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Little Things That Bother You

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It seems to happen every now and again. Don't know how wide spread it is, cause other than this and the Things you Love topic, I tend to only ever visit request and RP threads.

It tends to go back to normal after a while.
I've noticed this phenomenon in both threads mentioned, but usually when the thread has enough posts to give it a new page. It goes away... Almost whenever it feels like it.

Maybe something is wrong with the board's coding? Or it could be a server problem, but it's too minimal. A server error would have an error screen and would cause more widespread damage across all of the BMR board...
Most of the time for me, it goes back to normal after a single post once it starts wonking out. First noticed it quite a while ago. Doesn't seem to happen that often. But then again, I'm only on the site at night, and generally only for a few hours at a time.
Well, if it is am problem with the code, who do we talk to about it? I mean, I have barely rudimentary knowledge on board code, so apart from aesthetics, I'm useless as breasts on a jellyfish.
I'm certain the staff are aware. I recall someone bringing it up in the past, either on one of the mentioned two topics, or over on the questions forum. Don't remember what was said about then, but I'm sure the site staff are aware of it at least.

But back on topic........having the ice cream on a ice cream cone melt a bit and drip all over my fingers, making them all sticky.
Little things that irritate me....

Cliffhanger endings.

And how the writers of the movie Cliffhanger, starring Sylvester Stallone, missed a chance for the ultimate trolling event by not giving that movie a cliffhanger ending,
Personally, I don't mind cliffhanger long as they actually get wrapped up later on at some point. I do hate it when a series has a cliffhanger season finale........only for the show to get cancelled, leaving it completely unresolved.
Never saw any of those, but anything that ends in an unresolved cliffhanger really gets on my nerves. Be it TV shows, movies or games. If the cliffhanger gets resolved at a later date, fine. But, if not........ugh.......
Reaper got cancel led by Fox after 2 seasons, and it died on a major cliffhanger. Dallas was a show that ran from 1978 to like... 1992 or something, and got renewed for a new session just last year after leaving on a big cliffhanger, and there've been countless soap operas and crappy shows that left off their first seasons on cliffhangers that weren't resolved, these shows usually being on Fox- they have.... Bad habits about doing that. Hell, they greenlight more senseless crap than almost every other network combined.
ABC and NBC have done the same with shows like Flash Forward, Surface and Invasion. None of those were huge, main stream successes, but I personally really liked them. All three ended on major cliffhangers, but weren't picked up again and thus, were never resolved.
Thank you, Millenium Joker and CutePhoenix.. as you gave me one that is long overdue being on here. lol

Soap Operas, Harlequin Romance, and any other form of media "entertainment" that perpetuates the "classic romantic notion" of what Sean Morey accurately describes as "The Man Who Doesn't Exist". I would also include allusions to his flip side song "The Woman Who Doesn't Exist".. but apparently over the last fifteen years since he recorded that song.. that Woman actually DOES seem to exist.
It's was mostly a joke but most men that I know want a woman like they see in porn. But I for one never wanted a guy like in a romance novel, I always wanted one like they talk about in country songs. Lucky for me I found one right here on bluemoon!
darkangel76 said:
When people act delusional. It's even worse when they know better.

DA, that is precisely how to describe both those who read/watch romance and those who read/watch porn. Erotica has realism, just to clarify, or should. Perfection doesn't really exist, rather it is what is perfect for you and what you need in proportion to what you want. It is delusional for anyone, male or female, to think they will always get what they want. Just saying. I do watch some porn, but I am very aware that women like that don't exist in real life.

And on that note...

Women who dress overly provocatively, then have the nerve to get mad when every guy in the room is staring or making comments. The real world doesn't work that way. There is always a limit, even if you have the looks to pull it off.
Immature fucking KIDS! and I'm not talking about kids as in ones that don't know any better I'm talking about people who are 18 or older that preach they're adults but when it comes down to doing the adult thing they flake and end up fucking things up for themselves.

Which brings me to another thing that bothers me, Kids having kids, if you can't take care of yourself keep it in your fucking pants or take precautions. I by far am not the greatest parent in the world but I put my son first and get him what he needs before I think of myself and all I hear from some people I know who have kids is "Oh I can't afford diapers, I can't afford wipes, I'm all out of formula, let me borrow some money to get the baby food" Really? That fucking laptop and new pair of Jordan's look real nice how much you spend on those dickfor? Ever think a pair of shoes could've waited? Maybe you should've spent your money on your CHILD first. I mean what the fuck you have a kid now that means you put them first I don't care how badly you want a pair of shoes or a computer, your child needs food and diapers and wipes to stay healthy assholes it's time to grow up.
darkangel76 said:
I <3 you, Snake. Couldn't have said that any better. *applauds you, hugs you*

Thanks hon :)
I'm just so sick of hearing shit like that all the time when I see these people buying a bunch of new stuff for themselves or eating take out everyday and not buying their child the things they need it's frustrating. I mean as soon as I had my son something just clicked in my head and I became a parent it wasn't hard. Something as precious as a child should be taken care of I mean our kids are our future and they need to be raised and taken care of the right way. Trust me I can rant on all day about this stuff because it hurts to see a child being put second to a pair of fucking shoes or a computer and it kills me even more because that child is my goddaughter and I love her to pieces I've bought more diapers/wipes/formula/food for that baby then her father ever has and he gets money and it's so aggravating to me it's like man up mother fucker because I'm about to take your kid if you don't and I may sound mean by saying that but I want what's best for that baby and while I'm not the greatest parent nor do I have a lot of money I would give to her and my son first and that's it there's no question.
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