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Spiraling Downward (Tyr & aprilmay1965)

"oh honey, any girl, girls like them like that, it's just young girls aren't ready to deal with it yet, I mean it's not really huge, it's just big like ... well it's big and girls like it, lets leave it with that?" He said, feeling him holding her close. She was feeling his hard body holding her, his body so hard and young.

She was starting to wonder if she he was really that big, he didn't seem to be huge, but she could be wrong. "I love you and wnat you to be happy, so you just trust me ok?" she smilled, I wouldn't lead you astray, would I?" she smiled again, feeling him hold her tighter, her breatss against his face, maing her feel damp as she realized she was aroused by the talk
I trust you mom, but… you know I don’t know.

The innocence and pain continued as he looked to his mother for guidance. Jason’s self worth and self esteem tattered by the young woman's rejection. His mind was a whirl and he was having trouble thinking as he tried to calm down, his breathing ragged, his palms clammy. Jason also found his mother’s ample breasts a distraction, as they were so sexy and beautiful. One of the reasons he'd been so attracted to Amy was she had breasts like his mother, obviously not as big, but getting there. So he leaned his head against her chest as he spoke, nestling it in, as he continued to speak to his fears and trepidations.

What am I supposed to do mommy? It aches and if no girl my age wants me, what kind of girl does?

Jason didn’t want to say it, but he wanted a woman like his mother, a good caring woman, not one of those floozies that his brother fucked. It just didn’t seem possible that he was ever going to happen now.
"oh honey, I know, I know it has to be hard, but women will wnat you more than you know" she said, pulling him too her as she leaned back on the couch, his facea gainst her breasts, his body over hers, as she stroked his head, his hard thick shaft against her thighs. She closed her eyes,enjoying the closeness, She wanted her son to feel better no matter what else happened.

"i'm sure, honey, it will fit in any woman, and she'll be very happy" she said, her voice sounded raspy and different, and even her young son would hear it in her voice. She stroked his head and back as he lie against her. Her heart pounding under her big breasts.
The supple cushion of her breasts and the soothing stroking of her hand through his hair, where calming his fears, as his mother told him everything would be okay, as she had done some many times over his childhood, but so too these very same things were causing his young innocent body to become even more aroused, his length continuing to grow in his pant leg.

But mommy what if it won’t fit. I don’t even know what I’m doing. Doug knows how to make girls happy, but I don’t know anything.

His young arms reach out and held her tight, fearful that she too would leave him, and he would be alone. A scared and frightened boy, so yearning to be a man, Jason huddled against his mother. The smell of his mother, the smell of a woman, only adding to his discomfort and confusion.
"honey, it will fit, I promise you, it will fit, no matter how big it is." She felt him swelling against her, she moved her leg, his thickness throbbing. Oh god, this was too close, she wanted to help him, to make him feel better. She stroked his back. "try it and see" she whispered, almost hoping he didn't hear her. Her legs spread, no panties on under her skirt she was wanting to feel him in her, her pusy was already feeling aroused even after being taken so many times that day. She closed her eyes, letting her arms fall to her sides, her son gripping her body tight to him.
His mother continued to promise him that girls would want a young man with his endowment, that that it would work, which he wasn’t sure of. Sure he’d heard that some guys had bigger ones, but what he’d seen of other boys, his was quite a bit larger. Still what young girl would have the experience or want to be with him? He might not have heard the words if his ear wasn’t plastered against her breasts, and yet he didn’t really understand them, nor were her subtle movements totally registering with his innocent inexperienced mind.

I don’t understand try and see what mommy?

The words were so innocent as he sat with her on the couch. His young toned body pressing against her, his manhood filling his pant leg, as he looked to his mother for guidance and acceptance. She was always there for him, helping him through all of his problems.
She knew it was out there, she knew he probably knew what she meant. "ok, I'll let you put it in me to see if it fits, but that's all ok? we can't, actually do it, right?" she said as he lie against her. His head on her breast, his body on hers, her legs parted as he was in between her spread thighs, it wouldn't take much for him to put it in her.

She saw him look up at her, his confusion and excitement, she swallowed hard, closing her eyes, what was she doing, she thought to herself. Then ratinoalized it by thinking since she's already let Doug in her ass, why not this one too. She felt so ashamed, such a slut, and so wet.
The words his mom had whispered seemed impossible, but now she made it clear, and it both shocked and aroused him. It shouldn’t have, but he was too innocent and naive to understand the changes that were coming over her. She was still the mother that was there for him and helped him with all of his problems. That he secretly desired her, and only looked to women who seemed have the same characteristics as her was both a conscious and unconscious decision, one he didn’t even himself fully understand. Still his desire for his mother was unquestionable, and now she was offering herself.

