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Little Things That Bother You

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When you're craving something but it doesn't taste as good when you actually get it. :I
My current creative slump. I can't seem to create anything decent all of the sudden.
Mitsu said:
My current creative slump. I can't seem to create anything decent all of the sudden.

Oh, the bane of my RP experience. Get a craving, then a couple weeks later it is no longer interesting. Though it is not always mental slump... the idea in your head is always better than the real thing. And competition with other interests: a new game (Skyrim will kill me here!) and Amazon now having every Star Trek episode made for free for Prime users. Still, this is the biggest reason for ho-hum.
I know what you mean. As far as role-playing goes, I can be red hot one day, and ice cold the next. Right now I'm mostly having trouble in Photoshop. I can't seem to get any ideas, and nothing is turning out as I want it to. It sucks, because I'm "trying" to work on a request for someone.
That not alot of people understand a longterm roleplay means more then a week.. Also means if we bore with a roleplay we can change it to something else and stay roleplay buddies for a little white >_<
People that blow things up way out of proportion...
Which is basically 70% of the population imo.
"You know nothing, Jon Snow."

Srsly. One more time, Ygritte. One more frigging time. x_x
The social inability to tell someone, after they do something stupid and suffer the repercussions, that you told them so. Even in a way that's not rubbing it in, in a way that's like, just hear me the hell out next time.

That some people are of the opinion I should 'improve my attitude'; ie, cater to their ignorance, spinelessness and/or quirks. I'm not a jerk about it, but I address things that need to be addressed. Calmly. Maturely. Respectfully, but firmly. It gets things done, and fixes issues that need to be fixed, rather than sweeping them under the rug like most. For every person that expresses a problem with my way of approaching things, there are three to four others that seem to gravitate to me because of it. (Protip: There's a big difference between being an arrogant jerk and having confidence and, dare I say it, a backbone.)
As_Day_Fades said:
The social inability to tell someone, after they do something stupid and suffer the repercussions, that you told them so. Even in a way that's not rubbing it in, in a way that's like, just hear me the hell out next time.

That some people are of the opinion I should 'improve my attitude'; ie, cater to their ignorance, spinelessness and/or quirks. I'm not a jerk about it, but I address things that need to be addressed. Calmly. Maturely. Respectfully, but firmly. It gets things done, and fixes issues that need to be fixed, rather than sweeping them under the rug like most. For every person that expresses a problem with my way of approaching things, there are three to four others that seem to gravitate to me because of it. (Protip: There's a big difference between being an arrogant jerk and having confidence and, dare I say it, a backbone.)

If it's any consolation, I know exactly how you feel. Though I have discovered that when you cease giving your advise and/or constructive criticisms, then people tend to miss it and expressly ask for your opinion. If you're feeling bold one of these days, just start flat out ignoring the people that would usually demand such attention. Chances are, when you don't intervene in their ignorance, they'll learn their lesson the hard way. If they don't, then sit back and laugh at their idiocy - it's great fun.
Knowing when I'm being lied to or when someone is expecting something of me or hiding something.

Thanks so much Dr. Paul Ekman. ):
People who are really good friends, but the minute one of them is away the other spills all their secrets and says horrible things about them.

I work in housekeeping with lots of hyped up females so I see this daily. I just don't get it. Why even be friends then?
Twenty-four year old women that are more sensitive than most twelve year old girls. What my friend sees in that girl, I will never know.
'I like your idea. PM me. :)' <--- When someone responds like this to a request thread, or an idea expressed in the chat, or wherever. I just sit here thinking, '...You vagina, why should this person message you? You're the one interested in the idea they put forth.' It's usually a telltale sign that said person does not intend to really contribute to a story, aside from existing within it. You already know what this other person is thinking, why not break the ice by giving some of your own thoughts? Even in cases where that's not true, it's still a lame first impression, and one I don't respond positively to.

When someone rarely acts, only ever reacts. This is irritating in real life and in roleplay. It's irritating in general, in innumerable examples, and irritating notably in a sub/dom situation, real or fantasy. Having things like a backbone, an imagination, and a vitality about you doesn't mean you aren't a sub; it means you aren't a lifeless doll.

When someone can't tell the difference between an uncomfortable, though respectful and mature discussion, and an argument.

People with a habit of interrupting. Worse than that? When the person you're talking to gives this other person their attention, like that's fine. Like you were just keeping their attention warm. Worse than that? If you ask, even politely, for this person to not interrupt like that, that you somehow feel like a jerk then.
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