Tame Beast Doesn't Work Like That (Himeko)


Mar 14, 2011
"Day Three, A.E." A sultry, slightly whimsical (and quite miffed) voice spoke at a gentle whisper. It belonged to a lavender-skinned female with black hair that made shadows look illuminated. But lavender skin or not, nobody would mistake her for a Night Elf. No, this lady was barely even considered a lady. She was a succubus, former slave to a warlock whom she'd been able to escape and disbind herself from. An amazing talent for sure. Obviously she'd have had to be very powerful to do such a thing. "And I am stuck in some hunter's net trap. And I am unable to escape. Apparently they make nets that can stop magic."

Not really. She'd gotten loose by a combination of her owner imbibing a (not so) healthy portion of alcohol, and a little work of seduction. Thankfully he'd not gotten to fulfill his intent. Orcs were not her aesthetic. But all that didn't matter with her stuck in a net suspended under some of those blasted trees those elves love so much.

She did have a plan though. "I hope the one who set this is a weaker mind. I can use a little seduction to get them to let me loose, I'm sure. Anything to get away from my former master."
Himeko was a proud huntress who loved exotic and rare pets. She had stumbled upon a lone succubus a few days ago and she figured if warlocks could have them at their side, why not her? She wanted to make this tame perfect and flawless. To be the first huntress to ever tame a demon, let alone a succubus. Being a Blood Elf she had the thirst for the forbidden fruit, and to tame something that wasn't a beast was forbidden and never even heard of. She knew what these demons were capable of doing and knew not to give into them. But she had never dealt with one before like this, and here she had one trapped in a nice net.

Himeko was normal size for a female Blood Elf, with beautiful green flowing eyes and long black hair which she kept tied up in a ponytail. She had a nice slim and perfect figure, all the other girls were jealous of her body. Her wolf Haji had been watching over the demon while she left to get more supplies for this tame. When she had gotten back she stepped in front of the succubus, avoiding eye contact with her. "I see you fell into my trap demon. I've been watching you for some time now and being a huntress who seeks out rare and exotic pets, I just knew I had to have you as mine!" she said as she started to get ready for her tame.
Himeko said:
Himeko was a proud huntress who loved exotic and rare pets. She had stumbled upon a lone succubus a few days ago and she figured if warlocks could have them at their side, why not her? She wanted to make this tame perfect and flawless. To be the first huntress to ever tame a demon, let alone a succubus. Being a Blood Elf she had the thirst for the forbidden fruit, and to tame something that wasn't a beast was forbidden and never even heard of. She knew what these demons were capable of doing and knew not to give into them. But she had never dealt with one before like this, and here she had one trapped in a nice net.

Himeko was normal size for a female Blood Elf, with beautiful green flowing eyes and long black hair which she kept tied up in a ponytail. She had a nice slim and perfect figure, all the other girls were jealous of her body. Her wolf Haji had been watching over the demon while she left to get more supplies for this tame. When she had gotten back she stepped in front of the succubus, avoiding eye contact with her. "I see you fell into my trap demon. I've been watching you for some time now and being a huntress who seeks out rare and exotic pets, I just knew I had to have you as mine!" she said as she started to get ready for her tame.

"My my..." She murred when she got a look at her captor. At least the seduction would involve a rather lovely li'l thing. Blood Elves rarely looked anything worse than beautiful, and this one was a prime example. And they were magic-huffing addicts too. Well, in negative stereotype anyway. But it did mean they were very susceptible to their temptations most of the time.

So why not start now? "Very good dear. Though this net is rather uncomfortable. I suppose you do have me in a bind, so I'll provide you with my services." Heck the woman wanted a pet as it was. It was all too perfect a set-up for getting out of this one and retaining her freedom. Her confidence was soaring already. "I don't suppose though, that you'd be so kind as to get me out of this net? I know what you're thinking, and no, I won't run. I'd just prefer to be put into some more... Personal... Sort of restraints." She made sure to put some emphasis on 'personal', just to make sure the woman go the point.
The huntress looked up at the demon when she spoke, unable to control herself. The demon was beautiful, she heard that they were beautiful creatures bit this... This was something far more than what she ever imagined... Sighing she replied, "Fine, but no funny shit... I know your kind..." She placed a chain around the demon's ankle and then released her from the net. "You will be mine demon. You are by far the most exotic of all the pets I could ever tame. And I'll be the first huntress/hunter to have ever tamed a demon!" She told Haji to keep a look out for anyone and went back to the demon. 'So, shall we do this the hard way, or the easy way?' She thought to herself as she was preparing herself to tame the demon.
With a smile, sinister and dark, she looked over the woman as she was lowered and given just an ankle chain. "Well... I have said I would be yours. But... I am curious to this ritual you use for taming. Especially since you're taming me. Did you need to modify the process?" She licked her lips, showing off her deep purple tongue, forked at the end like a serpent. She looked at the woman before her from her glowing blue eyes, a slight vertical pupil showing exactly where her gaze was travelling over the woman. "I do hope you're planning something fun..."

