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Feb 1, 2011
I quit.
and this time, i actually mean it cause as you can see, I no longer have any information posted.

from what I can gather. I am a horrible RPer. People constantly quit within the first week or more often first day and, I get the message.

So im being polite and walking away.
RE: Role Playing Since 2001 - Craving something Literate and Epic. Plot a Must!

I'm sorry! I'm new to the forums and intros aren't exactly my strong point, but I've had roleplaying experience for around roughly two-three years, nothing superb but nothing that would result in simply one sentence post. I was wondering if I could be given a shot at this seemingly avoided task, *points to post above* being ditched without a word sucks and I really don't believe I have the heart to do that~

I'm open to mostly anything but understand my roleplaying skills could use polishing! I'd glady brainstorm with you but you'd have to produce the foundation.

As TK would say (not sure if you know who it is)

"Get luck and chance!"

I hope you could give me some guidance around the forums and perhaps roleplaying in general.

Thanks for your time Chaos!
Biiikkkko out~
RE: Role Playing Since 2001 - Craving something Literate and Epic. Plot a Must!

i love you baby, and if it's quite alright, I need you baby!
RE: Role Playing Since 2001 - Craving something Literate. Plot a Must! [Updated.]

There, new updates. if you're a flake, and 95% of you people are, don't bug me, I want something LONG TERM.
RE: Role Playing Since 2001 - Craving something Literate. Plot a Must! [Updated.]

no smut, no romance. just plot, smut just ruins things.....
RE: Role Playing Since 2001 - Craving something Literate. Plot a Must! [Updated.]

Oh goodness my dear. You sound distressed. I am also looking for something very long term. Just one RP so that I can spend my time on it. This is a new account as I have been away a while but I can assure you I know what I am doing. I am looking for something that can keep my interest. Full fill all my needs in a literate manner and I am most certainly not a flake. Feel free to get a hold of me if you are interested.
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