Getting to Know your Past (Kakure)

As the electicity moved through her body she cried out in pain tears coming to her eyes as they shut close only to have her past playing like a movie on the back of her eye lids. The moment he stopped it for a second of rest she went limp smoke coming off her body as she tried to keep strong. "no . . . it can't" she whimpered as she thought back to robin. Wouldn't he said something had she truly been someone against them. Why would he help her if she had done all those horrible things against them. "No I won't do this again" she said as she struggled against the machine.
"You see...we are not so different after all are we?" he questioned her. He could not however give her another reminder so soon, not unless he wanted to fry her alive that is. "You even betrayed your own friends," he said letting the guilt eat at her. He watched as she hung her head in exhaustion, knowing her feelings where beginning to bubble up. He wanted her to feel regret and remorse, to feel sick to her stomach for backstabbing her fellow Titans, and to think that they would no longer have any feelings towards her.
Terra couldn't stop the tears that fell not only for what she did in the past but how she now knew there was no way she could ever get close to making up for what she did. Tears streamed down her face as she pushed away the feelings she had felt when with Robin even more so feeling that she had betrayed beast boy as she knew he liked her yet without even knowing it she had hit on his best friend without a care. Thinking on that she knew he was right, how could she be good even after all this time she was horrible towards her friends. "Just . . . just shut up!" she screamed as sobs started to had no strength and each time she called for her powers they didn't react the shock had knocked them out for a moment.
He laughed coldly "Ah...Terra...porr porr Terra," he said as she sobbed over the realizations. "All alone again," he said to her, she was broken from the strain, her bonds where let loose, even with her powers before she had not been a complete threat to him. "Now do you see my apprentice, this is why you belong to me," he said to her. "Every ounce of your being is mine," he said picking her up so she could stare straight at him through her tear filled eyes.
Each word slade spoke took away another brick from her wall that kept her safe. As he released her from the binds she fell forward only to feel him pick her up. She looked up uneasy as he spoke she wished so much that what he said was a lie yet there was only proof showing that it was the truth. "Please . . . please no" she whimpered against him as she didn't want this yet she didn't want to be alone either. Neither one was something she cared for while in the back of her mind she was still hoping this was all just a nightmare.
He grabbed her by her arms, the buttons on her white blouse popping as her cleavage was forced to become exposed. "Yes my dear," he told her, his single eye telling her she was going to be reminded how she belonged to him. " one is coming to save you," he said her bra ripping open as a hand caressed her breast. "You've grown well my dear," he said, in an almost lustful manner, his hand roughly caressing the soft mound of flesh.
Feeling his hands gripping her arms so rough her eyes went wide the moment her blouse was open. "No no STOP!" she cried as she felt him ripping off her bra. She struggled against him yet it was nothing as her strength had been taken by the shocks he had given her. "No Stop it!!' she cried out again as she felt his gloved hand against her breast. She hadn't let anyone touch her like this and yet now he was. She couldn't let him be her first. No she just could give that to him. Tears starting up again as she put her hands against his chest as she tried to push herself back. "No not that" she whimpered against him.
His grip was tight, his hand grasping her wrist as he forced her down. "Nothing my dear...nothing you can do can stop it," he said to her. Her breasts where fully exposed, her blouse spread open and did nothing to cover her up. Soon her plaid skirt was torn from her, her panties the only thing keeping her covered up. As she screamed and cried Slade seemed to do nothing more then seemingly get excited over it all. A bulge appearing in his tight body suite as he roughly kneaded her breasts. "Cry my dear..." he said forcing her up, her face inches from the swelling mass of flesh.
Feeling him pin her hands down she just couldn't believe he was doing this to her. Her skirt torn from her she kicked against him only to feel him still kneeding her breast she just couldn't get over it. "Please no" she cried tears streaming down her face though her nipples soon grew hard and stiff with his touches she wished so badly for him to stop. "Slade slade stop it" she cried out hating the fact that she had worn see through panties as it was just lace. Showing that she had no hair down there from lazer removal.
"Perhaps if you satisfy me my dear,' he said hinting for her to use her mouth. He grabber her hair, bringing her to her knees. The swelling bulge inches from her face. He knew she'd refuse, but at this point she had no choice. He would break her this way, a nerve suite had not been enough, but this would surely break her down to her very core. 'Get going apprentice...I might change my mind," he said to her.
The moment he said that her eyes went wide in fear. She could never service him like that as she shook her head trying hard to get away as she now was pushed to her knees. "NO!" she cried out as she shook her head pulling away from him as much as she could only it did nothing as his member was soon out and with her struggling it wasn't that hard to shove his cock into her mouth. She gagged at first as she pulled away. Only to feel him thrust into her mouth. Tears streaming down her face as she panted through her nose. She was having a hard time fighting as she ran out of strength giving in was all she could do as he guided her to move her mouth up and down his shaft.
He grunted gently as he forced his swelling length into her warm mouth. "Mmmhh..yesss..' he said as he watched her eyes widen as he forced his full length into her mouth. It did not take very long before he was shoving it down towards the beginning of her throat, though he did not shove in any deeper, savouring the look of worry and fear on her face as he used her mouth like a toy. He panted heavier as her head bobbed along his shaft. "Deeper!" he growled pulling her blonde hair roughly.
Feeling him keep thrusting his cock into her mouth like nothing had her gagging almost every second. Truly she didn't know what to do as she whimpered against him she just couldn't believe this was happening as he yelled to her to go deeper before pulling her hair soon her nose was buried in his crotch as his cock was buried in her throat she couldn't breathe as he held her there for a couple seconds as he finally pulled back she coughed her eyes dull as she had lost a part of herself in that very moment. Truly she didn't know what to think. She could believe she was being used in such a way as he just kept it up like it was nothing. It was then she broke in her resolve of stopping this, she no longer thought it was even possible as her eyes glazed over as her mind just went deep within itself.
