Getting to Know your Past (Kakure)

He laughed "Yeah not much of a social life," he admitted. He knew the conversation was getting a bit, awkward, at least for him. "Well Um....perhaps taking my bike would be better this time that your not unconscious and all," he said to her. "Come on, you can be the first non-Titan to see the garage," he said, it may not have sounded all that exciting, but it really was. It was more like an underground hanger, all of the vehicles where held into place by machines, or some where simply left out in the open like the T-Vehicle, the all terrain vehicle had gotten an upgrade since she had last been here. And the other vehicle, other then Cyborgs car which was gone now, was his bike. The motorcycle was sleek, and no longer sported the red color like it had before, it was now mostly black, save for the spokes of the tires, which where still the crimson red as his marking. A nice windshield curved over the driver, and it was a tad lower to the ground for speed and being able to slip into smaller tunnels. "It's safe if your worried...have a spare helmet you can wear."
Hearing what he said she felt a little bad. "Well if it makes you feel better other than last night I don't really have one either" she said to him as she gave a sigh. Truly she felt this need or maybe an urge? She really wasn't sure but she just felt like she couldn't leave him. Something inside her was telling her to stay near him. "Oh I'm sure if you can go jumping rooftops with a knocked out girl in your arms then I'm safe while you drive" she said to him as she shook her head. "Come now I don't think bad of you" she said to him with a smirk. She was trying to lighten the mood a little maybe make things at least comfortable between them.
Robin handed her the other helmet, and got onto the bike. "Hope on...and hold on," he told her as he pressed a button on the handle bar of his bike. It opened up a ramp to the outside, the sun streaming into the opening. "Ready?" he asked as she got on and wrapped her arms around his mid section. He pressed another button and began to pull the throttle, the bike roared as it heated up and he smiled gently as he felt the familiar rush of excitement through him. He then kicked off the ground and accelerated faster and the front wheel lifted slightly as it zoomed forward. The outside sunlight was blinding, though the visor on the helmet quickly polarized and grew darker so it did not bother them. As the bike reached the edge of the island, the wheels began to shift and it became sea worthy and he skimmed over the waters surface.
As she heard him say that she gave a small laugh and got on. Taking the helmet and putting it on her head tucking her hair in as she finished she wrapped her arms around his chest. "Don't pull anything crazy" she said before the ramp came down and his bike rived to life. She held on tighter as she felt the bike jerk as they took off. At first she closed her eyes and let her body get use to it only as she was finally getting use to it she saw the water coming up. "Robin . . . .ROBIN!" she just about screamed only as she felt the shift from ground to water she was shocked. "We're . . . on the water?" she asked as if they were. "Woah" she said as she looked down to her reflection on the water.
Robin laughed gently at her surprise "It can fly too....but this is a bit more exciting," he said as the motorcycle glided over the water towards the city. "It has a few features I haven't even gotten to try yet either.....though I've yet to have to ride into an erupting volcano just yet," he said hinting at just how safe this thing was, and how "off road" it could be. The Bike shifted form again just as it got closer to the shore. Back on the road the small vehicle weaved in and out of cars with the most ease, like a fish through water. "So...where should I drop you off?" he asked.
Hearing all that he said she was shocked. "Wow have a lot of time to work on it do you?" she asked as she could only guess his was no doubt one of the only ones like this. "Oh yeah its up on the high end" she said to him as she gave him the address. As they drove up to the hills that over looked the city she gave a smile. "One thing I love about this life is the view" she said only as they came up the mansion she lived in. Her parents were actually very rich but they were never home. She spent more time with the butler than her parents. As he drove up to it she gave a soft smile. "Your welcome to stay for dinner" she said nervously as she didn't want to be alone really.
