Immature fucking KIDS! and I'm not talking about kids as in ones that don't know any better I'm talking about people who are 18 or older that preach they're adults but when it comes down to doing the adult thing they flake and end up fucking things up for themselves.
Which brings me to another thing that bothers me, Kids having kids, if you can't take care of yourself keep it in your fucking pants or take precautions. I by far am not the greatest parent in the world but I put my son first and get him what he needs before I think of myself and all I hear from some people I know who have kids is "Oh I can't afford diapers, I can't afford wipes, I'm all out of formula, let me borrow some money to get the baby food" Really? That fucking laptop and new pair of Jordan's look real nice how much you spend on those dickfor? Ever think a pair of shoes could've waited? Maybe you should've spent your money on your CHILD first. I mean what the fuck you have a kid now that means you put them first I don't care how badly you want a pair of shoes or a computer, your child needs food and diapers and wipes to stay healthy assholes it's time to grow up.