Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Before entering, Lya kissed him on the cheek with a soft 'good luck' whispered in his ear before following him into the dark gym. She walked with her shoulders squared and her head high, a look of confidence on her look but it wasn't the cocky type of confidence. It was the type that said she trusted her trainer. As Zack called out his challange, she stopped at his side and a hand rested upon his arm. But as the lights turned on, she squinted slightly to get used to the light before looking ahead of them at Brawly and a small smile formed on her lips as she watched him.

Part of her still found Brawly attractive, but not like she used to. She used to think he was very sexy but now what she found attractive was his skill and the grace that only surfing gave someone. She was unsurprised when he called upon Machop and she smiled before looking at Zack. She chuckled gently before moving out onto the field, her hips rolling sexily and she placed her hands upoon her shoulders while looking at her opponant and she waited for her orders.
Brawly was the first to say or do anything. "A vulpix...don't see those to often around here," he said. "Machop use bulk up1" he shouted. This was a bit of a surprise, for Zack knew Brawly favored head on attacks. Machop let out a loud shout as he flexed, his body seemingly getting pumped. Despite this thought Zack wasn't going to just sit down. His opponent was beefing himself up so he knew he had to act when he had this chance.

"Lya use quick attack, the follow with a flamethrower," he said. He knew Machops defense and attack would rise with that move, however bulk up required the opponent to get themselves pumped, meaning for even a moment he had an opening that he would exploit with her speed and power. After all it was only his physical defense that went up, quick attack would close the gap, but flamethrower would be the real damamge.
Lya looked at Brawly as he spoke about vulpix's not being seen often and she smiled before looking once again at Machp as it began flexing. With a small smile, she moved from foot to foot as she waited her order. Upon being told to use quick attack then flamethrower, she nodded sharply. While the machop flexed his arms, she began sprinting across the field in a zig-zag movement befre kicking him and using flamethrower at the same time. Fire engulfed the machop before she jumped back out of its reach with a soft grunt, landing on her feet with a flick f her tails.
Zack watched at both attacks landed. What surprised him evenb more was how Machop seemed to not be as badly damamged then he had expected. True he was a bit singed and blackened, but he was still on his feet, his arms crossed in front of him like a sort of make-shift shield. He was amazed, not that he thought he would have taken him down with the two attacks, but because Brawly had trained his Machops defenses very well.

"Machop Karate chop1' Brawly ordered just as Zack snapped out of his stupor. The Machop raised his arm in a quick motion, getting close to Lya. "Dodge it Lya and then follow through with tailwhip and confuse ray!' he ordered out as the machop attacked her.
Lya looked at the Machop. She wasn't exactly surprised that it didn't damage her foe all that much. Hearing the next attack that Brawly ordered Machop to do, she shifted her stance while listening for Zack to speak. She nodded slightly and watched Machop get closer and closer. When he was just about to attack her, she jumped into the air while using tail whip at the same time. As she moved, she felt Machops hand skim her tails. The vulpix had jumped over Machop and while she landed, she started her confuse ray and when Machop turned she used it, hitting him in the chest up close.
Zack nearly let out a shot of victory, but he had to keep his head, the time to celebrate wasn't now. He watched the Machops expression seem to go blank and then it looked around in a daze, the confuse Ray had worked it wasn't even listening to Brawly as it began to punch at the ground as if it where an enemy. He knew this would be it, the pokemon was tiring itself out. "Use firespin and end it," he said. Firespin was weaker then flamethrower, but it overall did more damage as it lasted longer and trapped the enemy in an inferno.
Lya watched the machop curiously before giggling as it began attacking the ground. Not only was it tiring itself out, but it was causing itself some damage as well. Upon being ordered to use firespin, she nodded before letting out a blast of fire which wound itself around the Machop, closing in on it and burning the pokemon while Lya began to move around it back to Zacks end of the field.
The inferno continued for sometime, the air getting hotter as it continued. Soon it began to die down, the machop was lying down on it's back, apparently fainted, he felt a bit bad for it truthfully. It vanished back into it's poke ball.

"Well didn't see that swell coming...wipeout," Brawly said, but he oddly didn't seem that upset to have just lost, if anything he seemed a little happy. "Well, your vulpix has the fire power to match," he took out a second pokeball. "But here comes the big one," he pressed the button before throwing "come on pit Hariyama!" he shouted. In another flash the large pokemon appeared. He was as tall as Brawly, his stout appearance and big belly dud nothing to make the even charger hands it had seem any less threatening. "Hariyama shake things up with earthquake, the large pokemon began to slap it's palms against the floor, causing the ground the shake and crack.

