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Spiraling Downward (Tyr & aprilmay1965)

Mike attention wasn’t on anything but the slut that he was plugging full of cock. On her hands and knees like a bitch in heat, Mike drove his massive length into the wanton slut, with fervor. His cock stretching her pussy as he gave it to her, the mature woman screaming how much and how hard she wanted it. The words egged Mike on, but he wasn’t the only one that heard them.

Passing by the bike, Pete wondered whom it belonged to, had someone parked in his driveway by mistake, because they didn’t know anyone with a bike like that. Pete was just coming through the front door, which wasn’t locked when he heard his dearly beloved wife asking to be fucked hard. The words in themselves weren’t ones he’d ever heard said so dramatically and never from his mate. His mind was addled as he just kept walking forward, not thinking what he might see or discover. What he did see as he stepped by the small foyer was his beautiful wife, clad in sexy lingerie, being fucked by some clothed biker. Pete’s first thought was this motherfucker was raping his wife, but even in his state of confusion, it was obvious that she wasn’t resisting, but rather was a very eager and willing participant in this debauchery. Mike having not noticed the uninvited observer just continued what he was doing.

You’re almost there slut! Cum on my big hard dick bitch.

Mike continued to use her, purposely bringing her to her first orgasm hard and fast, even though he wasn’t yet close, as he held her big tits in his hands tightly and fucked her doggie style.

Oh MY GOD what is going on?

Mike realized that they weren’t alone, and turned to see who the intruder was, even though he never stopped fucking the sexy older woman. Seeing the man, he realized it was the slut’s husband, the flowers now laying on the ground next to where the smaller man stood his mouth hanging open in shock.

Just what it looks like, I’m fucking your bitch. And she’s going to cum all over my fucking cock, aren’t you SLUT?
APril was beyond thinking or caring, just where she wanted to be, her body was responding,s he was meeting the big bikers huge thrusting shafts blow for blow as he pounded deep in her belly. She was gasping and moaning, "Yess.. MIke.. I"M .. ready" she cried out, her pussy was clenching around him hard, she felt her orgasm wash over him as she realized her husband and Mike were talking. She was past the point of no return. "YESS.. CUMMINNNNGG.. FUCK>> ME...CUMMING FOR YOUUUUUU" she cried out, her body writhed, her aching pussy exploding, she felt her head spinnning as she had an intense orgasm. She watched her husbands' shocked face. and found she didn't really care, he was not going to tell her what to do anymore. she moaned and squirmed on the big thick shaft.
Mike watched as the older woman, came all over his cock, while she cried out not only his name but also the end result of their illicit union. There was no doubt to Mike and even to Peter that she was a very happy recipient of a mind-blowing orgasm. Pete had never seen any woman, let alone his wife react is such a salacious and carnal way, it stunned him to know that it was even possible. Even though it horrified Pete what he was seeing, his small almost normal cock was rock hard in his slacks. Still he felt compelled to say something, to protest what was happening. So he gathered up some will and tried.

You’re done now get off of my wife!

Done? Are you kidding me, I’ve just fucking started. You don't want me to leave yet slut do you?

Mike pulls his massive length from April’s pussy, a tool that was more than twice anything Pete had between his legs in both length and girth, and seeing it rock hard gave no doubt that Mike was far from complete. Pete was shocked he’d never seen anything like it, the thing was huge, and it made him feel inadequate in every way. April had never reacted that way to anything he’d done to her before in their marital bed. Mike drove it back, in one long hard deep stroke. Both of his large hands grapping the slut by the tits, and pulls her backwards till her back was against his chest and his cock half way to her throat, it felt like, her big tits jutting out, red marks from his hands still evident on them. In a quick move he shifted to a sitting position and left April atop of him, with his cock almost buried to his balls. Now Pete had a complete unobstructed view of his wife’s submission to another man.

Either sit down and watch or leave, because I have slut to fuck!

