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Spiraling Downward (Tyr & aprilmay1965)

The boy almost a man was unsure, wondering if he should continue or not, it felt so good, and she wasn’t telling him to stop. An obvious case of it was better to ask forgiveness than permission. His adolescent body met his mother’s body in a carnal dance of lust, his young hard cock pushing its way into her tight embrace, her love and acceptance the very thing he needed to become a confident man. The ache of need filled him as he began to fuck his mother with greater speed and ferocity. None of his actions had the anger or meanness that his brother’s had had, but instead was just a natural reaction to what he felt, he and his mother wanted. Where his older brother had a vast amount of more experience and saw their mother for what she was, and could see and hear the telltale signs of her impending orgasm, Jason didn’t so he just continued not knowing what was going to happen to her and even himself.

The thick young man's meat glistening and dripping in his mother’s juice or carnal arousal, as he vigorously fucked her. Jason didn’t know better, and felt he was closer to his mother than he’d ever been, his eyes hazed over in the lust of the moment. His young hands continued to massage and kneed her bountiful breasts, just another thing he’d dreamed about for so long in his young life. The smacking sound continuing as their bodies met in this most forbidden of acts, his toned and firm body full of youthful enthusiasm, completely up to the task, hardly straining as such an endeavor. Jason didn’t understand the tingling or the pressure he was feeling as his complete attention was on portion of his anatomy driving in and out of his mother’s pussy. Only groans and grunts of pleasure were heard as he reveled in this life changing experience.
Gasping and clawing at the couch cushion, she was spread wide and being pounded hard by the thick shaft. She had never felt anything like this, she thought the huge hung guys had been hard on her pussy. Her innocent young son was tearing her up, he didn't even realize it as she gasped in moan, a combination of pleasure mixed with pain was rolling in her brain, she thought she might pass out, she couldn't even speak her breathing was a series of gasps and moans.

Her young son had moved over her and was pistoning his massive tool into her depths with a vigor only a young fit man could muster. Her body was being torn up and he gripped her big breasts in his young fists, squeezing them, gripping them, she knew he didn't even havea clue he was giving her such a thorough fucking. She was feeling like she would pass out, her pussy was on fire, stretched wide, his massive tool pounding into her womb. Her belly bloated each time he thrust deep, her face was red and covered in perspiration, mixed wiht his dripping on her mature body

She could feel him drive harder and deeper and knew he must be close, her eyes were rolling in her head, her back was arching as she felt him thrust in long hard thrusts, pulling out and slamming in hard, making her cry out with each thrust as he violated her inner walls, pushing instretching her to her limits, his thickness deep in the place he had came from, she felt like he was being born all over again, as her small mature body was pouned under him. the fact that she had been taken by three other guys that day made this even harder as she took her son deep over and over
Jason may have lacked the skill or experience that the other’s had, that had used his mother, but he made up for it with youth and enthusiasm. No matter how good it felt, and it did feel so good, but it felt right to, to be fucking his own mother. He didn't realize what was happening to him, what the tingling and rush of warmth through his body meant, he just accepted it as another wonder of sex. April was about to see something very few mothers ever saw, and that was her son becoming a man. He didn’t know to slow, or stop, or control, he just kept thrusting his young massive cock into her wanton and willing body. He was in the moment, and probably nothing would or could have stopped him, at his transitioned from boy to man.

Ohhhh mommmy!!!

It was all he could mumble as it happened. He didn’t know what to do, so he just continued to do what he’d done before, as his massive cock began to unload an equally massive load of virile seed deep into his mother. His young toned body shook and quivered as he experienced his first orgasm with a real woman, his virginity becoming a thing of the past. Again and again he buried his huge cock into her, its tips continuing to spew its potent load deep into her unprotected womb. The two massive balls that swung between his legs, feeding his bulging shaft more and more of cum to its blasting tip. Where older men would stop or slow, or even go soft, Jason had the advantage of youth and inexperience, as he just kept fucking her, his body not realizing it should stop. The large appendage buried in her body, stayed completely hard as he showed the one true advantage of his youth.
April lie spread open, her young son pounding into her stretched pussy, she felt him deep and hard inside her as he pounded her faster and harder, she bit her lip, the combination of his thick shaft and how hard he was taking her was starting to get painful, and she felt him swelling,s tretching her more.

She watched as he pushed deep and his face contorted, she could feel the warmth inside her pussy as he shot load after load into her. Releasing his virgin seed into her tight clenching pussy. She felt so much shoot in it was pumping around his thick shaft and he continued to thrust.

