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Spiraling Downward (Tyr & aprilmay1965)

April spent the day recovering, she got laundry done, cleaned the house which had been sorley neglects of late. She slept a couple of times that day and by that evening had changed into a light yellow sundress and sandals and had supper ready for the boys when they got home, almost as if she was the conservative mother she once had been. of course they all knew under her dress she still wore the jewelry and markings belying her sluttiness.

She was surprised that that evening the boys ate and were actually somewhat civil, she even left a plate out for her husband before she went to bed. Not that she thought he deserved it or really cared for what he thought at this point, but it was a nice gesture she decided.

She was asleep by the time he came to bed and he was up and gone when she woke up in the morning. He was so preoccupied with work lately and disatisfied with her, of course that could be why he spent so much time at work she decided, and since she was in the situation she was in with her son's, her biker, her doctor, and her son's friend, it was just as well.

She lie in bed that morning, thinking about whether she should try to get more pills, she didn't want to end up pregnant again, and her son's friend had made it clear he was going to try to get her pregnant, she couldn't imagine what it would do to her husband, let alone her son's if she were to have a black baby.

She climbed out of bed and slipped on a robe, heading downstairs to see the boys already eating cereal. "sorry guys, I didn't make it up in time to get you breakfast, looks like you allready took care of it though" she sat down and drank some juice, her blonde hair a mess still and her body feeling much more recovered, she was thinking things might be getting back to normal
No issue mom, we know how to make our own breakfast, Jason quickly said.

Everyone was already up and mostly eaten by the time April wandered down to the breakfast table. Pete just showing his distain, as this was just another example of April failing her duties, Jason giving his mother a smile and sympathetic look as she sat down to drink her juice. Doug on the other hand had a smirk as he saw his mother disheveled state, his eyes looking on her with less appropriate gaze.

Jason was the first to leave, and quickly headed out the door toward where his bicycle was parked, with his backpack strapped to his back. He had of course cleared his dishes before leaving and wished his mom a good day. It wasn’t long before Pete put down the morning paper, and got up, heading towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, and then to his office to get the vast amount of paperwork he seemed to carry back and forth to and from his office. He always did it the same way.

April got up to put some dishes away, and Doug followed her. Doug knew his father would again come through the family room, but wouldn’t come back to the kitchen directly, his always did the same thing, saying goodbye to his wife, from the family room as she worked in the kitchen. The classic scene of domestic bliss, this time of course Doug had another idea. The bar between the kitchen and family room was tall so it blocked some of the view into the kitchen, and Doug saw a perfect opportunity to have some fun. So while his mother scrubbed some dishes, he stepped up behind her. Without even asking, he lifted her robe from behind, to reveal her mature but shapely ass, and the new tramp stamp. Doug immediately ran a hand over her ass and between her legs.

Are you feeling better this morning mom? Because I want more than a blowjob this time.

One hand still holding her robe up, as the other begins to rub her sex, purposely to arouse her.
April stood up and started washing dishes, she saw her husband hastily make his way to the bathroom,s he knew he would be gone soon, her youngest having left already, always a good studious boy, and her oldest grinning, she figured he wanted another morning blow job but knew he wouldn't dare, as long as his father was there, she was mistaken.

She suddenly felt him behind her, his fingers working her pussy, "oh god, Doug, your crazy, your father, I, Iaaahhhhhh" she moaned softly, feeling her pussy grow instantly damp, her break from last night gone,a nd her son pushing her once again for more.

Her husband was brushing his teeth, as was his custome he would take exactly two minutes, he was so anal he even timed it. She was fumbling in the dishwater as she stood there, her legs pushed wider by dougs feet. "please, not like this" she said, her words falling on deaf ears.
She knew Doug was going to ignore her protests; the real truth was pussy juices that covered his fingers that really spoke to the only truth about his mother. Mouths may lie, but cunts didn’t. With an evil smirk he reaches down an unzips his fly, the other hand still on her back, as he draws out his young almost hard cock from the confines of his jeans. He’d fuck enough pussy in his life, behind buildings, under the bleachers, and in the restrooms, to know to make it so he could quickly cover up. Still holding her robe up the other hand begins to rub her wet gash, with the tip of his semi hard cock. It wouldn’t take much to get him totally hard, and seeing his mother’s discomfort was arousing as the head of his cock began to gleam with her arousal.