Pete didn’t know what to do, he couldn't leave, and she was his wife. So without even giving it anymore consideration to the logic, he sat down in the thick seat just across from the couch, but a few mere feet from the his wife and the biker.
APril was shocked but she didn't really care, she was suddenly on Mike's hard thrusting shaft and she was ready to ride more, Her hips rose and fell as she spread her legs wider, her pussy and peirced clit visible as her husband watched her bounce on him. Her peirced tits bouncing as the massive shaft drove into ehr over and over. HEr moans filled the room as she took him deep inside her. his massive tool deep in her womb, his hand on her throat. She moaned and gasped. Feeling a sense of satisfaction in proving to herself that her husband was a loudmouthed wimp, that he wasn't all high and mighty after all, she could see he was excited by what he saw, and she knew she couldn't even feel his tiny dick if she were to let him have her.

Her body was bouncing faster, taking mike as hard and fast as she could, as he met her thrusts bydriving deep inside her. "oh god,yess, your gonna make me cum again" she gasped as she felt her body getting more andmore aroused.
Pete didn’t say a thing, just sat there watching the spectacle of his wife being fucked by another man, and man that was proving himself to be so much more than he could ever be. The disgust and anger he had, was overwhelming, and as he laid his hand down in his lap, did he realize that he was rock hard from it.

Mike felt no remorse or even concern, as his hands wrapped around the slut’s waist and he fucked his massive length of cock meat up and into the married woman’s pussy. Her juices dripped down his dick and off of his big balls as they hung just past the edge of the couch, his legs spread wide for support. Her legs too spread wide and lewdly as he continued to his crude and vulgar conversation.

Tell him slut, how much you like my big dick buried in your cunt! How good it feels to be fucked by a real man, and not some little dicked twerp.

A little mound in her belly appeared and protruded every time he drove his massive dick deep into her wet pussy. His hands even slid up and pushed her tits up as he fucked her, his large muscled arms easily up to the task.
Gasping, moaning, she felt her body lifted and dropped as she rode the massive shaft. His thick shaft deep in her, pressing her flat tummy out as he pushed hard. She felt him reach up, pushing up her big breasts. "God, I Love your big cock, fuck me, it's so good, I need it" she gasped, never once appologising for her actions to her husband, in truth not even sorry. She was enjoying being the slut she was and having a man use her like one. She was giving herself openly to every big cock around her.
The way the biker spoke to him and his wife was horrible, it was so offensive, and yet his wife April was obviously getting off on it. Yeah she would cum occasionally when they fucked, but never this much or this often. The way she eagerly bounced up and down on this stranger’s huge appendage was … was … so… Pete hand without even thinking was rubbing his own cock through his jeans as his wife continued her infidelity with the younger man.

Mike pushes her off as she finishes cumming the second time, depositing her down on the floor before him. His massive appendage sticking straight up, it surface wet in her pussy cream. He leans down and turns her around, so her wet gaping pussy is facing her husband so he can see the effect a large cock had on her. The slut’s twat dripping in pussy juices as he pulls her head by the hair so she could again feast on his cock.

Worship that fucking cock slut! Show the little dick man, how much you love sucking my cock!

Mike leaned back in the couch, watching the slut service him, and noticing the man sitting but a few feet away.

Arch you back bitch, let him see that well fucked cunt. Tell him how much you miss that big dick between your legs.
April's body was filled with the bikers seed once again, her husband having destroyed the pills that might have staved off pregnancy now had to watch her leak fertile sed from her body. She was sucking and licking the thick hard shaft, cleaning him as her legs spread wide, her red pussy looking well used and stretched as the hot cum leaked out. Her husband playing with his pathetic little member as he stroked himself and watched her well fucked pussy and ass wiggle around in the living room of the home they created together. Her mouth cleaning Mike completely, she looked up, his fist in her blonde hair, as he smiled down at her.
Mike could look directly at the pathetic husband as his darling once god fearing wife, sucked on his cock with more love, affection and devotion than she’d ever shown him. Her wet pussy dripping in another man’s seed and gaping from the monstrous invasion the biker had just done to her. There was no doubt in Mike’s mind who she preferred to be with, and who she would more willing give herself to, and that she was doing so in such a provocative and salacious manner, only made the whole thing better. Mike leans over her and spread her ass cheeks wide, and in doing so spreads her pussy even more, so the older little man could see his wife as he’d never seen her before.

