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Little Things That Bother You

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People that don't obey the yield sign, then get loud with you when you honk at em.

Then those same people take off down the road when you get out of your truck and they see that youre twice their size.

I guess Im saying that cowards bother me.
People who consistently assert that 'the book was SO much better than the movie', even when one is as good as the other. Because they're different art forms, and a different way to tell the same story.

Sure, there are times when the book IS better than the movie, but it's not because books are inherently BETTER than movies, it's because someone screwed up in transferring the story to a different medium.
SanguinisTorment said:
darkangel76 said:
Annoying neighbors.
Scary weather systems and not having a basement to take shelter in.

The weatherman says big storm, only five minutes of rain and hail. >__<

And vice versa @_@ the one time we had a tornado, according to the weather man, it wasn't supposed to even storm which is why we didn't bother taking the precautions until the sirens went off and our door below open.

But yeah...

My boyfriends insistence that I spend more time at his house than I do my own -.- and then we hardly even do anything.
When I receive no feedback on my work because I've been deemed 'creative'.
Being selected for a mandated creative symposium on the day I have the most classes out of the week.
Raivh said:
When I receive no feedback on my work because I've been deemed 'creative'.
Being selected for a mandated creative symposium on the day I have the most classes out of the week.

When you half slip on ice and get that mini-heart attack :/
Getting your hair pulled when you aren't in a submissive mindset. Seriously, if you want me to be Dominant, don't fucking pull my hair or I'll seriously hurt you.
Where men try to get close to you, so that they can get close to your hotter friend(s).
People who don't know how to use BDSM terms correctly.

The people who complain about the aforementioned people.

And people who complain yet are the people who don't know how to use the terms.

Being sick but being the only one in the relationship who is expected to go into work anyway because we 'need the money'.

When we are surprisingly flush when the other partner is sick, even if he was complaining about finances the day before.
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