"Looks like this is gonna be tough," Zack said "Ok get ready Lya!" he shouted knowing landing another confuse Ray was going to be hard. As Brawly attacked he realized he had to act fast, a ground type attack would hurt Lya. "Ok jump over it and use flamethrower to give yourself sone height!"
Lya was quiet as Brawly spoke. However, the moment she saw the large pokemon he sent out, her ears drooped just a little. The size of him made her feel just a little intimidated but she took a deep breath and steeled her nerves. As the Hariyama began hitting the ground, she yelped in surprise as she began to shake but she quickly took on a surfing like stance in order to keep her balance until she received her orders. Once she was told to jump, she nodded and began moving. If she was going to jump over it, she had to get just a little closer, so she carefully jumped from one rock to another as the ground cracked and parts started to stick up. Once close enough, she jumped as high as she could before using her flame thrower, causing her to go higher in the air.

As she sailed over the pokemon, she twisted her body around so that when she landed, she would be facing him. Her movements were graceful and her flexibility rivaled a gymnists.
Zack once more felt a thrilling sensation go threw him as she landed behind Hariyama, it seemed to be going smoothly there was no way such a big pokemon would be able to react quick enough to evade an attack that close. "Alright use confuse Ray again!" he shouted out.

Brawly however didn't seem worried. "Use fake out then force palm!" hariyama seemed to suddenly move far faster then possible, his attack seemed to cone to fast it even made Zack flinch, however nothing happened for a moment before suddenly he realized the burst of speed had been a feint and the real attack struck Lya before he could say to dodge it. Afterwards the huge palms began to glow and he thrust it at her, not connecting but the shickwave it sent struck instead.
Upon landing, she began to charge up her confuse ray but she barely started when the large pokemon moved quickly and she looked a little confused but when she realized what was happening, her eyes widened. She waited to hear dodge. Wanting to hear it but the attack came to fast. When the shockwave hit her, she cried out as she was thrown backwards and she hit the ground hard, sending up a cloud of dust as she skid across the field before rolling a bit then coming to a stop, leaving an indentation where she'd slid.

Groaning, she shook her head and slowly began to push herself up, her hand moving to her side and she hissed softly. Lya knew that she'd have bruised ribs but she would tough it out. She'd had worse and she'd won. Taking a deep breath, she stood up, staggering a little before looking at the Hariyama with a fierce look in her eyes.
Zack watched, hating himself for acting so slow, but fake out was designed to make the enemy flinch, he however shouldn't have done the same thing. As she got up he sighed with some releif, he had to at least do something though, luckily the hit had knocked her far out of Hariyamas hit zone, and even with a powerful force palm she'd simply dodge the shockwave it made. "Alright Lya, go all out...flame thrower!" he shouted, her flame thrower was fast, and she could hit from a distance, this fight would matter on whether she could keep the distance and still strike back at him and wear it down. He still had Hailey, but he couldn't bring himself to watch Lya faint, he'd sooner pull her out of battle then let her get hurt that badly.

(something bad is gonna happen, wont be a direct hit)
Lya stood there, her eyes glinting with a hidden power and determination as she stood there holding her side, her tails flicking with slight irritation as she waited. She heard her order and lowered her arm frm across her middle as she took a deep breath before letting it out. As she breathed out, a large flame burst forth and rushed at the Hariyama. The flame was large enough that it began to heat up the entire gym.
Brawly seemed ready, as did his pokemon. "Hariyama use arm thrust!" he shouted. The Hariyama stood ready, it took a sinilar stance to Lya when she had begun to dodge that earthquake, it then pulled back and then thrust it's outstretched hand foirward. Like a fan it sent a billow of air outwards with the sheer force. The flames that had been racing towards it suddenly seemed to collide into some unseen force and parted, the flames licked the the pokemon, but it was far from a direct hit. The damage that should have been given was cut in half and the pokemon came out of it with a few singed and burns but nothing very threatening.

Zack was awe struck but the sheer power of his opponent, he overextimated things a bit, but he wasn't going to give up. Before he made another command though he was interrupted.

"Hariyama use belly drum!" Brawly shouted. The pokemon began to slap it's palm against the broad front of it's abdomen, mnaking a hollow "bump bump bumo" as it did.

Zack was confused why would Brawly inflict damage on his own pokemon, he knew it would result in great attack power but itcut the pokemons hp in half in a matter of moments. And Hariyama was still to far away to use that extra power anyways...or was he? Zack realized what he was doing. "Lya get ready to dodge, he's going to use force palm next!" he shouted out.

