Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack looked down at her, as if waiting for her to say something, but when she didn't he just began to push in more. He breathed slowly, calm as he pushed in by inch in. He soon felt something stop him a bit inside, he knew what it was despite not ever experiencing it before. "This might hurt a little, if you need to bite a pillow or hold on dont worry how tight," he said. He edged back just a little before pushing in, getting passed and breaking her hymen.
Hailey had her hands upon his shoulders as he went deeper, softly gasping and gazing up at him. When he paused and spoke, she looked up at him and nodded in understanding. When he pulled back a little then thrust into her, she closed her eyes tightly with a cry, her fingers curling into fists. Lya, who'd been watching, reached over she grasped Hailey's hand into her own before leaning over and kissing her cheek, making the other girl look up at her and Hailey smiled gently which Lya returned a moment later.
Zack felt himself nearly all the way in, but he also felt just how tight she was. Lya was tight, but it didn't compare to this. "Nnnnh...mmmmm!' he grunted, steadying himself inside, not moving, though the slightest little shift would only send sparks along his spine. "A...are you okay Hailey?" he asked, waiting for her okay to move.
Hearing him speak, Hailey turned her gaze to him before nodding. "Yes... I'm okay." she said softly. She felt as if he were going to split her in half. She was taking deep breaths, her thighs resting against his waist as she waited fr the pain of his penetration fade. Once it did, she nodded and gave him a small smile. "Okay... I think I'm ready." she told him.
Zack gave a smile nod and a smile before grabbing her hiops. He eased himself back slowly, and then back in. His hips moved slowly, hardly even triggering much pleasure, but once his member was nice and lubed his pace began to get steady. He exhaled as he pushed in, inhaling as he pulled out and softly her body moved with each thrust. "MMM...uuhhh..." he grunted softly, moving to kiss her lips gently, his tongue slipping passed her soft lips as he deepened. His hips began to pump, going in justa little deeper each time now, not fully in though.
Hailey liked the feeling of Zacks strong grip upon her hips and she mewled as he began pulling out before she grunted as he pushed back in. The more he moved, the easier it was for him to thrust into her and it didn't take long for pleasure to begin coursing through her small body. She softly moaned as he moved at a steady pace before he kissed her, wrapping an arm around his neck as she kissed him back almost hungrily. Feeling him going deeper, she shifted the position of her legs so her thighs were resting against his waist and she moaned again.
Zack could feel her small frame shifting softly, each thrust made her move just a little, he was still being very gentle in comparison to Lya's first time. Slowly though he picked up, the bed roccking softly, just barely as he began to pump his shaft faster and rougher into her. He held onto the kiss, muffling her moans as he did his own, each time he exhaled it came out like a strong hiss. Despite it being easier to move, she still gripped him so much, her muscles where like a vice, and each time he would go in did not seem to losen it up at all.
Hailey reached up and caressed Zacks chest as she kissed him back, moaning into the kiss as her small hands ran up his chest and over his shoulders before moving to rest upon his back. Each time his hips met hers, her small body would rock beneath him, her small breasts bouncing. From next to them, Lya watched with a small smile on her face, her long tails slowly flicking back and forth in unison along her legs.
Zack smiled, though he did feel like he was leaving Lya out of all the fun. He pumped his hips with more energy, feeling him getting deeper into Hailey, he was soon feeling his thighs touching hers as he fully hilted her tight depths. He grunted into the kiss, his hands trailing up her body, his thumbs softly caressing her nipples as he held onto her. He could feel himself getting close, her tight warm folds where making him rapidly approach his release.
Hailey faintly groaned when he buried himself inside f her completely and she shuddered a little while wrapping her legs around his waist. When his hands moved up her lithe body, she felt his fingers caressing her nipples and she shuddered again. The girl could feel that now familiar feeling of her release building quickly as he thrust in and out of her. Because she'd cum already, she was already sensitive and it wouldn't take her long to reach her release.
Zack broke the kiss softly. "Mmmm...I'm close," he told her softly, his hips gyrating slowly into each thrust. He moved a but rougher, the tip of his length kissing her cervix, he felt he could push into it, but he was careful not too. Her body began to jerk more into each thrust, soon nearly giving her the same treatment he would his wanting vulpix. He cou;d feel his sac tighten into itself, the need to release coming. "I'm...gonna cum...!" he grunted. He couldn't hold much, his body pounded into hers, hitting her a bit deeper. Just as he felt like it would be to much for her he groaned, arching his back before he felt his length twitch, filling her deep and painting her innerwalls with his thick seed.
Lya sat up a little, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched eagerly as her companions had sex. Hailey's moans were getting louder and her hands moved away from his back to clutch at the sheets as she arched her back. The kirlia broke the kiss as she cried out in pleasure, her legs beginning to tremble as she got closer and closer to cumming. As his thrusts got rougher, her body jerked sharply beneath his, her hips moving to meet his as she moaned loudly. When he grunted that he was going to cum, she nodded with a whimper. But when he buried himself into her, she felt his hot release filling her and she cried out once more as her walls began to quiver around him as she came as well, her body trembling againsts his and her eyes tightly closed.
He moved his hips gently, still moving slightly in and out as there orgasms subsided. He felt so good, his body was burning with pleasure and he enjoyed the afterglow. He kissed her lips gently, smiling "Hailey...that was great," he told her, kissing her once more. He still felt her insides quivering softly, it felt nice and made him sigh with releif. He knew Lya was enjoying the show, he once more wondered if she got to see something similar before.

