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Little Things That Bother You

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People who think doing something that is wrong is okay, because they're them.
Example: "Oh, I just kinda flirt with everyone, my boyfriend doesn't like it. But that's okay, because I'm me. Haha"
People Cussing and cursing out context.
People on their cellphones who demand your attention but get pissed when you give them tiime
People who dumbasses
People breeding and putting more into population? when they cant even handle their own shit. ie. This girl at work pregant with her fourth kid? and barely can support herself first three. and half time she cant
Oh man. Where can I start.

People who don't acknowledge my words.
The sound of silence (Listen... it's there and it's fucking annoying)
The ticking of clocks.
People who leave doors just barley cracked
People looking me in the eyes (makes me nervous)
Being touched. (Really, don't do it. I'll prolly swat at you)
When my Zippo runs out of butane
People who run the butane out of my zippo (FUCKING NEKO)
Being awake long enough to see the sun rise in my room.. for some reason it makes me nervous...
Needing to sleep
Not being able to sleep.
The sound of Tub Screens
Being doubted
Stagnancy within myself
My family (That's kind of a group effort there)
Heron, heroin users, the smell of heroin
Crack, Cocaine, Dope, Meth anything of the like and anyone who uses it
Knowing there are other people in the house (Doesn't matter who they are)
Dealing with people
Not understanding what I did to offend someone (Shit bugs the hell out of me)
The sound of led tapping
Poorly made coffee (Seriously... how the hell do you fuck up coffee?)
Costumer service
The Spanish language
A bad defense
Being fucking left in a crowd (I fucking hate that shit. If I'm walking with you... don't fucking leave me behind or I prolly won't talk to you again)

Dear god this could go on for ever

Poorly mixed colors
The taste of sweets
The taste of Salt
Getting chocolate in my peanut butter
Silver eyes
British accents
Poorly tuned instruments
When my battery pack dies when the middles of a round [/ragequit]
The fact that little boe pee still hasn't found her fucking sheep
Being lectured about smoking by someone who dips.... or someone who is drinking.... Oh man. That irks the fuck out of me
Florescent lighting
Budget cuts from schools and child resources... that's fucking retarded.
Hospitals and or shots.
Ripping stitches... shit itches.
Coincidental rhymes that are not fixed for the sake or dry humor.
The fact that I still don't know how to change the Text tone on my fucking cell phone.


I donno anymore. I'll be back later as soon as I get new things to bitch about!

PeOpLE WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs.


Cherubino said:
Modern art!

People who dismiss single fathers (with a child who has behavioural issues like a.d.d.) as an unsuitable parent when the child won't behave.

Intolerant assfucks who can't accept that there are other points of view out there, differing religious beliefs, sexual preferences, and make a big deal out of shit that is none of their concern (unless the people with the differing stuff are trying to force it on them) and bash (verbally or physically) those people. If the people are as bad as you think they are, why no prove you are better/bigger than them by doing better in your life than they can, be nice to them in spite of any hostility they show you?
People who don't use their singnals when they drive...or tailgaters...or just bad drivers in general.

People who speed through construction sites, those folks are someones family and should not feel like they are risking their lives to make ours eaiser.

People who can't laugh at themselves

My sister in law.
Drivers in Winnipeg... if you've ever been here you understand.

Friend: "Stop signs with white around them are optional."
Me: "They all have white around them."
Friend: "Exactly!"
Me: -Punch-
A tiny little rant. Forgive me. But I will always ask you if you want to rp with as much respect and kindness as I can. If you do not wish to role play, do not respond or tell me a polite "no thanks," I am fine with this. But to judge what I choose to tell you about myself and to be snarky and superior because I deigned to approach you for an rp, is unnecessary and rude. I have many partners that I now call friend, I may have wanted to add you to that group. But that kind of attitude means I would NOT in a million years.

It is not easy to approach someone, why would you make that process even harder.

Sorry for the rant. You may return to your regularly scheduled programs. :)

T________________T;;; Srsly. I don't get people. Yes, it's my fault that I come late to fandoms but when I specifically say I don't wanna talk about it, you go and give me spoilers on three separate occasions. Dx WHY.
People who are mean just for the sake of being mean. Yes. You're a douchebag. You don't have to give more examples of it; everyone already knows.

Americans that sing with horrible British accents.

Whenever I wake up and my one hand is completely numb for no reason.
Fangirls who highjack perfectly good series with their obsessive pairings *cough*yaoi*cough* and such
Stupid teenagers on Xbox live that cuss incessantly and thoroughly suck at it
The dry flaky stuff that builds around the mouth of a milk jug
When said flaky stuff falls into my glass while I am pouring milk into it
People who seem to have forgotten how to use a turn signal
Those little orange beetles that fly around any exterior lighting at night and bump into everything
Burned toast
People who, upon hearing an opinion I have, respond with "Oh, so you're Ok with *insert something really bad sounding here*"
The clear, sticker seal they place along the opening of a video game case.
Those cardboard sleeves companies insist on putting "special edition" DVD or Blu-ray cases in.
Having plenty to do, but wanting to do nothing.
Being unable to properly envision something before working away in Photoshop.
Hahvoc, if I may respond to your latest entry here. One day when I was bemoaning the fact that I was not more "normal" I recalled that what I loved about my friends was their craziness, their eccentricities. So I have, for the most part, started to embrace my own craziness. Your eccentricity is exactly the qualities that make you appealing. If someone criticizes that it says so much more about their hang-ups than yours.

Okay back to the thread. . . . Right now the main thing that bothers me is the muggy heat.
People assume I can't ever be nice simply because of my Dominant and Sadist mindset.

Why most of society is fed by the media, having no opinion of their own.

Teenagers now are more gullible and brainwashed as ever. Like girls trying to get pregnant to get a lil fame like 16 and Pregnant .

[ cuts off his lil rant]
I don't like when people look over your shoulder to see what you're looking at on your computer or whatever hand held game you're playing. I mean glimpses are fine, but when people just sit and watch I just feel like it's invading my privacy a little bit.

....But I REALLY hate it when people just move in until they're about a foot or less away to look. D:
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