If April thought her ordeal with his massive shaft was over, she was shocked and had a surprise coming, as the young man seemed to continue even after he came, his hips moved faster as he powered into her, she was gasping and moaning, afraid she would pass out as he continued on, working his young body to another orgasm. Her pussy was so stretched and even with the copius amount of lubrication his seed provided she could feel her stretched lips getting raw and sore.

She was gasping and moaning as he continued to pound her. She had never been taken like that, at least that she could remember, he pounded her faster and due to his lust, had no consideration for what he was doing to his poor mother. He was working towards another orgasm and he didn't seem to notice that he was pounding her harder then ever, his sweat dripping on her as he moaned his love for her and pounded her continuously
Jason didn’t even notice the little streams of cum now draining from his mother’s cunt, her pussy completely full of cock and cum, so preoccupied with it as he just continued to fuck her. The sloppy combination of pussy juices and cum stuck to and coated his balls as they smacked into her, his massive shaft continuing its assault on her body, without him even knowing it proving its dominion over her. The animalistic lust, overcame his boyish charms, as he took his mother, as a man was meant to take a woman. The rational and innocent side gave into the sexual hunger that was pent up in every young adolescent male. His young chest rising and falling as his heart pounded his chest; the muscles of his body thrilling in the feeling, as the warm and wetness of her pussy took his manhood.

Oh mommy! Oh mommy!

Beneath him was the object of his love, the very woman who accepted him without hesitation, the woman who nurtured and raised him, and now was teaching him to be a man. Though his body was obviously full grown, and mature enough to demonstrate its ability to be a man, Jason was still innocent and naïve and still far from understanding the nature of some women, and especially the special role of sluts. What he saw beneath himself wasn’t a wanton slut as his brother had known, but a loving, caring very special mother. Jason’s eyes were still truly closed because his true education had just begun. Would his mother care enough to show him the things he needed to truly be a man, or would she shun her responsibility and let him flounder though his remaining youth part way between boy and man?

Mommy my … you know penis feels so good in... you know … it.

The young man was unable or unsure of what he should say as he fucked her.
Gasping and gripping at her son as he pounded her fast and hard, his massive shaft pounded deep into ehr pussy. She was moaning and crying out, he thrust deep over ando ver. she felt him deep inside her. Her pusy stretched wide, her big breasts bounced and her body pounded as she felt him push deep into her over and over. "she was gasping, "i ..I know..know.. easy .. don't .. it's ok.. slow ahhh" she tried to help him, unsure if her heard her or not as he pounded her over and over his massive tool keeping her pussy stretched so wide open.
Jason was in the moment, his life forever changed, his body just doing what felt so right. Since he’d just spewed his massive load into his mother, he was in no jeopardy, of going off right again. So he fucked her as he thought he should, till his mother said something about slow. At first he wasn’t sure, but then he thought he might be doing something wrong, and grew concerned. So he quickly slowed his enthusiastic thrusting, to deep long thrusts, letting his monster cock ply almost completely in and out of his mother’ pussy.

I can go slower mommy, is that okay? Am I doing it in okay mommy?

Jason’s words still timid and lacking the vocabulary that his brother might have used. His youthful firm buttock rose and fell as it directed his anything but boyish cock. The young man showing his athleticism and conditioning, as he enjoyed his mother’s forbidden fruits. With the pace slowed, Jason caught his second wind, and realized that there was something, he’d been dreaming about for the last few years, and only now might be possible. So with a whole bunch of courage he asked his mother.

Can I… do you mind… you know … letting me see your boobies.
Legs spread wide, she felt him slow giving her poor pussy releif. She was moaning and gaspin as she was pumped full of the thick shaft he pumped into her, and she felt her body respond. She moved her hips agaisnt him, her clit rubbing his shaft, she rapidly pulled her big breasts out, letting her young son see her, as she moaned, Her Orgasm was intense adn loud as she cried out, feeling her wettness wash over her son. She moaned and squirmed, she was gasping and crying out, her head spinning, her eyes rolled in her head as she felt him continue to pump into her, she felt the world going black as she jerked and writhed, passing out from the intesne pleasure. She was gasping for breath, covered in sweat and looking like the slut she was as her son stared down at her in disbelief.
His mother didn’t respond with any words, but the groans and moans made him feel less nervous as she seemed to be enjoying it. Only when he slowed did he realize that he wasn’t just fucking her, but his mother was fucking him back, her hips moving to get the most from each slow deep thrust. Even though he would have thought going slower wouldn’t feel as good, it did, he was getting to feel her reactions, and hear the sounds of her body as it responded to his.

