bit as he heard Me'th swear at him. He tried to get up but the residule from the pain held him down still. "Not so tough, huh, merc," Leo gasped as he saw Giselle on the other side. He cracked a smile and said, "told you, she will kill if she wants to, no need to pay her to do it if she wishes." Leo coughed a bit and then found himself noticing his arms were shaking. He was use to firing rifles, not a shotgun. The vibrations from the shot was acheing him now but he was now finding himself enjoy what he did. Leo took a deep breath and then said, "her right breast pocket will have a number on. Match the symbols to the panels on each door and it will get you through the compound with no trouble at all." He found himself closing his eyes and leaning his head back. "God, I wish I had never left home now. I wish I wasn't alone here."
OOC - Its understandable.
Giselle stood and approached Me'th, kicking her squarely in the face and rendering her out cold. Now that the situation was resolved, she turned back to Leo after stripping the merc of any visible weapons, as well as her own swords which were put back where they belonged. Kneeling at his side, she examined him closely, noting a few bruises and cuts but nothing serious. "Hold still, this will take a moment. And before you ask, I don't kill unless I have no choice in the matter." Putting a hand to his armored chest, Giselle closed her eyes as she concentrated healing energy into Leo's body, her other close to her own heart. A warmth would spread to his limbs as to the rest of his body as a small white orb of light appeared in the hand that was hovering over his chest. When she was done, Giselle stood on her feet and held out her hand to Leo. "I thank you for doing what was right, Leo. For that, I healed your wounds. I know it can't have been easy to do what you did, but I am glad you did because I don't think I could have handled her alone, not without my swords anyway."

Having taken the note in the merc's pocket, Giselle's fingers flew over the control panel, deactivating the lock and the door opening a moment later. Turning to Leo again, she did have some questions. "Are there many more in this place like her? Also, what was she talking about before we took her down? I....wish to know more if you are willing to share." Finding how to shut the door just so they'd have at least a little warning before someone decided to charge the room, Giselle turned to Leo and nodded for him to go on if he wished.
Leo slowly stood up and found himself chuckling a bit as he felt his body gather a warmth from the light, He grabbed the shotgun and slowly got up onto his feet. He looked over at Giselle and said, "I may be a spacer, but we do have honor." He walked over to Giselle but found himself a little shakey. "Like Me'th, I am unsure, I know I didn't get to see everything so best assume every single one of them can do the same as her, safest bet there is," Leo stated to Giselle as he walked over to Me'th and stomped on her left wrist. It crushed a device under his foot and he walked back over. "If she comes at us, she won't have those powers to help her fully." He pulled the pump back and loaded a round into the chamber. "Ask all you want, but under one condition,lets wait until we first get out of here." Leo walked out first and took point, shotgun at the ready. He didn't see anything happening down the hallway which was unusual. "Okay, we need to get a message out into deep space, surly someone would hear it and send us help. Once we cripple the slavers, we just have to hide out until help comes." Leo continued forward with the shotgun at the ready and saw three men armed walked around the corner. He fired off a shot that got two of the men dead and knicked the third one. However, the third one brought up the rifle and was getting ready to fire. Leo knew that the man could fire off three rounds into him before he could even get part of the pump down the slide. So, he did the one thing that came to mind. In mid aim, he pushed the barelle of the gun into the man's hand as he started firing and fired into the floor. Leo was able to pump the next shell in and fired the round, taking the man's hand off. The man fell down and started screaming in pure pain and shock, however, Leo didn't notice the fourth one coming out with a rifle aimed at him.
Giselle nodded, knowing the types well enough since there were wandering nomads here on Faerun. They tended to watch out for each other, and she got the sense that Leo was just trying to make his own way, but had fallen in with a bad crowd, so to speak. That still didn't excuse his previous actions, but she was willing to forgive and forget, especially now that they were working together. "Right. Despite what I said earlier Leo, I never truly had any intention to kill you. Beat you within an inch of your life perhaps, but I don't kill unless I have to. That's what separates me from my evil kinsmen that kill without mercy and without a thought to the contrary or any sense for preserving life. My father was different, and he raised me to be the same. However, that is neither here nor there. If we survive this whole ordeal, I'll be sure to tell ya more if you're willing to hear it, and I'll be glad to return the favor since I find myself immensely intrigued about all this space stuff."