Pussy don’t lie you want cock don’t you slut?

Doug whispered in her ear leaning in, his hand still guiding the head of his cock through her damp moist lips of her pussy. There was extreme confidence in the young man, driven by experience with handling and taking care of sluts just like his mother. His cock ready to bury in her dirty wanton hole.
Ignoring his words, she stood there, her robe pulled up her his massive tool moving over her wet pussy, her husband seconds away from coming out. She gripped the edge of the counter, her hands wet from the dishwater. "Please, Doug, not now, your father" she moaned as she felt him rubbing over her wet pussy. She knew she wouldn't deny him and so did he. She was indeed a slut, and her body was now wet and prepared. She could hear the water shut off and the electric razor running. Her son's thick head moving between her pussy lips. Her face was flushed as she breathed faster, her heart pounding. Her nipples hard as bullets under the silky robe. She closed her eyes.
Doug smirked never once believing a single word of protest coming from his mother. He felt the small movements of her body beneath his as she moves ever so slightly, so she could better feel the thickening and hardening shaft that now grazed her wetness. The shower had stopped and so had the razor, for father was most likely dressing, before he headed to his office to pick up his paperwork, his appearance was just minutes away, and they both knew it.

Remember what I said, you’re my slut now, not his. So tell me slut, do you want my big young hard dick buried in that pussy of yours, or do you want me to leave, because I’ll find someone else to take care of this if you don’t want it.

Just to emphasize the point, he lodged the tip of his cock in the soft wet petals of her pussy, giving her just a taste of what was to come, if she would only yet again submit to her son’s depraved wants. With his body pressed against hers he no longer needed to hold the bathrobe up, so he takes his free hand and brings it around her front, slides it into her bathrobe and begins to knead and massage of her big tits and its hard nipple. Doug had no doubt she would give in, what other choice did an aroused and horny slut have?
two day swith no sex was more than April could stand, she flet his thick head flex in her pussy lips, his hand gropped her big breast as he teased her nipple. She could hear her husband and she knew he probably wouldn't even notice. "oh god... your terrible. Yes, do it" she hissed, as she bent forward her ass sticking out, expecting him to take her pussy, something he really hadn't been interested in as far as she could tell. She knew it would be quick as Tyrone would be there soon, but she was so horny by now she knew she would orgasm quickly too.

Her body bent, as she braced herself for his intrusion, she felt her mind going to her son's friend Tyrone, things he had said, she had spent weeks wondering if he was going to really make her do his friends. SHe didn't think about it long before she felt her son move behind her.
The slut that was his mother got what she wanted, as he drove his got hard and deep into her willing hole. His fingers dug into her tit capturing it with his fingers as he plunged every inch of his young hard cock into his mother’s mature cunt. He would have done her in the ass, but who wanted to go around school with your cock smelling like ass. So he thrilled in taking his mother in such a comprising and risky way. If his stupid father figured it out, he didn’t care; hopefully it would humiliate the bastard. To get a good grip so he could fuck his mother in earnest, he finally let go of her big tit, both of his hands coming to hold her about her waist as he started to fuck her. Her breasts were barely concealed by the front of the robe, her belly pressed against the edge of the counter as he drove his cock into her from behind.

So her tits swayed as he put is his youth hard cock to fucking her, his pants hitting the cheeks of her ass, as he pounded her. Doug was working up to a good rhythm when he heard the door to his father’s office shut. So he slowed, but never withdrew his length from his mother’s wet cunt. Instead he leaned in and whispered to her, almost taunting her.

Maybe we should let dad watch, then he could see how a real slut should be taken care of.

Even as he spoke, he father stepped into the family room; one hand had his briefcase, the other some important paperwork. He stopped the seeing his oldest son and wife standing by the sink, his view blocked by the tall bar in front of the sink. Seeing his wife her tits almost hanging out, bothered him, as she just didn’t seem to understand that such things weren’t appropriate. So he coughed a little bit, and tried to indicate she needed to pull her robe together in the front so as to be decent, not realizing that his son standing behind her, had his cock buried in deep in his wife.
April's legs were shaking, she had a huge hard shaft in her pussy, as her son stood behind her feeling him deep and stretching. Her husband standing there motioning to her as if she could really understand what he was trying to get at. The stupid prick was oblivious to the fact she was getting fucked in front of him. She didn't now wether to laugh or cry as he was worried about her tit's hanging out and here she stood with her son's huge shaft, that was at least twice as big as his fathers, buried in her pussy.

