Jugger x Grendel


"Whoever that guy is." He mumbled silently to himself regarding the Rock Lee bit. Smiling though, that they actually were growing on him, he closed his eyes as he tried to rest...but dammit he still couldn't. He sat up in his tent and sighed as he listened to nature. "Why can't I sleep." He mumbled to himself as he continued to listen in on the girls since he had nothing else to do.
After they had finished their meals, they cleaned up and put out the fire, retiring to their respective tents.

"Goodnight Ino!"

"Night Tenten."
(Sorry my internet went out.)

Seeing they were going to bed, Nathan decided to go and finish his bath. Since he couldn't sleep anyway. He got up and headed for the river where he stripped down and got into the water, though he hung around the backside of the waterfall where no one could see him and where the water could hit him soft enough so that it didn't give him brain damage.
The night was too hot. Ino couldn't sleep in her tent, but neither could she sleep out under the stars, the bugs crawling over her and biting. Deciding she had better try to cool off, she followed the sounds of a nearby river. Coming to it, she knelt, feeling the cold water run over her outstretched hand. She quickly stripped of her clothing and jumped in, creating a little splashed. She sighed as she surfaced, letting the cold water penetrate her overheated body.
Nathan didn't hear the splash over the roar of the waterfall and the booming crash it made as it continued to flow into the river. Soon exiting from behind it, it took him a few seconds before he noticed Ino in the water and turned beet red.
Ino stood in the water in a more shallow area, coming up just below her buttocks. Unbeknownst to her, she was facing in Nathan's direction. She splashed herself with the cool water, then cupped her hands and slowly let the water drip through her fingers, trailing down her large breasts, over her torso, pooling into her navel before continuing down between her legs and back down to the stream from whence it came. She smiled, checking herself out. Her breasts were large and perky, her ass high and round, her torso and arms slender, her legs muscular.
"Oh...my god..." He said eyeing the blonde beaut before him. Looking down, he blushed madly to see he had erected. Natural instincts causing him to fly down into the water to hide it, though it was a stupid instinct because it caused him to splash water everywhere as he dove under.
Ino sank back into the water, looking around, trying to figure out in the dark where the loud splash had come from. Was it a peeping tom? Maybe a large animal? She wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to cover it as best she could. "Hello?" she called, a slight quiver in her voice. "Is someone there?"
Nathan had forgot to take a breath of air as he dove under. Wishing he had, he slowly made way toward the edge of the river bank but he brushed against her leg as he swam by silently.
Ino thought she had felt something against her leg. She whipped around, slipping on the slimy bottom of the river and fell under, sputtering. Flailing wildly, she surfaced several feet away. She wiped the water from her eyes and tucked her hair back behind her ears. She was probably just freaking herself out, decided. Afterall, it was very dark and this place could well be haunted. She decided to try and relax, letting herself float on her back, her breasts sticking well out of the water, nipples hard from the cold water.
grendelsblueichor said:
Ino thought she had felt something against her leg. She whipped around, slipping on the slimy bottom of the river and fell under, sputtering. Flailing wildly, she surfaced several feet away. She wiped the water from her eyes and tucked her hair back behind her ears. She was probably just freaking herself out, decided. Afterall, it was very dark and this place could well be haunted. She decided to try and relax, letting herself float on her back, her breasts sticking well out of the water, nipples hard from the cold water.

From her clumsy act, she landed on Nathan's head which crashed against a rock, KOing him as he slowly floated to the surface with a dazed look on his face. HE drifted down the river toward where she had surfaced and was floating until his head thumped hers in the water, the erection still there.
Startled once more by something knocking against her, Ino stood, the water now below her shoulders. She turned, seeing Nathan, naked and erected, seemingly unconscious. Blushing, she looked away as she shook him by the shoulders. "Nathan! Nathan, wake up. Are you alright? Nathan!"
Waking up, Nathan groaned as he sat up in the water so that his chest down was in the water. Looking over, he blushed as he saw a wet, naked Ino Yamanaka before him. "I-Ino!" He cried out, worried she'd attack him for being in the river with her. He turned around quickly. "S-Sorry! I was behind the waterfall when you came in!"
Nathan nodded as he began to climb out the river and get dressed. He turned to get one more look at her, thinking it might never happen again...but then he remembered. Ino wanted him to prove he was supposed to be strong, he'd do it. He began to strip down again before jumping back into the river next to Ino, splashing her.
Ino yelped, swallowing some of the water he splashed at her. "Why you! What do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to scram!" She turned, holding her breasts with one arm and splashing him back with the other.
Nathan chuckled as he splashed her back even if she was annoyed. "Oh come on Ino, have some fun! You never heard of skinny dipping before? Besides...I was here first, I think I should stay and you go...or rather we can both stay and things can get a little steamy."
Ino rolled her eyes. "As if that would happen. I'm going to chill out over here. You go over there and keep your hands to yourself." She turned away, waiting for him to leave.
Instead, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her a bit closer to him as he whispered into her ear. "You're the one who said I should start acting strongly...now I am by trying to tame this little beast." He said as his hand reached forward between her legs to start rubbing above her clitoris.
Ino shivered in surprise as she grabbed her hips and stuck his hand between her legs. She squirmed on his fingers, gasping. Breathlessly she said, "Stop. Nathan!"
"Why? Its obvious that you love it." He said pulling her closer so that the tip of his cock prodded her butt cheek, his hand moved down more so he was now pinching her clitoris lightly as he grinded it between his fingers.
Ino cried out as he pinched her clit. She felt her body heating up and her pussy tensing as if gasping for something inside it. "No!" Ino cried, unable to keep herself from grinding against his hand. She moaned, falling back against him as he stimulated her, driving her mad.
He quieted the girl as he moved her head to place his lips onto hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth like an eel. His continued to play with her clitoris until his hand moved downward some and began to finger her with two of his fingers.
Ino's eyes were half-lidded as she felt her head being tilted to the side, lips soft against hers as their tongues slid together. She moaned, pressing harder against his lips as she squirmed on top of his fingers. Feeling them slip inside, she cried out, her hands wrapping around his arm as if she wanted to pull it away, but didn't dare in fear of losing the sensations.
Smiling, he moved his arm to her shoulder where he lowered her into the water. "Just sit back...and relax." He said smiling as he spread her legs while in the water. He took a deep breath before diving under before he started to lick the crevice of her pussy.
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