Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

They went to the center, after there pokemon had been healed, and everyone was in swimwear Brawly took them to his "secret" surf spot. It was nice and quiet there, and nice big waves. Of course Zack had never surfed before, so he had to give it a few tries before he got it down. He was not nearly as good as Lya and Brawly, who skimmed the water like they had lived in it. Hailey also struggled, but she could easily right herself up with a thought.

They stayed in Dewford for a few days, Brawly giving them a few tricks even before they left back on the Ferry, the next gym battle was against Wattson, in Mauville town. It would take them a few days to reach it, so he thought maybe he'd look for a few things to see along the way, knowing maybe a competition or two would be fun to watch.
After getting healed up, they all head out to the ocean. When there, Lya helped teach Hailey how to surf before helping Zack. But while they were practicing, she was out on the waves with Brawly. She moved with ease as she caught the waves and rode them back towards the shore. She loved the free feeling that riding n the surf board gave her and she was always smling, her eyes bright.

During the days spend in Dewford, the girls enjoyed themselves and when they left, Lya told Brawly that if they were back they would have to get together for some more surfing. Once on the ferry, Lya turned her focus onto their next battle. They'd be traveling up to Mauville to fight Wattson. "So, how'd you enjoy Dewford?" she asked Zack as the ferry departed from the island.
Zack smiled, a bit sorry they'd be leaving, but still eager to move on. "It was alot of fun," he told her as the sun was setting. "Maybe after the pokemon league...should come back some time for the surfing again....and maybe a rematch with Brawly too," he added smiling at the prospect. They'd be at Stateport in the morning, so he guessed they'd be sleeping on the ferry, luckily it was bigger then the one they had rode in on so he was sure there would be room. He hoped no more team Aqua showed up, but then again he knew he could take them.

"Guess we'd better get some sleep," he said to her, going to see where there room would be. In the morning they'd be making way to Mauville and maybe stopping along the way for a festivle or two if there where any at the moment.
Lya smiled over at him and she nodded. "I'd like that." she told him. "I enjoyed surfing again. It's one of my favorite things to do at the beach. I knw that it sounds strange since I'm a fire pokemon, but it is fun." She looked out at the ocean as the ferry made its way through the water. She was thinking and hoping the same thing, that team Aqua wouldn't show up. At the suggestion for sleep, she nodded while stiffling a yawn. "Okay." she said to him.

Turning, she made her way with him to find their room. She looked around the ferry but remained silent.
Zack looked at the ticket, it so happened to also designate the room for them. He soon found it and opened the door "Hmmm...cozy," he said, it was much bigger then the rooms in the pokemon center. He went over to sit on the bed "Mmm...nice and soft too," he said, he was surprised this wasn't a cruiseliner rather then a ferry. He yanwed softly as he took his shoes off. "Hope there arent any big waves out tonight," he said thinking it would not be very comfortable sleeping on the rocky water.
Upon finding their room, she entered behind him before shutting the door and looking around. "It does look cozy." she said to him while moving to sit on the edge of the bed before flopping back with a soft sigh. A gentle chuckle escaped her when he spoke and she nodded in agreement. "I don't think there will be. Usually there's only waves when it's a little on the stormy side. On a night like tonight, the water is usually rather calm."
He was truthfully glade for that, he wasn't very keen on sleeping in a ship, so as long as it didn't feel like it he'd be fine. He changed out of his cloths. "Guess should wash up, salt water still in my hair," he said," he also felt a bit clammy from the sand in his toes still, he after all fell off that surfboard more times then he guessed he counted, even what he counted was alot before he managed to stay on. "Care to join me/" he asked her with a small smile.
Turning over, Lya watched him undress with a grin, her ears twitching a little as she giggled. "Yeah. I think I got most of the sand and salt out of my fur." she said with a grin. When he asked if she cared to join her, her smile grew and she nodded. "I would like to join you." she said with a nod. Slipping out of the bed, she began undressing as well, tossing her clothing down next to their things.
Zack smiled as they went into the bathroom, he was tempted to have Hailey join them, but he secretly wanted some alone time with Lya, he hoped it wouldn't hurt the younger girls feelings. He followed her into the bathroom, finding it to be alot bigger as well, more room of course. He turned the warm water on and got in waiting for her to join him.

