Getting to Know your Past (Kakure)


Feb 14, 2010

Terra gave a sigh as she moved through the crowd. She was twenty two now her body had grown into a fine young woman only her mind was still stuck to what was missing from herself. She always seemed to see these images that she felt didn't belong to her. Only she was a little tipsy from the dirtying party she had just came from as her friends had dragged her there as it was suppose to be a dating party where they were suppose to hook up but the whole time she was there she couldn't stand the guys that were there. She had heard a lot of things about the males that had joined the girls. All the guys were rude and just wanted ass. She had called one of the guys that and left. Only she didn't know he was now following her.

As she came to a corner stopping to cross the street only as she did she felt a hand grabbing her shoulder and arm. She turn to slap the guy only he jerked her. He went to punch her hard on her face her powers came into place. The ground quaking as the guy threw her away into the street as he saw her eyes glowing yellow. He was shocked only she fell hard her head hitting instantly out her powers growing and then dying off as the cars swerved hard towards her limp body.
That night she hadn't been walking alone, aside from her would be stalker, someone else had his eyes on her. Robin had been out on patrol, most of the other Titans where away, Beast Boy had not wanted to go over seas to try and recruit more Titans, but Robin had asked him to. Normally the green changeling would be the one shadowing Terra but with him gone Robin had taken it upon himself to do that for the past few nights. A lot had changed with the team since those many years. Robin had grown older along with the others, his hair a bit longer and no longer slicked back like he had when he was younger, even his suite, no longer sported his green tights, and yellow capes. In fact he wore mostly black, and now had a red bird symbol on his chest.

As Terra fought off her would be attacker, he saw it. He nearly lost his footing as he saw her eyes suddenly flash yellow like those many years ago. The street had given a lurch as well and he knew something was up. He was stunned for a moment before he saw Terra pushed into the street, her powers had frightened the guy. But as she hit the ground Robin saw a car coming, it was a large pick up, and it wouldn't be able to swerve away in time. He leap from rooftop he had been standing on and extended his arms. Small wing-like flaps helped break his fall as he landed in the street to scoop up the unconscious blonde before the car ran her over. He then leapt out of the way, holding her in one arm while he aimed a grappling hook at another building and they zipped off away from the stunned crowd.
Terra still out as he saved her only as she started to come around her eyes opened to see the skyline of the city passing by as she felt someone holding her. She freaked out thinking it was the stalker as she struggled against who was holding her. "Let me go" she cried out as her eyes went up to see the mask hero she stopped her eyes going wide. A spark hit her as an image of the young robin came to mind her head gave an ache from the image as she gave a groan. Her head was really killing her from the punch along with the hit to the ground. Truly it was great for her as she gave a sigh giving up on what ever was going on. Her mind just couldn't grasp on what had happened she just remembered the guy going to punch her not anything after her powers activated.
Robin had moved a good distance from the event, luckily no one had been hurt as the car swerved and struck a mailbox, the driver had been shaken but no real damage, at least that was the police report going off in the small ear piece he had on. "Don't worry your safe," he told her, his voice had changed, grown deeper over the years. "You where hurt and a car almost hit you," he didn't explain the rest as he was sure she'd piece things together. He set down a few blocks away, on another tall building. "Do you feel you need to go to a hospital?" he asked her. Robin was, rather surprised, she had truly changed since last he saw her. Her body was not the same skinny girl that had just joined the team, no she was older. He was certain she would not remember him, at least nothing past the fact he was the Boy Wonder, he found the name a bit...out of date though.
As he landed she heard what he said she nodded her head though she really could never understand why she had blanks in her memory. "I'm fine" she said to him as she heard him ask if she should go to the hospital. "I'm use to it" she said to him in truth she really was. It seemed she was always getting hurt somehow. It was one of the reasons why her friends always worried about her. "thank you I hadn't know I was in that much danger" she stated to Robin only as she looked him over she felt that image come up again flashing as she felt the pain from it her hand went to her head as she grimaced out the pain. She didn't know why but now more images were coming up all of him and the team. Only as slade's image came her eyes shot open glowing once more as the earth started to shake her body shook as well.
Robin was taken off guard again as the building began to shake. He knew this was bad, after so many years it had seemed that Terra would just live a normal live, like a normal teen. Even as she went into adulthood there had been no signs of her powers returning, and Robin had been close to even saying that they should stop following her, that she would be fine. He was wrong it seemed. "Terra...Terra calm down focus," he said grabbing her arms and holding her still. "Terra calm down.." he said to her over and over. He did not realize he was using her name, his mind had simply reverted back to when they had been young, she was still his friend even if he buried it underneath all his emotionless attitude.
