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Little Things That Bother You

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When I think people are aware that I'm a sociopath, though I'm not entirely convinced that I am one while I'm drunk. Which is rather refreshing considering how crazy the idea has been making me lately =/
People who judge others based on the shows they like. Especially, if they don't actually know the show in question.
Hahvy not having enough +-- thingers in her name >8u

ok seriously; When people keep trying to talk over you when you're saying something conducive to the topic.
*hugs Hahvy*

When you wake up with a nasty pinch in your neck.
When you wake up from a sound sleep for no reason at all.
When you wake up so quickly that you're ridiculously disoriented for bit and made to feel kind of 'off'.
I bother myself. ):

But srsly, uhhhhhhh. Most EDM. RPS. Peer pressure.

You guys can keep your $100+ shoes. I'll stick with my $40-$70 that get me plenty of compliments and last several years of everyday use.

Kingschoolyou said:
ok seriously; When people keep trying to talk over you when you're saying something conducive to the topic.
THIS. Especially when everyone else then pays attention to the interrupting person, as if you're second goddamn tier.

Request threads where the text is a retarded color that's difficult to read on the site's background. This also applies to the font size, alignments, too many different symbols and anything in general that just makes your thread a chore to read. Seriously, the artsy fartsyness doesn't make you stand out in the good way when it makes me close the page.

Sissy boys that whine for attention and woe is me, relying on pity and guilt rather than growing into someone people would genuinely enjoy having around.

Girls that claim they're ugly, or their life is shit, or other passive-aggressive emo fishing strategems that get the white knights swarming like flies to bad poetry.
Animal Rights activists who ride my ass because I hunt. There are better people for you to harass!

Hunters who give the rest of us a bad name by 'trophy hunting' and don't use the meat.

Maryland gun laws. I don't live in Maryland but I go through the state now and then on trips and their laws are asinine.

When parents let their kids scream and shout in the movie theatre. Seriously; take them the hell outside until they stop.

Cats. Really, that's all. Kittens are cute but they loose their novelty very quickly.

People that kill snakes 'because they are gross'. I hope mice overrun all of your homes. You'll want those snakes then!

Same as above with spiders. A plague of arthropods upon your homes!

Revisiting an earlier issue; overzealous animal right activists. Enough said.

Same as above, but with any religion. I don't get into your face and say that your god is a lie. Don't get in mine and tell me that he is real unless you have hard proof.

BDSM 'posers' who claim to be 'into it' for control but don't really know anything about the lifestyle.

I'm sure I'll think of more later, but that should do for now.
Sovereign said:
Same as above with spiders. A plague of arthropods upon your homes!

this, a thousand times. it always bothers me to see people just kill a spider 'cause a motherfucker's struttin' across your wall or something. i'll always try and save one when i can, escort it somewhere safe.

i mean, i'm not gonna marry one or anything. but respect a spider!
laplace+maxwell said:
this, a thousand times. it always bothers me to see people just kill a spider 'cause a motherfucker's struttin' across your wall or something. i'll always try and save one when i can, escort it somewhere safe.

i mean, i'm not gonna marry one or anything. but respect a spider!

There's a time and a place for the squish bat, mind you, and there are just certain spiders that I don't want anywhere near my home. Example: I've killed three black widows in my house in the past five days. I might not mind sharing my home with select beasties that control other beasties but I'm not too keen on something that can give me cardiac arrest if it bit me.

In general, it bugs me when people kill anything out of simple fear or spite. Snakes and spiders were simply the most prominent examples.
Sovereign said:
There's a time and a place for the squish bat, mind you, and there are just certain spiders that I don't want anywhere near my home. Example: I've killed three black widows in my house in the past five days. I might not mind sharing my home with select beasties that control other beasties but I'm not too keen on something that can give me cardiac arrest if it bit me.

In general, it bugs me when people kill anything out of simple fear or spite. Snakes and spiders were simply the most prominent examples.

i think i get you. i can't relate as much as there's not such a population of real dangerous creatures 'round my parts, but i certainly agree that extenuating circumstances call for the hammer. but i do agree that the real point is not to be ruled by an ignorant fear or cruel spite.

but i do have a healthy respect for spiders. my mother has a fondness for them, considers them lucky and a blessing and since my childhood i've done my best to merciful to them in particular when i can.
What Sovereign said about spiders, except replace spiders with carpenter ants. Those things are huge and they swarm to warmth/food like flies to shit.

Also, my dad. Love how I leave JUST ONE PLATE in the sink, unwashed, and there's other dishes there that are HIS and he just bitches at ME and ME ONLY. He's a pain in the ass, and I know that I should do it, but seriously? Over one fucking plate?
People talking when I'm tryna watch something. o__o

Tumblr. Hatehatehaaaaaaate. But I admit I stalk some celeb tumblrs. ;/

      • When I'm sitting in a movie theater and complete strangers
        sit next to me when there are seats all around ... like,
        seriously, are white people not scared of us black folk

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