(g2g, be back in like...6-7 hours if not sooner)
She faintly mewled as he moved his hips against hers, her breath catching in her throat for a moment before she moaned again. As her release wore off, she slumped down onto the bed, her chest rising and falling quickly as she breathed heavily. When he kissed her, she returned the gentle kiss before smiling up at him. "Mm, it was." she murmured before looking over at Lya who was watching them still with a small smile.
Zack slowly pulled out, it made a small wet noise as he did, and he settled down. He smiled softly, " Did younenjoy the show?" he asked Lya, who was oddly quiet for being in such a good mood. He had at first felt weird but truthfully having her as an audience wasn't so bad, of course he would think of a way to include the sexy vulpix as well in the future.
Hailey gasped and bit her lip as he pulled out of her before slowly closing her legs and sitting up a little. She felt a small twinge of pain in her abdomin but it wasn't too bad and she glanced at Lya as Zack spoke. Lya smiled and nodded. "Yes, I did." she said gently while pushing herself up completely into a sitting position. "It was very hot." she said with a teasing grin, making Hailey blush a little with a small smile.
Zack blushed a little as well, he sat up as well. He was feeling a little bit tired but surprisingly not very. He guessed the results of his training where beginning to show. "Well glad you liked it," he said before moving over and kissing her lips. "Now it's your turn though Lya," he said with a grin and soon she would soon be demonstrating her favorite position for Hailey. The rest of the night went on until the trio where exhausted and they all fell asleep.
Lya chuckled as he moved over and she ran her fingers along his cheek before kissing him back. As he told her that is was her turn, she giggled and nodded. The girls enjoyed their time with Zack before they curled up on either side of him and fell asleep. The next morning, Lya was the first one awake and she scurried into the bathroom t clean up from last night, her fur a little messy from the night before.
Zack still slept beside Hailey as she cleaned up. It wasn't until a few minutes after that he woke up, yawning softly before fully opening his eyes. The first thing that registered to him was the fact his thighs where a bit sore, he wasn't surprised after the previous night. He gently woke Hailey before getting up to get dressed. He was pumped for the day, it would be his second gym match, he wanted to win this one right off the bat. He knew his two girls would be fine, but he was still a bit nervous.
Lya heard Zack waking up and she smiled while moving into the bedroom again and she moved to her bag where she began looking for something to wear. She found a pair of black spandex shorts that hugged her ass tightly and a simple sports bra with her shoes. The vulpix dressed quickly before pulling her hair back into a braid, looking ready for the battle. Meanwhile, Hailey woke to Zacks urging and she yawned while slowly moving. She stumbled into the bathroom, a little sore from the night before. After washing a little, she returned to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of her new jean shorts and a simple white tank top.
Zack wore a shirt, not wearing his usual vest with it it was too hot, and put on a pair of cargo shorts. He then placed the cap on his head, and felt nice and ready. He looked at the two, finding Haileys new wardrobe to be very cute, Lya of course was the definition of sexy. "Ready?" he asked them, he still was debating on who to start with, he knew Brawlys two pokemon were a machop The other was a mystery to him though, whether he still had a makuhita or had it evolved already.
While Zack got ready, Lya helped Hailey with her hair, pulling it back from her face so that it was in a small pony tail before they looked over at Zack as he asked if they were ready. "Yeah, I think we're ready." she said with a small smile. Even though Hailey was cute in her new outfit, there was also some sexiness there. Just not as prominant as it was with Lya. The girls moved over to the door, ready to leave.
He smiled, giving just a few more moments to admire the two before slinging his bag over his shoulder. He decided to have Hailey walk with them, but he then would slip her back into her pokeball before entering the gym, once more he wanted a small bit of surprise, after all if a gym leader knew a trainer was packing there natural weakness, he had a feeling they'd be all the more difficult to take down quick and easy. Outside the gym he took a breath 'Any pointers before going in Lya?" he asked her, knowing she had already gone through with this once before.
Lya had her bag over her shoulder and Hailey was holding hers in her hands. Once he was ready, they followed him out of the pokecenter, the girls calling a farewell to Nurse Joy. Lya walked n one side of Zack while Hailey was on the other. Upon reaching the gym, they stopped outside and Lya looked up at the building with a sigh, a fond smile n her face. She had liked Brawly last time she was there. Because of him training her, she ended up having something of a crush on him and she had been rather sweet on him and his pokemon, but she fought hard when going against them. Hearing Zacks question, she looked over at him. "Remember what I taught you Hailey about dodging and agility. They're fast, but with your size, you'll be faster." she said gently. "As for you Zack. Stay strong and choose our attacks carefully."
Zack was a bit confused by her advice, but in a sense it made him feel better. He nodded and grinned, despite the nerves and the feeling of him about to lose his breakfast, he was excited. Deep down he felt something warm tingling at his finger tips, if possible his eyes would have been shining with a strange light. He opened the door walking in with her. The gym was pitch black, it was a bit unerving, but he wasn't afraid. No deep down that feeling to fight was almost like a light to him and he could almost see in the darkness. "I've come to challange the gym leader Brawly to a macth!" he called out, walking forward a few feet and stopping. He could not see it, but he knew he was standing right where the challanger was to stand, the white square that was set for the traner just along the border of the battlefield.

The lights slowly turned on. A boy a bit older them him, and even his brother, stood at the other end. 'Well well...looks like the waves brought me a nice looking challanger," the blue haired boy grinned. "I'm Brawly, the Dewford Gym leader, fighting type specialist, and the worlds next big wave!" he said cheerfully, the rest oif the lights turning on. "I accept your challange kid," he said stepping into the leaders square. He took out a pokeball and threw it onto the field "Machop come on out!" the greyish blue pokemon appeared, flexing it's muscles much like a body builder. "Before we begin, whats your name kid?" Brawly asked.

Zack nodded "Name is Zack...and ill be the worlds next big wave!" he said back, grinning mischeviously at taking the gym leaders title. Brawly just smiled. "Lya lets burn him out," he smiled not saying her name out loud.
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