Jugger x Grendel

She poked him in the shoulder with her foot. "That's...just how we act. And, let's face it, being the only male in the group, you're going to be singled out. When people look at us, they just see breasts. If you're going to be on this team, you need to be strong and confident, show people we really mean business. Even though Ino and I can kick all their asses, if we don't have a strong male lead, we'll just be put by the wayside."
"Yeah, but apparently I can't be a good leader without being an ass, which is usually against my nature. Look, believe me, I can definitely hold me own...I just wish you all had given me a chance to try anyway, though, I do get where you're coming from...truthfully thats basically all I saw when I saw you two walking down toward the gate." HE smiled and rose in the water some so that he could lean his elbows on the riverbank again. He looked at her and smiled. "So...how about we start off on the right foot this time huh? I'm Nathan Stone...and you are?"
Tenten smiled, rolling her eyes. "That's weak, man." She blushed, holding out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Tenten. It's nice to meet you."
"I may be weak in personality, but I'm pretty good amongst other things." He said smiling as he gently shook her hand, kissing the knuckle as a form of respect. "Well...I guess I should get dressed then. In case you haven't noticed...I'm a bit nude here and would've gotten out sooner but...well, I'm a nice guy haha."
Tenten blushed as his lips whispered over her knuckles. She'd never actually had someone kiss her hand before. It was kind of strange. "Oh! I didn't realize." She turned, grabbing up her sandals and heading back over to her wood pile. "I'll keep my back turned. Hurry and get dressed, we can go back to camp together."
Nathan smiled as he stood up from the water before beginning to get dressed. Once he was finished, he patted her on the shoulder as he smiled at her. "Red was a good color for you." He said as he went over to a fallen log. "Allow me to show you just how strong I really am." The log was not as big as the trees around, it was moreover a younger tree though larger than the branches she was carrying. He easily lifted it up over his shoulders, using his chakra to help him do so to enhance his muscles in the arm. "Tada."
Tenten smiled, gathering the firewood up in her arms as they headed back to camp. "That's such an awful waste of Chakra, but I'm sure Ino will be impressed."
"Eh...I guess." He said as he carried the log over to the campsite, dropping it down near the fire with a loud thud. Some birds could be heard flying from the branches they were roosted in, Nathan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
Ino had been sitting on the edge of the encampment, preparing a few rabbits and a snake to be cooked. She raised a brow, smiling slightly as she saw the two return to camp, the large log over Nathan's shoulder. "Well, well, color me impressed. You're certainly starting to pull your weight around here, little man."

Tenten set down her load, taking a few pieces to set up their campfire. Once it was in place, she lit it, fanning to keep the fire going while feeding it leaves and smaller twigs.
Nathan began to get to work on the log, easily cutting it to smaller pieces using one of this extra sharp throwing kunai. He took a few pieces and poured a bit of sake on it before dropping it into the fire which caused it to become large and bright. "A little sake always does the trick when it comes to fire haha."
Ino grabbed a long stick, skewering the snake on it and propping it next to the fire to cook. Picking up a few of the larger and more stable branches Tenten had brought back, she made a suitable spit to roast the rabbit on. "At least we won't go hungry."
"Yeah, good going blondie." He said as he sat down against the fire to dry off. His hair was still wet and his clothes slightly drenched from being put on when his body was still wet from water.
Ino threw him a dirty glance. "You better watch it, buster. And I have a name, you know. It's Ino, don't forget it!" She slowly turned the rabbits over the fire.

Tenten lay back, staring up at the stars as she listened to their bickering. When was this assignment going to end?
Smiling, Nathan nodded but took a mental note to her dirty glance to him. "I'll be sure to remember that then Ino." He said smiling before looking over to Tenten who seemed to be annoyed. "Hey Tenten...you alright?" He asked as he looked up to the sky to see the many stars as well.
Nathan shot her a slight worried look before turning to the fire. "Rabbits and Snakes for dinner, ha...smells good Ino." He said as he smelled the aroma of cooked meat. "I'm sure it tastes just as good, if not better...though, it has to be if it was cooked by you."
Ino raised a brow, not sure if he was being sincere or sarcastic. "Of course it's going to be great! I know all the best seasoning plants."
"Oh thats where I know you from. Yamanaka Florist Shop, I stop by every now and then for mulch for some flowers I bought from you all a while back, I saw you a few times before though I've never actually spoken to you. You looked like a real professional."
"Of course I do. I know everything there is to know about plants. I've studied medicine as well. I can make poultices and poisons. I even increased my chakra. I've studied this stuff since I was little. If anyone knows about it, it's going to be me." She squinted at him. "Though I don't seem to remember you coming into the shop. I guess it's because I only remember cute guys."
With a whistle his head dropped before he chuckled, his head still not rising for a bit until he stopped. "I guess I walked in on that little insult. Well Ino, I may not be what you want in your eyes, though...I'm pretty sure we can at least grow to become good friends before this assignment is over with.
Ino shrugged. "I guess so." She turned the rabbit again and checked on the snake, flipping it to cook the other side, the scales turning white and flaking.
Nathan looked at her then to Tenten. IT was too quiet, not enough to talk about or even do. Sighing, he looked at the two of them. "Hey...I'm gonna head in for the night. G'night girls." He said as he stood up and crawled into his tent. He began to wonder which one to go for, Tenten seemed nicer while Ino had that fireball attitude that most men like him liked. Shrugging, he laid there listening in case of gossip.
The two girls sat in relative silence until the food was done, Ino calling Tenten over. They quickly stripped the meat from the carcasses and split it between them.

"No, no, I'm on a diet." Ino complained, shoving off more food on Tenten. "How do you think Sasuke's doing? I bet he'd flip if he saw me now. Just a few more pounds and I'll be perfect. Eat your heart out, Sakura."

Tenten didn't complain as she was given a bigger portion, eating it with her fingers. "I really don't care. He's not my type."
Nathan listened in on them as they spoke about this 'Sasuke' person and types of boys they liked and didn't. He sighed, guessing he wasn't in either of the two's types. He still did not sleep however, he was still wide awake so he listened in, hoping they'd say something about him, even if it was more insult, just the fact they were pondering about their new teammate would be good enough for him.

"I thought Sakura was your friend, Ino." Tenten inquired.

Ino shrugged. "She is, but all's fair in love and war, especially when it comes to Sasuke."

They sat in silence for a while longer, finishing their dinner.

"Hey, what do you think about this Nathan guy?" Ino asked.

Tenten sat back, using a hand to prop her up. What did she think of Nathan? "Well....He's a nice guy, I suppose. We should probably stop giving him such a hard time." She pointed a thumb over her shoulder to the remainder of the log he had hauled. "And obviously he's not as wimpy as we thought."

Ino nodded and sighed. "I guess I can give him the benefit of the doubt, this time. That guy better come through or he's going to get it." She lay back, looking up at the trees as their leaves swished softly in the breeze. "He's no Sasuke, but at least he doesn't look like Rock Lee."
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