His eyes bulged as his mom, didn’t just say it was okay to see her breasts, but she yanked them out for him, the amazing mounds of flesh mesmerizing as he gazed upon one on his primary adolescent fantasies. What broke him from his captive attention was his mother, writhing beneath him, her body shaking and quivering as an orgasm tore through it. Jason at first was stunned, and just stared not sure what he should do. Had he done that to her, was she going to be all right?

Mommy are you okay?

The naivety that came from the young man’s mouth, whose young hard cock was buried in his mother. That she was impaled on his turgid length, his hands now reaching out and playing with her exposed tits. Did he see or realize that his mother was a slut; no he just didn’t know or understand those kinds of things yet?
The huge thick shaft pumping into her as she orgasmed over and over. She was crying out, nodding she was Ok, she was feeling her pussy pounded, her body taken by her son. Her mind was reeling, she knew he was confused, she felt guilty, she felt like she was the worst mother in the world, she was only there for the pleasure of men, and for her own sexual desires. She felt her eyes tearing, she was having orgasm after orgasm as he pumped away and she was doing nothing but letting it happen, even encouraging it. Her head was spinning she felt her young son thrusting over and over, her pussy was on fire, she felt like it would split open.
With great relief his mother nodded that she was okay, her body still shaking and shivering. Never before in his short life had he felt so good or strong as he did between his mother’s legs, and his young manhood buried in her. Still he gives her a moment of respite as his head leans down and begins to suckle at her tit. His young hard massive cock still buried in his slutty mother, Jason began to suck on one of the nipple of her big breast. He’d always been fascinated by her bountiful mounds, and now faced with them, finding them impossible to ignore, and his need too strong, he begins to almost nurse. There was a soothing comforting and relaxing, as holds one of her big tits between his hands and attempts to feed. The normal most intimate moment a mother normally shared with her son, now matched with the most intimate moment a man shared with a woman. His young toned hips slowly rotating as he softly continued to fuck his own mother. Though he’d technically no longer a boy, when he’d filled her pussy full of his virile seed, he wasn’t yet really a man, his education only just beginning.
Gasping as her peirced nipple was sucked, her sensitive nipples, mixed with her pussy stuffed full of his thick shaft, she pulled her legs up, crying out. Her orgasm intense as she felt her body squirm under him. her body was jerking and squirming as she spasmed. She felt the most intense orgasm she can remember.

She fetl her body pounded continually as he pumped his young hips, driving his massive tool into her over and over. She felt her body continue to orgasm, as he seemed oblivious to her plight. She was gasping, feeling her heart pound, she could hear her heart beating in her ears, hear her own breathing, as she arched her back, her body continued to shudder, as he pumped and thurst, his mouth sucking as he squeezed her big breasts.
Jason tongue danced over and suckled at his mother pierced tit. As he had done with everything else, he approached it with youthful enthusiasm as he inhaled her tit and fucked her with his big young hard cock. There bodies were now merged as his young hard frame rested and moved upon her motherly softness. He felt it the tightness, the quivering and the shaking as her mature body shuddered in the throes of forbidden pleasure. Jason recognized even with his inexperience that he was giving his mother pleasure, and that she was taking joy in their union. No he didn’t see his mother for what she was, or even the eagerness in which her body desired his illicit touch, these were outside the scope of his experience, he just knew his mother was happy and that was good enough for him.

Oh mommy you make me so happy! I love you mommy! I can feel it mommy.

Jason said, as this time he realized the feeling of his own impending orgasm. That sensation of tightness and tingling was now something not to be scared of, but something to enjoy. The closeness and love he felt, made Jason knew that he could never go back, that he would always desire and seek this intimacy. Even though his cock was still covered in her juices and the ample load he’d already filled her slutty cunt with, he feared that maybe he shouldn’t do that again.

Should I pull out mommy?
April's gasps filled the room, her young son was pounding her with his massive tool, she had never imagined anything like this, let alone he had grown to such proportions. She was moaning and crying out when she flet him twitching inside her. He was so huge she knew she was moments from another orgasm.

"yes, baby, yes, pull it out, I'll help you" she said as she felt her pussy emptied, teh cold air rushed inside her as her gapping pussy was exposed to the air. She momentarily stared at his throbbing manhood. She got down quickly, pulling it to her mouth, sucking the tip of the head as she stroked him, load after load shooting down her throat.