Robin grinned as she seemed impressed by his work, truthfully the bike was his pride and joy. "Whats a hero to do when he has free time," he said and accelerated even faster. His handling was nearly inhuman, as he would move in and out of traffic quickly. " me a nostalgic feeling," he said as he saw her lonely mansion. He had lived in a mansion before, but that was way in his past. He came to a halt by her front door. "Um..." he hesitated at her offer to dinner. "Maybe some other time," he said feeling rather bad to deny her invitation. "City needs know."
As she heard that she gave a laugh. "Yeah I guess your right not much else for you to do" she said to him though as he told her how it made him feel she gave a smile. "Thats good to have" she stated before getting off the bike and pulled off the helmet. She shook her hair out a little then gave him a smile. "Yeah wouldn't want some helpless girl to get ran over" she said as she handed him the helmet. "Your free to come anytime then again I'm sure all the girls say that" she said again just trying to be nice though she was actually flirting a little.
Robin grinned a little, catching onto her flirtatious ways. "Yeah...besides the teams away too," he said. "You'd be surprised how right you are about that," when he was younger girls had been nice, the older he got the more flirtatious they got. "Though havn't really made a return trip before....but really considering it now," he said with a smile. "If your in trouble, you know how to find me," he said before getting back onto the bike. He waved good bye before zooming off again, though he was curtious enough not to kick up dust as he left her drive way.
Giving a soft smile she shook her head. "Oh I have an idea man walking around good looking as you are and smart to boot yeah plenty are most likely knocking at your door" she said as she turned her head back to the door as it was opened by her butler. "Miss Rose" he called as it was her last name. "Well thats for me I'll see you again I hope" she said to him before he rode off. She felt like a piece of her was leaving with him yet she didn't know why. Hadn't she just met him? It was strange to her yet she was actually happy about it.
" You idiot," he told himself, as he rode on the streets again. It was one thing to save her, but to bring her ti Titans Tower and the like, he was certainly not following the parameters, parameters he had set up. It had been nice to talk to her again though, even if he knew he wouldn't be able to for sometime, if ever again. A small beacon flashed on his bikes display "A nice robbery might take my mind off things," he mumbled and changed course to the city bank. He wondered if she was gaining her memories back, if anything Beast Boy would be excited to hear this. That was his last thought before he focused on the crime at hand.
As she turned into the mansion she gave a sigh. "Miss Rose, your parents called for you last night would you like to call them back" he asked he shut the door. "No Williams" she said to him as she took off her jacket and tie as she coudln't stand the fact that things felt so empty. "Williams if you felt like life was just an empty journey what would you do?" she asked him as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "I would change it Miss Rose "he said as she thought on that she went to her room. Going to the balcony she gave a sigh and moved to take a seat. "Why does things feel different now?" she asked only to realize they never did feel normal for her in the first place.
Robin returned to Titans Tower as the sun set. The robbery had ended up being a ruse for a smuggling operation at the docks. It was to keep the police occupied as three cargo ships where being loaded up with explosives and shipped off without any inconveniences. Luckily he had gotten the information just in time to stop the three ships. "Would have been easier if I could fly," he said, thinking on his newest design for his costume, something that would allow him to do just that. "Wonder if Bruce has perfected the rocket boot design yet," he sighed as he thought of his mentor and his hobbies. He felt a bit lonely without the team, but then again it also gave him time to think, train, and tinker without interruptions, mainly Beast Boy.
Though as the time past in the mansion she spent studying different languages along with history. While she couldn't remember her own she knew it was important to know the history of the world to make a difference. Williams tried to get her to eat yet she just stayed in her room the entire time before she knew it she was asleep on the desk with her studies. She had felt the need to get her computer skills higher as she studied more of the hacking techniques.
The night was quiet on the mansion grounds. The only noise was a gentle brunching of leaves as figures moved in the shadows around the large building. A masked figure showed itself, the Orange mark on his face was all to familiar. It was a group of the bionic henchmen Slade always held at his side. They where here to reclaim his old apprentice. Robin had not been the only one to notice her powers growing. The seismic activity in the city had been to abnormal for the villain to ignore. They made there way into the mansion, opening a window silently after disabling any security.
