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Feb 1, 2011
I quit.
and this time, i actually mean it cause as you can see, I no longer have any information posted.

from what I can gather. I am a horrible RPer. People constantly quit within the first week or more often first day and, I get the message.

So im being polite and walking away.
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)

RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)

just dont message me then disappear for over a week. why why WHY do people keep doing that?!
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)


well maybe if I didn't have more the one person quit on me PER day
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)

Hello, I am new around these parts and I thought your message looked like something my speed. I too have been Roleplaying since I was young and the internet was new, haha, and fighting off the bands of...Newbs. LOL. But, anywhoo, I loved what I read on your message and was hoping we could work out a Storyline together. I too perfer one on one Rps, I does help with writing skills. :) Anyway, I'd love to have a PM message from you so we can talk more! Have a great day!

*~*~* Lillith *~*~*~*
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)

alright, messaged. sigh, but I DO say message me. not post here and then wait, ah well lol
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