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Little Things That Bother You

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CyanideDisaster said:
But but... the actual term for "Bi-sexual" is Pan-sexual.

That's something that bugs me... > >;
Sorry. Had to throw it out there.

      • Not exactly. Bisexuality pertains to being able to physically partake in sexual
        intercourse with your own gender and another. It's merely the sexual aspect,
        not the emotional aspect. So in a nutshell, you're admittedly aroused by
        either sex.

        Pansexuality, on the other hand, pertains to one individual being able to
        more or less fall in love with anyone, regardless of their gender or
        actual sexuality. They can partake in sex, as well as a relationship.

        Pansexuality, emotion + sexuality
        Bisexuality, sexuality.

        I made the odd choice of taking a women's health and gender studies
        class as an elective last year which touched on this before midterms.
        Needless to say I dropped it and took astrology and law of tarot instead.
When I'm 20 minutes late to a class because I interchanged the time with another.

      • When I discover I have to work all weekend when I got invited to
        this bad-ass on campus kegger Saturday night.

        Oh well, still going.

Having to see posts like this (semi pertaining to something Hahvy and angel were posting about earlier).

Cousin's post on Facebook:

I've learned that even though you should listen to both your head and your heart, they can both lie to you. They become clouded by the desire for love. Sometimes it takes a best friend, or a mom, someone who is on the outside looking in, to make you realize that your head and heart are letting you get hurt just to fill that need for love. If love is true, there will not be pain or tears there will be happiness and laughter.

I commented:
"Desire for love" and "Need for love" is where a lot of young people go wrong. So many people these days place their self worth and happiness on the status of their love life. I wish more people would stop searching for it and simply welcome it as a possibility when it comes their way. Oh and as for love... love comes with many emotions, good and bad. No relationship is perfect, and it most certainly isn't rainbows and sunshine.

And... she ended up deleting it :rolleyes: This girl is delusional and always swooning over some guy who probably couldn't care less about her.

People like this bug me tremendously. I've never been boy crazy or frantic to find love.
How Shepard always looks like a dumb-ass during dialogue choices in Mass Effect 2.

Shepard: Says something.

Other person: Says something that makes what Shepard just said seem really naive and stupid.
Getting a speeding ticket.

So what if I was going 61 in a 40 zone, it was 45 like a block ago and I didn't see the change and it isn't like there was anyone else on the road anyways. Then he just shows up with lights flashing, pulling out of a car dealership. Its just so wrong to hide in all of those cars, if I knew you were around, I would have slowed down.

I do have to thank him though, because he gave me only a civil violation instead of a criminal one. I do believe it was because I was pregnant and crying. The ticket was still $200. though.

When you're running, and have been running for about 40 minutes, and then some lady driving an SUV doesn't bother to stop, so you try to dodge, fall, eat asphalt.
I think I was just insulted because I do want to be in a relationship, but not with my 18 year old friend that I don't even know that well. Ugh. stupid boys.
Yup, no longer friends with the 18 year old idiot. He pretty much insulted me left and right and then asked why I was upset....I hope he gets hit by a bus. Not enough to kill him though.
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