She closed her top more and looked at him, actually feeling pity, as she smiled weakly. "go to work, have a great time there" she said sarcastically, feeling her son throb and flex inside her. Her body pressed to the counter, the corner of the counter pressing into her belly, leaving a crease across her as her son kept her pinned to the counter as her husband left her to be pounded
Doug gave a nice short stroke just so his mother wouldn’t forget what was buried in her hot wet pussy. His hips rotate as he plowed her pussy in short strokes while their father stood in the family room. Pete seemed about to make another probably condescending comment towards his wife, but instead shook his head as if he realized the futility of such a comment. "Have a good day honey, and remember Doug make sure you do your chores." Pete said as he prepared to leave. Doug not to be outdone, smiled at his father as he prepared to depart, and said his own parting comment.

No worry dad, I’ll work hard and make sure everything that needs taken care of around the house is done, and done real good.

This snide witticism meant for his mother as continued to do short shallow strokes in her pussy, while her husband stood but just half a room away. Pete seemed again involved in his own thoughts as he really didn’t listen to Doug’s words as he moved towards the door leading to the garage. With his father’s back turned to him he again leaned in and whispered to his mother.

Yeah I’m going work hard taking care of you, nice and hard the way you like it, isn’t that right mom.

Doug made a quick hard stroke driving his young hard throbbing length into his mother, as his dad worked the door leading to the garage.
APril felt her pussy pumped faster as her husband made his way out of the house. Her son's thick shaft pushing into her over and over. She felt him pumpingi not her harder and faster, her stomach pressed hard against the counter, her body held in place by his thrusts. Her breasts bounced in the robe as he pumped her. Gasping and moaning, she felt her pussy gripping his thick shaft as he pumped into her over and over, her moans filling the room.

His words in her ear as he grunted and pumped into her, she was feeling his thickness deep in her pussy. Whimpering and gasping her son pounded her faster and faster. her hands sliding over the counter, as she was feeling him drive deep, she knew he would fill her pussy soon, and cursed herself for not getting her birth control refilled.
Doug wanted to yell at his father, and tell him to come back and watch, just so he could humiliate the asshole. Still he satisfied himself with a quick morning fuck. The door closed to the garage as he grabbed his mother’s shoulders one with each hand, and applied his cock to her pussy. Just like the last time, Doug didn’t care about his mother’s pleasure, and simply used her to fulfill his own. Of course if she was a real slut, that was all she really needed, was just to be used.

Asshole! Fucking little dicked ass wipe. Why don't you cum back and watch me fuck your wife, you might learn something.

Doug cursed his father as he fucked his mother. He was getting almost as much pleasure from fucking her pussy as he was from thinking about hurting his father. Faster and faster, harder and harder, his young hard cock fucked his slutty mature mother. Like a young bull he mounted his mother from behind, his manhood getting ever near to filling her wanton hole full of his slimy hot load of cum.
Gasping and moaning, her son's young shaft was pumping her wet pussy as she found his hands on her shoulders, pushing her further down, her breasts hanging in her robe over the dishwater, his strong fingers digging into her shoulders, she realized he was fucking her as much to hurt his father as for his own release. He was taking his anger out on her pussy as he slammed into her.

She felt him slam harder as he cursed his father, her face grimaced and she winced as his thrusts became more brutal, he was slamming so hard into her that she felt it jar her body clear to her head each thrust. Her pussy is red and sore as he pounds faster and faster.

She could feel him swelling as he powered into her, her hips slamming into the counter as he slammes faster and harder. Her fingers pressed against the splashboard behind the sink as he pounds her.
For Doug this was about getting off, and thinking about humiliating his father was doing it. The rapid succession of thrusts was more than enough to push him over the edge, and with it he howled as his bloated length fed its slimy sticky load into her mother’s cunt. He half laughed in victory only wishing his father would be there to see what he was doing. His rough battering thrusts slowed as his hips reduced the speed of their rotation. Finally he pulled his cum coated cock from her willing mature fuck hole, and left it wedge between her ass cheeks before he finally back away. His ample load oozing from her gaping pussy, as some of it trailed down her inner leg, the rest simply dripping from her pussy onto the kitchen floor.

