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The Beaches Down Under!

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Miyuki Blushed even harder and purrs gently as he touched her ear and Sways her tail back and forth then Looks at him and Says Shyly "t-thank y-you" as she leans into his hand and purrs abit louder.
Lilly showed up at the beach and felt the sun on her fur. she makes her way to the water but before she gets in she finds a spot on the beach and sets up her towel and stuff. She then puts on some sun tan lotion and lays down in the sun.
[eesh, I forgot about this place, didn't I? DX]

Kiera moaned vibrantly into his mouth as they linked, tongue meshing ad twirling with his, running along it passionately. She let her eyes close and spread her legs further as he continuing his plowing; not wanting to stop for anything.

He moaned out in bliss while doing her, thrusting nice and hard into her cunny while stroking her rear. "Damn girl, you are so making me not want to stop fucking you!" he moaned into her ear, thrusting nice and hard back and forth, each thrust going in so deep that it was hitting her cervix, maybe even going past it into her.
wildkat said:
Lilly showed up at the beach and felt the sun on her fur. she makes her way to the water but before she gets in she finds a spot on the beach and sets up her towel and stuff. She then puts on some sun tan lotion and lays down in the sun.
(David is fair game since princess hasn't replied in several days)

David noticed the cute girl, tanning by the beach and headed over. "Hello there, I'm David." he said with a smile. "Mind if I join you?" he asked her. He looked her over and gave her a small wink as he awaited her reply. He admired her looks and purred at her beauty.
Lilly looked up at David and said "my name is Lilly and yea sure you may join me ". she smiled at him looking him over and noted he was a handsome fellow too.
He smiled at her. "Lilly hmm? Perfect name for a gorgeous girl" he said as he laid next to her. He admired her once again as he relaxed in the sun. "So what's a great looking girl like you doing alone on the beach?" he asked.
She looked at him and said "got bored at home listening to the radio and reading books so i thought why not go sun bath and take a swim what about you David are you alone or do you have a girl hiding somewhere that i sure be aware off". she gave him a giggle and purred.
He smiled at her giggle. "I'm alone, no girls hiding... that I know of" he teased. "Since you were bored, how about we have some fun today?" he asked. He figured it would be fun for both of them, seeing as they both liked what they saw do far.
She rolled over onto her side to look into his eyes and said "alright what do you have in mind David ". she smiled and thought she knew what he was thinking and made up her mind if that is what he truly wanted she was going to play along .
He smiled. "I figure after some more time on the beach, we could get to know eachother? With a nice walk on the beach maybe?" he offered with a smile. He wanted to get to know her beyond her beauty. He awaited her reply hoping she would accept.
"a walk on the beach sounds like fun " she stood up and reached out to him offering him her hand . she gave him a smile.
(Sorry for taking so long to reply)

He smiled and took her hand, standing up. He started down the beach with her. "So, What's a gorgeous girl like you doing being single?" he asked with a small laugh. He knew that plenty of guys were staring at her as was he at times so it was odd that she wasn't taken.
She laughed and said "whats a handsome boy like you doing single"? she knew why she had been single is cause all the boys she found only wanted sex and once they had gotten that they left her. She thought him a nice boy but part of her wondered if he was like all the rest.
Sara awoke with quite a headache, she gasped seeng that she had somehow ended up in her hotel room. Standing she walked over to he dresser and gt dressed in some hot pink short shorts that when she bend over slightly showed her but cheeks. She paird that with a lacy black tanktop, and some black flipflops.
Than she slowly went out of the building and to the bar, where she decided to fight off the hangover with more alcohol. Her fluffy fox tail wagged back and forth as she drank her martini.
wildkat said:
She laughed and said "whats a handsome boy like you doing single"? she knew why she had been single is cause all the boys she found only wanted sex and once they had gotten that they left her. She thought him a nice boy but part of her wondered if he was like all the rest.

He smiled at her reply. "Girls seem to like me for my muscles, among other things but don't often stick around. Don't ask why, because I dunno" he said with a laugh. He led her down the beach as the waves crashed on the shore. "It's so beautiful out here, like you" he said with a big smile.
She had to adimt he was fun. she heard the waves crashing ahainst the shore and blushed at his remark. she smiled and said "i have had bad luck with men seems when they see my body thats all they want and once they sleep with me they hit the road.
He shook his head, "Who wouldn't want to see such a beautiful girl all the time? Only a crazy person" he said with a smile. He noticed her blush before and found it cute. "I kind of feel bad for those guys, they missed out on you" he said.
KevinR778 said:
He shook his head, "Who wouldn't want to see such a beautiful girl all the time? Only a crazy person" he said with a smile. He noticed her blush before and found it cute. "I kind of feel bad for those guys, they missed out on you" he said.

she grinned and said "I think I can agree with you ". she stopped and took a look at the waves rushing up against the shore line and said "your such an handsome fellow i feel like I'm dreaming".
He smiled and shook his head. "You aren't dreaming" he said, picking her up with a small laugh. "If this was a dream then I don't think we'd have our swimsuits on still" he teased as he carried her into the water with him.
She giggled as he picked hermana yo. She evento let out a small purr. She then. Said " oh please pura me down ". She batted hermana eyes at him in a teasing manner
She shivered as she got hit by the wave and said "boy is this water cold". she looked down and noted her tits were nipping out from the cold so she crossed her arms over her breasts. she blushed and said "boy you wanted to chill us out right "? she said teasing.
He smiled as she said the water was cold. "I'm surprised your hot body isn't making some steam" he said with a wink. "I wouldn't mind heating up with you" he teased back with a tug of the string that held her bikini up. He quickly dove under the water with a grin.
"hey no fair " she hollered at him when he dove under. she blushed and she let out a sigh from holding in her breath when he tugged on her bikini strap. she knew what he was after by his teasing and he seemed nice. she shrugged her shoulders what the heck she would let lose and have fun and not worry about what he would do tomorrow just enjoy herself like she came here to do. she dove in after him and soon saw his tail and gave it a playful tug saying under the water "found you ".
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