Brawly grinned " guessed it...not bad," he said. "But will knowing be enough?....Hariyama force palm now!" The pokemon took yet another stance before it's palm glowed and once more it released the energy behind the attack. Zack had guessed what would happen, as the shockwave flew it flew further then normal, the extra power from belly drum was boosting Hariyamas power allowing it to use such a short ranged attack as a long ranged one, it even increased the area of the attack, expanding it just a bit.
Lya watched in surprise as the flames were parted and when she finished her attack, she stood there, a little breathless and she glared slightly as she brushed her hair frm her face. When she had hit the ground, her hair had come free from the hair ribbon and it had become unbraided, the ribbon now fluttering across the field from the billow of air.

The girl was irritated but she forced it down, not wanting it to effect her. But as the opponent began slapping his belly, she frowned and her ears twitched in time with the hollow 'bump bump bump' sounds coming from the large pokemon. She glanced over her shoulder at Zack for a moment then back at the other pokemon. She had her orders and she knew that Zack was going to have her do. Dodge the next attack.

However, when it came, she was shocked and hoped that she would be able to get out of the way. Crouching down, she watched the shock wave get closer before launching herself into the air while jumping backwards, hoping to be able to get out of the path of the on cming shockwave.
Zack watched holding his breath as she jumped, he could see the shockwave simply by the dust it kicked up as it flew over the ground, it was noving fast, but Lya was already in the air so she would just clear it. Neither however had expected it to be so massive, and the shock wave ended up clipping her, pushing her in the air, but out of the way rather then backwards. He watched as she skidded on the ground a little bit. Hariyama seemed ready to make another attack, and Brawly seemed ready to give the order. "Time out...change," he said finally, he didn't want to call Lya out, but if she took a direct hit with that super powered force palm she'd be in trouble. "Lya come back and rest up," he said. He withdrew Hailey's pokeball.

"It's good when to know to call it quits kid...but hope your ready for a tidal wave," Brawly said.

Zack ignored it. "Hope your ready," he whispered to the sphere in his hand. Once Lya was off the battlefield he threw it. "Hailey lets do it!" he shouted as his Kirlia appeared.
Lya watched the shockwave get closer and closer after she was in the air and she felt it clip her. She yelped as she was pushed into the air. After landing, she slid back a bit and she groaned, her body shaking just a little which showed she was more tired then she looked. When Zack called time out, she sighed and turned as he called to her and she nodded before walking towards him. She had just the slightest of limps from the soreness in her side and she stopped at Zacks side as he pulled out Hailey's pokeball.

As he called her out, the kirlia appeared in a flash of light and when it faded she stood there looking cute. Lya had told her that it was one way for someone to underestimate a pokegirl. If they looked cute and shy, they would seem as if they weren't as strng as others were.
Brawly seemed to be falling for the very trick. "A type disadvantage....but it wont be a problem for Hariyama," he said and gave it another command to use Force palm. Zack however had been ready, the difference was that physically Hailey was slower then Lya, but she stil had a move that was by far faster then anything Lya could manage. He waited for just the right moment.

"Hailey use Teleport!" he said as the shockwave was feet away. He had no doubt it would simply miss and she'd be gone. He had always told her to try and find the enemies weakest point, in this case it was his back, the pokemon would be to slow to fully turn around and he wasn't going to fall for fake out again. "Hailey use magic leaf!" he said knowing full well magic leaf was an always hit sort of move, he was hoping Brawly would however try to show off some more.
Hailey stood there, looking up at the Hariyama through her bangs. The other pokemon seemed to tower over the small girl. She was standing there calmly, her piercing gaze staring at Brawly and his pokemon. As the shockwave got closer, her heart beat faster and she heard Zacks command. With a giggle and a smile, she disappeared just before the shockwave appeared and she reappeared behind the large pokemon just as she was told to use magic leaf.

Raising her arm, this caused dozens of glowing leaves to appear out of no where and when she swung her arm, it caused all the leaves to shoot forward each one hitting the large pokemon
Zack had her continue the same attack, warping away from harm each time before Hariyama could make an attack. He was wearing it down, both trainer and pokemon where beginning to get a bit rash. As another swarm of leaves came at Hariyama Brawly made the mistake Zack had been hoping for.

"Hariyama use arm thrust to knockthem away!" the gym leader shouted. Hariyama did as told despite Zack knowing full well that wouldn't work, but it would give him the moment he wanted and was waiting for. Hariyama thrust his hand, causing the leaves to spin away from it, however they turned in mid air and once more flew at the pokemon. Brawly made the sa,e mistake a second time and Zack knew it was all over.

