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The Beaches Down Under!

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PrincessManaMi-Ai said:
The cold water finally chilled Sara so she shook herself, her fox tail waving back and forth. Not bothering to wrap a towel around herself she walked dkwn the beach in her hot pink bikini. After playing in the water her curly brown hair was now wet and wavy. Stretching her paws above her head she let out a content sigh. A few other people were on the beach but her shyness getting the best of her she kept to herself. As she walked her hips swayed along, Sara's tail was poofy again and it stood up in a light curve.

David spotted the fox and smiled. He watched her as she swayed her hips. He got up and headed over to her. "Hello there gorgeous" he said with a wink. He eyed her over and smiled wide. "I'm David" he said. "Would you like some company?" he asked, figuring it would be much better than walking alone. His tail swayed behind him as it always did around such good looking girls. The tiger gave a small purr and winked at her again.
Sara was suprised that someone had came up to talk to her. A small blush painted her cheeks as she looked over the muscular tiger. "Hello David. I'm Sara." She said, her voice was light with an American accent. "I'd love some company." She smiled. They walked along side for awhile gazing at the gorgous Austrailian ocean.
David smiled as she said yes. "Pleasure to meet you Sara" he said. He joined her on her walk down the beach. "Such a nice view isn't it?" he said, smiling at her. "Although, I'd much rather be looking at you" he said with a wink. "Perhaps after our walk, I could... buy you a drink?" he asked with a purr.
Shyly Sara glanced at David. She thought of how some whiskey would taste. Absentmindedly she licked his lips and looked at the feline. She'd return the purr but her fox vocal cords weren't made for that. Instead she giggled the sound like twinkling bells.
He smiled at her cute giggle. "I'll take that as a yes?" he said with a small chuckle. "It'll be my treat" he added. "I know the perfect place" He said, escorting her to the bar, "What would you like?" he asked her, sitting on a nearby bar stool. He looked her over again with a smile.
Sitting on the bar stool she placed her elbows on the bar counter her cleavage showing. Her hair had long since dried and was now in cute short ringlets framing her face.
"How about some shots of whickey?" She asked looking at his strong legs, and arms.
He smiled at her suggestion, noticing her cleavage. "Sure why not" he said. "Excuse me Bartender, Two shots of whiskey for me and the lovely lady here" he said winking at her. He noticed her looking him over and gave a sexy purr.
As the bartender set down their shots she downed hers instantly, grimacing. Then with a wave she got anouther shot. Winking back at David she drank the second one, letting out a growl from its taste.

As the bartender set down their shots she downed hers instantly, grimacing. Then with a wave she got anouther shot. Winking back at David she drank the second one, letting out a growl from its taste.
He smiled, drinking his shot. He saw her request another and did the same. He drank that one and heard a growl from her. "Easy there gorgeous" he said, winking at her. "After a few more drinks would you like to head back to the beach or go somewhere else?" he asked her
Sara already felt a light dizzyness come over her from the alcohol, a few more shots and she'd be willing to do anything. "I haven't been here too long so I'll let you show me around." She answered.
He smiled and nodded. "I'll give you a tour" he said, getting them both another shot. He downed his and winked at her. "I think you're good after this one, I don't need to be carrying you back to your room" he teased with a laugh. "Let start you're tour" he said.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Like you wpuldn't mind." She muttered finishing her drink with a smile. Sara stood her tail flicking happily as she waited for David to begin showing her around.
He got up soon after her, escorting her around the place. "Besides the beach, there's the pool or the hot tub if you're looking for a swim. It's pretty awesome here and can get pretty crazy at night when their's parties going on" he said. "There's all kinds of stuff to do but my personal favorite is getting to meet such beautiful girls like you" he said with a wink. "Perhaps you'd like to see my room?" he asked.
She found found the tiger adorable and handsome at the same time. Her small paw grasped his large one as she snuggled close to him. "Good tour and of course I'd love to see your room." She sighed.
He smiled as she snuggled into him. "Right this way then" he said. He headed towards his room, arriving in a few minutes. "Here we are" he said, unlocking the door and heading inside. Inside was a small living room with a couch and flat screen tv, leading into his bedroom with a king sized bed and a small kitchen area between the two. "What do ya think?" he asked.
"Lovely." She answered, looking all around her hips swaying as she walked. Her ears, red with black tips turned lightly as they stayed alert. Feeling a little dizzy from the alcohol she sat on an armchair her legs partly open as she leaned back.
"So what all do you do here?" She asked, cheeks flushed from being buzzed.
He smiled at her adage looked around. Seeing her sit back in the chair he heard her question. "Well usually I bring lovely girls like you here if they want some fun, but I figure that's up to you" he said with a wink. He wandered into his bedroom and pulled off his shirt, about to change it.
The sight of his chisled chest made Sara's heart beat faster.
"Fun? Like Candyland?" She asked beong sarcastic. Carfully she loosened her bikini straps for comfort, showing s little more of her boobs
He smiled, hearing her sarcasm. "Depends if you like lolipops" he teased. He wandered back into the room still shirtless, eyeing her extra cleavage. He wink at her. "What do you say?" he asked, offering his hand to her.
"Mmm lollipops." She slurred, grasping his hand and standing up. Tripping over her feet she got pressed against his chest and giggled nervously. It was so warm and strong that her panties became damp.
He smiled at her, catching her as she tripped into him. "Come, let's get you that lolipop" he said, helping her to the bedroom. He winked at her and laid her down on the bed. "Think you're ready?" he asked her with a grin.
He smiled and untied his swim trunks, but leaving them on. He laid ontop of her and rubbed her hips. "Do you like big 'lolipops'?" he asked with a wink. He rubbed up to her sides, and purred at her sexily.
He smiled and looked down at her. "Well how about a taste?" he asked. He pulled off his trunks and showed off his thick, 8 inch 'lolipop' to her. "Go on gorgeous" he said with a wink.
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