She had her motherly round ass in the air. Her mouth bloated and emptied as she drank down her son's seed. She wondered when she had last eaten as she had sucked off so many guys lately. She was such a slut, her mind realed, she was trying to understand what had happen to her, her body was taught and thin, her breasts huge, her nipples long and hard, she had become every man's dream, a thin busty blonde slut.

She felt her son finally grow soft as she cleaned him off before hoarsely whispering. "you should get some sleep" as she leaned back against the sofa, her body exhausted. She watched him smiling as he bounced off to bed, happy and feeling on top of the world as any teen would after getting laid.

She slowly crawled toward the edge of the sofa and worked herself to a standing position, her body sore, she made her way to the stairs and walked up the stairs, she had her legs parted, she was sure it was comical the way she walked now, but she found it anything but funny that she was sore and used thoroughly. Her soul purpose in life seemed to now be to pleasure men, any men who wanted it.
Jason’s eyes were wide open and amazed as his mother took his manhood in her hands and brought it up to her mouth. Both of her hands moved up and down his massive length, as he came, her hands milking him, her mouth feeding on his man seed. Where once he fed at her breast for love and nutrients, now it was reversed and his mother swallowed what she now needed for sustenance, for a true slut would starve without her belly regularly filled with cum. There he sat over her, a knee on each side as her mouth cleans his softening appendage, till finally she recommended that he get some sleep. Jason nodded his head, his whole body tingling at what had been to that point the greatest experience of his life.

Sure mommy!

He gave his mother on the cheek as he would any night before going to sleep, not considering that their relationship had changed forever. So with a bounce in his steps he headed off to bed a large smile affixed to his face. He was the happiest boy, now man in the world as he headed for his room.

Jason fell asleep long before Doug came back, as he was out till the wee hours of the morning enjoying all the things a young hard man could get. So it was Pete who came home next. A quick glance around the house as he put his briefcase down showed that it wasn’t in its usual state of tidiness that he preferred and expected from his wife. The day had already been long, so he gave a disapproving grumble as he head upstairs to their bedroom. He was surprised to hear the shower running as his wife was obviously getting cleaned up. Taking off his dress shoes, dress shirt and slacks, he began to get ready himself for bed, when he spied on the dresser a small bag from the local pharmacy. Normally he might not have looked, but he was concerned that April might be ill, and as they had talked very little of late. So while he waited for his turn in the bathroom, he checked out the small back and was shocked to discover it contained birth control, something that he had forbidden her to take as it was against their religion. So just in his underwear and t-shirt he stormed into the bathroom to confront her, while holding the evidence in his hand.

What is this?!
April heard the door slam open, her eyes wide, she pulled back the glass door to the shower, looking out. Her husband's face was red, he was angry, it was obvious, she was exhausted, she felt confused till she saw the pharmacy package in his hand. How could she be so stupid to keep it in the open.

"I.. they're for, I mean I needed them too.. hormone medicine" she was struggling for an answer when he did the unthinkable to her. She watched as he emptied the pills down the toilet. Her only protection against the seed that filled her daily anymore was flushed away.

She stood there, exposed, her peirced nipples and clit, her tattoo'd back, her slutty body foreign to her husband. He stared, as he saw red, she wasn't sure if he really saw her and her body or not, the door finallly slammed after he lectured her for what seemed like hours. She dressed in her nightie and crawled into bed. Her husband wasn't in bed when she climbed in, she knew he was angry and probably slept on the couch.

Despite her exhaustion, she had a bit of trouble falling asleep, when she did she slept hard, she slept through her alarm and into the mid morning. She awoke, her pussy aching and sore from the time with her son and others, her ass stretched and sore from her other son, she moved her aching body from the bed. Crawling into a warm bath, she soaked till she felt a bit better. She fixed her hair and make up and went out to her bedroom, the slutty clothes Mike had bought her were in her drawer and closet, she thought about putting them on, the day ahead could turn out to be a day like the one before, or no one could show up, of course her son't would be there after school, and she knew it would be difficult to look at them let alone not submit to their desires.
Pete had expected better of his beloved wife, but the woman standing there in the shower trying to give him excuses wasn’t the good god fearing woman he’d married. The sheer disappointment in her poor behavior and recent lack of attention to her proper station had been of serious contention between them. So he verbally admonished her, and further voiced his displeasure in clear and excruciating detail, till finally he left her standing there staring at him. With her most recent mistake flushed down the toilet, he expounded on the fact that she knew better and she wasn’t to do this again. Finally, the couch seemed like a more logical location to sleep then next to his disobedient and disrespectful wife.