As she heard his voice she slowly started to calm her eyes dimming only as she looked back to him her blue eyes dimmed a little before brightening up. "Robin?" she asked only a few seconds before her body gave in her mind almost shutting down instantly from the shock. She was starting to remember yet it was harmful for the memories of Slade was hitting her as well. A few images of herself attacking him and the Titans came up moments before she passed out into his arms as she couldn't handle it hitting her so hard and fast. Only it seemed her hands were gripping onto him for dear life as if she was crying for his help. she couldn't understand what was going on as those memories felt like that from a past life to her.
He watched her go through what seemed to be a rather traumatic event. As she said his name he wondered if it was because she recognized him for more then just being a hero. "Terra...hold on..." he told her as she clung to him. Titans Tower was empty now, he needed to get her there as see what was wrong with her. He once more grabbed a hold of her and then whisked her off into the night. Titans Tower sat in it's same location, the building had changed little save for a few new additions to the room, though it was still fairly "T" in shape. He took her to the emergency room, he needed to see what was wrong with her, and they had the best equipment in the city.
The hit to her head on the pavement had triggered her memories to surface as the damage was done her powers coming back along with the hit to her had she had a good size concussion and swelling a little in her brain from it. Other than that she was still a little tipsy from the drinking party. As he got her checked out he would see that. Her head was in a lot of pain to her as her powers seemed to be just barely under control as she laid there on the bed to be examined. She would give a whimper from pain from time to time only not really responding to too much.
Robin had the machines look her over, the hit to her head was bad, though not life threatening, unless she took several just like that over and over. He had to keep he a little restrained, at times she would flail to hard and not let the machines do there work. "Okay Terra....I'm just going to give you a bit of a painkiller," he said as he pricked her arm with an I.V. It wasn't very strong, but it would most likely keep her calm and allow her to get some sleep, all he could do was hope the hit to her had didn't so alot of permanent damamge, he'd have to see the new scans once she was asleep and the machines could go to work.
Slowly as the pain kills took effect she stilled and her body calmed down. The pain dulling enough that she slept now with no serious issues. Only allowing the machines to work her mind was blank though as she slept without dreams. She had came to get use to dreams of the past only she could never see that it was her past when an image came to her within the dream her figure had always been shadowed out. She used to right it all down in a dream diary only thinking them like stories her mind was making up while most were actual events that she had gone through. Never really understanding that this was all true just thinking it some fantasy.
She showed no abnormalities as her mind was kept monitered throughout the night. It was strange how her powers had flared up and now seems to be normal once more. He was shocked when all it seemed she had was a head injury but nothing more then that. Robin wondered how she would coup if she did remember everything, thinking of the time she had almost betrayed them. He did not want to think of that just yet, if Raven where here she would know what to do, but the dark sorceress was of recruiting as well.
As morning came she started to wake her mind wondering just where she was though the painkillers were just then starting to wear off she gave a groan as she started to sit up. She felt the machines still hooked up to her as she looked around. Was she in a hospital yet as she looked around this didn't look like any hospitals she had been in before. "Where am I?' she asked as she put her hand up to pull back a strand of her golden hair back behind her ear.
Robin walked in as she started to stir awake. "Your in Titans Tower," he said going to look at the collected data. "Do you remember anything of the night before?" he asked, she seemed normal once more, no extra brain activity besides a few dreams and such. She would need to ice her head a bit though she was going to get a nasty bump. He finished looking things over and waited patiently for her response, a lesser person however would gave probably been out cold for a day or two.
Terra looked to him. "Really the tower why not a hospital?" she asked him as she wondered why she had been brought here. "Parts of it some of it is a little blurry" she said to him as she slung her legs over the bed. "Thank you for saving me" she said as her hand moved to her head winced as she touched the knot that had grown there. "Really did a number on myself uh?" she asked him as if they were back in the old days yet she didn't remember it just yet she just couldn't piece it all together. "I don't know why but would it be weird if I said I think I've met you before?" she asked him as she gave a sigh at how confused she felt.
Robin smiled for a brief moment as she became more talkative. "Your welcome," he said as she thanked him. He watched her touch the knot on her head, it did seem fairly painful. "You where....a bit of a serious case," he said wondering if she would remember her powers going off. "It would not be very strange at all Terra," he said not thinking straight as he used her name in the sense she was still a member of the team. "Do you remember how you got that bump?" he asked she seemed not that sure of it, as if she had simply tripped and fallen on her head or something.