Following perfectly behind Leo, Giselle ducked into a doorway when the shooting started, but she had other plans than simply staying put to be shot at. Having seen the layout of the hallway, Giselle was about to drop a globe of darkness upon the enemies so she could get up close, but Leo finished the group off for the most part. It was the fourth that got to feel her blades as she seemed to appear right behind the man, her swords already cutting from two different angles, the man only just turning enough to feel them cut into his stomach and chest when he felt a presence behind him, far too late and too slow to stop her. Giselle's swords were sharp enough that the rifle he had was also cut through like so much butter, and her speed made her attack seem like a barely perceptible blur to most eyes. She didn't bother putting them away since she figured they'd be needed again. "You alright?"
Leo looked over his shoulder and saw Giselle take down the forth man. He looked up towards Giselle and said, "well, when we get out of here, you take point, you seam to have homefield advantage." He pumped a shell in and found he was running low. He grabbed up a rifle with a few spare clips and left the shotgun in place. "Someone finds them, don't want them thinking we are better armed then we acctually are." He pulled the bolt back, continued forward, and felt the hair tingle on the back of his neck. "I have a bad feeling," Leo stated and then heard another alarm. "Something broke the perimiter fence, might buy us some time." He looked around and found a lit path. He pointed the rifle the same way. "After this is all over, I will answer any questions you have and I probably will be asking alot of questions as well," Leo said over his shoulder. When he found a door to his right, he punched in the code and then walked in. He saw a few people being frantic and Leo cracked a smile. He fired a few rounds into the cieling and hollared, "get down on the ground now!" Which the people did as he waited for Giselle to get in and close the door behind them. He walked over to a consol and started typing in a message and sending it everywhere. "The monitros are up, what's outside," Leo asked as he started to route a few new codes into the compound.
Giselle nodded, easily keeping pace with Leo. They might have come from two different worlds, but they still worked quite well together all the same as she covered his back while he lead the way. If anyone decided to pop up unannounced once they cleared the doorway and saw more than a few people running about, Giselle looked to the moving picture window looking things that popped up when Leo got to the controls and gasped, recognizing the ugly brutes that were breaking into the compound. "Trolls. They are feared monsters for their strength and their almost godlike ability to recover from even the most fatal of wounds. They spawn more trolls by having limbs, pieces of skin, or other things cut off from their bodies while growing completely new limbs and what have you. Fire or acid is the only way to put them down for good, but your weapon might do the trick if it has any incendiary power to it." She wasn't sure, but she thought she had seen smoke from the holes the rifle and the shotgun had put into whatever it had been fired into. If that was the case, then the trolls coming in wouldn't know what hit them.

"They are not intelligent like we are, but they are relentless in their need to kill and devour any creature they come across. Therefore, don't feel bad about taking as many of them down as you like." Giselle replied, taking all the strangeness in stride as a heavy and loud thud was heard from outside the room, the only thing that could make such a noise being one of the trolls that had found a way into the base. "They found a way in which means these metals walls won't be able to hold them back for long. Be prepared. Everyone! Grab a weapon and defend yourselves or die at the hands of the local beasts that are right outside your doors!" Turning to Leo, she nodded solemnly since there was no way they could take them on all on their own. The smell would hit them first long before the actual creatures got in as a hole started to be torn open on the other side of the room. "Here they come."