She moved her body right up to the huntress, pressing her body against the woman. "You said you know my kind. Then you know we're often used to being bound. But please, do bind me the proper way. I wouldn't want to be able to get away. You look like a fun mistress. And you do lust after things. Many things. I can help you of course."
She didn't like how the demon smiled at her. Something wasn't... Right... "Ritual? It's just a simple spell we learned during our intense training to become hunters... To tame a beast one must have complete attention of the creature. Since you're a demon and no one has ever tamed one within the hunter class. But, if I can succeed..." She paused for a moment before finishing her sentence, "If I succeed then I'll be famous. Though I don't know how the others would react, but we'll find out later, for now..." Here came the hardest and most dangerous part, she had to have complete eye contact with the demon in order for the tame to work. She knew that this wasn't going to be easy, but she had to do it! "What do you mean by 'Planning something fun?' What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as she then locked eyes with the demon, her body soon started to feel slightly... Odd at this point... Not even knowing what was happening to her mind, body, and soul...
She smirked when she found out that the girl was just planning on using the usual Tame Beast spell. She even chuckled. “That won’t do at all dear.” Looking the woman directly in the eyes now, they were still locked in, but it wasn’t the huntress that was dictating the taming. Her captor was showing signs of inconfidence and weakness. Things to exploit. Ideas of what to do with the woman were dancing through her head. First though, they needed to establish who was taming who.

The demoness, wrapped her arms around the waist of the woman, holding her lightly, hands draped just enough that the occasional movement would “accidentally” brush her fingertips over the woman’s waist, just perfectly so to brush over some exposed skin. “Taming a succubus isn’t like taming a beast. We’re higher intelligence creatures. You need to bind us to your service by making us offers. Or by proving you’re better than us.” She licked her own lips again, slowly, languidly. She was now just teasing the girl. She wondered if her prey really did know what she was getting into. “So what is it you lust after most? Fame? Power? Riches? Or maybe… Do you lust the most for someone who will tame you?”
"Well no hunter has ever tamed a demon before, so this is completely new to me..." She had to have her, and she knew this wasn't like taming a beast, she was taming a demon and one that isn't a force to be reckoned with either. "Your magic tricks won't work on me demon. I know of your kind, yet you're far more beautiful than the ones I've seen warlocks control." She then felt the demoness wrap her arms around her waist, holding her lightly yet she could feel her fingers moving up and down slightly on her skin. "I know you're no beast, but nothing has ever taught me how to tame a demon before. You're intelligent creatures, yes, but we elves are use to the arcane and those who use dark magic are use to this. So how hard can it be to tame you? Offers I can make, stables are not fit for your kind, oh no. I was thinking about keeping you by my side. Giving you what you want, sound fair?" She asked as she was slowly starting to lose her breath, still not knowing why. This was far harder than any other tame she's ever had till now and she really didn't know just what she had gotten herself into now.
Little miss huntress was still in the game though, asserting herself, confident she would succeed when she didn’t have the first clue. As asinine and impudent as that could seem, the succubus was actually impressed with the willpower at least. “Mm my dear. I’d say to be more careful, but it seems you really want this. So I’ll propose a contest. To prove you’re worthy of being my mistress. After all, you have to either give me what I truly want, or you have to beat me in a contest. If you win, you get to use me as you wish until you get rid of me. If I win though… I get you.” She smirked and leaned her lips in closer, so close that they were separated by the smallest fragment, her hot breath brushing out over her captor. “The contest is yours to choose though. Choose wisely, elf.” With a small giggle she backed away, breaking eye contact and turning about, swishing her tail about. "Your spell won't work. But maybe you have something that can."
A contest huh? She was really lost for words at this point, still wanting to prove herself though. But what did the demoness mean by a contest? And of her choice non the less. As the demoness broke eye contact with her she still couldn't keep her eyes off the demoness's body. "A contest? Of... Any kind?" Her mind was starting to get a little foggy, and she was struggling to remain calm now. She wanted the succubus, but did she still want her as a pet? 'No! I mustn't give in!' She thought to herself. 'But her body... I've never felt like this way before...' She looked over at the demoness and replied "I accept your challenge demon. But as to what to chose for the contest? I have no idea what would be fitting for one such as yourself. So I will let you chose how we'll work this out, and that is my answer." She probably shouldn't have let the demoness chose, but she honestly didn't know what to chose for one like the demoness. Plus she wanted the demoness to see that she would let her make up something she wanted to do.
“Bad choice.” She smirked. The succubus threw her tail out in a whip-like fashion, bringing the tip down on her own posterior with a loud crack. She sauntered over to the woman, undoing the laces to her already revealing outfit as it wriggled down her body, showing off her forbidden, tainted body. The last few steps had left her completely nude, and she wasn’t at all embarrassed of it. “This body is crafted to bring out the lusts of anyone who sees it. Not just men. I intend to use it to it’s fullest. Because this will be a test of willpower. Can you hold off, can you withstand my body… For the rest of the night? If you do so much as try to satisfy yourself, or enact a desire upon me, you will lose. Got it? You can’t touch me, and you can’t touch yourself, until dawn. If you do, I win.”