A few hours later Doug came home saw his dad on the couch and smiled, figuring his parent had another argument. He was almost going to go upstairs and play with his mother some more, but his dick was worn out, and sleep sounded like a much better idea at the moment, he had more than enough time later to get some action from his cock-loving mother.

Everyone was up and off as was typical in the morning. Pete again explaining that he had important business at the office, and would most likely be coming home late. Jason glowed and smiled at his mother even blushing what she said various morning pleasantries. Where Doug just had that knowing smirk, as he watched his mother perform her little acting job as the domestic goddess, when he knew for a fact that under that rather average sundress was a real slut. Pete was out the door first, grabbing his brief case and was quickly followed by Jason who like today, still rode his bike to school. Both Pete and Jason giving her a peck on the cheek before they departed. Doug purposely hung back a moment as he waited for his ride to arrive. Where the others had picked up their dishes and put them in the sink, Doug left his on the table for her to do, and stood up moving towards her.

I see you didn’t give any to dad last night, good for you.

Doug of course figuring she had followed his instructions, and denied his father any of her body. He of course hadn’t thought that she had offered it up to his younger brother as he moved to close the distance between them.

So have you been thinking about my cock mom?
"please, Doug, it was a long night and yesterday, well, you made me sore, lets not, not right now, ok?"
she said, feeling her strong young son tower over her. His strong athletic body and big hard shaft able to do what he pleased, she knew if she started she would get another orgasm from him, but it would be painful after her pussy and ass being stretched by her boys yesterday.

She felt him press up to her, his strong body against her curvy motherly body. Her big breasts right up against his stomach, his hard member bulging in his pants against her stomach. She felt her breathing grow harder, her heart beat rapidly under her dress. "please, no" she whispered as his hands reached out for her, her face grimaced as she felt her body respond once again to his touch.
Oh poor little mommy slut is sore, she’s not used to getting her fucking holes stuffed with big cock. Let me rub it and make it feel better.

The tone and style of his speech was condescending and patronizing, as Doug moved in and let his hand rub his mother’s pussy through her dress. He ignored her pleas for what she wanted was irrelevant, and more than likely were nothing but convenient lies. Almost every slut he’d ever fucked would deny and fight what they were, but take control of them and they couldn’t help themselves. If they suffered from poor self esteem or had some moral quandary was irrelevant to him, for the result he wanted were all that mattered. Doug's fingers pushed into her dress, aggressively rubbing her as he took her into his strong young arms. Her pathetic whining was going to come to a quick end if she did as he expected. A real slut didn’t want to say “no”, it fucking couldn’t say “no”, the very act was the antithesis of its being.

Who said I was going to fuck you? Plus, I have a sexy little cheerleader, who will be bent over grabbing her ankles begging me to stick it in her at lunch time.

The one hand continued to rub her sensitive pussy through her dress as the other reached up and groped one of her big tits. Doug treated her as nothing more than a convenient fuck toy, and obviously had no problem letting her know how little he thought of her as a person. Instead he just commanded her to do what he wanted instead of asking.

Now get on your knees slut, and suck my cock. You don’t want your boy going to school with his dick all hard, do you? Especially if you haven’t had your morning dick juice for breakfast. And I bet your hungry.
April was breathing hard as her son started rubbing her pussy. She was responding despite her soreness, his words cut deep to her psyche as she felt him touch her, making her aroused despite her disgust with herself and what she was turning into. She was nothing more than a sexual being for men's pleasure.

Her body squirmed under his ministrations as she found herself on her knees sucking her son's massive tool, her body so aroused she wanted to orgasm, but contented herself to pleasure her son, working his massive tool into her throat.
Doug just stood there over his mother, as she fell to her knees and took his tool out of his pants. The need in her eyes clear as she quickly began to suck on his cock, never once voicing a moment of regret or unwillingness. He gazed down a smirk on her face, never once showing her any respect as a woman or as his mother, for the slut deserved neither. Her mature lips stretched around his length and gobbled his veined dick, the head first and then his length as she worked it into her mouth.

Suck that cock mom! Show me what cum hungry slut you really are!

Doug made no effort to pleasure her or show any compassion, as he simply used her as a convenient cum dump for his morning wood. His pants and around his ankles as he grabbed her head, and helped shove even more of his teenage cock into her face.

Come on suck it you fucking slut!