Does that turn you on buddy? Do you like seeing how happy the little slut is when she’s well fucked or sucking on another guy's cock?

Pete’s nostrils flared, his eyes opened even wider, and at first he couldn’t say a thing. The whole thing had him flabbergasted, and yet there was something there that his once devout wife didn't worshiped at god’s altar, but at the piece of cock meat that filled her mouth.

She’s … she’s not my wife… she’s a slut of SATAN!

Mike almost laughed but just chuckled, as the man redefined his wife and who she was within the context of his religious fervor. Not that he cared, that was the guy's problem, all that he wanted was another go around with her now that she’d taken that edge off.

She might be, but she’s a good piece of ass. She gets me hard every time, just like she does for you from the looks of it. Don’t worry buddy, that’s what sluts are for.

Pete no longer cares as he thought of her not as his wife, but as some enchantresses of the dark lord, he began to unzip his pants, so he could better relieve the ache and pain his cock was feeling. His hand already reaching down between his legs and he watched his wife slut herself out to another man, he began to stroke his much smaller cock.
Sucking and licking April worked Mike's big shaft, cleaning her lovers jucies as well of her own from the thick shaft. Her mouth working him, she could see her husband stroke himself out of the corner of her eye and realized even more what a hypocrite he was. She smiled as she worked her mouth over Mikes shaft, her big breasts rubbing over his strong thighs.

Her life was changed and many of her secrets were out, she wondered what would happen if he found out her son's had been using her slutty body as well. Or that the black youth he hated had been with her. She wondered what it woudl do to him if he saw her with the group of black youths as Tyrone had promised would happen eventually.

Her life had spiraled into depravity but her husband was going to be dragged down with her if he didn't escape her lust first. And if he did, what would his precious church say about him, divorce wasn't exactly the foundation of their beliefs.
Pete was stroking his cock, and if April were even to care, it was harder than she’d ever seen it. Her husband’s eyes glued to her, taking in her tattooed ass, pieced pussy and wanton behavior. She was everything that since birth he’d been told was wrong and not to be done. Yet no matter what he was watching and seeing no matter its sinful and moral reprehensibility, was totally turning him on. Much like the picture of the succubus that enticed man, and that he used to jack off to as a young adult, so too was the one on the floor servicing another man, the whole thing so sexy, so arousing.

Oh buddy this little bitch of yours knows how to suck cock. Look at the way she gobbles it all down, like some cock starved teenage girl. Did she ever suck your cock like this, or let you fuck her face like this?

Mike grabs both sides of April’s head and begins to fuck her face, pushing more and more of his monstrous appendage down her throat. Pete was shocked he’d never treated her like that or even considered letting her suck on his cock, he thought all oral sex was a sin and unhygienic.

A god-fearing woman doesn’t do that; only a dirty whore would take a man’s penis that way.

Mike just laughs.
Mike seemed to be enjoying the show, bragging to her husband about her and how he could treat her, she felt him grab her head and pulled her head down, slamming her mouth and throat harder than he ever had, she could feel her hair in his fists as he used her especially rough as if to show her husband how he could use her like a slut.

SHe could feel her lips grow puffy and her throat raw as he grew more aroused as she felt her mouth used hard and fast, she was going to get another load from her big lover as he started pumping her head up and down on his hard shaft. Her round motherly ass was sticking out, wiggling as she got pumped
Using the older married woman in front of her husband was getting his dick nice and hard. When she looked like she was struggling he pulled his length from her mouth, the whole thing looking like some magician’s twisted magical trick at the huge thing came out. Finally though his slick wet length escaped her mouth and throat and flopped down on his belly, now more than ready for what he had planned next. Mike’s hands reached down and pull her up, so he could quickly kiss her, her large luscious tits sliding up his body, her nipples dragging against his wide muscled chest. The whole time her wet pussy putting on a show for her husband, in the most lascivious and vulgar of fashion. Pete could see her sins and infidelity dripping from her wetness, and that only made his dick harder.

Oh dude she may be a whore if she didn’t give it away, but if nothing else she’s going to be a happy one.