She smirked and laid herself out, legs spread plenty while she watched the woman. "And you HAVE to look at me for the entire time. Blinking is fine. But you will be compelled to gaze on me. Enjoy the sight dear... Just not too much."
When the demoness told her she had made a bad choice she was in shock when the demoness started to undo what little cloths she had on. 'What the fuck have I gotten myself into now?!' she thought as she stared at the now fully nude demoness. Hearing her words about how she must not do anything sexual to herself or to the demoness, made her cringe a little. She took a deep breath and continued to stare at the demoness, "Alright, fair enough. If I last till the morning by just staring at you and doing nothing I win and you become mine, but if I give in you win and I will belong to you. You have yourself a deal." She figured she could do this, couldn't she? After all, it was just for thirteen hours...
"Fantastic. I look forward to seeing your willpower." She smiled and watched her challenger. The woman had a fantastic body. It would be fun to use to her own advantage. And it wasn't about lust in that way. Well, not entirely. There would definitely be some tongue-training going on. But she wanted freedom. From that master, but also from others. Binding herself over to this woman, but in a reverse way, would keep her from being owned by another, if simply from making others think she was a servant of the huntress. But she wasn't going to goad the woman throughout the contest. No, she was going to be slow and deliberate, making sure to strike to make it all too hard for the woman to resist the Succubus. But for now, she was going to be nice. "So what is your name, pretty elf?"
This was something she had never been trained in. She was never prepared for this type of situation, so this was going to be the ultimate test for her. The demoness had made it harder for her with her legs spread open like that, fully exposing herself to the huntress. She decided to make herself comfortable since she was going to be here for a long time. "My name is Himeko." she replied as she was struggling to resist all temptations now. 'This isn't going to be as easy as I thought...' she thought as she could feel her body growing more and more hot. "Do you, have a name demon?" She asked while trying to make her breathing even again.
She smiled at the woman before her, intentionally stretching out, showing off her infernal curves, her skin taut over her shapely body. Now she had to admit that she was feeling lusty too. But she was used to that feeling. Succubus, after all. “Nice to meet you, Himeko. It’ll be a pleasure making you my pet.” She goaded, smirking. “Sadly, I cannot give you a name in return. I do not have one. We are only given names in binding.” She hefted one of her breasts blatantly, giving it a slight squeeze. "See, when we become bound, our owner give us a name, a name that they can use to automatically make us obey them. So they can have their ways with us."
She could feel herself starting to lose control, and it hadn't even been an hour yet! She never had lost control like this before, let alone came close to. It was like a fire was burning in her body and she wanted to masturbate, but knew if she did she'd become the demoness's slave. She couldn't speak at this point to reply to the demoness, all she could do was just sit there and wait for the time to pass, yet it felt like it was going slower than normal, which made it harder for herself. In her heart she knew she wasn't going to last long, but she still had to try, she still couldn't give up just yet! Not after coming this far.
"I wonder dear... Have you licked pussy before? Or were you straight before I started working my magic on you? You know... I can change my shape to fill your needs. Male, female... I could even be a perverted little beast. I know you hunters get lonely out here." She smirked. Now she was just being evil. Most people didn't have extremes like beasts. And she didn't expect any from this woman. But if she could get one small kiss, she'd instantly know that woman's every lusting desire. "Imagine your favorite taste. We succubi taste just like it, only more robust, flavorful... You practically want to drown in it."
She was able to answer her at last, "I've never been with anyone before. So I do not know what I like or don't to be completely honest." She was completely losing it though, she was losing her will to fight this creature completely. She felt the desire to kiss her so badly now, the burning in her body was becoming too much to handle and it was only a matter of time before she fully gave into the demoness's will. 'God damnit... I cannot resist her... My body is starting to feel hotter by the second and I just wanna explode!' she thought to her self. She was wet now and she knew why. She was desiring the demoness now, wanting her badly.

Try as she might her fight had come to an end, with the last of the demoness's words she felt her hand began to grope her breasts and her other start to rub her pussy through her panties. She had lost her will to fight, she wanted to continue, but the demoness made it so hard to resist. She closed her eyes as she let out a soft moan, only to then look up at the smirking demoness who knew she had won now.
The demoness sighed softly, a little disappointed. She had to admit a small part of her wanted to lose. The side that liked the domination. It was built into ever succubus. But she had the willpower to transcend her boundaries. She now had herself a pet. The tamer would be the tamed now. “My first command then, my pet, is for you to stop touching yourself. We’re going to bond, as our agreement. And I promise you, you’ll get your release by the end of it. Several times.” The demoness started to crawl to her subject. She crawled over the woman and pinned her arms up above the elf’s head. Smiling, she laid her lips gently on the woman.