Someday that asshole’s going to get what he deserves. Don’t worry mom, even if that limped dick prick is gone; I’ll still fuck you.

Doug slaps her ass, not in the least concerned about her opinion or input to his comment. She’d done as was expected of her, and that was enough. Purposely not asking her about cleaning his cock, he began to put the slime-covered length back into his pants, for Tyrone would be arriving soon.

That’s what you want too isn’t it? To feel your son fucking you the way you want to be fucked.

He reaches out and pulls her robe down so when he moves forward again, he doesn’t get a cum stain on his pants, more drips and dribbles still falling from her oozing slit. Doug reaching out to fondle his mother’s tits as the first horn blast from the street starts.

Well I guess I have to be going, don’t do anything I wouldn’t.

He laughs as he releases the tits he’d been aggressively squeezing, as he makes ready to leave.
April stands, aroused and humiliated as she is taken by her son. Her own husband just feet away as he took her, walking otu to let her get bred by her son. She hated him more as she felt her son pounding her pussy. Her pussy feeling good as he thrust. His hands finding her big breasts, he squeezed them, making her moan at first, then wince as he gripped them harder and tighter. She felt him thrust over and over, pounding her motherly pussy. Shooting load after load into her she flet him push deep. Her womb filled with his seed. She told herself she needed to get to her Dr. and get more pills, but she knew it would mean another session with her uncle and his demented ways. She felt so trapped. She was more uncertain every day and was simply a slut for men to use for sex as she became everyones play toy it seemed.

The horn brought her around as her breast was fondled, her robe soaked in her son's cum as he pressed into her. She winced as he slapped her ass, a red mark there as he laughed at her and left. She looked out the window and saw her young black lover, her son'f friend in the car, his hip hop music thumping, that cocky grin,t he same one he had when he had taken her in her own living room. Her pussy clenched at the thoguht of his huge black shaft and how it had pounded her.

She went to her room and showered. walking out she slipped on a red thong and red shelf bra. Lookingat her slutty attire as she saw her peirced nipples peakover the top of the bra, her clit ring outlined in the thin panties. She pulled on her short skirt and thigh high pink fishnets that matched and slipped into a pair of patent leather platform heels. She pulled out her red lipstick and put it on, admiring how she looked younger than her 46 years of age. She had lost some weight over the past few months, due to constant fucking she thought. Her breasts still full and pretty firm for her age.

She sat back on her seat by her curio so put on her make up as her cell rang. "hello?" she answered, her heart pounding. She wasn't ready for another round with anyone so quickly after the last couple of days she thought.
Doug had finished using his mother, leaving his sticky wet cock for his favorite slutty cheerleader to clean. If nothing else once she tasted it, she’d get jealous and fuck him twice as hard and twice as much to make sure he wasn’t putting his dick in any other slut but her. Half laughing he jumped into the car with Tyrone, as they sped off to school, leaving his mother all alone, to figure out what she wanted to do or was going to do.

April may have thought her day would be one humiliating simply quickie to her oldest son, and she would have the rest of day to herself, but then again what true slut would only be happy with a single quick fuck. So when she picked up the phone a little while later and answered it, it was ‘Big Mike’ on the line looking for a hookup with his favorite mature slut.

Hey babe, how are you doing? Miss me?

The tone was casual, but the intent was clear, he wanted to see her, and of course fuck her. Mike wasn't hiding it; he was just being pleasant about his interest in burying his dick in her again. He wasn’t going to offer to take her to lunch or a movie, or even bring her flowers, because that’s not what she was for.

I’m over on your side of town; in about an hour or so, so why don’t I swing by, and you show me why I miss you.

Mike was obviously yet another man, who was seeing her not as a person, but as cum dump, that could be used at their convenience. Mike questions about her, really were rhetorical as all he cared about was that she was home and available for his use.
April's heart was pounding as she heart Mike's voice, the voice that started her spiral. She was still aroused after her son left her with a load of his fertile seed in her and her need left untouched. "Hi hon, hum, sure, stop by when you want, no one is around till later this afternoon" she said into the phone, realizing she was already dressed how he would want her. She waited patiently till he heard the roar of motorcycles. She knew he was arriving. walking in her tall platform heels she opened the door when she heard the heavy boots on the front steps.
Mike wasn’t the only one coming to see her, just leaving his office a several minutes behind was her husband, with some flowers hoping to surprise his wife and make amends in an attempt to repair the most recent damage in their relationship. Plus Pete wanted to talk to April alone and without the kids around. Mike’s loud chopper arrived first, and still in his leathers, he parked the bike in the driveway, kicking the stand with his leather boots, as he got off. Standing there he was the personification of a biker, with his broad shoulders, chain from his waist to his wallets, and the denim vest, with his club symbol on the back.