(If you want can have Hailey come in, say she came out of her ball, unless you want Lya to have private time with him)
Following him, she entered the bathroom while stretching her arms above her head with a soft sigh, shaking ehr messy hair back over her shoulders. Lya wanted to have a little one on one time with him. She leaned against the counter as he started the water and once he was in, she silently joined him, closing ehr eyes with a smile as the warm water began to soak into her fur.

(Nah, lets give her sme private time with him this time.)
They both knew the shower wasn't generally to get clean, not in the sense where they bathed together, she already being clean. He didn't ask either, now fairly comfortable with being alone with her and knowing her limits very well. He grabbed the shampoo, gently dabbing a bit and lathering it into her fur, the suds foaming and making the hairs unorginized, but she'd be as soft and smooth asever once she dried. "Are you feeling better from the battle Lya?" he asked, it was code for 'Are you in the mood?' truthfully.
Standing beneath the water, she began combing her fingers through her fur, making sure it was completely wet as well as her hair. She smiled as he began lathering her fur and she closed her eyes with a soft purr, enjoying the feeling of him washing her. His question made her open her eyes to look at him again. "Yes, I'm feeling much better." she told him, though it was her way of saying 'Yes.' to his hidden question.
Zack smiled, his hands moving up to gently tease her nipples while he "cleaned" her the water made the foam slide down her body, trickling down between her thighs. Soon he pressed his lips to hers, giving her a gentle, but deep kiss. His hands continued to tease her breast as he groaned gently into the kiss. The cascading water trickled down them both, the air steamy and warm, though of course it was much warmer sharing a shower with her. He was careful not to give her to much, unlike Hailey he used foreplay as a means to tease Lya, not necesarrily to get her off. Foreplay was a tool to make her nice and ready, without making her hit her big finish, that normally came after a nice rough ride, or two...or three.
Lya bit her bottom lip as his hand moved up her body to her breasts, sighing in pleasure as he teased her nipples. While he did that, she got some soap and began cleaning off his stomach and sides. As their lips met, she moaned into the kiss and returned it, her nipples hardening at his touch. Lya didn't usually get off on foreplay. Sure it turned her on a lot but it just didn't do it for her like it did Hailey. The vulpix had a very big sexual appetite and was always up for more though she'd learned that she'd had to rein in her need because her trainers couldn't always go as long as she could.
Zack knew he wanted to one day just tire her out, of course it was a bit of a daydream for him, but none the less it was one more goal he strove for. Now however he needed to attend to her needs. He let out a soft gasp as she began to clean him, she was always coy like this at first, teasing him back a little bit. He smiled as he let a hand trace back down, slipping between her thighs tpo get her fire really burning. His foinger traced the outter lips of her slit, just teasing the smooth surface with the tip of his finger.
Zack is usually able to make her a little tired but usually after a minute or two of rest, she was ready to go again. With a smile, she lightly skimmed the tips of her claws along his sides in a playful manner while they kissed. Slowly one f her hands moved down along her stmach, tracing the light path of hair that ran down towards his shaft. She lightly tickled the skin for a moment before reaching down and running her fingers along his length before wrapping her fingers around him. But as he began running the tip of his finger along her slit, she shivered against him and faintly moaned.
"Nnnhmm..." he moaned softly as she gripped his length, he was slowly beginning to swell in her grip, her soft strokes making it a very slow and pleasurable process. He panted softly, his hand still teasing her slit gently, sllwoyl tracing her outer lips before gently beginning to rud in between them, feeling the warm, damp inner folds of her nether region. His other hand continued to grip her breast, kneading the soft mound roughly, like it was dough, he would pink her hardened nipple gently and tug softly every now and then to get a soft sharp moan from her.