Mike directed the comment at the small man pounding his little pecker. Then he turned his attention back to a real man’s wet dream, and helped direct April the slut, into the next position he wanted her in.

Turn around baby, we’re going to do this reverse cowgirl with you in my lap.

Of course in reverse cowgirl with her on top, she would be looking directly at her own husband as Mike’s big cock used her. She have to stare as her husband masturbating to her sins, her infidelity and most of all to her sluthood. So Mike continued to sit on the couch, helping guide his massive cock up and into the mother of two, her pierced nipples and pussy pointed directly at her once beloved husband.
April sucked in air as she felt the thick shaft seemed to appear from her mouth. She slide up the huge bikers body till she was facing away from him. She slid his thick shaft into her easily as she started to slide up and down his long shaft. Her wet pussy stretching to the obscene preportions as she pumped her hips to take him, feeling him drive into her as she lowered herself causing her to cry out as she was used harder.

"Agh...Agh...Agh...Agh" as he pounded into her her sensitive pussy stretching, her womb accepting him inside her, as her tummy bulged each thrust he did.

She could see her husband stroke himself as he watched her. She wondered if he would become as depraved as her. She wondered what he would do if he knew all the men she had been with, all the things she had done, including her sons. Her body was bouncing and her breasts keeping up as she worked the hard shaft, faster and harder, feeling mike getting close again, she slid her fingers down, stroking her peirced clit as she worked her own orgasm to time with his
Pete had known his wife all these years, and in that they’d made love many times, but never had she ever looked like this. The huge cock fucked her, while she had the look of pure unadulterated bliss plastered across her face, something she’d never had with him. That neither of them stopped their carnal joining or even cared he was there spoke to the intensity of it, and how little they thought of him. The large man’s big balls hung between his thick legs as he drove his massive cock up and into Pete’s wife, stretching and distending the entrance of her pussy, the little piece of jewelry glistering as moved with her bouncing. As he Pete stroked his much smaller cock, he couldn’t help but yell support.

Fuck the whore; fuck that little bitch of Satan!

Mike grabbed both of her legs from behind her knees and further pulled them back and splayed them as he pulled her back against his chest, and continued his vigorous fucking of the older woman. Pete could see his wife’s hand between her legs, seemingly showing him what she really wanted and that she wasn’t his anymore. The woman he’d married wasn’t even in the room anymore, this was some she devil slut who was servicing some servant of Satan. That his progeny had sprung forth from between those exact two legs was irrelevant, she was of no more importance than any other nonbeliever or worshiper of false gods. She had broken the vows of their marriage and sought pleasure in the arms of another; a prostitute on a street corner deserved more respect.

Oh I’m fucking her buddy, and then I’m going cum so deep in her she be oozing my load for days. Are you ready buddy, ready to see me fill your slutty wife full of cum? You know why she’s a fucking cum slut, aren’t you baby?

Pete stood up moving closer wanting to be right there so he could watch as another man filled his wanton wife. His small cock was in arms reach of the thing that he once called wife, his hard on ready to blast his own load in conjunction with them. Of course his worthless seed would at best land on her or worst find its final resting place on the floor, for neither of the other two probably had any real desire or need for it.
Feeling her legs pulled up and lifted she was pounded faster nad harder, her cries and gasps filling teh room as Mike lifted her, moving her over her stroking husbands. She was moving over her husband. He watched as her pussy is pounded harder and faster, her pussy looking stretched and deformed in the hard stretches of her pussy.

Gasping and moaning she felt Mike throbbing deep inside her, she knew he would fill her womb more with his seed, her body already to full from his first load. She was gasping as he pounded hard, pushingi nto her as she closed her eyes, her pussy clenching milking his thick shaft to work the huge load deep in her.
Mike muscled legs lifted his ass off the couch as he pushed his huge cock into the mature women’s pussy. Again and again his toned body stroked his veined covered monster in and out of the sluts wet hole, his groin and balls covered in her juices and from the escaping cum from the last time he’d fucked her. As Mike got closer he just kept up his effort, the weight of her body above his a minor inconvenience compared to the feeling of stroking in and out of her slick cunt.


