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Little Things That Bother You

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An immature twit who thinks he has to be an asshole to everyone. Even those who've been nothing but nice to him and have tried to help him. You know what? FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!
When I'm flipping through request threads and see that one of my plots has been stolen, and said individual doesn't believe the RP will go anywhere. It causes me to clench my jaw and question if people are really that dumb.
When you pour out your heart and soul in a roleplay, and have the other person just dump out and disappear for no apparent reason or with no explanation. Real life is something I can understand, even writer's block is one thing, but at least have the courtesy and dignity to at least let the other person now why. Otherwise, it truly makes my blood pressure spike, especially when I see those same people in the site, and not even have the decency to contact you, acting as if I don't even exist.

Sorry for the vent, but this fits the subjects, and how I feel is what it is. It may be a little thing to some, but it's a big thing to me.

Here's another one that bothers me...people who form judgments of another person without truly getting to know them.
Working both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I got this day off at least, but between a semi-Christmas and getting ready for an on call weekend... sorry, RPers, I'm not in a good mood.
When you're playing an involved and complicated card game and someone wins by cheating and then tells you that they were cheating; laughing manically as if it is actually funny!
When I misplace over $200 and can't for the life of me remember what I did with it. Fuck. This is why I have no money.
Walking home in the rain more than three times a week. This is seriously starting to piss me off. Especially now since my washer is broken and I can't do as many loads of laundry during the week.
When people you just meet are really candid with you. Yeah, within 15 minutes of working with you, I now know you were raped when you were 13. That's the sort of thing you want to save for the 5th or 6th time we share more than 10 words. Not the third.

Work drama. It's really not hard to keep things civil at work and I don't understand why people choose to complicate it. After all, the job is the reason you're there and is the most important thing, not the "friends" you may or may not make among your coworkers. We don't have to agree on everything and we don't even have to like each other. The only thing required of you is to keep shit professional while we're doing our fucking job.

Gossip at work. Please, don't fucking come to me with that bullshit. I do not care that Tanya is dating the guy in seafood(who is old enough to be her father or whatever) and i dont care that she broke up with the guy in general merchandise to get with him. This has literally NO effect on the position I signed up for and you're wasting my time by telling me.

Coworkers who complain about their job. Mostly because i actually, genuinely love my job, but also because i think theres something unprofessional about openly complaining while working around customers. I got in trouble at my last job several years ago for being too loose-lipped and complaining. Always asking to go home early, constantly muttering about the intense manual labor, and even talking to customers about how unfairly my boss treated me. After a while of that, the management got the odd idea that I didn't want to be there. So, I've gotten to the point where if there's a paycheck involved, I've got nothing but good things to say about the company to ANYBODY who asks. I make it a priority to increase the numbers on that check. And I feel annoyed with other people who whine as if they aren't getting paid for every moment they stand around whining.
People who chew really loudly, then when you express your distaste for their loud noises they starter chewing even louder just to piss you off.
Oh! And spoiled rotten children who are awfully disrespectful to their parents/teachers.
When you take the clothes out of the dryer and don't notice until after you put them on that they're still damp.

Hard-core Twilight fans.

When people come into the room when you're watching something and they change the channel.

When customers snap their fingers at me to try and get my attention at work.

People who need to be drunk/high in order to have fun doing anything (go to a movie, go to dinner, watch a movie)

People who think that goths or atheists are all Satan worshipers.

People who make 'dumb blonde' jokes when I'm being sarcastic about something.

People who preach to me about the negative effects of smoking. I know already. Shut up.

When people hard-core makeout with each other in front of you.

Summery: a lot of people bother me
When I'm chatting it upsets me majorly when they spend large ammounts of time without saying anyting. :/ They idle so much that they get logged off and I was stuck with a "Hi".

Outside the internet I hate when friends try to convince me to go to a party when I clearly don't want to. >.<

EDIT: Also, add in that I hate people who see being gay as the worst offense ever. :/
Douchebag customers that blow up at me for the prices my boss sets for their clothing and then refusing to listen to me when I try to tell him WHY she would do something like that. FYI; its not my fucking store. I'm just doing what I get told to. Blowing your shit at me is just going to end with me telling you what type of asshole you are!
When you are getting to know a person via a dating website, only to find out later she is a scammer. Always Google e-mail addresses, names, etc! Ending communication.
Something more... When you kindly ask a person to not bother you because you're busy with something. And they keep pressing and pressing on it until you scream to them... and they get pissed off. >.< Oh my gosh.

@PatricioINTP I've heard of that by the way. Trying to get money out of you for a travel over there or something?
Minatei said:
@PatricioINTP I've heard of that by the way. Trying to get money out of you for a travel over there or something?

Never got to that point thankfully. I often try to see if they have profiles on a social website (Facebook, Twitter, etc) when I get their real names, e-mail, or other contact info. Sometimes I learn something interesting about them. Other times nothing. And sometimes... THAT. Oh look, multiple user names with the same picture. Guess she is not just from my home town then. ARG.... It happens.
PatricioINTP said:
Never got to that point thankfully. I often try to see if they have profiles on a social website (Facebook, Twitter, etc) when I get their real names, e-mail, or other contact info. Sometimes I learn something interesting about them. Other times nothing. And sometimes... THAT. Oh look, multiple user names with the same picture. Guess she is not just from my home town then. ARG.... It happens.

The funny part is that they don't try to hide it. XD I've had a friend happen that to him, and he got this long google-translated email. Talk about working hard for money.
My ongoing inability to get this face right in Mass Effect 2, and the length of time it takes to get back into the character creation menu.
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