A small smile frmed on her lips as he moaned at her touch, her fingers beginning to stroke him slowly and gently. In return she moaned and mewled gently as he teased her as well, moaning as his fingers ran along her slit. But as his fingers began to rub between them, she shivered and bit her bottom lip. Leaning in, she began nibbling at his neck as she moaned faintly. When he caught her hard nipple and tugged at it, she moaned a little louder while nuzzling his neck and shoulder.
Zack smiled, breathing heavily into her ears as she nipped his neck a bit, he always liked that, her sharp canines gave small bits of pain but they felt nice. He slowly rubbed her, letting his finger dip into her warm fold slowly to the knuckle. His member swelled in her palm until it was nice and hard. He moaned a bit more fingering her slit a little rougher.
Lya loved the sound of his heavy breathing as they teased each other and she nibbled at his neck. When he began dipping his finger into her, she moaned and parted her legs a little more for him while moaning his name. Her hand around his member moved faster as he got hard. But when he began fingering her rougher, she shivered gently against him.
He smiled, soon the idea of getting cleaned seemed to be gone as they slowly got more into it. He pressed hips lips to hers once more giving her a deep kiss, his tongue swirling around inside her mouth against hers. "Mmmm...your already beginning to grip it," he said softly for a moment as he took a breath, her inner muscles where spasming, massaging his finger softly as he pumped it in and out. He to was also very much ready to go further, as his member throbbed gently in her palm as she stroked him further. He was feeling that same euphoric state he always got with her, his body tingling, his pulse beating harder. He smiled as he began to just letthose impulses control him. His finger slipped out, and without a word he hooked his arms under her legs, holding her up and at the same moment spreading her nice and wide for him. He continued to kiss her, but moved his hips and sank himself deep inside her with one nice powerful thrust.
She kissed him back, closing her eyes as she wrapped one of her arms around his neck. She smiled at his words and she nodded in agreement. She was beginning to tighten around his fingers from her growing arousal and she gently rocked her hips against his hand. "Mm, that's because it feels good." she murmured. But when he pulled his finger out of her, she whimpered before looking up at him. A gasp of surprise escaped her when he reached down and lifted her up, her arms going around him while her long legs were draped over his arms. She cried out into the kiss when he thrust into her, her back arching while her tails flicked against his legs.
He smiled, slowly beginning to thrust in and out of her. He had her back up against the wall to give himself a bit more support, he was strong, but still lifting her and trying to perform where a bit difficult for him. As she cried out he smiled, biting her neck softly as his hips pumped in and out. He didn't say a word, taking her like a male only naturally would, however he liked. His breathing grew a little uneven as his length speared in and out, he was not nearly as rough as he could be, but of course that was because in a sense he was still just teasing her, and at the same time enjoyed how her hot inner walls gripped him and squeezed his length.
She panted softly as he pressed her into the wall, her fingers becoming buried in his hair as he thrust in and out of her body, moaning each time he pulled out then plunged back into her. Feeling him biting at her neck, she tipped her head back with another mewl before closing her eyes. Each thrust from him caused her body to move slightly, making her breasts to bounce between them. Her walls were tightening around him and she arched her back in pleasure.
Zack smiled as her frame moved with each thrusts, her breasts almost hypnotically bouncing to the rythm, keeping tempo with each movement. His hands cupped her ass gently, forcing her legs to spread just a little bit more, allowing him to get in juist a bit deeper until he was once more kissing her womb with the thick tip of his member. He would slowly gyrate his hips, keeoing himself buried deep inside of her, only giving her a small bit of pleasure. He would make that fire inside her smoulder before it would once more burst and grow into an inferno. " like it Lya?" he asked, of course she would, but it wasn't what she wanted and he knew it by now what she wanted.
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