Getting to Know your Past (Kakure)

Feeling his touch she froze as she looked to his eyes she blushed deeper. "Its nothing" she said as she felt a little uneasy. "Just my mind wondering off I guess" she said to him as she wasn't sure what to do. "Thanks for worrying though" she said to him as she took his hand in her own.
"If you say so..." he said as she got redder in the face. He however only slipped his hand from her forehead hesitently. As she took his hand he smiled a little. He wasn't sure what it was, the fact he had been alone for a time, the fact him and Starfire where slowly pulling apart, or simply because she looked so good in Ravens outfit. He however had a strange urge to touch her, in ways that where, rather far past the threshold of friends.
As she looked him in the eyes she saw the lust slowly coming to fill his eyes. She blushed as she moved closer to him she hugged him again, she wasn't sure why just yet but as she pulled away she found her lips suddenly on his. She didn't even realize she had moved to do that until she felt their lips firmly pressed against one another.
He kissed her back, feeling a warmth rush through every inch of his body. He could feel her body against him, just through the rather clinging material she was wearing. His hands softly resting just above her backside as they kissed.
As she felt his arms wrap around her she took a step back to bring him into the room. Only her hands moved to wrap around his neck as she leaned her head back eyes closing as she made the kiss just that much deeper as she moaned into it.
Robin gently felt her body as they kissed, deepening the kiss even more. He knew this was bad, but it didn't matter to him. He felt her hips, the curves of her body as his hands worked his way to the suites fastenings.
Feeling him go for her fastenings she tensed up for a moment only to pull back her hands to go for his as well. She couldn't believe the way she felt at that very moment it really was amazing to her.
He gingerly slipped the clinging material down her body. Her skin exposed once more. She was a very light complexion, though she was not pale like Raven was. He let his hands gingerly feel her as he did his best to help her begin to disrobe him as well. His suite slipping off slowly.
As she felt the air against her skin she suddenly wanted him in the same way as she just couldn't believe the way it was for her at the moment. Really it was amazing to her as she just wanted more of him as she pulled him back into the room the moment he was fully undressed she fell back on the bed and pulled him on top of her.
He was on top, arms keeping him from simply laying on her. She looked so beautiful, and oh so very sexy. He still had that nagging feeling that this was wrong, but his other feelings where telling him to ignore it. Had he not been having issues with Star, and Ravens normally cold attitude towards anyone, he may not have been so weak minded to her allure. Luckily for her, he wore nothing underneath his tight body suite, so she could see every inch of him. He gently pressed his lips back to hers, kissing her like before.
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