This kiss would not be ordinary though. The kiss was their new contract. Waves of lust and satisfaction would course through the elf’s body, allowing her to feel the immense pleasure she could feel from working with such a creature as the succubus that would now command her. “With this kiss I bond thee as my loyal subject. Your name is now your leash, and our spirits are entwined.” She continued the kiss, even talking through it, making the breathy words and moving lips as much a part of the kiss as normal kissing. “Now speak your mistress’ name, and submit yourself to her.” She still needed a name, but the name given to her would now be the elf’s leash. It was beautiful, and so was her new pet.
Listening to her mistresses words she slowly removed her hands from where they were and nodded slowly as she watched the demoness make her way over to where she was. Looking at her more closely she realized now that she wouldn't had lasted longer anyways. The demoness had then pinned her down with her arms above her head, she saw her new mistress lower her head and gently pressed her lips to hers and she started to feel the fire build in her body, yet she could feel her body starting to slowly bind itself to the demoness.

She heard the words the demoness spoke she then uttered her new name for the demoness, "Freya" her body then gave way as she was now fully bound to the demoness. Her body was Freya's to do with whatever she pleased now. She looked into her mistresses eyes, letting her know she would obey whatever was asked of her now.
“My pet… We are bound now. You’ve been a good girl. And you deserve your reward.” A band of energy surrounded the wrists of the elf together, like handcuffs, as the demoness kissed her toy softly, slinking her tongue inside the woman’s mouth. Inside, the tongue would have all the fun it could, it’s strange dexterity and length allowing it to wrap around the elf’s tongue and give it a squeeze, even stroking and massaging it. And the elf wasn’t wearing clothes anymore. Sexual magic wasn’t a whole lot in combat, but this was it’s precise application. Himeko would have the greatest night of passion she ever had.

The tongue continued to play inside her pet’s mouth as hands began to roam over the elf’s body. One on each breast, on each thigh, both rear cheeks. Yes, six arms, only two of which were actually attached to the succubus. The others were of course more magic. It all came natural, the more she wanted to please her partner, the more power she’d be able to use upon her lover. “Tonight we make love, my pet.”
"Yes mistress." She replied as she fully gave herself to the demoness, now she knew why only warlocks could control these creatures no mere hunter could resist them. Feeling the long tongue enter her mouth and wrap itself around hers she could feel it starting to squeeze slightly, then stroking and massaging hers. It felt good, really good. Her cloths was gone now, the demoness's magic seemed stronger than what normal succubi had.

She felt hands on her breasts, thighs, and ass now. Looking at her mistress she noticed she had four more pairs of arms than what she had before, more magic of course. But it felt like more than just magic to her. She was dripping wet now and her heart was beating very fast. 'I am yours now, and yours alone...' She thought, knowing the demoness would be able to hear her very thoughts now that she was bound to her.
Her tongue slipped away from the girl’s mouth, and she gave the woman’s body small kisses, trailing down her neck. “I know you need release, and kissing will not quite do it… You get to choose tonight kitten… Would you like my tongue to bring your first orgasm? My tail? Fingers? I thought I’d know all your fetishes just by kissing you, but you’re a clean slate. I need to pervert you. I could even use magic to fill you up inside and stimulate you. Which do you think you’ll prefer?” She smiled and kneaded the girl’s flesh gently, caringly. It was so unusual to get a clean girl. But it felt so good, to have someone to call her own. Her own heart was beating a million times a second, she felt like she was doing it for the first time too.
"This is my first time and I do not know much if anything about this... But, I'd like to try it all... If, that's okay with you mistress." She asked softly still panting slowly. Having never had sex before made her still a virgin, and she wanted her mistress to be the one to claim it now. Sure she masturbated a few times a week, but it wasn't anything to extreme like what was about to happen to her tonight. Relaxing her body she leaned up and gently licked her mistresses cheek, letting her know she was more than ready.
"We're making love tonight dear. So tonight is the night we become one. I will do everything to please you. But to become one, I must be inside you." She moaned softly arching her body up to show her pet the thick member growing between her legs, an extension of her clit, now enough to be a man's tool. She made it's tip dance at her entrance, slowly pushing itself inside. Laying upon her lover, she kissed the girl, determine to be the one that takes her virginity, just as she'd taken the girl's freedom. With one push, she shoved it all inside, leaving herself fully planted while she deeply kissed the elf, using her tongue to soothe and massage, hoping she didn't hurt her poor dear pet.
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