As the leaves came back around for a third strike Zack acted. "Hailey use confusion, give it all you got!" he said. Hariyama was busy trying to swat at the leaves that badgered him like angry bees, however he wasn't ready for a psychic attack, not that anything could truthfully be done anyways.
Hailey quickly caught on to what Zack was doing and continued to teleport around the Hariyama, using the same attacks ver and over again. When the Hariyama tried to bat the leaves away, the girls playful giggle filled the gym again as she smiled, her eyes glittering brightly as she watched the leaves reroute themselves and return to attack him after being batted away. Once she was told to use confusion, she nodded and teleported once more so she was in front of the Hariyama and she became still. Her eyes glowed bright purple as she used confusion and the Hariyama began surrounded with a purple glow. Once it was completely surrounded, it was flung backwards and it crashed hard into the wall. It hit hard enough to cause a small cloud of dust and several cracks ran along the wall.
Zack watched the large pokemon get sent flying into a wall. Once the dust settled the pokemon was seen slowly getting back up, the hit had done quit alot of damamge to it, he wasn't surprised tosee the rather surprized look in Brawly's eyes as well, after all who would have thought such a small pokemon would have been able to do that much. What Hailey lacked in physical strength, she made up for with her mental abilities ten fold. The pokemon was still up and ready to fight, but there was a sudden pause as suddenly all the leaves Hariyama had been batting away caught up to it and a small haze of them battered it. The pokemon swayed and them fell down, out and unable to battle.

"Yes!" Zack shouted as Hariyama went back into his pokeball. Brawly did not seem like he was about to use a third pokemon, so he knew they'd won. "You did so well," he told Hailey, hugging her and lifting her up, giving her a kiss as well before setting her back down. He was careful not to hurt Lya though and gave her a much more gentle thank you in return. He let Hailey stay out for this next part though, she deserved to watch as well since she had helped so much.

"Not bad not bad," Brawly said "Sure didn't see that swell come and blind side me," he said. He took something out of his pocket, it was the 'Knuckle' Badge, it had a funny shape, like a boxing glove or fist. "Here you three deserve this," he said "The knuckle badge makes all pokemon up the level 30 obey your command, and take this to," he said giving a TM "It's Bulk up, it'll give your pokemon a nice boost in defense and attack," he said. Zack shook his hand.
Hailey stood there watching the large pokemon with a small smile on her face, the purple glow of her eyes fading. She tilted her head and saw the Hariyama slowly standing before noticing the leaves move towards him. Another small smile formed on her lips as the magic leaves attacked him over and over until the large pokemon swayed before falling down, fainted. Hearing Zack shout, she turned to him and smiled brightly with a giggle.

As she was lifted, she laughed happily and kissed him back, her smile bright. Lya chuckled as Zack celebrated and she nuzzled his cheek when he thanked her. She was silent as he recieved his new badge and she smiled up at him. "Good work Zack." she told him before opening his bag and pulling out his badge box, opening it for him. Inside glinted their first badge.
Zack smiled and placed the badge into the case. The two now side by side, he was still thinking it wasn't full, but it now had a companion for the first one. He smiled as the two glinted, he put the case and TM away. He however didn't leave, he had a feeling Brawly wanted to say more to him so he waited.

He seemed to have a touch of sixth sense because Brawly was giving them a very studying sort of look. "Sorry for staring," he said as he noticed Zack was doing the same. "I look familiar...and your Vulpix is named wouldn't happen to know a guy named Derek would you?' he asked Zack. The young boy smiled and told him who he was and how he was related to Derek. Lya was given to him as a gift, and Hailey was his first official pokemon capture.

"Well...that explains it...good to know at least you did something right," Brawly said, when Zack asked what that meant he learned how Derek had to have two rematched with Brawly before winning, he wanted to ask Lya about that later, but he felt a big sense of pride swell up inside of him, he had bested his older brother in something it seemed. Of course that wouldn't be enough, not until he beat his brother at the pokemon championships.

"Well now....makes sense your vulpix seemed to know a few of my tricks," Brawly said, flashing a grin to her. "I'm ashamed I didn't recognize you sooner." "Well then...days still young, how about after a quick stop to the pokemon center..lets catch a few waves?" Zack smiled and agreed.

(skip a bit?)
Lya watched as Zack placed the badge into the case and she ran a finger over it before looking at Hailey with a grin. They now had something to show for all their hard training other then sore muscles. She handed the box over to Zack and she stretched a little before touching her sore side with a wince.

It took her a moment to notice that Brawly was staying at them and she paused while looking at back and forth between the two men as they began speaking and she smiled gently as Zack explained about who they were. She felt her face heating up as Brawly told Zack about the two rematches and she sighed softly while running her fingers through her hair, shaking out a couple of pieces of rock and sme dirt from the fight. When he flashed a grin at her, she grinned back and shrugged slightly. "Yeah well, I'm not exactly dressed like I used to be." she told him while looking down at her dirt smudged appearance.

Before when she was with Derek, she had work girlier outfits even when fighting and she'd always had ribbons in her hair and such. At the suggestion of catching a few waves, she grinned and giggled. "Sounds like a good idea." she said in agreement.

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