Slade saw the glassy look in her eyes, a smile cracking behind his mask. He thrust back into her mouth feeling no effort to resist him now. The idea was oh so sweet to him as he abused her mouth with his length. He would shove it into her throat, holding her down on him for longer periods of time before he would feel her body try and withdraw, naturally trying to preserve her own life and avoid blacking out. As her eyes began to tear up from the abuse, he felt himself drawing close. "Mmmmh....where shall I finish my pet?" he asked her, thinking she deserved a reward of sorts, thus allowing her to decide this act.
As she could feel him just keep going at such a horrible rate each time he would push her body a little further. Her body would try and black out from time to time yet he would pull away and give her air just to keep her awake. By now she wished he had just killed her with another shock. Though as he asked her where she really didn't want it in her mouth. "On my face" she said her voice hoarse from how much she had been gagging on his cock yet she would be grateful when he finally came and left her alone.
He smiled pleased with her response. He forced himself back into her drooling mouth, thrusting in and out fast and harsh. His cock twitching in her mouth as he drew closer, and just as he felt the urge to release arise he pulled out. At first all she got was his pulsing member staring her in the face, though after a moment the first spurt of thick jizz came from the tip. The white strand of spunk hitting her cheek before it was followed by several more.
As she felt him go back to shoving his cock into her mouth and throat she closed her eyes tears still streaming down her face as she prayed for the end to come already. Only as he finally pulled out she opened her eyes only to see the first few spurts coming out at her. She would close her eyes again as she rather not get his nasty cum in her eyes as she just sat there on her knees waiting for him to finish. At this point she couldn't even think straight not a single word made a single bit of sense to her as she just sat there silent tears streaming down her cum-covered face. Cursing the fact that she was even born so that such a thing would happen to her.
Slade seemed rather pleased, though he seemed unfinished. He did little to clean her up, though he grabbed her once more and had her bent over a table. 'We aren't finish yet my dear," he told her. He watched her struggle as he was prepared to do far worse to her. There was a loud shatter though which drew his attention, long enough luckily so he was once more concealed his his suite leaving her be. "Go and see what that was!" he roared at the bionic henchmen he commanded. The hunched minions ran to investigate, though there was a sudden commotion and the spraying of sparks before a headless pile of scrap hit the light.

"Slade!" roared an angry Robin, his eyes slits through his mask as he scowled at his most hated enemy. He saw Terra in a rather worse off state, though he was not sure what had transpired, he needed no reason not to assault this criminal. He withdrew two razor edged boomerangs and let them hurt, both colliding into the criminals mask, causing two deep gashed to appear. and knocking the man down. He took some delight in beating him down, the villain had grown much less formidable over the years, and he was soon an unconscious body on the floor.
Feeling him pull her up and bend her over a table she struggled again as he ripped away her panties she gave a cry as new tears came down. Only as she heard the crash she went limp and fell to the floor as she sat there on her legs her entire body trembling as she saw robin there pain went right to her heart as he was there yet she couldn't understand why. Why was he saving her again? She didn't deserve it yet she didn't deserve what slade had done either. Soon as knocked slade out she back up into the shadows wishing so badly to just disappear as her arms tried to cover herself her clothes ruined and her face still smeared with his cum.
Robin was certain the criminal was well bound, signaling the authorities to come now, whether or not Slade remained there for them was another issue. He went over to her, his mind trying to not admire her figure, though it was much easier as she was in a rather poor state and he felt sorry for her. "Come on," he said offering her a hand up. "Lets get you cleaned up," he said with a small smile, he felt truly bad. He wasn't aware Slade would try this, let alone go this far either. He wondered why his old nemesis even acted in such a way, but that had always been a mystery to him anyways.
Terra was confused she couldn't understand. "Why . . why are you saving me" she said as she just didn't get it even without what slade said she really didn't deserve it. "Why did you save me before?" she asked as she covered her face before trying to wipe away the cum that was on it. She really felt so dirty and nasty at that moment as she just couldn't believe this had happened and then Robin had actually saved her on top of that.
Robin looked at her. "Because your a Titan," he said to her simply and smiled. He got her out of that place, once again he was flying over the city with her as his bike formed into a small air craft. "Your our friend Terra," he said behind his helmet as they flew towards the tower. "Despite what you did your still one of us...besides we all have are dark pasts," he said simply. He understood her dilemma, after all she wasn't the only apprentice Slade had had in the past.
Terra really just didn't understand, though she nodded her head and went along with it as she was sure robin would never do something like that to her. "I can't believe I forgot" she said as she kept trying to remember more and more, it was coming to her slowly but it was tiring her out like she never knew. Then add that on top of the shocks and attack to her she was more than exhausted. "Robin . . . can . . I stay with you" she said as she was scared to go back home she was sure Slade would just take her again if she went back there.
Robin had no real choice, before as a Titan she had no where to go, even her past was a mystery to them. When she suddenly forgot about them she had a home, attended school, and had a normal life. At first they very well though she was indeed just a Terra look alike, but things had been proven different when the slim chance she was there Terra was apparent. "Yes..." he told her. "Your welcome to stay at Titans Tower...though what of your home!" he asked surely she'd be missed in her new life.
Terra shook her head to him as she gave a sigh. "My parents are hardly ever home always off somewhere so theres nothing to miss and I can take my classes online if I want" she said to him as she just really didn't want to go home and be alone. "It just well I really don't want to go back there" she said as she closed her eyes her head pounding against how she was feeling. She wanted to be honest with what happened and yet at the same time she just wanted to pretend it was just a joke.
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