Getting to Know your Past (Kakure)

He nodded not saying much else until they where at the tower. "Um..I'd guess you'd want to clean up," he said not sure what to say, he knew what happened was very well the worst thing ever for her. He didn't know how to talk about it either, in truth he'd always had this flaw about his personality.
While he saw it as a flaw she was grateful for the peace and quiet as she closed her eyes just trying to get things together. Though as they got back to the tower she got out and went right to her room like she remembered. She didn't look around for long as she rushed to the bathroom and washed up as she just didn't know what to think. The water running over her skin in the shower was amazing to her she was thankful for every drop only as she came out to dry she realized she had nothing to wear.
Robin had not thought of that, a little bit amazed she remembered where her room had been and the like. They had kept it empty despite all, Beast Boy had been very insistent about that fact. He parked the bike back into it's place in the hanger and decided to go and see what the others where doing. They would still be gone for sometime, Raven had been clear she would be and Star had not made much contact from Tameran. He sighed at the quiet, he rather enjoyed it very much.
As terra gave a blush as she looked out her room a moment. "Uh . . robin?" she asked as she was really kinda uneasy about having to ask this. She was wrapped in a towel at the moment but having to ask for something to wear was really not something she wanted. While she was grateful to get out of the shreds of what had been clothes she wasn't really wanting to go back into them that much was for sure.
He was no where near by, he was busy monitoring the police reports. It seems Slade had gotten away again, but he knew the villain would not make any bold moves for a while. He however sighed as he got up, he thought he'd better go and check on her to be sure she was alright. He left his room, his suite still on as he walked towards her room.
Blushing terra came out more as she just couldn't believe how stupid she felt. "Robin?" she asked her hair still wet clinging to her face as she saw him coming down the hall. "Uh I . . . I don't have anything . . . to wear" she said to him as she blushed even deeper. She couldn't help the fact that she wasn't with clothing just a towel wrapped hiding away her most scared parts. Her blue eyes looking to him for help in this matter.
Robin froze in his footsteps as he saw her come out of her room, the problem crossed his mind moments later. "Um...oh yeah," he said feeling a bit foolish for not thinking of that. "Well...Um..." he wasn't sure what to do, her cloths where gone, well she had no cloths really having only been in the tower for a night. "You could borrow something from Star..or Raven I guess," though both only really wore there uniforms, Starfire had a dress, but that wasn't much better.
Terra thought over it as she tried to think, she hoped that raven could forgive her as she just couldn't bring herself to wear starfire's outfit. "Maybe ravens" she said to him as she didn't want to go in there though.
Robin took the hint, vanishing down the hall towards Ravens room. "God I hope she doesn't kill me," he said under his breath as he got one of her many suites and left to give it to Terra. "Here you should fit," he said, she seemed close to revans size, but also because the material was clinging so it would probably stretch or contract to fit her better.
Terra nodded her head as she hoped dearly that Raven wouldn't kill her for asking for her things and not star's. Only as she returned to her room and got dressed she was grateful for the cape though she kept the hood off. "you know this is nice" she said as she outfit clung to all the right places.
Robin waited patiently outside for her, wondering if it fit, he was thinking of things to tell Raven when she realized what he had done. It wasn't bad enough he took her cloths, but he went into her room to get it, no one was ever allowed in there, he sometimes thought even vermin would avoid the place. It had a very spooky sort of feeling to it. "Is it alright?" he asked as he knocked on her door when he thought she was finished changing.
Terra looked to the door with a blush. "Oh its fits fine you can come in" she said as she was now trying to dry out her hair so to not get the outfit too wet around her neck. She was starting to think maybe cutting her hair would be a good idea she had kept it long for so long she wasn't sure what to do with it anymore.
