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Feb 1, 2011
I quit.
and this time, i actually mean it cause as you can see, I no longer have any information posted.

from what I can gather. I am a horrible RPer. People constantly quit within the first week or more often first day and, I get the message.

So im being polite and walking away.
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. ( Always Looking!!

awww, only 2 stars. not surprised. im not into incest or forbidden shit.
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. ( Always Looking!!

I know how you feel, I'm not into that sort of thing either. I might drop you a PM later today. :]
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 1/1)

bump for the licorice.

i like my licorice like my coffee. black and delicious
RE: Role Playing Since 2001. Looking for Literacy, Plot, & Smut. [( UPDATED!! (on 2/15)

there, a little new tidbit posted. Im heading off to work now. i'll bump when I get home.
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