The words hadn’t come from Mike, but from Pete as his little prick jerks and quaked as the first rope of cum shot from his length, landing on his once beloved wife’s tits, a small inadequate splattering but the rest, that shot from his cock didn’t have the energy or momentum, but to fall on the floor or cover his hand as he continued to jack off and masturbate to the sight of his wife’s infidelity. Mike paid no attention as his cock began to again fill the man’s wife’s willing pussy. Where Pete’s display of sexual prowess was meager and rather inadequate, Mike’s was the exact opposite, as his large bloated balls fed his massive cock; they began to pump cum deep into her willing hole, shooting more in a single shot than her husband had done in his whole load, each blast deposited deeply into the woman’s womb.

OHHHHH FUCK YEAH! Take all that cum you dirty slut!
The stream of cum from her husband left a white stripe across the top of one of her massive breasts. Her body held tight as she felt Mike pounding intoh er. She was gasping and moaning as she felt him thrust over and over. His hard shaft so thick as it powered into ehr womb finally leaving another deposit deep inside her. Deep in the spot where she was able to be bred, where her husband had denied her the protection she had gotten. If she was pregnant, if she became pregnant, he now knew why she had them and that it would be his own fault. She watched with disdain and pity as the small man pleasured himself to his own shame. She felt Mike deposit her cum filled body on the couch. Her body nothing more than a slut for his pleasure, she lie there, leaking his seed as her husband sat staring. Her eyes closed, she couldn't bear to look at him.
Pete didn't say a thing, for there was nothing to say. The woman that he married and fell in love with was lost, and there was nothing he could do, he felt. So he zipped his pants back up briefly wiping his hand on the couch, as if cleaning himself of the sin. Finally looking down he realized that he could never bring her the happiness she desired, and that she would always seek out others to satisfy her unholy needs. Still he married, and before God he had made a commitment for life and he would honor that for better or worse.

I won’t be home for dinner; I have to work late, dear.

So Pete left the flowers on the floor and picked up his briefcase, before heading out the door. His words were casual the same he used every day, and yet he said them to a wife, who lay atop another man, whose large cock was buried in her wanton sinful hole.

There were lots of things that could have happened, but Mike never would have thought that, the little wimp just got up and left as if nothing happened. Mike just chuckled, he felt victorious as he reached around and grabbed the slut by her big tits as he gave her a few more strokes of his massive member as it softened. That his fingers touched another man’s seed didn’t bother him as just enjoyed the moment of taking the slut.

I don’t know about you baby, but that was a good fuck! Maybe we should have the little dick guy come by more often and watch.
April sighed, she was loaded with seed, her big breasts groped as she felt Mike soften deep inside her. She was lying on his massive chest as she flet him slip out. Her mature body well used, she watched her husband leave, her life changed. She needed to clean up, she needed to get some rest, the boys would be home in a few hours. She was barely able to walk after the stiff pounding. She rubbed Mike's thigh as she pealed her small boody off the big man. making her way towards the shower, mumbling something about goodbye to him as she walked funny, as she always did after Mike
Mike of course being done, didn’t really have any other purpose for being there, so as his cock softened and shrank so did his interest. Finally, April slid down off of his chest and gave him a quick peck before mumbling something about getting cleaned up. Knowing it was over, and his immediate need nicely satisfied, Mike zipped up and let himself out. Soon enough the rumble of his bike could be heard as he pulled out of tranquil suburb and made his way back to the city.

Before Jason got home from school Doug her oldest son called his mother.

Hi mom! I’m going to be late getting home, seems Kelly wants to make sure that I appreciate her. You should have seen her face when she was cleaning your pussy off of my cock. I thought she was going to suck my balls right through the end of by dick. I think she hopes to prove just how good a piece of ass she is, I might even take some pictures for you. Would you like to see some pictures mom? So how’s it going, have you been good little slut today?
April was lying down still recovering from her hard pounding when she got a call from her son. She answered and talked to her son in a groggy haze, not forgetting how she had been unfaithful once again and this time in front of her betrothed.

"yes? No, I don't want.. You... You need to ... I think you need to be careful" she finally said before hanging up on her son. Still his mother and worried about his destructive behavior, even though she didn't really have room to talk about taking risks with your body.

