Jugger x Grendel

It seemed like an awkward trek along as they headed for their destination. "So uh...anyone hear a funny joke or have something interesting to talk about?" He said as he tried to make conversation with the two of them.
"Well...Not a joke but, I heard something interesting if you want to hear it." Though inside his mind, he was saying this: "Crap! You had to say something! Think of something Nathan quickly!"
Tenten smiled back at him, starting to wake up and become less moody. Ino still ignored him.

"Well? What is it?" Tenten asked.
"Er...well...you ever wonder why the...cherry blossoms become white when they bloom, rather than the lush pink they are while budding?"

Seriously think of something because you're an idiot! Gah, what to say why....why would it be like that...?! He said in his head yet again.
"U-Uh...well they say, the cherry blossom turns white when it blooms because...it...its supposedly suppose to signal the birth of a newborn pure child. Though, if a cherry blossom blooms a color, its said a child will be born with a corrupt heart."
"Oh. Well, that's kinda stupid, don't you think?" Tenten replied. Ino continued walking, shaking her head. This conversation was getting stupider by the moment.
"Just trying to make conversation with you girls." He said shrugging as he continued to walk on. It would still be a while before they'd reach the Mist Village where they had to protect the bridge builder while he started on his project.
Walking along, Ino saw they were passing several interesting herbs. She stopped several times to pick some, tucking them into the pouches at her side. With the right combination, she would be sure to get back at Nathan for his stunt last night, suddenly glad neither of the two with her knew a thing about plants.
Nathan didn't notice Ino grab the herbs as he kept on trying to make conversation with Tenten. "Cmon Tenten, there's gotta be something to get you chatting about...hm....ah, you know what I hate? I hate it when people think er..." Sensei please don't fail me now, please tell me this is the same Tenten that you trained. "I hate it when people think that girls are all talk and have nothing to show for it you know? They're just as good as guys, take you for example."
Tenten nearly stopped in her tracks. She turned, smiling. "You know what, I think I like you. Really, who's to say that men are better than women? A ninja is a ninja, male or female. They're trained the same way. Why does everyone always assume that men are going to be better than women? We're just as skilled, maybe more so. I'm faster than 95% of the people at that stupid academy."
"Really?" He said not knowing that she was that fast. He himself was one of the fastest in the academy even if he finished in a year after these two. "Interesting, I'd love to race you someday. I'm sure it'd become a great challenge." He said smiling to her, glad that he got on her good side now. I really should thank Kurenai the next time I see her haha...
Tenten smiled wide. "You betcha. And I never miss a mark. I have a 100/100 score at the academy." Her chest puffed up with pride.
"W-What..." He said not believing her. She couldn't possibly have made a perfect score on the final exam of the academy. "How? I...that test was nearly impossible! You must've cheated or something." He said teasingly to her.
"C-Calm down, I was just choking Tenten." He said with his hands slightly in the air like he was at gunpoint. "So...how is it you made such a perfect score then?"
Tenten shrugged. "Lots of training, lightning quick reflexes, you know, the basics. Maybe if you actually applied yourself, in a few years, you might be able to do the same."
"Oh no, I doubt I'd ever be able to do the same or even as close you you Tenten. Haha, see, your smarts right there is a sure example that a woman can be better than a guy at something." He said smiling to her. He looked over at Ino. "You've been kind quiet back there Ino."
Tenten smiled. At least he was good at something- sucking up.

Ino straightened, trying to act nonchalant as Nathan spoke to her. "Nothing...I was just...admiring the plants. Very pretty. I didn't realize that some of these grew out here. It's uncharacteristic for their species."
Nathan raised an eyebrow as he looked at the plants, looking like ordinary ones that they'd seen for a while now. "Alright then..." He said shrugging. He looked up to the sky and saw it was getting dark now. "Should we set up camp or do you want to keep going? Its getting late."
Tenten yawned, still tired from being woken so early. "I vote we stop and put up for the night."

Ino nodded. "Yeah, whatever, I'm good."
"Alright then, cool." He said smiling as he took out the summon scroll for a tent. Upon summoning one, he yawned and smiled to the girls. "G'night you two, sleep well." He said as he crawled into the tent, actually falling asleep and still unaware of Ino's plans.
Ino and Tenten set up camp again, making a fire and preparing dinner. The conversation went on much as it had the previous night. Ino was scheming, trying to figure out how to put her plan into action.
Nathan still sleeps in bed, though he was dreaming about the night Ino and him had fooled around a bit in the river, giving him a small erection and a smirk as he slept.
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