when the dog i'm babysitting gets sick
when my dog is so scared of visitors he pees on me
when there's no more ice-cream
when someone gives me clothing that is 2 or 3 sizes too big
when someone asks me what I do for a living. Not a big deal for someone who has a job or career, but for someone who doesn't, it's embarrassing.
when I'm in the movie theater watching a movie for the first time and someone sitting nearby who's already seen it tells there companion what is going to happen before it happens.
when I take someone to see a movie I enjoyed, thinking they would enjoy it too.. and they fall asleep.
Lost internet connection.
When the power goes out.
When Second Life goes down and I get kicked off
When Second Life vampires send me a 'bite' request OR try to get me to join their family/clan.
When I join a Second Life Vampire family/clan and all we do is hang out in newbie hotspots and ask people to join us. Come on! I don't want to recruit anyone!! Recruit them your damn self!
When someone sends me a pm and seems excited about writing with me but then never posts a reply.
M.A.S.H. not being on tv as often as it use to be
Quantum Leap not being on tv anymore
Getting sick on Halloween, and not being able to go out on my favorite holiday!
Not being able to get a free restaurant meal on my birthday, because they are closed on my birthday!
When someone tries to talk me into role playing in IM or Chat, when I've already told them I don't want to RP in IM or Chat!
When someone expects me to do an exact word count! Are you here to role play or grade?
Mixing up there, their and they're bothers me too, but do you have to point it out every time that mistake is made? Like you've never accidentally wrote 'their' when you should have wrote 'there'. Unless it's done more than occasionally, and as long as I can understand what they meant, I'll let it go.
People who ask for partners? Are you kidding me? Isn't that why we're all here? You don't automatically have a writing partner after registering. The only way to get one is to ASK!!!
When someone who's likes and dislikes are too different than mine (most of my no's are on their favorites or yes list), and they know it, but they ask me to write with them anyway. If planned right there is a chance both of us will enjoy writing together, but there is a bigger chance because of the big differences in our likes and dislikes that we won't enjoy writing together. There's a reason we fill out our likes and dislikes!
When my avatar in Second Life is shopping or just hanging out and someone who thinks they are a 'Master' tries to talk me into being their slave or submissive. A true Master will not try to talk someone into it, they will seek someone who wants to be a submissive or slave. If you have to talk someone into it, then they are NOT ready for it!!