She got up and decided she should dress before her son got home, realizing she had slept the afternoon away. She checked her hair and make up, once again looking at herself in the mirror, the changes in her body made her not even recognize herself. She went back to her room, looking in her closet, not sure anymore who she was or what she should wear, she pulled out several outfits before putting them back.

Looking over a pink skin tight lycra sheath dress, she thought to herself maybe she should go out and meet new people and forget about everything she was going through. Looking at the clock it was only 4:30, a bit early for that, she chuckled. Her mature slutty body unable to really seem to wrap her mind around what she used to do just a few short weeks ago
Jason hurried home, he’d seen his brother groping that one cheerleader he was often with, and from the looks of them they needed a cheap motel room someplace. Still Amy didn’t want to go out with him, and even with some of the confidence his mother had instilled in him; he didn’t know what to do. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone back to Amy, but she was so nice, and now so mean. What should he have done, what kind of girl would want him, and it was obvious his mother would know. She’d shown him what it felt like to be a man, she could show him how he could get a girl, and what kind of girl he should be with.

So with amazing speed he peddled his bike home, his young toned body flexing as he made excellent time. Hopping over curbs, and sailing around corners, his backpack swinging back and forth on his back as he headed home. The bike came skidding to a stop as he pulled into the driveway, and hopped off, letting it rest against the side of the house. Flying through the door he yelled out a greeting to the most special woman in his life.

Mom I’m home!

So when his mom came from around the corner, he couldn’t help but gasp, she was so… sexy. Before he would have turned his eyes and looked the other way, but this time they just drunk in the gorgeously arousing look of his mother.

Wow mom you look great! So who are you all dressed up for?
APril couldn't help but grin at her son's reaction to her tight slutty dress. She knew she turned him on, she knew that after he had pounded her withh his massive tool. She saw him stare and noticed the long thick shaft swell in his jeans. SHe closed her eyes, oh god, she couldn't take him again, he was so massive and after the pounding mike gave her earlier she was pretty tender down there.

She smiled. "I was thinking of going out later, your home early, you must have made record time" she joked as she leaned in to kiss his cheek, her red lipstick leaving a smudge, she felt his strong younghands go to her hips instinctively. She felt the grip tighten. She couldn't blame him, he was doing what was natural,a nd after she had let him take her, why would he think it wasn't going to happen again.

Her nipples were hard, and the outline of the peircings were visible under the tight low cut dress. She felt his hands pull her closer and she felt her heart beat faster as she looked up. "are you hungry?..for supper?" she added , knowing by his lust filled gaze he was hungry alright, and it wasn't for food. She felt her eyes look down, she couldn't hold his gaze, her submissive nature taking over, she felt her timid young son holdingher, she was even submissive to him, and he was far from domineering or demanding, at least usually.
Jason found it hard if impossible to pull his eyes away from his mother, and especially her bountiful chest, as they performed their ritualistic kiss and hug of mother and son, of course this time it was different, because it wasn’t just mother and son, but slut and horny teen. Yes a good breeze could get his dick hard, but the supple and warm flesh that pressed against him was more than enough to cause this reaction in his young body. Even with his t-shirt he could feel her hard pierced nipple pressing against him as she kissed him, it momentarily took his breath away. And like any growing adolescent young man he was always hungry, even if it was only food. For at this moment food wasn’t what he wanted. So his youthful muscled arms wrapped around and held her mature sexy body against his as he tried to say the right words.

I am hungry, but for you mom.

The fingers of his hands clenching a bit as he kept her tightly pressed against him, her massive chest pressing against him, as his erection, pressed against the thing fabric of her tight slutty dress. The musky masculine aroma of his sweat drenched t-shirt mixed with her clean perfumed body as he gazed down at his mother, her eyes looking downward. If he hadn’t already fucked her, he might not have done anything, but he was so horny and seeing her only compounded that, as he’d been thinking of her almost all the time since he’d become a man between her legs.

Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?

He was asking, and just doing that was pretty forward of him, but so to he was beginning to learn that if he didn’t ask, he wasn’t going to get. It was part of the maturity he was still learning, not totally realizing about domination and submission.
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