Mike casually sauntered up to the front door, not in the least concerned about being seen. He was almost ready to knock when the door swung open to reveal the good-looking older woman in a rather sexy outfit. Mike eyes not hiding that he was checking her out, his mind thinking back to the first time he met her, and what she looked like today, though she was the same woman, the look and vibe she now gave off was far different.

Damn baby you look good, that’s more than enough to get a man’s attention.

He just steps through the door, and takes her up in his large arms, pulling her in, wanting to feel her body against his.

You sure are a mighty fine looking piece of ass.

Mike hands grasping her as he moved in to kiss her.
April's heart was pounding, her body wrapped in his arms as her big lover held her close. She always felt so safe in his arms. She felt his massive bulge press against her stomach as her mouth opened to except his. "oh god Mike, I need you" she whimpered between kisses as he held her slutty looking body close. His hands grope her ass as he kisses her roughly, his whiskers scraping against her whte body.

Her fingers slide through his hair, her hips grinding against him. She can feel herself growing so hot already. Sliding her slender fingers down his chest, she started working his belt open as she worked his pants open, her fingers desperately searching for her object of desire, groaning as her lips kissed their way lower, her mouth finding his thick head, she stroked and sucked him, attacking his hard shaft. Her eyes looking up at him seeing his pleasure as she sucked him, working him to full hardness
The older woman’s body responded as only it could now, her attire now matched her needs and new personality. Maybe it was always there repressed and hidden away, but the woman that touched and searched for his massive tool, was a slut from her clothes, to her tattoo, to her piercings, and to her very being. The front door wasn’t even totally shut and she was on her hands and knees seeking out one thing and only thing a slut really needed, and that was a cock to serve. The sexy older woman shoved her hand in his jeans, not even allowing him a chance to remove his leather chaps, and dug out his growing member, which she promptly stuffed her face with. Mike just leered down smiling as she’d just beaten him to his first goal for this afternoon’s encounter. The view was worth watching as the older woman hungrily fed on his length, purposely getting his cock as hard as possible.

Sure you do baby, and my cock needs you!

Still a few miles away, Pete thought about the last several months, and especially the last few weeks, and what he was going to say to April. Everyone went through a mid life crisis, and he was there for her, and she just had to understand that his belief played a strong role in how he saw the world and life. She was still an amazing woman, and though he didn’t want to say it, some of the changes that come over her, had not only bothered him, but also caused him to think more about her, and not as a loving god fearing wife. Still those thoughts were wrong and he knew it, and he knew how to suppress them, which was something she could learn too.

Mike of course knew nothing about the Pete and really couldn’t have cared, as the only thing that was important at this moment stood at rigid attention between his legs and was currently had a sexy blond bobbing her head up and down on it.

Get it nice and big, get it nice and hard, and I’ll take care of you, how does that sound?

Mike looked around, and tried to figure out where he was going to stick it to this slut. He saw the couch and thought that might be a nice spot.

You ever been fucked on that couch baby, has your husband done you any place but the bed?

Of course Mike didn’t know that April had had not one but several encounters on that very couch, though none of them with her husband.
Bobbing and sucking she serviced the big biker. His massive tool just what she needed to take her mind of the wreck she saw as her life. She was sucking and bobbing, making him hard as he watched her. She pulled out his thick head long enough to answer him. "That couch? No, never my husband" she giggled and went back to sucking him. Realizing she had been taken on that couch by her son and her son's friend. Her mind went to her past few weeks, the weeks that started with Mike fucking her on the side of the road.