He came in to see her in the clingy suite. "" he said as the material hugged her body rather nicely. "Um...glad it fits," he said to her, unsure of what to do now. " how are you feeling?" he asked her, hoping she was in a better state of mind now that she was nice and clean. He was eager to talk to her, and to figure out how much she now remembered. He knew she knew of her past, up until when she had betrayed them. He wondered how much before that she knew.
Giving a smile she couldn't help but nod back to him. Only as she heard him ask how she was feeling she went to the bed and took a seat. "Alright not liking a few things but I guess I'll get over it" she said as she tucked one of her hairs behind her ear. "I mean I really don't know what to do its like I have two lives now" she said to him with a sigh.
He sort of understood where she was coming from, after all most super heroes had to blend in with society in order to cover up there true identity. "I know it'll be hard..." he told her sitting next to her. He didn't think it would mind so much, they where friends after all. "But I'll help you get used to that okay," he said with a small smirk. "'s not so bad...being a titan," he said as if thinking of things "get alot of attention and it's pretty fun too."
Terra nodded her head as she gave a sigh. "Yeah well it would be nice to look like me though" she said to him with a smirk as she very much did look like raven with that outfit. Only as she looked over to him she felt her heart strings pull again as she blushed and looked away. "Maybe you'll show me another time . . . I'm kinda tired" she said to him with a sigh.
He nodded standing up. "Yeah I'd expect you would, be" he smiled. "Get some rest, I'll check on you later alright?" he said. He had to admit, the outfit was really nice on her, he had to think of other things though before it got a bit to much for him. He left after a few moments.
She turned her back to him as she grew a little uneasy with the way she was feeling and she way she knew how she looked. Laying down she closed her eyes and tried hard to let sleep take her only after an hour of sleep nightmares started. She would toss and turn cold sweat starting as she pictured herself back in slade's grasp being forced to kill robin. She felt like scream only she didn't know she did in her sleep. Never before had she felt like she was in so much pain.
Robin had been busy checking a few things and getting back to the other Titans, he did not say what had happened, he thought it best for them to come and see themselves. He expecially wondered how Beast Boy would feel. It was as he was finished cntacting the other titans that he heard her scream. He got up quickly and rushed to her room. "Terra...Terra whats wrong?" he called knocking on the door.
Terra woke up when she heard him knocking on the door. She shot up out of bed only to jump out and run to the door. She threw the door open and jumped into his arms hugging him. "Your alive!" she cried against him as she had feared so badly that she would lose him. She wasn't sure when that fear started but it was so strong she wasn't sure what to think.
Robin was rather taken by surprise as she simply jumped into him and hugged him for dear life it seemed. "Of course I am...why wouldn't I..." he stopped short though seeing the look on her face, he guessed it had been a really bad dream. "I'm fine Terra...don't worry about that," he said gently hugging her back, it would take a few moments to realize he was, his body sort of acted on it's own.
As she heard what he said and felt his arms around her she relaxed a little and leaned against him. her body just molding against his. She really did like the way it felt to be in his arms. It took all she had to pull back as she wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry . . . I just " she stopped there as she wasn't sure what to say back to him about the fact she had a nightmare about him. Only she wasn't sure what to think what would be for her now.
Robin let go to, finding it hard to do so but he did. He felt strange, a tingle at the very least. "It's okay," he said to her as she tried to find the words to say. He understood about nightmares, he had a few that had caused a similar reaction, alot involved slade as well. He smiled gently hoping it had passed now though.
Terra gave a soft sigh as she nodded her head. "yeah I'm fine sorry . . . I didn't mean to worry you" she said to him as she turned back to the bed. "I guess . . . I should go back to sleep" she said to him with a slight blush but her body was warming in a way she wasn't sure what to think. Images popping in her mind of him and her in that bed as she blushed at the thoughts.
Robin nodded, though did not leave. "Are you sure your alright?" he asked her seeing her face turn reddish from her blushing. "You seem a bit...distracted about something...are you feeling sick?" he asked her putting a hand on her forehead as if to check for a temperature.
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