((Night Dingo.))
OOC - Night

Leo heard what was being said and with his free hand pulled out the mag and switched it out for an incidrary magazine. When the message was sent, he noticed the smell and felt like throwing up. "Smells like the trash line got busted," Leo joked as he chambered a round and went next to Giselle. "This won't be Custard's Last Stand, my friend," Leo chuckled as he pulled out a grenade from the pocket of one of the men. He clicked it on and when he noticed the hole was wide enough, he pulled the pin and tossed it through the hole. Leo knew the walls may not hold up against these monsters but it would hold up against the exsplosion. A second later, a loud thunderiouse sound broke out and then followed by screams on the other side of the wall. "Every weapon that we have produce heat in certain quantities. Still, I wouldn't advise large attacks against these guys. Dumb or not, they must have instinct to go against the strongest." Leo looked over and saw some of the people slowly getting up. When he saw the message was finally sent out, Leo aimed the gun at the consols and fired at will. He was able to avoid hitting the men and women, and others, in the room but anything electrical did not servive. "Alright, we sent for help and crippled them. Time for step two," He looked over at Giselle and for a second noticed how much of a woman she looked but his mind quickly shifted focus back to the fight. "we need to move out." He walked back to the door and pressed the code, seeing a body lay infront that obviosuly was burned. "Well, I think it did a better job then expected." Leo smiled and went out first, taking point and hearing sounds coming from the left. "We go right, head for the exit. They must have gotten into the cells; I guess dumb blind luck for us." Leo was ready as he loaded a new magazine in and chambered the next round.
((I said last post of the night but I lied lol. After this though I really am heading out.))

She didn't know who Custard was, but she got the joke all the same as she shook her head of silver long hair in amusement as she stood beside the human, nodding her agreement that they must have indeed gotten in through the cells. "I never thought to ask who they'd go after first, but you're probably right. And yes, they do smell rather pleasant don't they?" She joked in turn, her blades taking on a green tint as she prepared a little surprise for the foul beasts that were trying to tear their way in, only to be blown up by Leo's well tossed grenade. "What kind of weapon was that?" She asked in surprise, following close behind Leo once the way was clear. She had heard of bombs that could explode when the fuse was lit and tossed away into enemy lines, but she had never heard of one being that loud or destructive before. Her world's level of tech was firecrackers compared to what she had just witnessed.

When they passed by the hall that the noises were coming from, Giselle fired off an attack that was akin to a green thin beam of light from her fully extended right hand, formed from her pointer finger that was just long enough to avoid hitting her sword. Melf's Acid Arrow slammed into the troll's face and he immediately started to melt and dissolve into a pile of goo which in turn would also disappear. Falling back in line with Leo, nodding as she guarded his back. "I don't believe in luck. Luck to me is merely opportunity gained from a warrior's experience when a situation is analyzed correctly and everything around them is used to its full and most opportune advantage, depending on what's needed the most. Your bomb you threw for example you used to its greatest effect, even if you didn't think about it at the time. It wasn't luck, but merely experience that told you where it should go and how to use it to its maximum effect to aid us in our escape and to prevent more from coming that way for a while."