Feeling a breeze start as she whimpered her eyes flinching as it woke her. "The window" she said as she rubbed her eyes. Only as she saw someone at it she was shocked. Yet she felt something stir as she saw the mask. The mask of slade appeared in her mind as she felt the pain go through her. Her hands went to her head as she grimaced in pain. She stood and tried to run for the door one hand still to her head as she couldn't believe this was happening someone had actually broken in. "Williams" she screamed out as she got to the door handles.
They moved quicker then any normal human being, grabbing her as she fumbled to open the door. There hands where rough and held onto her like vice grips. The poor butler came in moment later, only to be hit and kncoekd out, though thankfully not killed as they dragged her off to the window. They said nothing as they held onto her, not considering her comfort like Robin had the night before. They leapt out of the window and onto the ground, holding her mouth closed as they ran off to who knows where. Slade would be waiting for them with there catch.
Terra struggled with them her eyes starting to glow as her power came to try and help only she still had no control. Just now she was actually feeling it. As her power rushed through her body she knew as they took her off she could see the rocks rising from the earth. Just as it was getting stronger they knocked her out as to not alert anyone. With her powers gone the moment she was knocked out they could take her to slade without any problems of Robin being able to find her right away. Only as she woke up she gave a groan as her head was pounding again. "Was that me?" she asked herself as she looked down to her hands which she had seen glowing before being knocked out.
She was strapped into a chair, a light shining over her. The rest of the room was dark other then that. She was left alone for sometime, before the sound of a door opening could be heard. "Hello...." said a rather cool, calm voice. The first thing to appear into the light was a mask, one side orange the other black, a single eye peaking out past it. "My apprentice," he said was he stepped into the light. The man was tall, muscles, and had an air around him that reeked of malice.
Terra struggled getting her mind together as she woke. The feeling of the straps that held her down almost started a panic in her. Yet as she heard the door open she calmed herself trying her best not to do anything stupid. Only the moment she saw his mask her eyes went wide and a spark hit her harder than ever as she started to remember the first time he approached her. "I'm not that anymore" she said as she knew that she once had been. She couldn't remember just how but she knew he wasn't lying as the pain from her head increased she could feel more and more of her memory on the matter coming back.
"Do you know who I am dear?" he asked her, she seemed to know her past quite a bit, though it could be due to the trauma she took. Of course he would be more then happy to help her remember if need be. He paced around her as she seemed to be in pain, he did nothing to help but watched her wince and think.
Hearing him ask if she knew who he was. "Would it matter if I did or not" she said to him as she was struggling getting his name. It was hurting in more than one way. "I'm sure you have ways to have me remember" she said with venom in her voice as she knew that he was someone she didn't even be around. "So now why am I here?" she questioned him. "I've got nothing to do with you" she stated to him.
"Oh but my dear you have everything to do with me," he said getting very close. "Your powers ate returning my dear dear apprentice...and I plan to make use of you, though this time I will make sure yup cannot turn on me," he said. She was correct, he did have ways to make her remember though it wouldn't be a very pleasant process. His henchmen began to fit a few things to her, diodes and monitors. Though it was all to force her to remember it all.
Terra struggled against the henchmen's touches she wasn't sure what to do. Hearing what he was saying she knew she now had powers but he sounded like he had already known about them long before her. "It won't matter I'm not like you" she said to him as she tried to keep up a front as the men hooked her up. She wasn't sure what to think though as she had no clue what was truly going on.
One of the bionic minions handed Slade a remote. "Oh my wrong you are," he said as he lifted the device and pressed it. An electric current ran through the machine she was attached to, coursing through her body forcing her brain to go into overdrive as it stimulated her passed memories to surface. "Do you see it all my dear apprentice?" he asked as she was forced to relive all her passed deeds and events.
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