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Little Things That Bother You

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Chicks that think anything with a vagina is out to steal their boyfriend or husband.

On a similar note, people that make everything into a nonverbal sexual innuendo out of paranoia, even if it is something as saying "Oh, hey there!" to their significant other.
People who are fakes. As in fake Domme/Doms and are actually submissive little fuckwad Betas.

People who use other people's artwork and pictures and claim it is theirs.
Being told to do something rather than requested. I don't like to be ordered around.
When I hold the door open for someone, male or female, and they go through acting as if I don't even exist. A thank you would be nice, ahole.
When I tell people about something only to have them blow it off, discover it months/years later, then proceed to insist I never tried to get them into it in the first place. I guess everyone wants to feel like a trendsetter.
Disrespectful and/or inconsiderate people.

Also, there are times and places for certain things in which common sense should just sort of kick in instinctually. If it doesn't, people should then, at the very least, be aware of how their audience reacts and take note of it, thus proceeding accordingly.

People who try to take advantage of someone in some way or mess with someone in some way because of how their personality is. Even if it's meant to be a joke since a lot of the times, the joke is just not funny.
Finally giving in and downloading the latest version of Internet Explorer and then finding that it doesn't work. At all.
Women who choose to play male characters - that might as well have a vagina. Not all men 'mewl' and roll over.
That in between phase where most of your current roleplays are either dead or questionably slow, and you're bored and want to start up a few new ones...buutt you don't want to have those first stories suddenly return to life, and find yourself then with too many going at once.
When you get online later than when you wanted and the person you plan on talking to only gets to talk to you for fifteen minutes cause they have plans.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
When you get online later than when you wanted and the person you plan on talking to only gets to talk to you for fifteen minutes cause they have plans.
This. ):
When the same person doesn't understand that our particular branch of Dunkin Donuts does not sell the lemon donuts anymore. Coming in every single night and trying to get them doesn't change the fact and no; you did not just have a lemon donut from my store last week.
When people say the word 'faggot' or the n word jokingly and/or offensively.

When people text while I'm clearly talking to them.
When people edit my comment posts on facebook to make them funny >8u

in all cerealness,

When my music in Itunes becomes out of order. e.e it must be in alphabetical or by name of song and name of artist, band, whatever. IT MUST BE.
Dubstep. ):

When people just ruin things for you forever. Like dubstep.

And Jrock and Kpop and such. =[
My latest number one pet peeve seems to be something that I've been dealing with a lot recently with my family and my older friends. That is when parents buy their child an 'M' rated game and then bitch and rave about the violence or the sex and blame the game or developers instead of their own blatant ignorance of the ESRB rating system.

EDIT: Also when parents get on their kid's X-Box live accounts to yell at me for saying something that they don't approve of. I mean, seriously? I am a pretty clean person online. So the word 'shit' slipped when I fell off the edge of the map. If your child goes to public school then he talks to kids every day with a worse mouth than me. If you are that sensitive then don't let your ten year old play on live.
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