Shrugging as she finally was outside again, Giselle knew they weren't out of the woods yet, so to speak. "We can't stay here. We need to move, now!" More enemies were coming, but from the sounds of it the Trollmoors the mercs had decided to set up base by was quieting down again, so they could potentially hold a position until help arrived. The only problem was that in the meantime, they would have to be on their toes until then.
Leo lead point and whenever he saw a body that wasn't a trolls, he did a quick police and grabbed ammo and a few grenades. He was able to pick up a pistol incase he needed a sidearm but he knew he would have to choose his shots carefully once they got out. He listened to what the woman said and his only reply was, "to you, experince, to me, dumb blind luck." He cracked a smile to show he was joking when they got to the exit. He had Giselle go frist and when he went through, he stuck a grenade at the base of the door as it tried to close, setting it to explode when the door was given the comand to open up. He noticed the smell and the sounds around him and his smile disappeared. "I think you should take point from here," Leo suggested as he checked his corners. "You know this place better then me. If we were still inside, I would take lead. Out here, its your turff." He fell inline to be at Giselle's side and nodded at her; ready to be at her side. "We break camp, we will have time for Q and A, now is not the time for it." Part of him was wishing he was back home on the ship he knew of but part of him felt great to be where he was and enjoy the fact that he was getting what he wanted. But at the same time, what he wanted was coming at the cost of life.
Tasting the free sweet air of the outside world, Giselle paused only long enough to breath it in once before nodding to Leo, chuckling since she had said the same thing once upon a time. "I used to agree with you, but three hundred years have taught me much. Before you say anything to how old I am though, it's still very young for an elven person, no matter what they happen to look like." She commented further, heading to the east, planning to reach Silverymoon although it was a hundred mile trip from where they were now. They were almost halfway between Nesme and the cultural heart of the continent. She explained this to Leo, and why she was choosing Silverymoon despite the fact it was farther from where they were now. "The people of Nesme deal with trolls and other creatures from the Evermoors every day almost, and thus they are a hardy if not unforgiving people. Despite all that my father has done, and I have in turn, they still hate dark skinned elves with a passion, even if they are of a kind and benevolent nature as myself and my father are. Silverymoon on the other hand accepts us for what and who we are without making judgments just because we are Drow in appearance."

Leading the way a few miles away from the Evermoors just to be on the safe side, Giselle didn't let her guard down just because they could no longer see the place as they crossed through open fields and a few small ring of trees along the way to the city. "I guess you might have guessed by now, but Drow, or dark elves are not common on the surface. They hail from a dark and treacherous world underneath the surface, miles underground where no light from the sun or the stars might find them. The only time they do come up to the surface is in the dead of night, to slaughter and raid any village or encampment they come across before disappearing again. My father left it all behind when he was young, and made a name for himself here on the surface as an honorable and compassionate warrior. He taught me to be the same, and I too have earned an honorable name for myself among most parts of this continent. Even has not been an easy life, hated just because of the color of your skin. What of you Leo, what is your home like?" She asked, never losing track of where they were or where they were going while keeping her sensitive ears wide open for anymore trouble.
Leo followed as close as he could to Giselle but was finding some trouble in the fact he wasn't use to this kind of ground. "I wouldn't question age, the Asari I heard of can live for hundread of years. Me'th is one of those people." He still had the rifle shouldered but part of him wondered if he should keep it out incase something came out after them. He listened to Giselle talk about herself and her life and he was paying attention. "The only question I have is that couldn't we have gone underground closer to the compound or is the only way above ground?" Another popped in his mind. "Also, won't they umh, I don't know, have a problem with me, the place that we are going to. You know, if skin color is really a problem." Leo kept up a bit but finding roots were trying to trip him up. "What I wouldn't give for a shuttle right now," Leo mummbled to himself when he got back up to Giselle and heard her question.

"Life as a spacer is one of the hardest things a person can do, even harder if you live on the rim, in a place with no civilization and no help from law enforcement. The ships are cheap peaces of metal put together. Need alot of people awake and ready to fix whatever goes wrong. I did alot of that when I was growing up. And the only way you can leave the ship is if you have a garunteed job off ship, so, thats why I became a merc." Leo ducked under a branch. "So, when I got a chance to, I got off ship. Increased odds of living. Anywho, we are poor, no place to go to for help, and can't cover getting new ones or even new parts. So, we grasp at the straws we can but we know that when the ship dies, we will be left to the vultures that will pray on us." Leo checked over his shoulder. "I learned instincts on the ships while having to fix things. A thing breaks, we have to fix it or we will be dead." Leo shook his head for a bit. "Space, the dreams and nightmares of people."
Giselle shook her head since she knew of no caves or any other underground caverns in the local area that would have been suitable for their needs. It was above ground all the way for them. "No, there is no underground roads or anything of the sort anywhere near here. As for your skin color, if we were heading for Nesme I'd be worried, but we aren't. I plan to take us to Silverymoon since I consider it a second home in a way. The former ruler of Silverymoon, Lady Alustrial Silverhand, taught my brother and myself most of our magical spells we employ, but Seth stuck to being just a mage, and a damn powerful one at that. My other brother, David, wanders the icelands far to the north and west of here, running with the barbarian tribes as his mentor had before him. He is no barbarian by any means, but he still feels a certain kinship with the hardy tribes out there."