Even now she would taste the first signs of his nectar, as the precum began to ooze from his cock, the musty scent of the young man’s cock filling her nostrils as he pushed more of it in.
April's mouth was stretched open, she was kneeling, her head bobbing,s he felt his hips thrusting his massive shaft into her throat, as she was used for his pleasure. She felt him thrusting as he gripped her head, using her for his pleasure, her big breasts swaying as she knelt ont he floor, a receptical for her son, she was aroused, her clit throbbed with the peircing, her nipples were hard and more sensitive from the peircings, she felt her son leaking his seed into her. She started swallowing over and over as he throbbed soon to empty his massive load into her and leave her unsatisfied and used. Keeping her the slut he had determined she was.
Doug’s mother was gobbling down his cock like the hungry slut she was. No need to try to get a quickie blowjob in the car before school from some bitch, now he had his mother to take care of him, and one slut was as good as any other, as long as he got to dump his load someplace, better then using his hand.

Come on you stupid cunt, suck that fucking cock, I don’t have all day. Shit I’m going to be late for school.

The way he treated her, made it clear what their new relationship was going to be like, and what he thought and expected of her. The sound of a honking horn could be heard as Tyrone arrived and was signaling Doug to come out. So to expedite things, Doug grabbed his mother’s head roughly and began to fuck her face, quickly picking up the pace so he wouldn’t last long. Not in the least concerned about how his mother felt about it, he hammered her face, balls deep as he took her hard and fast. The goal wasn’t to last or to drag this out, it was simply to get off, as quickly as possible, and Doug worked at it, as the pressure built and built.

Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah! You want that load of cum, you fucking cum addict. You want your son to fill your belly and mouth full of cum. Open wide slut, here it comes….
April felt her son grip her hair, he was pounding her face, her lips were stretched and bruised, she had been through so much the last few days she thought she could never want sex again, and now she found herself aroused by her treatment.

Feeling him drive into her throat, her jaw ached, her eyes watered, and her throat felt raw as he worked himself to orgasm. The horn let her know her son's ride was here as he worked his orgasm to the point of release. she flet load after load empty into her throat. She was gasping for air as he emptied into her, leaving her lying on the floor, leaning against the wall as he left, not bothering to even help her up or say anything.

April went upstairs after sitting there for a while, she was feeling used and sore, horny and confused how she got to this point in her life. She no longer looked like a mother and wife, and church going family member. She looked slutty as she looked over her form in the mirror, she was thinner, her breasts were still big, but her nipples stood out constantly now, the gold rings making them more sensitive.

Her pussy looked red and her pussy lips hung lower and darker, the back tattoo just added to her slutty look and made the tramp stamp mean just that. She climbed in the shower, cleaning herself, her sore pussy and ass and throat reminding her of the cum she had taken, the pleasure she had given men and been given.

She was feeling better after showering and shaving her body. She got out of the shower, fixed her hair and make up and made her way to her bedroom. Sitting on the bed, she was confused, she was used to dressing slutty for guys by now, and didn't know what she should wear. The pills were gone, could she go get more? Was it worth it, what would her husband do? Did she care?

She sat there, for a long time before slipping on a black silk short slip and put on some fishnet stockings and heels, if she was a slut she might as well look it, evne though she wasn't going anywhere today. She looked at herself, knowing she looked hot, and slutty for her age. She made her way downstairs, thinking a quiet day reading and relaxing was in order, and of course there was laundry to do.
Doug pumped his ample load into his mother’s mouth and throat till there was nothing more than a slimy ooze dripping from the tip of his spent cock. He just pushed her off of his cock, as his immediate need for her was done. The normal and past pleasantries gone, as their relationship had taken this new direction. He might have stood there and demanded she clean his cock, but he wanted that cheerleader to taste his dirty cock, so she would know too she had competition. Nothing made a slut work harder than if she thought another slut might be going after her favorite cock. Thinking on this, Doug figured he might just have to reciprocate sometime, and bring home a nice well-used cock for his mother to clean, just so she knew she had competition.

Out the door he was still zipping up, his friend Tyrone smiling already giving him shit about taking too long. Tyrone of course suspecting exactly what caused that delay. It wasn’t like he didn’t get a little service at home himself, so what Doug was up to didn’t bother him in the least, because it was always bros before hoes.

As April began to accept her new station and role in life, the other men who had so taken over and transformed her failed to call or come by. So for a moment she had a break, no one came to call or asked her to come over, which may have been a relief or not, depending on her growing addiction.
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