You don’t have too mommy, I don’t want to hurt you.

His concern for her even now overriding the lust he felt. He naturally pulled back and looked down at his own pants and the thing that was filling them, afraid once she saw it, she too would flee and reject him.
''oh god, your my sweet boy, I know you won't hurt me, it's ok" she said, she had no idea how big it was, but it wasn't any longer than she had already had she was sure of it. Her heart was pounding, she felt lust mixed with her concern for her youngest son. She was spread now, completely open, she could smell her lust, the room was filled with sexual tension, her young so was so aroused, she couldn't believe he was even hesitating. She nodded to him. "it's ok, go ahead, you can see, it will fit." Her smile calmed his fears as it always had.

His eagerness might prove to be more than she was ready for, but she figured all she had been through this one small thing wasn't going to be a problem, and it would help her son, she kept telling herself she was trying to help her youngest.
Jason’s eyes were almost bulging as he watched his mother spread her legs and invite him to partake of her treasure. Not only were his mother’s leg opening up inviting him to have her, but she wasn't wearing any underwear and her motherly pussy was shaved smooth and pierced something that momentarily boggled his mind. Yet the woman smiling back at him saying it was okay was the same woman that had tended to the tears in his clothing, applied bandages when he fell down, and fed him when he was hungry. However the hunger that was welling up in him wasn’t towards the motherly person he knew, but the sexy mature woman that was provocatively enticing him to engage in a most inappropriate activity. A thing that any young boy would never tell his mother, but felt deep inside towards her, a natural lust for the maternal.

Wow, it’s so beautiful mommy. Can I touch it?

Even with the throbbing ache in his jeans and explicit permission he was still tentative, afraid that if he showed it or did something wrong, she’d slam her legs shut and it would all be over. Being inexperienced, he knew theoretically what he should do, but the practicalities of it frightened him because he didn’t want to mess up. His hand reaching out, but stopping short of actually touching his mother's wet pussy.
Gasping, she didn't know if her son was teasing her or playing a game. Her legs were spread, any other man would be pushing into her. She sighed, his fingers reaching out. Yes, you can touch it, but I really want to just show you it will fit. Her big breasts rose and fell, she was feeling aroused by this all of a sudden. She was ashamed of herself, but her body was responding, the young man in front of her was her son, yes, but also a man, and from what she knew, one with a huge hard cock. Her breathing started to come faster.
Jason with his mother’s implicit and explicit permission reached out and touched her wet pierced pussy. His boyish hand gently reaches between her splayed legs and grazes over wetness. The grim look on his face lightening as he began to smile, as he touched his first pussy.

Oh mommy its so beautiful.

Where his brother recognized the changes that had come over his mother, and saw her tattoo and piercing as just more proof of her sluthood, Jason just saw the most sexy woman alive, his mother. His smile almost beamed as he softly rubbed her and played with her pussy, not sure what he should do now, but enjoying doing just this, as no girl had ever let him touch their vagina before.

Oh mommy it’s so wet, and it… smells so nice.

The throbbing in his pants continued, but he was able to ignore it as his complete attention was on something he’d dreamed about for so long. Mesmerized, he just intently stared as his one hand rubbed the soft wetness beneath his young fingers. Obviously not experienced, he just rubbed happy that he was touching her. Jason’s other hand without even thinking came to rest on one of her ample mounds, steadying himself as he got his first clear unobstructed view and feel of a woman’s pussy.
April sat there, her wet pussy rubbed, her breast in her youngest son's hand, she was in shock by her own actions. This was crazy, he shouldn't be doing this, she should stop him, but, he would feel rejected, it might scar him further, she couldn't do that.

She felt his fingers rib over her pussy. Her big breasts squeezed by his young hand, this was crazy, she told herslef, her breathing coming harder. Her heart was pounding as he rubbed and felt her shaved peirced pussy. Exploring her, touching her, his curious teenage fingers eager to find more about a woman's body and here she sat spread like a whore, letting him do it.
Jason felt his fingers dampen as the moisture of his mother’s aroused pussy began to coat them. Fascinated by the softness that almost squished beneath his fingers as he lightly rubbed the very spot from which he had entered this world. His mother didn’t say stop, or tell him that he was doing it wrong, so he just continued, enjoying the feeling of the soft wet lips of her pussy and the hard metal ring piercing her. Finally he realized his hand was on her breast and that she hadn’t removed it, even though he’d been unconsciously squeezing it. And if there was anything about his mother, he’d been fascinated with the most it was her very large breasts. He also could feel something solid beneath her shirt and he thought he might know what it was.