Terra looked up the moment he said her name. She gave a puzzled looked to him as she finally figured out that he must have truly known her before. "I don't know how you know my name" she said to him though as she heard his question she thought about it. "A guy from my drinking party attacked me and I ended up somehow in the road." she said to him as that was all she could remember. She didn't really the powers. "I remember the quake though" she said to him as that was all she thought it was.
Robin guessed she couldn't recall she had started the quake, as to how he knew her name he could have simply said her ID card had told him that, but she did not seem to mind that he had said it. He filled her in with what had happened, though he left a few parts out, simply enough so she could make sense, main,y of how she had been attacked. His story for being there though was simply that he had been on patrol. "So..besides your head, do you feel anything else?" he asked, some small part of him hoped she was returning to normal.
Terra listened as she figured that maybe he knew more about her than she did. "You know me . . . don't you?" she asked only as he asked about her she gave a soft smile. "I'm fine just a hit to the head and nothing more hurts at all" she said to him with a smile. In truth she was feeling fine and a lot more energized than she was use too. "Just feel a little well different somehow" she said as she shook her head. "I might just been imaging it though" she said to him as she gave a sigh. "Thank you again for last night seems you saved my life twice" she said to him with a soft smile.
Robin didn't say whether or not he knew her, but even if he had she already knew the answer, the Boy Wonder was not exactly at the top of his game in this situation so it was obvious even on his masked face she was receiving much better treatment then a simple damsel in distress. "Well...seems your fine as well," he said as he looked at the scans, of course he did that simply to hide any give away his face might be doing. "Your welcome Terra....,' he smiled back. "Do you need to be somewhere at this time?" he asked, wondering if anyone had noticed she was gone the other night, maybe her friends from the bar.
Terra shook her head to him as he asked about if she had somewhere to be. "No I got dragged there unwillingly. I just couldn't stand the guys going" she said as she shook her head. Only she just realized how she was talking to him. "you know you . . . look kinda different" she said to him with a soft smile. "Sick of the boy wonder act?" she asked him as she leaned back putting her weight on her arms behind her. In truth she really just felt the need to stay close like she might learn something about the past she can't remember.
He wasnt so sure how to put it into words. "No...not sick of it, just out groaning it a bit I guess," he said it was true he did not have the vibrants colors anymore, he was more mature and built compared to when he was a younger Titan. Not he was much taller, puberty had come and gone and he was much more like his mentor Batman then anything and even his suite shared a similar resemblance though lacking the cape and pointy ears. "I guess the Bou Wonder title doesn't really fit all to much either," he shrugged a little. He wasn't sure what to do with her now, true he did not want her going far if she had another episode, but no outsider had been in Titans Tower either, he also wanted to be sure she was ok.
As she listened to him she nodded her head. "Well each life is a book and with books there are different chapters. There always there but you must always move towards the next one" she said to him with a soft smile as she felt that he was having a little trouble with this. "I'm sure no one will mind the change. I think you look better with the hair and outfit" she said to him with a soft smile. Though she blushed when she said there as she couldn't believe she had just hit on Robin. Standing up she felt her legs get a little Jello-like but she held steady as she took a deep breathe. "I guess I should just head home" she said though in truth with her parents out of the country she really didn't care for home. It was just the daily maid visit and the butler nothing more than that. "Thank you again" she said to him as she just wasn't sure what she should do. "If you could just get me back in town you can be through with me" she said to him with a embarrassed grin on her face as she had forgotten she was in the tower. She really shouldn't know how to get back to the city.
Robin was worried, and picked up on the hint of flirtatious attitude she had, he grinned a little, nodding as her philisophical answer made some sense. "Thanks he said," as she tried to stand he made a movement to catch her if she was about to fall, but she had held on. "I can take you home," he told her as she asked to go back into the city. He would feel alot better if he knew she had gotten home safely anyways. He still was even unsure of doing that, but he could not ask her to stay if she did not want to, also he would still be shadowing her every chance he got.
As she heard Robin say that he would take her home she nodded her head. "Yeah I should most likely get back to studying" she said as she rubbed the back of her neck. Her blue eyes casted down as she just wasn't sure what she should do. "I'm sure I'm wasting your time" she said to him as she just couldn't believe that she was actually talking with Robin. "You know being a superhero and all you must not get a lot of free time." seh said to him as she knew that it must be hard for him.
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