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Little Things That Bother You

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When I have a really good taste in my mouth from some food I was eating, but I'm so thirsty I just have to ruin it by drinking something.
Mallkior De said:
When a role play falls apart. It makes me have sads.

When people don't properly read my rp searches and specifically ask for things under my no list. .___.;
Juno said:
When people don't properly read my rp searches and specifically ask for things under my no list. .___.;

I don't have a search thread yet, but I can still see how that would be annoying.

Also, squirrels. Never before has there been any other single creature that aggravates me more than a damn squirrel with a fetish for dancing around in the road while I am trying to get somewhere quickly.
How Nolan continues to fuck up on the Batman films and people still kiss his feet like he's a cinema god. Bane looks like so horrible in the Dark Knight Rises. His costume is pretty much a copy of "Bane" from, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. First the horrible gimp mask, and now that shitty costume?!?!
Beautiful Disgrace said:
Jealous pricks on facebook.

Facebook in general. I only have an account to keep in touch with high school friends who have moved away in search of their own paths.
Hipsters complaining about everything being too mainstream. =P

When people tell me LOTR is boring. WUT. ]:<
How there seems to be nothing to do every day that you go to sleep early, but all of a sudden the minute you stay up too late someone wakes you up early because they have something to do despite the fact that they said nothing about it the night before.
Being told that I am no longer allowed to play the character that I had planned on playing (for the past two weeks or so) in a tabletop role play two days before the game because the GMs girlfriend doesn't like playing with me when my characters are of evil alignment. It's especially bad when I have no backup character. -sigh-

On that note, whinny and childish bitches that just have to have their way.
Being kicked out of your tabletop role playing group because you refused to make a new character just to please another player when the other three love your character ideas. Something tells me that my old GM and his girlfriend will be looking for another group in the next few weeks.

On an unrelated note, I also hate it when you get a piece of meat stuck between your molars and toothpicks just aren't enough to get it out.
Never quite getting my laptop clean enough. Constant sniffling/sneezing. When my laptop overheats. When my g-ma messes up the bedsheets I just straightened out. Finding grey hairs. When people make plans with you and then bail at the last possible minute. When people update their facebook with the same status over and over again.
The Deathly Hallows beating out Return of the King for third highest grossing film of all time. WTF IS THIS SHIT. ):!!!!!!!
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