She worked the thick shaft deeper into her throat, gurgling and swallowing as she worked him as deep as she could before pulling back. her head bobbing up and down his length, he was getting so ridgid, she knew he would give it to her good. "I think it's about time for you to fuck me there, don't you?" she said, squirming up his body, her breasts pressing to his tummy, his thick shaft against her bare middrift. She ran her hands over hier massive chest, so powerful, so free, totally different then her whimp of a husband.
The big breasted slut’s face lit up and shined when she finished her efforts on getting his cock nice and hard, and eagerly voiced her desire to be fucked on the couch. Mike though did wonder when she said ‘no, never her husband’, it almost seemed like an inside joke, that she’d been fucked there by someone else. Not that this was some monogamous relationship, and given how strong her sexual appetite now seemed to be, it seemed inevitable that she was seeing more than one guy, that bastard of course should give thanks to him for awaking this girl’s inner slut. Laughing he grabbed her arm and guided her over to the couch, and pushed her down, so she was on all fours on the couch.

His large hand reaches behind her, and between her legs as he begins to rub her sex, the other hand reaches under her and plays with one of the large tits that hung down, its nipple ring of particular interest to his fingers.

That’s what I like a girl that knows what she wants. No hesitation, no second-guesses, just simply wants a good fuck.

For Mike just another reason he liked older women, they knew what they wanted and weren’t there to play games, if they wanted cock they wanted cock, just that simple. His member hung between his legs, covered in her spittle more than ready to fill her, and give her what she so desired.

Are you ready baby; are you ready to that slutty little pussy of yours stuffed with cock?

Even as Mike said it, Pete was pulling into the very subdivision he’d called home with April for that last 10 years.
April felt Mike's strength once again, she was pulled and positioned how he wanted her. She was spread, his fingers findign the nipple ring he had her get, as he pulled her sensitive nipples, her clit, with the peircing rubbed as she moaned and wiggled. Her body was on fire. he always made her that way.

"God Yessssss" she hissed, "Fuck meeee"

Her round motherly ass sticking up, her legs spread as he teased her, making her so wet, making her beg. She wanted him inside her now, more than she had wanted anything she could ever remember. She was wiggling her ass around, her pussy hungry for his massive tool. "oh god baby, fuck me, I need it" she whimpered. Her slutty clothing making her look like she stepped out of a "Milf" vido from some porn movies.

She felt her thong pushed aside, her wet pussy open to him, as she longed for his touch. "Oh god, your good" she moaned, her face lowering as her ass rose higher, her pussy wet and ready.
Like some chef checking on his cooking, Mike could tell from his sticky wet fingers that this slut was more than ready for a fucking. No need to go down on her, no need even for foreplay, she was primed and ready for cock. Continuing to chuckle the sticky hand that had been between her legs, reaches down and grabs his massive length. Aiming the large bulbous tip of his cock at the gash of her dripping wet cunt, Mike begins to push its between the petals of her pussy, that open and stretch around the invading monster. He hadn’t even taken her sexy outfit off or even his own cloths, but instead just pushed aside that which was in his way, not that some frilly piece of lingerie was going to stop the huge thing between his legs.

There you go baby that should make you happy.

Mike said as he began to bury his cock into her willing body. He planned to feed every inch to this willing slut, and then use her the way she was meant to be used. Maybe he’d leave a nice big stain in the couch, and when the fucker sat down to watch T.V. he’d wondered who spilled what.

Pete didn’t have to pay much attention to the road, as he could drive this route in his sleep. So he continued to think about April and their marriage as he pulled onto their street. As he was about to pull in he noticed a large motorcycle parked in the driveway, and right on his side of the garage, so he couldn’t pull into the garage. What was going on? So instead he just parked in the street, planning to walk up and find out who left their contraption in his front driveway. How odd he thought?
APril's moans filled the room, her cries of exctasy were echoing through the house, she wondered if the neighbors could hear as she was pounded. She felt him pushing so deep as he pounded her over and over. Her breasts swayed under her as she rocked back to meet his thrust. She was feeling his massive tool push deep into her well used pussy as he took her, unaware her son had already loosened her up this morning, she realized as she met his thrusts that she was indeed a wanton slut and needed nothing more than fucked.

She was rocking and encouraging her younger lover as she met his thrusts with her ass rocking back to meet them. Her round ass rippled as each thrust brought the powerful hips against her. Her body was working towards it's first orgasm as she braced her well manicured fingers agaisnt the arm of the couch. "OH yes, ALmost there, Fuck me HARD" she screamed out as she pumped back, feeling the pain and pleasure of the massive tool pounding her harder to meet her requests
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