Mommy is your nipple pierced too?

He said with some trepidation, not sure if he was crossing some line, even with his hand between her spread legs. Jason was at a focal point in his youth, the transition from boy to man, and his mother would have a great impact in just what kind of man he was to become.
April was quickly losing control, what started out as her trying to help her son as an act of kindness was quickly resulted in her body becoming once again that of the wanton slut she had become. Her hips were moving to his fingers and her moans and heavy breathing grew harder.

The finger toying with her nipple and peirced clit was doing it's work as she grew so aroused. "yes, it's pierced" she moaned, "now, you need to put your big dick in mommy's pussy" she moaned, her legs spread wide. Her body squirmed and humped his probing fingers
The tone of his mother’s voice made it seem to Jason that his mother wanted it almost as badly as he did, which didn’t seem logical too him, but he didn’t care at this point. So he leaves one of his youthful hands on one of her large breasts, kneading it as the other begins to work his belt and pants. Jason was still afraid his mother would panic or refuse him once she saw his cock, even though she said she wouldn’t.

I’ll get it out mommy; I’ll get it out for you.

Jason said wanting to make his mother happy. So with his pants opening, his hand reached in and worked to extract the thing coiling down his pant leg. The large slab of boy meat was far beyond what any boy should or would expect to have, as he pulled the thick snake like appendage that traced its way down his pant leg. Finally it sprung free looking almost dangerous as it points directly out from his youthful almost adolescent body. He looked at it, and back at her, afraid of what she would say, now that she saw just what kind of freak he was.
April was moaning, she watched as her youngest son pulled his massive shaft from his pants. Her big breast getting squeezed and ner hard nipple rubbed as he exposed himself. She was indeed impressed and intimidated by the thick shaft. She understood the young girls trepidation now as she looked at it, trying to hide any fear she had. It wasn't really any longer than she had been with before, she was sure, but the thickness was massive, and the length and thickness jutting out from his thing lithe body made it look even bigger.

She was gasping, moaning, Her legs propped open on either side of her son's hips, her wet pussy invitingly presented, She closed her eyes, breathing heavy, trying to relax her body so she could take it inside her. She nodded "i'm ready" as she lie spread open before him.
His mother was so perfect, so pretty, and so kind when she looked and didn’t turn away or mock him, just another reason why he loved her so much. Her invitation was clear, and one that no young heterosexual man could ignore. Jason wasn’t yet a man, but he could think of no other place than between his mother’s legs to become one. Jason moved a little closer, still unsure of himself, the tip of his thing already oozing his boy precum. He was a young man, but he didn’t know it or feel it, in his own mind he was still a kid that desperately wanted to be a man.

Oh mommy, I’m ready too.

He was so happy it wasn’t in the dark, so he could see what he was doing. Slowly he guided it ever closer, till the tip of nestled against her wetness. Oh he’d seen some porn, but this was different, his heart was pounding, as he got closer and closer to getting what his hormone-ridden body so desired. So close, it still didn’t look like it would fit, so he didn’t push right in like they did in the movies, but slowly tried to get a little more in, ready to pull out if it hurt his mother. Jason wasn’t experienced enough to see or realize his mother’s need and desire really were, for now in his eyes she was still his loving mother and not a wanton slut.
April gasped and moaned, feeling him push his thick head into ehr pussy. She was by no means tight anymore, but this was unreal, at least he hadn't wanted to follow his brother and put it in her ass. She felt him push more and more in, her pussy stretching as she moved. "there.. ahhh. see baby.. oooo.. it's fits" she gasped out, tryiing hard to keep smiling, even though in her own mind she did think her son was a freak, but in a good way, she pondered as she felt him push more. Her body winced and tensed as he pushed harder. "that's it, it fits" she grunted out, not wanting him to think it was hurting her.
Jason’s eyes only grew larger as he stared down at the most amazing sight of his short life, his mother’s pussy slowly enveloping his huge rock hard cock. It was so absorbed he didn’t notice his mother wince and tense up as he began to push more of her young hardness into her.

Oh mommy it’s going in!

