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Little Things That Bother You

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Pansexuals like every gender. Bisexuals only like TWO. Which is why it is Bi - meaning two- sexual. Just like bicycle.
piranha said:
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Oh, fuck Hipsters. Those bitches have no idea.

And I gotta agree with the bisexuality thing. I can't tell my parents because they honestly think either there is a shitload of confusion or it's not real.

I'm surprised how much shit I actually get from the gay community for it. It's like you've betrayed the cause if you're interested in someone's personality over their junk, or something.

Seriously! I remember reading about someone who got bitched at by a Tranny for being bisexual and saying it wasn't REALLY apart of the community. It's like....what?
To me, Pansexual always seemed more of a mental attraction. If that makes any sense. Like, they embrace any and all combinations of gender, be it solely male, solely female or anything in between (ie, transgender, transexual, those exhibiting both male and female traits/anatomies). It was the mind that drew them in where the gender itself came second. Not sure if that makes sense or is truly how Pans view it. But, that was always my own thought on it. >.<
darkangel76 said:
To me, Pansexual always seemed more of a mental attraction. If that makes any sense. Like, they embrace any and all combinations of gender, be it solely male, solely female or anything in between (ie, transgender, transexual, those exhibiting both male and female traits/anatomies). It was the mind that drew them in where the gender itself came second. Not sure if that makes sense or is truly how Pans view it. But, that was always my own thought on it. >.<

That's basically what my Pansexual friend said awhile back and that physical appearance doesn't hold as much of a bearing on their like of someone.
Glad I wasn't off the mark there then. I've often wondered..... But, if you think about it, the term Pansexual sort of embodies that idea, hence why I always thought that. :)
Yeah one of my best friends is pansexual and that's what she's said pansexual is. Bisexual I always saw as attracted to black and white, not necessarily in the gray. Pansexual is the whole spectrum.

For an addition:

People who get too emotionally attached to their roleplays and their characters. I understand pride in your character, writing, and story. But some people are just ridonkulous.
darkangel76 said:
People need to get it through their thick ass skulls that sexuality and all things associated aren't so cut and dry. It's irksome to me at how narrow minded people can be. Fuck.... look at genetics and the freakin' chemicals associated with brain function and you can easily see just how complex it is. Drives me nuts that people don't realize this. Sexuality just is. And the variety that we as humans can come to express whether it's straight, bi, gay, or anything in between is a beautiful thing that makes us super interesting and unique. Too bad people can't just take a step back and realize that.

Don't get me started how us asexuals (like me) classify ourselves. Romantics and Aromantic, demi-, and just throw in the hetro-, homo-, bi-, pan-, etc into the mix too. I myself am a hetro-romantic demi-asexual. I am a virgin with 0% interest in intercourse... unless I am actually making a baby. Yet I like pleasing women sexually. With my pants on of course. That's the demi- bit, and why I so frequently RP my characters as romantic doms.
Manga translation groups that have horrible grammar and sentence formation x.x I know the hard work that goes into them, I've helped out with some manga (cleaning and grammar and sentence formation after translation), but some of these groups are ridiculous. Some of these sentences don't even make sense! D8
It makes me sad when people really have no interest in sex. >: Just makes me sad, is all because it can be really fulfilling on an emotional level.

But something that bothers me - When my upstairs neighbors decide it's okay to play music as loud as they can until about 3am. WTF. I'm so tired of this shit. I can't stand living here anymore and AM SO FUCKING GLAD to be moving soon.
When someone asks for your forgiveness and after you do, they end up ignoring you anyways. What was the point of it, I wonder. :/
One thing that has been bugging me (just a little, mind you,) is when a person puts in their thread that they play/are looking for someone to play a 'dominate character' instead of 'dominant'. I'm not perfect, but I've seen it in threads where the people are lit/advanced lit, and it's a pet peeve I guess?
Not having a ride somewhere, hinting that you don't know how to even get there, and then being told, "Oh well, don't stress!" When said friend is GOING TO THE SAME PLACE.
Raivh said:
Crying people. It makes me as uncomfortable as nothing I've ever known.

Whats even more awkward is when they, or those, around you expect you to comfort them and hug them when in actuality... you lack complete sympathy for them.
This is totally selfish buuuut when the person you want to post doesn't. I know people have lives and other RP obligations but I just get so eager with certain RPs.
Ms_Muffintops said:
Whats even more awkward is when they, or those, around you expect you to comfort them and hug them when in actuality... you lack complete sympathy for them.

Mine's more of a case of, I have no idea what to do. So I just sit there.
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