Listening to Leo respond in turn, Giselle was able to figure out how he had been able to fight her blind as he had before since it sounded like that his life had indeed been a hard one, often leading to bouts of darkness from his home failing from time to time. "I can tell that you've lived as best as you could, which makes me realize I judged too harshly when we first met. If not for Me'th, I would have been a bit more tolerable than what I was, but it's not everyday I wind up in a cell." She chuckled, glad that it had been over quickly despite what had had to occur for them to win their freedom. Dying at the hands of a troll was never pleasant. The sun was starting to rise by then, and Giselle at least knew she was dead tired from the fighting and the subsequent running they had done to cover as much ground as they could away from the Trollmoors, or Evermoors, whatever name one preferred more. "We should set up camp. I need about four hours of sleep before I'll be any good again." She explained, taking off her heavy pack and letting it drop the ground with a heavy thud.

The spot they had stopped in was between a river that they had crossed and another forest called the Moonwoods. They were halfway to Silverymoon, having covered almost twenty five miles in the time they had been walking until now. Considering their initial mad dash, that didn't really surprise Giselle as she pulled out two bedrolls, handing one off to Leo. "Know how to use one of those?"
When Leo stopped, he dropped down and leaned against a tree. He saw Giselle hold out a bedroll and nodded his head as he took it. "Thanks," He said as he found himself sitting down on the ground, next to the tree, and placing the roll under him. He did a quick check of his weapons and found himself holding the rifle defensively. He looked over at Giselle and chuckled a bit. "Hate to say it but I need more then four hours, 20 mils on foot is the normal limit. We did more then that in a fast time on terrian that isn't the best." He took in a few deep breaths and found himself looking up at the sky. "I just hope someone gets the message." He then started to notice he was getting hungry. Normally, he would have brought a pack with him but during a running raid, you only pick up things on the way. "Hate to say it but, food is going to be a concern on our hands as well soon." His eyes kept looking over at Giselle but he shook his head to remind his mind now, or if ever, wouldn't happen. "Sometimes, I wish I was on that crap heap. Atleast, I would know how to fix the problem. Here, I can't do a thing."
Giselle nodded as well since he had a point, both on how far they had run as well as their food shortage. The latter could easily be taken care off since she was a skilled hunter, among other things. Even so, his words did unsettle her a bit since she thought he had handled himself quite well so far. "I think you're doing pretty well considering your way out of your element at the moment. They'll come Leo, whoever you sent that message to, they'll come down and get you and hopefully take you back home. As for food, I'll go hunting in the morning before you awaken. I'm good at surviving out in the wilds, so it shouldn't take me long to get us a decent meal together. For now, save your strength, you're going to need it unless your friends you sent that message to come down first of course." She said, hoping she had cheered him up at all as she rolled over in her own bedroll, entering a trance like state that passed for sleep among the elven races.

It was a meditative dream like state to be precise, where elves didn't technically sleep, but fell into a restful trance they called Reverie. Giselle was equal parts dark and light elves, so she had the same 'sleep' cycle as both. She'd wake up feeling restored and full of energy in four hours time and ready to take on the day. Considering that night's events, Giselle dreamed of Me'th coming back to haunt her since she assumed the Asari, as Leo had called her, had probably died in the compound. Her sleep was not as peaceful as she would have liked, but by the time she awoke, Giselle was indeed well rested and yawned, going to the river to wash up a bit before going out to gather food for them to eat before they broke camp that day.
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