Jason said with so much happiness in his voice. The veins of his massive appendage pulsed as they too disappeared between her wet petals. Most of the way in, he looked up at his mother, so happy and joyful, that he could be with a woman as a man. His big almost hairless balls, hang down finally dragging against the couch as he continued to push in. His cock lodged in her pussy, each of his hands naturally rests upon one of her big beautiful tits, gripping them for support.

ITS GOING IN! Its feels so good mommy!

The eagerness and happiness of his young sixteen years so clear.
Her breathing coming harder and in gasps, she held her legs up and apart to fit in the thickness. She was red faced and sweating by the time he pushed it in. Her body was trembling, her clit was pushed against his shaft by the thickness stretching her pussy lips thin.

She was moaning, gasping for air, it appeared to the young man she enjoyed it, and part of her did, and parts of her felt he might split her open. This was unreal. "s-see. honey.. ahh.. A. toll you it woo" she managed to get out.

She looked up into his eager face. She felt him holding her breasts, his fingers digging in slightly. "feel b-better.. noooooww" she gasped out as he pushed in and gave a thrust she thoguht would pop out her lower tummy. She swore she could actually see the outline of his hard cock in her abdomen.

She looked up nervous, hoping he was done, that he was satisfied "so your ok now?" she squeeked out as he pulled back and thrust her body jerking and convulsing, her hands and well manicured fingers pressing against his chest to keep him up and not pushing to deep or hard, as if that would have stopped him.
By some miracle as far as Jason was concerned, he was able to push the majority of his aching appendage into his mother’s warm wet embrace. The feeling was amazing as her mature pussy hugged and clenched his throbbing member. If it always felt like this he thought, it was no wonder his brother spent so much time getting between the various girls legs. He couldn’t imagine another place he ever want to be that could feel this good. The grip of his hands on her breasts only increased as her pussy stretched around his thickness, his eyes almost glassy as he groaned in pleasure, never wanting to have this end.

Ohhhh it’s so good mommy!

Jason was unsure what he should do, her hands felt so good on his smooth firm nearly hairless chest. He finally broke from staring at her pussy stretch around the hilt of his manhood, and brought his eyes up to look at his loving mother. His young eyes filled with a combination of love and lust for his mother, as he stared into her eyes sharing these raw emotions. Without even thinking his hips begin to rotate, pulling just a portion of monster thickness partially from her stuffed pussy.

Can I … you know… just a few times?

Afraid she might want him to take it all out he pushes it back in, as he tries to form the words to ask his mother if he could fuck her a few times. It was a lot to ask, but it just felt so good, and he really wanted to try fucking.
April was gasping, she could feel the thick shaft pushed deep inside her, grinding against her peirced sensitive clit, she was moaning and trying to maintain composure. She could feel him toy with her breasts. Her back arched slightly, her legs spread wide. "ok, you can.. ahh. push a couple of times I guess" she said, as she saw him grin, his hips pulled back, she grimaced, knowing it would hurt a bit, and also feel so wonderful.

She felt him slide out till the tip was at her entrance before pushing in hard, her back arched as she gasped, she felt him clamp down on her breasts, as he started, her body shaking as he pumped into her.
Jason was almost beyond himself in joy, when his mother agreed to let him fuck her a few times with his bulging cock. The boyish looking young man began to apply his throbbing tool to his mother’s incredibly wet hole. The small piece of jewelry glints as it moves with the thrusting motion of his thick appendage. His firm buttocks tighten as his hips undulate, the motion and action coming to him instinctually as he begins to truly experience his first woman. Jason didn’t know more than any other young inexperienced adolescent did of what was truly expected of him, and so he just went with what felt good, and fucking his mother felt oh so good.

Oh mommy, you’re the best mommy ever.

Jason half rasped out in joy as his huge young cock began to thrust in and out of his mother, his large bloated nuts coming to rest against the base of her pussy. Even if inexperienced, instinct played a great role as his body began to set a rhythm as he began to take his mother as a man would any woman.
Gasping and crying out, she found his massive tool driving into her over and over, it became a steady pounding rythm as he thrust over and over, her pussy stretched wide, her tummy bulged as she felt him push so deep he was fully inside her. "oh god, ahhhhh" she was close to orgasm already, his massive tool pressing to her clit, he had thrust beyond a few times, and seemd to lever himself up over her to pound down faster, his male instinct taking over as he thrust fast and hard.

Her eyes wide, she held her legs open for him, closing her eyes, she felt her pussy clench around him. She was close to orgasm and her pain was now more pleasure, as she felt him drive hard and deep. Her hips ground pushing for release,
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